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tv   A Window To Palestine Palestinian cause in Chile  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 5:37pm-6:30pm IRST

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eh, sea se va a terminar de vender este. of seguimos construyendo los sueños de muchos y muchas de tener acceso a una vida digna, pero también la vivienda propia, abrazo, así es.
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of i am daniel jadwe, a citizen of chile, originally from palestine, born like so many other palestinians around the world and the diaspora. chile has one of the largest communities outside the arab world. it is said that we are close to 300 thousand, but we are millions spread across the face of the earth, far from our homeland, but committed to the identity, history and struggle of our people, of our land, which is and the
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palestinians do not own palestine, they have belonged to that land for thousands of years, they have been there since before the first invader arrived, then they will surely be there in the same place when the last one of leaves. in more than 3,00 years of history, there have only been about 200 years of true peace in palestine, and palestine. because of its geopolitical and geostrategical significance has always been the center of a dispute for world hegemonies. this land creates connections between africa, asia and europe. the terrorism that palestine suffers today is undoubtedly endorsed by the international community, which has completely failed in the objectives of maintaining peace and avoiding a new genocide.
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of for example, the security council, the preeminent forum for the peaceful resolution of of international disputes is paralyzed by geo strategic divisions. during my tenure, the
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number of civilian casualties in gaza, and in such a short period, is unprecedented, the health system is collapsing, expect the public order. to break down completely soon and even worse situation could develop, including epidemic diseases and increasing pressure for mass displacement to egypt. i have said that we face serious risk of collapse of the humanitarian system. the situation is very serious. the situation is rapidly deteriorating into a catastrophe with potentially irreversible implications for the palestinians as a whole. and for peace and security in the region, and i urged the security council to apply pressure to avoid the humanitarian catastrophe, and i reiterated my call. the security council has unfortunately not declared the humanitarian
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sease fire yet. as the secretary general of the united nations says, what is happening. day in palestine is unprecedented, not only during his mandate, but throughout the entire history of the un. the international community has completely failed, and international law, both human rights and international humanitarian law, have simply become a resounding ridicule in the face of the thousands of lives that are being slaughtered today. they are facing genocide by israel's policy of political and physical extermination of the palestinian people. let's take a look at this report. will give us more information about this absolute failure of the international community este absoluto fracaso de la comunidad internacional. the un general assembly has called for immediate humanitarian ceasefire
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in the palestinian territory of the gaza strip. the gesture takes place while due to the united states veto, the security council has not adopted any resolution in favor of truths. the text. "the general assembly resolution has enjoyed the support of the overwhelming majority of the international community. the united states is deciding the course of the lives of algazans when it uses its vetto power, therefore it is complicit in the crimes that israel is committing against the people of the gaza strip, using the vetto to reject the call for a cease fire, which is asked by almost all of the world countries means condemning any people in general. palestinian people that began on october 7th, despite the ongoing genocide against the 2023, and the murder of thousands of civilians, most of them women and children. the security council has failed to adopt a resolution calling for a ceasefire. many
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countries and human rights organizations have lamented the failure of this entity. all decisions that have been made by the un security. council and the united nations are under the direct influence of the united states, since washington has the final say, no one can make any decision without being approved by the united states since it controls the entity. many states in the international community support israel, except for few like the islamic republic of iran, venezuela and etc. but in general, many states, including arab ones, support israel. the arab states of the persian gulf also support israel. it seems that israel is not satisfied with the demolition of gaza homes infrastructure and killing of civilians. images have recently emerged of palestinians being detained by the occupation army being forced to strip to their underwear, kneeling
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on the ground, blindfolded and held in inhumane conditions. these images have provoked outrage among. okay, now we're stopping this to go to yemen. is making a speech there, and those who listen to a muslim calling out, oh you muslims, how many calls are we hearing from the people of gazza, the men, women of gazza, the children of gaza, the calls to the ummah, but many of the people in the ummah have, it's as if they're death, as if they don't here. 'if a person can't go out for two hours in a week, out of all the hours in the week, this means that they've reached a very low level of caring, very weak and the spirit of jihad and
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faith and sensing the importance of this and this action, because for us, it's not only about protests, protests are directly are close'. linked to the fighting, to the drones, to the missiles, and so when the americans come when a missile is approaching them. "and a drone is approaching the ships in the sea, these missiles which prevented the ships that are linked to the israeli enemy from passing through via babel mandab and the red sea, they see that behind this we have this lar these large masses which are taking this approach ready, not only to come out to the 70 square or to come out in any of the provinces." "and there is a large large turnout in the provinces, this is important
