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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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the death troll and gaza rises to more than 31, this as the us is ready genocide rages, most of those killed are women and children. "lunas resistance fighters target is really occupied territories with dozens of rockets and retaliation for the killing of four members of the same family and the us president's bit to build a port for gaza and distance himself from netanyaho are regarded as a white washing campaign."
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hi everybody, you're watching press tv world news uh live from our tehen headquarters on behruzafi, good to have you with this. now more than uh five months into these really genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is pushing its deadly onslot, latest rates hit in area west ofgan unist, killing at least 15 of people and injuring dozens more. "the area is used by displaced palestinians to set up tents. the israel military targeted several locations in the gaza strip on saturday. one of them was an air strike that hit a 12 store residential tower in the sudden of rafa, making dozens of families homeless. according of to the health ministry in gaza, israely forces committed aid massacres against palestinian families in the past day, killing at least 85 civilians and injuring 130 others. the overall dead toll has raised."
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into over 31 th00 mainly women and children, thousands more are still missing, they are feared to be dead. now was earlier with us with details regarding the latest israely attacks in the gaza strip. israeli genocide a is still persistent here in the gaza strip with more air strikes and more blood shit and more destruction actually. and let's begin from deril balac city and the central area of gaza strip generally. in deril balas city two residental buildings were destroyed by those strikes, air strikes in alberka neighborhood which is located in the southern part of deril balas city, at least five palestinia civilians were reporttedly killed while douzens were injured. in addition to that, the israeli war planes also carried out several firepts against the southern part of deril balas city when it comes to anusatif.
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camp at least three residential buildings were completely destroyed by the israeli war planes in addition to multiple stores and warehouses, they were completely destroyed and a big fire engulfed those stores and warehouses in anosarati fijiet camp in when it comes to khanuni city the israeli the israeli accubation forces committed appaning massacre by targeting the tents of the displaced palestinians in almawasi area which is located as you between balah city and uh khan city and it was claimed by the israeli occupation forces as safe area, now the israeli occupation forces directly uh target uh that area killing at least 37 palestinian civilians of those displaced palestinians who sought refuge in that area. tensions remain high along lebanon's southern border. lebanese resistant moment hezballah has fired a barrage of rockets into northern is really
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occupied territories, the movement says it target at the maron settlements with dozens of katusha rockets, the attack was in support of palestinian people and the resistance in gaza and also retaliation for israeli strikes against leviese civilians. in the regime's latest attacks on southern lebanon, five civilians including four members of the same family were killed. asballah and israel have been engaged in clashes since the regime began the genocidal war on gaza. press tv's uh lebanon correspondent mariamsala joined us and told us about the latest exchange of fire between the israel army and hasulal fighters. actually everybody was waiting, we knew that there would be retaliation from hizballah after the massacre that took place in the town of kris. we know the entire house uh was destroyed over the heads of an entire family. we're talking about four people and there are reports also that a frift. person is also uh
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was also killed, we have at least eight people wounded who were near that uh that house specifically, but we do have like you said woman who was pregnant along with her two... sons and h husband who were killed by this uh israeli attack, the israelis have also clearly said in their reports that they targeted family and they call them a hazballah family, which is quite ironic how they call family, the mother, the father and and children as a hizballah family, as if there is a difference between the rest of the families in south lebanon uh which is of course ridiculous consiring considering this statement uh when people look at it now awaiting this retaliation uh um some people wondered why it had taken so long, usually hizbullah does uh attack the miron base or very significant targets after there is huge massacre uh like this one, we we do know or we saw we know from eyewitnesses that there were around 36 kachusha rockets that were
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fired uh from south lebanon uh on the western side of the border uh we know that this was the first round, the second round included another dozen uh rockets at least no one saw any of uh those rockets being intercepted by a patriot rocket, those rockets that are usually used by the iron dome system from the israelis and so we know from the israelis as well from amateur videos surrounding the area of maroon specifically that the rockets did hit their target and just to a reminder of the significance of the maroon base, we're talking about a the highest mount in all of occupied palestine, this is supposed to be a r. are that would give early warnings of the launching of either rockets um by the resistance or even drones and it seems that that radar itself was inoperable or unable to protect itself or unable to give any warnings the fact that there would be rockets. us
