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tv   Documentary Operation Cyanide 1  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 1:02am-1:30am IRST

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the voice of the voiceless, press tv. operation sin, if i had about it, i had, so what was it, um, i suggest we stop the interview. do you hear? what do you say? why
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you want it? i am built so and i know exactly what i able to tell you and i know exactly where i i stop, i need a stop. why would you not be able to? speak
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about operation sonide, signature and loyalty to my country. of on june 8th, 1967, news spreads around the world, which wasn't easy to believe, unknown attackers target a us military ship in the mediterranean sea after world war ii, this was the first time someone had dared to attack the us military.
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april 30th, 1945, when an all-out rivalry broke out between the western allies and the ussr to conquer berlin. soldiers of the red
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army reach the heart of nazi germany sooner than the americans, with the fall of the city and adolf hitler committing suicide, the flames of the horrendous second war in europe burnt out. with all the death and destruction, as world war ii was coming to an end, the two powerful conquerors could raise their flags on the mountains of soil and ashes and reorganize world order the way they wanted to. the eastern powerhouse was the ussr, which had the dream of spreading the ideals of communism and saving the masses of the labor.
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force from the oppression of capitalists, and on the other side, the wealthy western powerhouse, meaning the us, was standing on the principles of using capital to create welfare. in the post war modern era, both rivals tried very hard to win the competition and defeat their tenacious opponent. it was an all-out rivalry which wasn't very friendly at all. in arms race, the strengthening of military forces and economies and many. other issues had created a battlefield between the two poles, which later became known as the cold war. it was a time when the east and west would on the surface shake the hands of friendship, but in secret point their weapons at each other. the cold war and all its fears
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and features took the us and ussr to the brink of war a number of occasions, but under the shadows of a scary invention, it never turned into an actual armed. conflict was the dark clouds of nuclear fision and the devastating shadow of the atomic bomb which kept the flames of the cold war from flaring up. the ussr was doing everything in its power to entice the masses toward communist ideals and turn governments into its allies.
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of course, the ussr had to some extent succeeded and communism was rapidly spreading around the world, many big. and small countries added the red star of communism to their flag and stood with the eastern camp. communist ideology was rapidly spreading to weaker countries and the formidable rival of the ussr had to do something to solve this problem.
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the us wasn't idally sitting by either with truman's four point program and kennedy's peace. level as the citizens of the country which they are sent to, doing the same work, eating the same food, speaking the same language, we're going to put particular emphasis on those men and women who have skills in teaching, agriculture and in health,
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fact is, the us wanted to create structural transformation and elevate welfare levels in weaker countries to create a block against the propaganda of the communists. back then, the us had no bigger goal than combatting communism, so it did everything it could to win the hearts of the countries in need and remind them that the country that is truly worried about global welfare is the us, not the soviet union. but the battle of the cold war powerhouses, like any other complicated game, had hidden layers which made the battle hotter and hotter. a time like this, the center of gravity, when it comes to global politics and energy, meaning the middle east,
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wasn't spared of the game of choosing sides between the east and the west. the region has always been the battleground for global powers. the ussr got to the middle east sooner than its rival and had one over the hearts of arab leaders. the prime minister of the ussr was ally of gama abdul nasir, egypt's second. president, with the help of abdul nasir's influence among arabs in the region, the soviets wanted to change the color of the map of the middle east into the red communist star. the soviets knew that the entrance gate of the arab world was egypt and abdul nasir, by raising the ideology of pan-arabism to unite the arab race, and of course his constant quarals with his unwanted neighbor israel, nasa had become the hero of arabs. at the forefronts of the arab world showed communism the green light. syria also
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leaned towards the ussr. syria had recently united with egypt and established the united arab republic. a short while later, in may 1967, anwar sadat, the speaker of the national assembly of egypt went to moscow to meet with soviet prime minister alexe kosijen. that's... he was told that america's friend, meaning israel, had gathered a large number of its forces on the syrian border, and the threat of an israeli attack on the united arab republic was serious. the communists were forced to give this mischievous news to egypt because they thought that military confrontation between the allies of the east and the west in the middle east would lead to the victory of the eastern block.
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word that israeli forces had a mass on the syrian border, he wasted no time. he immediately wrote to the un and asked the organization to withdraw its peacekeeping forces which had been stationed on the border the neighboring countries from the previous war between egypt and israel. naser wanted to fill up the entire border egypt had with this unwanted neighbor with his own military forces. it seemed the soviet's plot for a war
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between the ideologies of the east and the west in the middle east had really worked. noser took a further step that putting his forces on standby and shut down the strategic straights of tiran in the gulf of akaba. the straights of tiran were the only waterway access israel had with the eastern part of the world, the only passage way for the... to import fuel had been shut down to the zinus and with this war became inevitable. belongs to egypt. there is no way that we will allow israeli ships to pass through. the jews are threatening war. we tell them, hello and welcome. we are ready for war.