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and something which is a course for honor, the enemy takes note that behind these operations we have this approach, this interaction, and this forces the enemy to obstruct this military action, this direct fighting role, via trying to take advantage the situation, take the attention away." " people to take care of these very simple issues, make people prepared for what is even bigger, and this reflects readiness, mental, practical readiness for what is even more, and a person must sees the opportunity which has this value, whereby it prepares someone for what is even bigger, so what is linked to piety, maybe you will be pious. continue to care to take care of jihad in the cause of god, this is an honor, oh our beloved people,
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that you you have given the opportunity to be a free people, you are now at the list at the top of the list of the dignity and the um, you are coming out with honor, dignity, with freedom, with pride, to cry out, very clearly against america, the great satan and against the israeli enemy, this is a stance which is not available to many people, and it's a blessing, it's a blessing. what does god say about this in the holy quran? this is god's blessing which he gives to whom he wants to be people of jihad who take up... the issues the ummah whose sense who feel with these sufferings and what they oppressed in the
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ummah feel to feel these sufferings, these pains and these injustices, the horrific injustice against the palestinian people, whereby someone cannot, not care, anyone who doesn't care about this has lost his sense of humanity, he's become some of those people who god has described as being like sheep, even being more l or bull or like a cow, what kind of stone-heartedness is this, whereby a person could ignore these sufferings, grave sufferings, horrific, crimes of genocide, calls, and the also the crying of the women and children, the ummah of 1 billion 800. or 8 million muslims or two billion who are blocking their ears and ignoring, this is shameful, it is a blessing, for one not to be
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like this, and for one to take an honorable stance which satisfies god and satisfies the conscience in front of god. take the stance, take such a stance, because you will meet god and you will be held accountable, you will be questioned and dead with accordingly, one of the best actions. to be close to god and one the major responsibilities which is linked to piety is to continue to focus on these issues and to take the action that is required, what we the action we can take, action which is important, if the whole islamic world was silent, if all the peoples were silent, if no one would raise their voice, if no one would take any action, no one would protest, no one would issue a stance, no one would do anything, there would be no financial corporation, this would be very, very dangerous situation, which would have repercussions and results, which would also
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have punishment, lead to punishment, and the islamic uma will be punished as a result of not doing what is what is required in light of what is taking place in gaza, various different punishment. but if one wants to survive, if one wants victory and honor even your humanity, you remain a human being, you have a... you have feelings, you have a conscience, you have sentiments, that's why you take action and go out, a person under the excuse of fasting, must not put this away or set this aside from his issues of interest, this is in the heart of piety, we have to focus on piety in the big, major
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issues in major, very major issues, a person by not doing this we would expose himself to a great danger in religion. what's taking place in gaz is part of targeting the umah as a whole. we are an ummah as a whole targeted. this is one of the wars of against the ummah. and if we're not vigilant, if we don't raise the flag of jihad, if we don't take interest in the issues of the muslims and interest in our own issues. when we speak about the muslims, we are part of this ummah and this will be very dangerous. god, and die only as muslims a person might you who believe, be piace towards allah and
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die being a non-muslim as a result of him not showing piety regarding the... the enemies towards their religion and so this issue remains within the heart of our interests. if certain developments take place in the holy month of ramadan, we will follow up god willing in a way which we hope will be rewarded for from god, doing what we should do, but our operations, god willing will continue, god willing our activities will. to most of them, there are some activities which we might decrease a bit, but there are certain major activities which are necessary which should continue, and we will continue to follow up, however for god, and from the heart of our religion, and stemming from our faith to the yemen of faith, and one of the
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blessings is that this should continue to be one of our major... priorities and not to be on the margins of our actions, we pray to god that he bless us in this holy month and that we fast and that we are rewarded also and that we be spared from hell and that god will give a happy ending for the palestinian people and grant them a victory and okay life. by uh leader uh highlight of what he had to say regarding the attacks on yemenese attacks and operations against us and uk so-called task force and arabian se said that the retalatory operations enjoy the backing the yemini people. he praised the yeminis as a free and proud people who are able to shout
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out against the us actions and crimes during their massive uh uh demonstrations, this is something which is a blessing, he said not every nation has been given that blessing, and he wondered how uh some can ignore the grave sufferings that the palestinians in gaza are going through these days, he warned other muslim nations who are sitting idol aby, that they will ultimately uh be punished one day if they do not uh start supporting the palestinians now, he called the genocide on gaza as a war against the entire. muslim community that the community that needs to stand behind the palestinians and support them, he also stressed that during the fasting months of ramadan the emines will continue with their operations in support of the people in gaza, back to our normal programming now, syria and lebanon, and they were british and french colonies respectively
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for several decades until they achieved their independence, but the case of palestine is special. has been different and continues to be different precisely because of this movement of colonialism, the united kingdom was the only settlement that was already there from previous decades, which was zinism and achieve the creation of the regime of israel through ethnic in 1948. the second question, hola, soy felix, estudiante de intercambio acá en hello. i'm felex, i'm an exchange student here at the faculty of history at usec, and i'm franco german. i want to ask about the role of the international community in the occupation of palest.