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president joe biden draws red lines for israel on the gaza onslot while the same time pledging not to abandon support for tel aviv. biden told msmbs seed in israeliny incursion into rafa in southern gaza would be his red line, but the president added that he has no red lines concerning the delivery of weapons to the regime. the bied administration has given israel unconditional support and it's five months genocide in the gaza strip. that includes using vita power at the un security council three times to block calls for an end to the genocide. the us claims this is to allow israel to counter hamas, but facts in the ground show. washington's complicity in the regime's killing of more than 31,00 palestinians. meantime, thousands of israely ralliers have once again demonstrated in tel aviv demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. at least 10
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protesters were detained after clashing with the regime forces to use tear gas and water cannon to disperse the demonstrators. protesters called for immediate cease fire in israel's onslot on gaza. and the return of the captives held by palestinian resistance fighters. they criticized netanyaho's handling of the war on gaza and demanded new elections. they also urged the us president to stop supporting netanyahu. in this week's show we'll be exposing the activities of an israeli lobby group operating in spain calling itself action. and communication on the middle east, which is usually referred to by its initials acom. there was a poll done by yugab at the end of 2023 with found that essentially spain was the the most pro- palestinian country in western europe um in terms of public opinion, so this is a country where you pay a relatively low political
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price for speaking out for palestine, in spain of course there is an islamophobic party, the vox party that was refer to a minute ago as romp party and and uh this... com group is very quite close to to vox, that's an indication really of the kind of uh tradition of islamophobia which flows through this. welcome back, let's move on. uh, people in pakistan holding another rally to condemn the us as well genocide in gaza and express support for palestinians. as part of the demonstration, the people will march on the us embassy in the capital islamabad uh let's not bring in our correspondent uh he's at the site of that rally in the pakistani capital let's go to nasami and see what he has for us
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me dehsat all right nasir khazamy, our correspondent, let's see if he's ready to join us. nasir, do you hear me? not unfortunately, okay, we'll do it later time. now, pro palestine rallies. uh have been have held another demonstration in the canadian city of calgary against the us is ready genocidal war on the gaza strip. cease fire now, cease fire now, cease fire now, fire now, that's wave palestinian flags, shouting slogans and support of gazans, they denounced the west particular. the us for its complicity in the israel genocide, saying that the regime cannot continue its crimes
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without such support. the protesters called for immediate cease fire in the palestinian territory. since the beginning of the israely regimes on slot and gaza, canadians have the stage several rallies in support of palestinians. similar events were also held in several other countries across the world. than five months of major demonstrations and they're as energized as ever. hundreds of thousands of pro- palestinian protesters from across the uk marching to the american embassy to deliver message. shame on you, joe biden, shame on you. that message as much for the us president as for the uk government. the majority of people want a cease fire now, and it's not, it's not even a big ask. what are they asking to for humanity and stop? killing innocent children and people, on the
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stage near the american embassy, welsh singer charlotte church combines welsh and arabic words for a song of solidarity, followed by an all-women cast of speakers marking the international women's day and the resilience of palestinian women, as ever, it's an eclectic mix of groups and organizations. out in great numbers in defiance of attempts by the government to criminalize these overwhelmingly peaceful demonstrations. we're here to say to the government that we aren't going to be stopped, these aren't hate marches and we have jewish blocks, we have jewish people who march with us in solidarity and who march with us and say not in their name. the war on gaza and the uk's support for it has deeply polarized british society, and that's already manifesting itself in the way people are. voting, case in point, the by-elections in rochedale greater manchester in late february, which handed veteran
