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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:02am IRST

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your headlines on press tv as the us is really genocide in gaza continues for the 150. fifth day the death toll nears 31, mostly women and children. the military wing of hamas says its main priority in a potential prisoner swap deal with israel is a complete end to the aggression on the gaza strip. and in another weekend of worldwide protest, people have taken to the streets and a show of solidarity with palestinians in the wall ravaged gaza strip.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us. now more than five months into the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regime's bombing campaign keeps taking innocent lives in the besieged palestinian territory, according to the gaza health. at least 82 more palestinians have been killed and 122 wounded in the israeli attacks since friday, number of the victims remain under the rubble of the bond out buildings or are of left unattended in the streets as israeli forces prevent emergency relief workers from reaching them. the death toll from the onslot on gaza that began on october the 7th is now approaching 31. over 72,500 people have also been wounded while thousands more remain.
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unaccounted for, 72% of the victims are women and children. now let's take a listen to comments by some palestinian parents and medics explain how malnutrition is affecting children in gaza. there is no proper food for of the mothers, especially in the recent period as we. noticed that since december until today there are no babies with normal weights, most of them are from 2 kilograms to 2 and a/2. we stopped seeing babies weighing 3 kilograms as in the recent period, the last four months since october until today, there is no nutrition for mothers, there is no a meat, milk, eggs, fruits or vegetables. i'm a mom who lost her son due to malnutrition, due to circumstances we're going through in gaza, you can... see for yourself where we live in
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a school inside a 3 meter tent right in front of toilets, what are you expecting from a sick child living in such conditions, how can he get better? he has an alcafarna who passed away was displaced from the north and he originally had issues with his muscles but his health was acceptable, he used to receive proper treatment and healthy food but with the lack of food after the war began he got worse. "hamas has released the names of four of the israeli captives killed in the regime israeli air strike on march the first in the gaza strip. the group had earlier said that seven captives were killed in the bombardment and had revealed the identity of three of them. it said the number of captives killed by the regime might now exceed 70. this comes as cease fire talks have so far failed to yield any results. on friday's spokesman for the algason brigades abu ubaida said the main priority for resistance groups in a pot in a potential prison. swap deal with israel is a
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complete end to the aggression on the gaza strip. he also described israel as an occupying regime devoid of humanitarian values, adding that nazi-like massacres are being perpetrated in gaza. protests have been held in several countries across the globe in support of the palestinians in the gaza strip, in the italian city of rome. thousands of protesters took part in national demonstration in solidarity with palestinians. they waved palestinian flags and demanded the seasfire in gaza. they called on the united nations and other international organizations to stop israeli crimes. in a similar protest, tens of thousands of people in the uk capital, london marched towards the us embassy. they demanded immediate delivery of humanitarian aid to gaza a mid the diest situation there. the protesters said western countries should stop their military and financial support for the telaviv regime. they also called for immediate end to the us. genocide, stop the
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genocide, stop arming israel. stop killing children and babies, this cannot continue, we must stop it, we need peace, end the bloodshed, no more, we need to boycot this regime, it's unacceptable, no right-minded human being can accept this to carry any longer, a similar demonstration was also held in the indonesian capital jakarta in front of the us embassy. protesters condemned the continued israelly blockade and bombardment of palestinians in gaza. they were angry with the us support for israel and demanded opening of aid routes into gaza. in yemen sana, civil servants took part in a military
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parade and voiced their support for palestinians. they reaffirmed their commitment to palestine and said they will never abandon the palestinian cause. "the parade today comes after a precise military training period to express the triumph of rights and principles against injustice and tyranny. the palestinian people are going through something against human nature and what life should be like in relation to preserving human rights and owning the land to its people, we came here to witness the readiness and alertness against. against the arrogance of the us, uk and israelis and in support of our brothers in gaza and palestine. we came here to see the graduates the training course al-aqsa flots. this is the official rush and general mobilization against god's enemies to send message to them
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that whatever they do, we will be there for them and ready in support of our brothers in gaza and palestine. our london correspondent. puraza says protesters want the uk government to stop sending israel weapons and cancel its arms deals with the regime. let's take a listen. london has hosted the biggest uh pro-palestine demonstrations in the entire europe, continental europe, um, since the beginning of the massacre in gaza in october last year, and they continue to only grow louder in terms. their calls uh for the governments here to take action, decisive action to uh stop arming the israeli regime to cancel uh weapons, licenses uh to israel that are yet to happen, as of late um the comments, the uh speech rather by the prime
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minister rushi sunak uh warning about uh the protesters um that islamists in his word uh posing a threat to uh quote and quote british values and things like that that have not gone down well with the protesters here, attempt by the government's advisor on political violence, a man named lord walney who used to chair the labor friends of israel, this name of course is self-explanatory and who is allegedly received money from israeli intelligence as lately as january uh making 40 rec'. recommendations to the government here uh to one um prevent members of parliament in the mainstream political parties from fraternizing with the different pro-palestine groups, for instance the palestine solidarity campaign that has organized all of these