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very important, we have already mentioned that the support it received from the united kingdom, from the british empire before the creation of the regime of israel was fundamental for the zionist movement. it was precisely the united kingdom that in 1947 transferred responsibility for that territory to the newly created united nations, to the un, which was the first colonial problem of enormous gravity that it faced in all its complexity. moments, the united nations welcomed and sponsored imbalances that favored the ziist movement, as for example in the first session of the united nations general assembly, when they allowed zianist
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delegates to speak four times, while the palestinian delegates were allowed to speak only two times, so this un commission proposed the division of palestine, the partition of palestine, which was approved with pressure from the... united states to small countries like haiti, liberia or the philippines on november 29, 1947. and this was the moment that the isist movement had been waiting for many decades to be recommended or legitimized internationally, even if it was a small territory in palestine. the then prime minister of israel, david burion later said, forget about the partitions that are spread throughout the palestine. part of the british mandate at that time, the united nations proposed
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terminating the mandate and partitioning palestine into two independent states, so from that moment, the majority zionism, which was that of bengurian accepted this solution as a first step, as a first tactical solution so that they can expand and occupy... larger territories later, let us remember that the objective of the zinanis movement is the usurpation of maximum possible territory with minimum native palestinian population. zis movement was the one that created the regime of israel, and it is the official ideology of the regime of israel, it is different modalities, more religious, less religious, more progressive, more conservative, if it can be understood that way, etc. and etc. the two state solution or the partition of palestine which was proposed in 1947 has remained. 76 years later at the center of the
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international political agenda, this solution was proposed in violation of the charter of the united nations, breaking the un constitution. this is while the opinion of the palestinian nation who are directly affected by this decision have never been asked. so of course we see how the international community has already begun violating its own norms and regulation to favor the zionist movement. this is extremely serious, because we see that today there are hundreds of resolutions passed in the united nations which have not been fulfilled yet. am i right? it is also the anniversary of the universal declaration of human rights, 75 years of human rights, but when it comes to palestine, it is 75 years of talk and grandes referentes internacionales como el according to great international figures such as the former chief prosecutor of the international criminal court, luis mourinho campo or the great jewish academic rasiga who is an expert
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on these issue, what we're witnessing to in palestine today is a genocide against nation, and then we see the complicity of the so-called international community, which in the end is often only the great powers, the complicity of the so-called great powers which are mostly. has made some criticism or more criticism than almost any other leader the european union and the north atlantic to the israeli genocide, well to me it seems to be absolutely insufficient with regard to the severity of the genocide that we're witnessing and the war crimes and crimes against humanity, these criticisms are not enough, these crimes have actually started 75 years ago, crimes against humanity which are being committed by israel with impunity thanks to the us government complicity in this genocide, so not only is it moral and
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legitimate to end this current genocide in gaza and this apartite regime, but despite all different international resolutions and standards, it is an obligation, it is a duty the international community to put an end to these serious and systematic violations of human rights, and finally, i'm also very surprised that pedro sanchez, the spanish president, alluded to something that does: exist we've been hearing it a lot in recent months, he has mentioned the right of humanity and israel's right to self-defense. international law precisely emphasizes that israel is an occupying power, especially since 1967, and occupying power has the right to defend itself over or against the occupied people. according to international humanitarian law and the fourth geneva convention, which is a fundamental norm of
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international human. the occupying powers such as israel are obliged to protect the occupied and colonized population, in this case palestine. obviously this is an obligation that the regime of israel is failing to fulfill, not only now, but systematically for many decades. and finally, according to the resolutions of the united nations general assembly, such as 3d 70 and many other subsequent ones, all peoples under occupation and under sub education and colonial rule.