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pro-palestine campaigner george galloway of the workers party of britain a landslide victory against the major party candidates, but we know there's a whole body of people for whom it issues of international justice and rights and britain's position in the world and whether it shows respect for human rights and international law matter and certain constituencies. "the issue of, does britain support and protect the rights of the palestinian people is of particular residence. this was the fifth national demonstration of the year, and organizers say there will be more. while the civilians in gaza say they feel that their plight is being ignored. the millions of people here and around the world are saying that they are making sure through their protests that the palestinians know that their cries are being heard. tipur is up press." tv, london. if
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there was any concern that pro palestinians in france were starting to lose interest in the five month long attempted genocide of gaza by israel, one of the nation's largest demonstrations since the start of the invasion, put that idea to rest. many thousands converged in the capital for passionate denunciation of president emmanuel macron, the leaders of the pan-european project. stay in europe, then europe must respect our demands, and we demand that they stop protecting the terrorist state of israel. hamas is not a terrorist group, they are resistance group, and the united nations refuse to label them terrorists. palestinians have the right to resist, to exist, and to be free. in what many say is illustration. the west's deadly hypocrisy, at least five children were killed by air-dropped food aid
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from western nations and their allies. this week, more than 200 members of european union parliament called for an arms embargo on israel. they said that by remaining silent on gaza, europe has no credibility to speak on russia's actions in ukraine. germany now provides 28% of israel's military imports. israeli settler attacks. and the west bank have almost tripled since october to nine per day. israeli troops continue to open fire on starving palestinians seeking food aid and also on united nations troops in lebanon, some 31,00 gazans have been killed and over 72,00 gazans wounded, all leaving marchers in disbelief that the west continues to support israel without conditions or consequences. it's scandalous, france is charged with defending international law, and it even has a united nations council veto to do so, but
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it only defends israel instead. i am not asking france to bomb tel aviv, i am... asking them to uphold humanity's laws with very simple sanctions that could be put in place on telaviv immediately. even with the holy month of ramadan starting next week, israel has rejected yet another plan for a cease fire. many say it's a new law for tel aviv. normalement, one must respect the humanity of others, and normally during ramadan there's a cease fire to allow people to live their religion in peace, and yet israel wants to keep murdering babies by... evation during ramadan, it's scandalous and unacceptable, there must be a cease fire. paris claimed that their forces have destroyed four yemeny drones in the gulf of aden that were heading towards a european union naval operation as israel's invasion edges closer to a larger regional conflict. ramen mazahari, press tv, paris. a genocide
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is taking place in gaza. ameid international silence. 15 italian lawmakers who have recently visited the rafa border in southern gaza say an international reaction to avoid the aggravation of humanitarian catastrophe in raffa is desperately needed. they had left italy for egypt earlier this week with the goal to provide the italian government with testimony of the tragedy the palestinians are experiencing as a result of israel's crimes. here is what they have to say about their experience. israel's cruel actions in gaza are based on a clear genocidal intent, refusing to allow water, food, medicine and humanitarian supplies is equivalent to exterminating an entire population. palestine must be immediately recognized as a state and reconstruction plan is urgently needed. we
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saw thousands of tracks waiting at the border with ratha. farming is ravaging gaza, trucks are not allowed to go through because israel is stopping them. we are certain that humanitarian catastrophy is unfolding. we have met palestinian kids with their legs amputated in an italian hospital in cairo, as israel continues to commit crimes against humanity in gaza. there is only one person should be held accountable for the situation there, netanyahu and his regime so far. "the italian government has unrelentingly sided with the israeli regime, this despite hundreds of pro-palestine demonstrations having been held across italy over the past months. meanwhile, on saturday, new demonstration was organized here in rome by a string of humanitarian organizations, charities and unions calling for immediate end to israel's genocide in gaza. the
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initiative is also calling on italian institutions to protect the rights to..." it is essential to protect and promote descenting voices, the use of force by our authorities will not stop the course of history, upholding the rule of law is the only way to ensure peace. on saturday, rome was once again flauded by tens of thousands of people from across the country calling on the international community to hold israel. accountable for its systematic violations under international law and to continue supporting the united nations agency aiding palestinian refugees (andra), demonstration and solidarity with palestinians was also held in milan, max chivili. press tv, rome. supporters of palestine gathered outside