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national demonstrations uh for the past five months or so and also a redefinition or if you like an expansion of the definition of political sorry ' of of of extremism, all um, we understand, as analysts say, aimed at clamping down on voices that are coming out in support of the palestinians and against uh the israeli regime that has been committing such atrocities against the uh captive population of the gaza strip over the past five months or so. when i first heard that in this week's episode of irantech we're going to be going into a radiator manufacturing facility. i
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wasn't super excited at first, but now i have to say i didn't know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i vent. shure deep into this facility in this week's episode. welcome back, pro-palestinian activists in south korea have expressed their anger with israel as they rallied a march from the soul central mosk. south koreans joined people from various countries around the world to condemn israel, following the massacre of more than 100 palestinians saw to collect food assistance in gaza. for press tv correspondent frank smith reports from the south korean capital, so supporters of palestine gathered outside south korea's central mosk to demand a change in policy
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toward israel following news of another massacre of innocent civilians in wartorn gaza. the unconditional support of israel should stop and that we need to start refunding unerwa and letting aid trucks um come into razza. palestinians are now starving as the us continues sending. ammunition, despite the protests of many americans. it's really immoral to be sending weapons to a state or country that is killing people uh in cold blood and is committing a genocide. not enough aid is reaching gaza with deliveries chaotic and even deadly. opening the rather crossing and allowing relief supplies into gaza is simply the bare minimum the egyptian government can do. south korea expressed only deep concern, even though information is going all over the
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world showing that countless women and children are being massacred in the gaza strip and palestine, they remain silent, and we also condemn the silence of these governments. many suggest both israeli and us leaders share responsibility as the bloodshed in gaza ever mounts. south korea is alliance with the united states and its reliance on on oil states, saudi arabia, and the uae impact souls policies. south korea and israel have engaged in millions of dollars of arms trade. saul also abstained from a un vote condemning israel over its gaza genocide, seeking some kind of middle ground. this one of dozens of protests here since israel's genocide began, focused on the desperate need to get aid to palestinians sheltering in rafa and to open the... egyptian border. frank smith, press tv. soul. meanwhile tentions remain high
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along lebanon's southern border as hezbollah, the hezbollah resistance fighters are engaged an exchange of fire with israeli forces. our corresponded in beirot mariam sal tells us more. well, hizalah's resistance groups, they began today, an operation in. al baghdadi where they targeted groups of soldiers, they also targeted groups of soldiers in several other areas, recently they targeted uh groups of soldiers in the fort or the mount nudhar they call it jabal nudhar, they also in the hin fortification as well as in the karantina barracks, as well also targeted two different posts in the shaba farms, which is not usually targeted by hazbullah in addition to the zipdeen post uh of course, it has become routine operation for hazballah to target the baracks and the bases and any presence or
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movement of the israeli solters in the lebanese occupied chibba farms. hazballah also today struck or actually attempted to target an israeli drone, and after they attempted to target this drone, it was forced to withdraw into the occupied territory, and that in itself is very significant. we have seen that in some cases, after hazbillah has targeted drones, we've seen that it's "the number of these drones have decreased uh significantly, the israelis of course have continued their shelling of several of the lebanese towns and villages, the farkilla, odaise, which are adjacent to the border, in addition to the towns that are further off, like kafra, for example, there was an air strike on the town of kafra. the un agency for palestinian refugees says some of his employees released from israely detention centers reported having..." being tortured to falsely acknowledge their participation in the october 7 operation. the onrra in a
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report detailed interviews from staff or staffs who were abducted by the israeli regime. we have discussed the issue with our guests in our news review program. let's take a listen. time now for the news review of this bulletin. the un agency for palestinian refugees says israel tortured and forced members of a staff to false. confess links to the palestinian resistance group hamas. unrow report detailed interviews from staffs who were deliberately targeted and abducted, said that they were subjected to various types of tortures, including sexual violence, humiliation, waterboarding and threats of harm to the family. the un agency said these individuals were then forced to sign false confessions, stating that some staffs took part in the alasa flood operation. unra said it will present the report to relevant un agencies for further investigation. israel alleges that 12% of rs 1300 staff are members
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of hamas and palestinian islamic jihad. in january, the regime accused 12 staffers of the group involvement in the october 7 operation. this meant that this allegation led to many countries cutting up much needed fund to the un agency. to tell us more about this. we have asad abu shark, a palestinian academic and activist joining us from dublin. welcome to you both. let me first start with you, if you can please tell us more. about this uh report and how it debunks the false narrative that's out there by israel uh which had the support of some of its allies like the us and some of the top donors when it comes to theuh as you know that all these claims promoted by the iof according to the palestinian people here are lame excuses in order to tighten the grip on the palestinian
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people and increase the suffering of the palestinian people here because as you know that onrua is the life for the palestinian refugees here in gaza strip, because i mean that the people are completely depending and relying on the supply presented by the onrow to those palestinian refugees, roughly 70, 75% of the population are refugees here in gaza strip, and it was known that the israelis and the israeli occupation forces since the very beginning of this onslot uh have been relying on tightening the grip on the... in order to deepen the suffering of the palestinian people, this is on one hand, on the other hand, there is some kind of a political aspect and dimension behind that, those claims and those excuses and those justifications claimed by the israel incubation forces, which is to liquidate the onrua in order to finish the right of return the palestinian people, because having the