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another one of the main victims of this historic palestinian aggression, we're going to talk about culture, and for that we have invited andrea giadach, chilean actress, playwrite, theater director of palestinian oregon. but also someone has worked for a long time in the field of culture, fundamentally rescuing traditions, reconstructing her own identity, so we welcome you and invite you to watch a video that will explain a little bit more about what is a playwrite, actress and member of the artist for palestine ngo, her works are
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recognized everywhere and among her. she has worked topics such as the loss of the homeland, identity and reconstruction, among others. as the grand daughter of palestinian migrants, her story and her vocation have been crossed by the diaspora and by the link with artistic communities in the occupied territories of palestine. one of her most notable works is mimundu patria, which is scenic heritage. together with alejandra diaz, an actress of jewish origin, they found that the natu collective made. chileons of palestine and jewish origin and whose main work is el circulo, which seeks to remove views regarding antagonists and the possibility of relating honestly without denialism and trying to see the other reality. hi andrea, how are you? thank you very much for coming and for accepting this invitation. always start by asking when and why did your family arrive in chile? well,
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thanks daniel for the invitation. indeed, my family arrived at the beginning of the 20th century because of the turks, the ottoman turks were in the entire levant area as well. we were in palestine when palestine was still palestine, because there was a multicultural space there. they took the christians as soldiers and used them as cannon foder. so many palestinians at that time came to chile and formed a large community, among them my grandfather.
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the empire against the west, and when this happens, they actually begin to take everyone to the army, especially the first born, jews and christians, and that is why there was a very strong immigration from this entire. area and that defines the diaspora in chile raise and throughout the world of a great christian community. in latin america, the countries that have this christian community or fundamentally honduras, el salvador and chile, which is where the palestinians of that group have settled. now you are the third generation, aren't you? yes, i am the third generation. did your parents always you as a palestinian? my father, above all raised me as a palestinian, but more than as a palestinian, under the consciousness of a palestinian nist, and i also believe that he has to blame for me being a palestinian
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activist, because i am not aware of when i started to become active, given my father always taught me about and showed me zionist and anti-arab propaganda, since i was little he showed me the movies how the arabs were portrayed as the... bad guys among other people, among the russians, etc., but well, he always made me very alert in relation to media propaganda, and how the media continues to this day, right? we can see it, they are absolutely taken over by zism. hasta el día de hoy, verdad, lo podemos ver, están tomados absolutamente por el sionismo. a ver, yo tengo un poco una respuesta, let's see, kind of have answer that you just said you don't have, i'll try it, "i don't really know when i became an activist, and i feel that you become an activist when you find your place in the world. you found your place in the world of theater, in the world of theatrical creation, true, and i remember since we knew each other, which are many more years than we
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would like to admit to, right? from your first steps after leaving theater school, you started creating theater around palestine. i remember very well, the first work i saw of your own creation, it was "mimunda patria" right, which..." told the story of fada waba, a palestinian immigrants, and from then on, i remind you, always linked to theatrical creation around palestine first, and around the recovery of peaceful coexistence later. yes, well, indeed, mimundo patria, my homeland, as you say, makes me an activist, but mimundo patria also makes me a director and playwrite, and that is because of... deep needs that lorena ramerez alamo had, she was my partner with whom we made this creation, and of course my own need, a common need to make known the reality of palestine. since i was little, since i was in school, i talked about palestine, and they seemed to look at
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you as if you're against the jews and poor jews who are in the holocaust, that was the story only. i say, well, how should we talk about palestine in a way that we can really attract people? so what i did was take certain relevant... episodes which is the loss of homeland and childhood in three people of different nationalities, origins or identities, and among those people was forward. took testimony, dramaturgy network, and that is the result of my homeland, which was incredible. it took place for years and it is senior heritage today, we're still giving it, in fact we saw it recently, yes, and then i take on the challenge of creating a work from the antagonistic look. what's that? we met chilean jews and palestinians, i propose to them. well, the only thing i can propose here is that we go as far as we can, and i invite you to generate or establish a
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dialogue to see how far we can turn our look. we can't see others in that way. we always talking about hegemonic stories and other stories, macro stories, but we had micro. stories based a question which was to what extent do we generate otherness for fear of rejection from the community itself. the result was incredible. we presented this worm for many times and recently we had roaming, a circulation and three regions of chile in the south, and not only were the jews and the palestinians affected by this work, but many chilean people said, this work is very necessary because we are increasingly polarized. i want to invite the...