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south korea saul central mosk to demand a change in policy toward israel following news. of another massacre of innocent civilians in wartorn gaza, the unconditional support of israel should stop and that we need to start refunding unerwa and letting aid trucks um come into hazza. palestinians are now starving as the us continues sending israel ammunition despite the protests of many americans. it's really immoral to be sending what. happens to a state or country that is killing people in cold blood and is committing a genocide. not enough aid is... gaza with deliveries chaotic and even deadly. opening the rather crossing and allowing relief supplies into gaza is simply the bare minimum the egyptian government can do. south
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korea expressed only deep concern. even though information is going all over the world showing that countless women and children are being massacred in the gaza strip and palestine, they remain silent. and we also condemn the silence of these governments. many suggest both israeli and us leaders share responsibility as "the bloodshed in gaza ever mounts." south korea's alliance with the united states and its reliance on oil states, saudi arabia, and the uae impact souls policies. south korea and israel have engaged in millions of dollars of arms trade. soul also abstained from a un vote condemning israel over its gaza genocide, seeking some kind of middle ground. this. one of dozens of protests here since israel's genocide began focused on the desperate need to get aid to palestinians sheltering in rafa and to open the egyptian
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border. frank smith press tv. soul. asaf alizardari ruling coalition candidate has been elected as pakistan's president for second time. he won the election after defeating mahmoud khan achakzai a candidates the party of jail former prime minister imran khan. zardar is served as president between 2008 and 2013 already. our correspondent kamran yousuff is more. asif ali zardari 255. the election of asif ali zardari as pakistan's president was a foregone conclusion. saturday's election was just a formality. zardari had the backing of not just his own pakistan people's party but pakistan muslim league nawaz and others. he managed to comfortably defeat mahmoud khan achak zai a candidate. pakistan tarike insaaf, the party of jailed former prime minister imran khan. zurdari is vidor of former prime minister benadzir bhutto who was assassinated in december 2007. he spent many
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years in jail in the past over corruption charges, though was never formly convicted. the ruling coalition says the victory of zardari would bring political stability. we have unity and harmony. shabaz sharief successfully rain a coalition government in the past. the coalition. partners have also played their part, this time also we will move together. however, questioned their mandate, it sought the postponement of presidential elections. the party insisted that electoral college was not complete since seats allocated to women and minorities are yet to be failed. people have rejected these parties, people have not voted for them, they have openly stolen our mandate. this government cannot run for a long. time, the president is elected through a stolen vote, so as the prime minister. with the election of zardari, the ruling coalition has strengthened its position as it now controls
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both the office of president and the prime minister. in the pakistani parliamentary system, the president only has a ceremonial role as the executive authority rests with a prime minister, but the president does have certain powers where he can delay legislations passed by the parliament. hence the ruling coalition is happy. that they have their man at the presidency. kamran yusuf, press tv, islamabad, and that report brings us to the end of this newscast. thank you for watching.
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when i first heard that in this week's episode of irowan tech we're going to be going into radiator manufacturing facility, i wasn't super excited at first, but now i have to say i didn't know uh the surprising amount of nuance that goes into manufacturing these radiators, so join me as i venture deep into this facility in this week's episode. the israeli occupation demonstrates its hatridge on houses of the lord. this mask was
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reduced to rubble. by f-16 warjet. the raid led to the destruction of the houses around the mask, causing the fall of martters and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the palestinians did not stand in the romans of the masks idly, but they created temporary most that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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as hundreds of people have marked.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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ini linknya banyak alhamdulillah itu yanya.
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this is not just a war over stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead, they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed, israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize, i'll testify my television televise, i'm telling lies, how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never die freak. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine d.