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onrua available and effective on the ground means that the whole world will will will remember. the right of return of the palestinian people, indeed, and that's the question i want to ask you, assad abu shark, when you take a look at the way that anra has been falsely accused by putting out this narrative that israel has uh put out there, which resulted in the loss of some of the major donors, uh, we can see the different goals that israel has had, and this is not the first time that israel has tried to basically not only defund on rub, but to get rid of it, uh, what do what do you think are the goals behind this, now that we have... surfacing that uh this uh they were forced into false confessions, the one that they spoke to, thank you very much, you know that when honor was established following the first nakbah in 1948, the mandate given to uh honorwa is to continue its relief work and
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aid to the palestinian people until the right of return and compensation of all the palestinian refugees who were approached and driven out by the zianist terrorist guns are reinstated and return to their villages, towns and property from which they were violently approted by the zinest gangs. this is the mandate of the honor ever since and ever since the israel had been tr trying to get rid of honora because it is the living political and legal and the human witness to their crime of approaching the palestinian refugeees from their own land and this is why the conspiracy against ora has been
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continuing ever since and this is not the first time actually israel has always been doing its f'. in order to cancel to abrogate honor in order to liquidate the right of retain for the palestinian refugees and to deface its crime against the palestinian people. thank you very much. palestinian academic and author there talking to us from dublin. thank you so much. our correspond from bala. with that we come to an end for this news review. welcome back, spanish prime minister pedro sanchez has vowed to recognize the palestinian state while calling for humanitarian aid for gaza. and an end to the violence, that legacy left by jose luis is what the spanish government is defending in
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ukraine and gaza. respect for international law by russia and israel, the end of violence, the recognition of the two estates and the arrival of humanitarian aid in gaza. let me tell you something important, dear joses and this legislature, i will. propose in parliament the recognition of the palestinian state by spain? asif alizardari, a ruling coalition candidate has been elected as pakistan's president for the second time. he won the election after defeating mahmoud khan achakzai a candidate of the party of jail former prime minister imran khan. zardari previously took the took the presidential office post in 20. 8 until 2013 has more 255. the election of asif ali
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zirdari as pakistan's president was a foregone conclusion. saturday's election was just a formality. zardari had the backing of not just his own pakistan people's party but pakistan muslim league nawaz and others. he managed to comfortably defeat mahmoud khan achak zai a candidate of pakistan tahrik. the party of jailed former prime minister imran khan. zardari is a widdor of former prime minister benazer bhutto who was assassinated in december 2007. he spent many years in jail in the past over corruption charges, though was never formally convicted. the ruling coalition says the victory of zirdari would bring political stability. we have unity and harmony. shabaz sharief successfully rain a coalition government in the past. the coalition partners have also played. part, this time also we will move together, insaf however questioned their mandate, it sought the postponement of presidential elections,
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the party insisted that electoral college was not complete since seats allocated to women and minorities are yet to be failed, people have rejected these parties, people have not voted for them, they have openly stolen our mandate, this government cannot run for a long time, the president is elected through a stolen vote, so as the prime minister. with the election of zardari, the ruling coalition has strengthened its position as it now controls both the office of president and the prime minister. in the pakistani parliamentary system, the president only has ceremonial role as the executive authority rests with a prime minister, but the president does have certain powers where he can delay legislations passed by the parliament. hence the ruling coalition is happy that they have their man. at the presidency kamran yusuf, press tv, islamabad and with that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for being with us, take
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care and bye-bye.
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the israeli occupation demonstrates its hatridge on houses of the lord, this mask was reduced to rubble by f16 warjet, their way. led to the destruction of the houses around the mosk, causing the fall of martters and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk, the
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palestinians did not... not stand on the romans of the masks idly, but they created temporary masks that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer. almost one year has passed since the war between ukraine and russia broke out. ужасная война. никто её никогда не хотел. ukraine's terror bombing of don yesterday. in an
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exclusive documentary on pressed tv. now uh, of course, ukraine has been shelling donietsk uh for months now, indeed, it'smitally for the last eight years, when they're not trying to hit military targets, they focus on civilian targets. british filmmaker johnny miller goes to the region to delve into the heart of the conflict between the two neighboring countries.
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وماكنه القتل والعدوان على شعبنا يجب ان تتوقف. "let me start with the us economy, um, we have very strong outlook, the us, for the united states, uh, i think he has this right, israel is kind of permanent, permanently anchored, craft carrier uh and this purposes to uh ensure that us foreign policies in the in the middle east are carried out fall uh in the palestinian economic activity of
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something like uh 80%. as we enter the sixth month of the brutal. war on gaza, the un says it fears the catastrophic situation may slide deeper into the abys. good to see you again everyone, here is a recap of some of the latest developments. the palestinian resistance move.