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of a coexistence that was historic in palestine. jews, christians and muslims were together in palestine even before the arrival of zionism as a political movement, and they saw hundreds of people who... tended to dominate the world, but to that end they had to pass through palestine, occupy it temporarily, and extend their domination from this geopolitically, geostrategically important point. in the history of humanity, palestine has always been the connection point that unites africa, asia and europe, and the first step in any commercial exchange. i participated in a meeting with this group of jewish and palestinian actors. it must be said that most of them were left-wing jews, therefore... or they had a different predisposition regarding
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understanding what authority is. this always reminds me of a book that became fundamental for me. it is murderous identities by amin maluf who starts by defining all these identities that affirm their existence based on the denial of others. and of course it is very very modern book because it talks about this perpetual peace about cunts and about this universal brotherhood. it says in this book, very clearly that the only way to reach total equality between all human beings is by valuing differences as a fundamental source of wealth. i believe that this work is a fundamental contribution. what has happened to you during this constant aggression. israel's aggression and policy of extermination and genocide towards the palestinian people has lasted your entire life and more. in the area where your work is focused on is under siege. what's wrong with this danger?
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at the palestinian reality and people come into the theater to get healed and this theater has been destroyed, so i'm super very sad, very sad, because it touches me deeply. we met ahmad in summer, and i also want to tell you that together with anna archa, we have another work called irreversible palestine, non-existent palestine. and precisely, this performance play that she writes when we direct, she creates it from her trip to janin, from her trip to palestine, and especially to jenin. so well, we are super active with cultural actions,
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but we are also realizing the terrible censorship that culture is experiencing. in fact, ahmed himself, he was in france giving performances and i don't remember which theater it was that has to bring the show down, because they clearly don't want to get involved with the current issue of the palestinian genocide, so that's very strong. we also realize that they don't give you space to be seen. our work, irreversible palestine, had several more articles, they were very interesting articles, but it was not shown, it was not allowed on the counter and in various media outlets that one thought had a different perspective, but that is not the case, so we are being victims of open censorship in the face of the u.s. israel, and that seems very serious to me, and the only thing i can say is that the cultural space.
