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tv   Documentary Operation Cyanide 2  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 9:02am-9:31am IRST

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operation scien, if i had about... i heard so what was it? i suggest we stop the interview here. what do you say? why you want it?
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i am built so and i know exactly what i able to tell you and i know exactly where i stop and here i stop. why would you not be able to speak about operation scien?
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on june 8th, 1967, news spreads around the world, which wasn't easy to believe. unknown attackers target a us military ship in the mediterranean sea. after world war ii, this was the first time someone had dared to of attack the us military.
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of april 30th, 1945, when an all-out rivalry broke out between the western allies and the ussr to conquer berlin, soldiers of the red army reach the heart of nazi germany sooner than the americans. with the fall of the city and adolf hitler committing suicide, the flames of the horrendous second war. in
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europe burnt out, with all the death and destruction, as world war ii was coming to an end, the two powerful conquerors could raise their flags on the mountains of soil and ashes and reorganize world order. the way they wanted to. the eastern powerhouse was the ussr, which had the dream of spreading the ideals of communism and saving the masses of the labor force from the oppression of capitalists. and on the other side, the wealthy western powerhouse, meaning the us was standing on the principles of using capital to create welfare. the ussr was doing everything in his
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power to entice the masses toward communist ideals. had a mass on the syrian border, he wasted no time, he immediately wrote to the un and asked the organization to withdraw its peacekeeping forces, which had been stationed on the border of the neighboring countries from the previous war between egypt and israel. naser wanted to fill up the entire border egypt had with this unwanted neighbor with his own military forces. it seemed the
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soviet's plot for a war between the ideologies of the east and the west in the middle east had really worked. noser took a further step that putting his force. on standby and shut down the strategic straights of tiran in the gulf of akaba. the straights of tiran were the only waterway access israel had with the eastern part of the world. the only passage way for the israelis to import fuel had been shut down to the zinus and with this war became inevitable. june 5th, 7 in the morning, 180 israeli fighter jets flew towards egypt, only 12 fighter jets were left behind to defend the israeli skies. 45 minutes later, egypt's
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military airport runways were bombed and 280 egyptian military jets on the ground were the targets of israeli rockets. the egyptians were so overwhelmingly surprised that they didn't even find the time to start their jet engines. the next target for israeli fighter jets was syria. two hours later, the assyrian air force was totally destroyed and in only few minutes jordan's air force had been dealt a heavy blow by israeli fighters. this extraordinary surprise attack could not have been carried out without. detailed intelligence superiority on the sinai desert where egyptian and israeli armored units had lined up against each other, the egyptians had the upper hand in military force. egypt had three times the number of tanks that the
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israelies did, but there was no air cover to keep the syni sky safe for the egyptians. the egyptians had no option but to retreat. the orders to retreat in the sinai desert came from the office of general abdul hakim amir, the egyptian war minister, but there was no plan for it. the unplanned retreat of the egyptians began and the israeli fighter jets used the opportunity the best they could. and devastated the egyptians, when the ussr realized that in the matter of hours, the balance of military power in the war in
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the middle east had switched dramatically in favor of israel, it gave 48 of its mig fighter jets to fly from ukraine to armenia's naval base to prepare. for attack against israel. on the other hand, the kremlin activated the hotline between the us and the ussr so that kosigan's ultimatum could be delivered to washington. the text contained the message that since us is israel's supporter, we ask you to stop the continuation of israel's aggression against egyptian soil. about 7:15, the telephone rank was the duty officer in the war room, miss secretary, prime minister
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kesegins on the hotline, he wish to speak to the president, so the president came on the line, he said, god damn it, bob, what do you calling me for at this time in the morning, i said, mr. president, prime minister kesegin's on the hotline, how do you wish to... johnson didn't want the situation to turn into a military confrontation with the ussr. he immediately sent word to moscow that with the help of the ussr and the un. "the us will use any means to put an end to the war. the first day of war was nearing midday when in a televise speech, eshqoll and king hussein and the rest of the arabs. we appeal to king hussein and to other neighbors to stay their hand and israel would do. that way, but king hussein didn't take the advice so seriously,
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therefore, at 10:30 in the morning of the 5th of june, alkuts came under the attack of jordan's artillery forces. but the jordanians weren't able to do anything either, and the old city of jerusalem out goods, which they had control of before the war, fell to the israelis.