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the ussr wanted to prove its friendship to egypt and of course not be left behind from its rival the us in equipping its allies in the intelligence field so it got to work and laid cables on the seabed from the ussr to egypt, the purpose was to be able to whisper in the ears of the egyptians anytime it wanted. when the ussr realized that it's too late and the war will inevitably happen, sooner or later, it ordered its naval forces in the black sea to move closer to egypt's shores. based on this order, 20 soviet warships sailed to the east of the mediterranean and were put on standby position. the ussr didn't want to leave its arab allies alone in the war against israel,
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but on the other front, the us ordered its sixth fleet base in the mediterranean to pull back from at least 100 miles from the danger zone, but one of the ships in the sixth fleet didn't receive the order, as the entire fleet was pulling back, the uss liberty had received orders to get closer to the sinai shores, the liberty was an unarmed naval ship with four. 45 powerful ease dropping antennas, tens of advanced data processing and information analysis devices with language experts and professional analysis who are used to listen and on radio communications, the liberty was getting closer to the crisis region to listen in on what was happening. if it was broadcast a
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radio wave, we could receive it any frequency, low frequency, high frequency, medium frequency, very low... frequency, if it was out there, we could receive it. if we were listening and we we heard a signal, and when we looked at it, we couldn't understand it, it was encrypted as well, we'd send it back to nsa and let them hit it with their computers. the liberty's confidential messages were radio to the nsa, the usa's top secret intelligence agency for the analysis and data processing of electric intelligence. on may 22nd, 1967, and before the beginning of new mission in the mediterranean sea, the liberty had slowly and steadily left the norfolk port in the uk for the guinney gulf and the abijan port in the western shores of africa. its mission in this beautiful port in the country of the ivory coast was to listen in and find out whether things were going
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according to the us's liking or not. we were sent around the world wherever. "there might be hotspot, see if we could determine what was going on and if the united states desired any intervention of any sort. the liberty was leaving abijan port as israeli forces were in military position and getting ready for action. of course, the egyptians were based in the sinai desert before them, the israelis preferred for the
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issue to resolve without military action because they weren't ready to fight, and on two different fronts." from the southwest with egypt and the north and east with syria and jordan, i've been asked by my government to explore what these governments intend to do in order to reopen this international waterway to a situation united states to do. sir, well, i've come here really to find out what the united states intends to do. us president lindon johnson asked israel not to start the war. this is exactly the same thing the ussr told its arab allie, egypt to do. but egypt had already taken the first step by closing the straights of tidon on israeli ships. things
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really got bad when other arabs joined hands with abdul nasir and allied themselves with him in destroy. growing israel, king hussein of jordan was the first to sign a joint defensive alliance with nasir and put his army under his orders. king faisel of saudi arabia also went to meet with naser and pledge him his support. the us wanted to know what secrets about the inevitable war in the middle east, the ussr was whispering in the ears of the egyptians any cost. all these events were happening as
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the liberty was in the mediterranean and had reached the rota naval station in spain, so it could add three experts in russian and arabic to its crew. in the israeli camp, the situation was in crisis mode, egypt from the west, jordan from the east and syria from the north are on standby awaiting orders from abdul nasir to finish israel off. levi ashkol, the israeli prime minister, thought of a surprise attack as the only way to end the crisis and informed his new defense minister, dayan of his opinion, june 5th, 1867 was chosen as the day to attack the arabs.
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june 5th, 7 in the morning, 180 israeli fighter jets flew towards egypt, only 12 fighter jets were left behind to defend the israeli skies. 45 minutes later, egypt's military airport runways were bombed and 280 egyptian military jets on the ground were the targets of israeli rockets. the egyptians were so overwhelmingly surprised that they didn't even find the time to start their jet engines.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979. islamic revolution. its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise. but, as military experts in top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of the... bronze capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the
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details in this documentary. 14 قرن ادبیات خودمون و به خصوص.
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what is most important is the depth of paris's belief and her vision for the empowerment of women.
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what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget. "now i am become death. we now have a name for the disease, and it is covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home. that's why comes from china really deeply, that if people are sharing more, then the world will be more open place where people can understand what's going on with the people around them, and
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that's really what we want to get towards." did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of leave. eu? yes, i did. is climate change real? is smoking cigarettes really hazardous. do ddt and... secticides really work against malaria mosquitoes. for decades, companies have hard scientists to sew seeds of doubt among people and keep them perplexed. this way they can keep excreting oil, producing cigarettes and many other things without a nuisance. watch the details in. this
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documentary, your headlines on press tv, over two thousand palestinians die of. hunger and malnutrition in gaza as israel prevents the entry of humanitarian aid and food into the blockaded territory. the military wing of hamas says its main priority in a potential prisoner swap deal with israel is a complete end to the aggression on the gaza strip. and in another weekend the worldwide protest people have taken the streets in a show of solidarity with palestinians and