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resources right, but corruption also has to do with disrespecting the attributions and powers that social function has, and therefore today, the journalistic corruption that covers up the palestinian genocide. the cultural corruption that in one way or another makes palestinian culture disappear, they are symptoms of hegemonic model that seeks to eliminate all traces of difference anywhere in the world. andrea, i want to thank you for this interesting interview, and of course we are going to continue seeing each other, i will undoubtedly be in this new work that you are preparing. thank you so
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much. thank you very much. we're going to take a short break and we'll be back with. monday of hanaka, chejia, neighborhood, candy given to children when terrorist attacks are carried out, we shine the light against this dark place by burning it until there is no trace of this entire place. we just found huge well, very close here around the corner, a well that logistically serves all the wells here in the chagia neighborhood. terrible neighborhood, happy holidays, happy holidays, happy hanaka holiday. i'm in israeli, i was born in israel, i even perceive myself as an israeli patriot. i care about israel, i belong to israel, i'm attached to israel. don't speak about symmetria, because there is
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no symmetria. i would even suggest that there is no conflict. was there a french algerian conflict? there was a brute. total french occupation in algeria, which came to its end, and there is no israeli palestinian conflict, there is a brutal israeli occupation which must come to its end one way or the other. in our backyard, there is a regime which is today, by far one of the most cruel, brutal tyranies on earth, and i know what i say, because i cover it for 40 years, and this regime cannot be defined. but as an apartment, two people live on one piece of land, one people has all the rights in the world, and i'm talking now only about the occupied territories, one people has all the rights in the world, the other people has no rights whatsoever, it looks like apart, it talks like apart, it is apart, and nobody can contradict it, go to the jordan valley, see
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the prosperity in the settlements and then go and see the palestinians who live there without electricity, without water, in the two videos that we have just seen, we can see two intellectual attitudes, both come from israeli and zionist education, however one of them survived, it is surprising for having managed to get rid of this construction of a usable past full of hatred, full of animosity and the product of... supposed jewish supremacy over the rest of the people of the world, on the one hand, completely dehumanized israeli soldiers, burning humanitarian aid after destroying all the towns in israel, on the other hand, israeli soldiers who have destroyed all the neighborhoods in gaza that they have been able to destroy, killing thousands and thousands of people, and in the other gideon
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levi, an israeli journalist who was not succumbed to the journalistic corruption of the west, and it was capable of calling a spade a spade. new york, san francisco, washington. however, the us doesn't end its political, economic and military aid to israel, which continues
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attacking the palestinian people. how does the us government benefit from what we could call active support for the genocide? it is important to understand that international relations are defined by interests and not by values or principles. therefore we must assume that the united states does not have values and principles. to define what it does a global scale, it has only interests and the interests it has in the region or diverse. first, it is a region
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that, due to its strategic location, allows it to divide and govern the great arab nation. palestine is not only the geographical center of the known ancient world, but when you look at the history of the world, you realize that the first cities were born there, agricultural surplus was born there, in that area, west asia. agricultural surplus is discovered for the first time, techniques of storage, and therefore it was always the center of dispute, but centuries later it became the center of attention again with the discovery of oil and the role it plays in the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism. if you look at this scenario, you will also understand that palestine is the ideological center of the world. it is the place where all the most important monotheistic religions. come from, religions that until today have dominated the passions the majority of the world population. as a result, anyone who controls palestine,
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controls the emotions of 80% of the planet. jews, christians and muslims care about what happens in that land, that some call it sacred place or holy land, but because of the appalling things that happen every day, it seems to be one step away from hell than from heaven. thank you. angelica for your question, i believe that the role of the people of the world is first to understand the concept of unity of the world. when you worry about the suffering of people who live geographically distant from us, you are not doing an act of solidarity only, but rather you are also doing an act of self-care, because what is happening in this world, what makes up the world? we're all parts of the same body, and everything that exists outside of us is our inorganic body, and as mark says, we must take care. of it as we take care of ourselves, from that perspective, what the people of latin america can do, in particular the people of chile, is to put
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pressure on our governments, is to put pressure on their own governments to cease relations with this genocidal regime of israel, to sease economic cooperation, to sease technological dependence, especially in military aspects that the latin american countries have with israel, because when this happens in one way or another, the occupation regime and...
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we wanted to end this chapter by showing images of the massive demonstrations of support for the palestinian resistance and condemnation of the genocide practiced by israel today, which contrasts enormously with the position of the governments of the world, including the governments of the arab world. why this? because it is crystal clear that bourgeois democracy today is in crisis and governments are no longer able to represent the feelings of the people, and this is just a symptom. it's a symptom of even bigger problem. in 1922 after the first world war, the international community decided to organize itself in the league of nations to prevent something like the first world war from happening again. of course, it failed in this primary objective and from there the united nations emerged with the same objective, but also with the mission of denying the possibility and trying to prevent
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a holocaust from happening again at all costs. but what is the reality in practice today, it is even more evidence that the united nations has functioned in recent decades only as instrument of domination of the north american empire over the rest of the planet, and this has to end, the time has come to end the united nations and give us new international order where all the peoples and nations of the world have new international order, we give the same rights and the same duties towards humanity. thank you.
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the death toll in gaza rises to more than 31 as the us israelity genocide rages, most of those killed are women and children. lebanon's resistance fighters target is really occupied territories with dozens of rockets and retaliation for the killing of four members of the same family. the us president's bit to build a port for gaza and distance himself from natan yaho are regarded as a white washing campaign.