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the sixth-day war was in his third day as the main battle was taking place somewhere far from where the arabs and israelies were fighting in the depths of the mediterranean waters. the us. was unhappy about the ussr's dominance over the middle east. to confront communism from spreading anymore in the region, it was trying very hard to uncover the details of the relations the ussr had with arabs in the middle east. this motivated them to quietly snoop around the intelligence cables of cairo and moscow, but because it didn't want the issue to be revealed so that no one would find out about it, everyone else had to be busy dealing with another crisis. the third day of the war was reaching the
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evening when the liberty reached the international waters in the north of egypt and israel, and it transmitted the initial news of israel's victories and the conquest the old city of alcous to the nsa. but the question, which had kept the officers on board the liberty busy was why an unarmed military ship should be present in the vicinity of a conflict zone without an armed escort and be left all alone. the commander the liberty, captain william mcgonagel asked this question from the commander of the us navy's sixth fleet which had retreated 100 miles from the region. we were told there was no need to worry, we had asked commander six fleet. for an armed guard to go along with us, destroyer, he sent the message back
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saying we were in international waters flying the american instant, there was no need for an armed escort. when egypt and jordan were removed from israel's path, it was time for the golden heights on the border between israel and syria to come under the watchful eyes of the israelis. 12 hours later, and with heavy fire fighter jets and artillery forces, not only did the syrians retreat from israel's borders, but the golden heights were also occupied by the israelis. few kilometers away from the war zone on the fourth day of the battle, the officers and crew of the liberty had just woken up and were busy with their morning activities. a
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while later, several unknown planes got closer to the ship and encircled it many times to completely identify the ship. the planes didn't display any flags on their bodies and the liberties crew wasn't able to identify which country they belong to, but the recorded conversation of the pilot and watch tower shows that the planes had identified the liberty well. few minutes past 2 pm, three mirage jets, which still didn't have the insignia of any country, got close to the liberty and bombed the ship as much as they could with their rockets, but the main question
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was which side of the war may have attacked the liberty, egypt or israel? as wounded, astonished crew was thinking about the egyptians don't even have mirage jets, something else happened. 3 minutes later, unknown mistier. jets reached the liberty and targeted the half-burn ship with a nap palm bomb. when the liberty was burning under the fire of attacking jets, three unannounced guests which were displaying the american flag, were watching the events unfold from beneath the waters in the region and were informing the pentagon of every
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single moment of what was happening. "the telecommunications officers of the ship were trying their best to transmit news of the attack to the sixth fleet and asked them for help, but the noise that the attack jets were sending on the liberties frequencies to transmit communications prevented the transfer of the messages. here's the question i have to ask, who would know the frequencies other than ally, and who is it?" ally in the war, it wasn't egypt, it was israel. in the end, one of the liberties transmissions reached the uss america warship, and the commander of the ship issued orders for two us fighter jets to take off to defend the liberty. so
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all of this happens and they call guys, help us, we're under attack, we're being engaged by torpedo boats and bombers and fighters, and we need your help, and they're locking down bulkheads and burning, people are dying and they're strafing life boats against the geneva convention and all rules of war and common sense and decency, they had to kill everybody, and comes on and says, you will not launch a wing, we're not going to do that, and that, but as soon as word reached the white house, that the jets had taken off to defend the liberty, the defense secretary sent an urgent message to the sixth fleet, and asked the commander of the fleet to immediately return his jets back to the warship without asking any questions. since admiral gates was shocked by this strange order, he contacted washington to remind them that an american warship is under fire by unknown planes and asked why he shouldn't act to support the ship. in the end, he told mac
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namera implement such strange order and return the jets which had taken off to support the... liberty, he needed orders from a more superior position, this time president johnson spoke and told geis that he wanted that damn ship to sink and had no intentions in upsetting his ally, order the jets to fly back, he said, the admiral ignores it, they go ahead and launch wings, they're not calling them back, they've been launched, and then all of sudden over the radio line comes the telephone call, batched in the president, i want that goddamn shit going to the bottom. that's a quote, i want that goddamn ship going to the bottom, but when even the witnesses to the event didn't know whether the attacks were being carried out by the egyptians or the israelis, how did johnson know that the fighter jets belong to his friends and ally israel. sometime later,
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johnson accompanied by mac numera and the secretary of state dean rusk and number of the... government's advisors gathered in the white house the situation room to come to the conclusion that the body to blame for the crisis is egypt, and number of the government's advisers gathered in the white house's situation room to come to the conclusion that the party to blame for the crisis is egypt, therefore this time the hotline between washington and moscow was activated by the white house. the message was, a us warship has been attacked by unknown fighter planes in international war. in the north of egypt, and the only suspect in this attack is the ally of the ussr, meaning egypt. the white house wants to respond to this attack with nuclear attack on cairo, the order. for the attack reached a sixth fleet, without wasting any time, three us fighter jets were equipped with nuclear weapons and flew toward the egyptian capital.
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word of an inevitable attack on cairo reach richard parker, the us political consul in cairo first. there was this message that they the navy was uh preparing to retaliate against egypt for the attack on the liberty. uh, they thought that it was the egyptians who attacked it. were preparing to to attack egypt in response. it was 2:30 p.m. when three israeli torpedo boats got close to the
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half-burnt liberty and fired five torpedos at it. one of them hit the middle of the ship and created a huge hole in its starboard side. due to the torpedo attacks, the ship's propulsive forces stopped. working and the transmitting systems were totally destroyed. at the same time that us jets armed with nuclear weapons were on the way to cairo, robert mcneamera, the us defense secretary contacted the uss america of the sixth fleet so he could deliver another strange order to the commander of the ship. macnemera asked guys to immediately recall the jets which were in route to cairo. early next morning, the uss america, uss davis and uss massi
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arrived to remove the 34 dead sailors and 174 naval officers from the burnt down liberty and transfer the warship to malta for repairs. an hour later, admiral isaac kid who was put in charge of investigating the liberty incident arrived on the scene to hear what the victims had to say so he can offer a written report to his superiors. after the suspicious liberty incident, word of the bizarre israeli attack on the us warship spread around the world. israelis claimed they'd mistaken the liberty with the egyptian ship ( this is while the alcousaire was a retired cargo ship and wasn't even half the size of the uss liberty.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors but relatives. through ages they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the. two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs,
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officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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is climate change real, is smoking cigarettes really hazardous, do ddt insecticides really work against malaria mosquitoes? for decades, companies have hired scientists to so see... seats of doubt among people and keep them perplexed. this way they can keep excreting oil, producing cigarettes and many other things without a nuusance. watch the details in this documentary.
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the headlines this hour: the us israeli genocide in gaza inches its 156th day with the death pull approaching 31, most of them women and children, over two dozen paless. die of hunger and malnutrition in gaza as israel prevents entry of humanitarian aid and food into the blockaded territory. an israely forces use tear gas and water cannon to disperse thousands of protesters demanding the resignation of the regime's prime minister.