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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 10, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm IRST

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"the deadtol in gaza rises to more than 3,100 as the us is with the genocide rages, most of those killed are women and children. the leader of yemen's ansarlah movement says that yemani armed forces will continue anti-israel operations in support of palestinians in gaza. and pro pa palestine ralliers in
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amsterdam slam a visit by the israeli president to the dutch capital calling for the boycott of the israeli regime. it's 8:31 pm here in tehran, you're watching press tv, i'm bahrus, welcome, some five months into the israely genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is still pushing ahead with the deadly onslot, the latest averates hitten area, west of conunist killing at least 15 people and injuring dozens more, the area is used by displaced palestinians to set up tents, these minutes targeted several
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locations in the gaza strip today, one of them was a 12 story residential tower in the satin of rafa, making dozens of families homeless. according to the gaza health ministry, israeli forces committed aid massacers against palestinian families in the past day, killing at least 85 civilians and injuring 130 others. the death toll since october 7th has risen to more than 31,000 mainly women and children, thousands more also. missing and fear dead, the ongoing is really honest loting gaza has intensified discussions about military service exemptions for alter orthodox jews, the fastest growing sector of the israeli population. chief safartic rabbitsak yosaf has threatened that of ultra orthodox jews will leave israel a massive of the regime and exemptions of mandatory military enlistment enjoyed by the.
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community since israel's founding in 1948, althodox jews have been granted permanent exemption from serving in the military, but after regime began the offensive in gaza, pressure has increased to end the exemptions. last month, the kineset passed the mandatory bill, which intends to integrate more ultraorthodox men into the military. leban says well. says it's targeted the israele meron settlements with dozens of catusal rackets and this in response to the israel regime's latest attacks on lebanon that left five civilians including members, four members of the same family dead. now i've spoken to our correspondent mariam salah in southern lebanon and she has details about the developments. well actually in the last 45 minutes or so we were hearing sounds of of explosions non-stop. especially in the area
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behind us, which is the occupied shiba farms and the khashuba hills. we learned later from hazballah statements, at least two, that there were simultaneous operations, both in the also maca post and the aramtha post, now because of the clouds hovering over the the the area of the shabat farms because they're pretty high mountains were unable to show you the exact base, but it seemed that hazbullah's rockets... reached areas that are even behind those mountains as well, so even also simultaneously, in addition to the sounds of hazbullah's rockets that were uh pounding the uh shaba farms post, there were also there was also another significant operations against the area of maali golan which is also right behind the shaba farms post and also we had a big number of operations, if i can just walk you through them, in addition to the mali golan which was targeted by the... use of rockets and
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anti-tank it seemed rockets, we also had a burkan rocket that reached the group of soldiers in the arah post, we also had another uh attack against the radar post which is also in the yakubat farms where hazballah said it destroyed uh devices and hardware in that post specifically there was another attack and targeting of the israeli armored personnel carrier nayer which is considered one of the vehicles that the israelis are proud since they might which they manufacture it seems that has lost its reputation. the leader of the movement has vote that the yemini armed forces will continue their operations in support of palestinian send the gaza's trip. abdul malik al huthi was referring to the attacks against the israely bound vessels in the red sea in the gulf of eden. he condemned the israel
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regime for what are called crime of genocide committed against the palestinians in gaza. he praised the amay nation for the massive pro-palestine rallies held across the arab nation. the anser al leader warned. "the repercussions of not supporting palestinians would affect the entire muslim world. yemen has recently intensified its operations against us vessels following washington's attacks on yemani soil. now top yemeny official muhammad ali has warrant the us against the continuation of its hostile actions in the rid sea. he stated that the yemini army is fully aware of the loop-holes in american aerial operations. which can be exploited during the takeoff or landing of us fighter jets. the movement of the american, british and israeli enemy are monitored by our forces, especially in the context of the recent escalation during which we witnessed air strikes against yemeni territories. our
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monitoring includes any take-off or landing to and from american ships. we are able to target them and our operations are legitimate in defense of our brothers in gaza. and in defense of our land that is being targeted by american air strikes. according to expertsiam always sent several warnings to enemies before taking any military action. they say the militarization of the region will only result in escalation of the conflict, which will also impact the rest of the world, including europe and america. the presence of american forces and the battleships in the red sea put them within the reach of our weapons and does the... yemeny leadership's warning to america indicates that the yemeny armed forces have the ability to hit enemy forces, including warplanes station on aircraft carriers. when these aircraft take off, they can be dealt with by appropriate weapons, whether ballistic missiles or drones. the continued presence of american forces in yemani regional waters will further
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complicate the situation, and the region does not need more militarization, and if the situation escalates here, the consequences will reach america and europe. in november. 2023, sana announced a naval siege on israeli maritime navigation and solidarity with the oppressed people of palestine. however, the us and uk launched several attacks on yemen in order to stop its operations against israeli linked ships and the red sea. since then, the yemani army intensified its maritime attacks against american and british vessels in retaliation for their aggression. experts say the yemani army, despite its limited capabilities, has succeeded in exposing the weaknesses within the... military, which is regarded as one of the most powerful in the world. they argue that following the recent warning from yemen, the us must see its intervention in regional waterways to salvage its reputation on the global stage. reporting for press tv. iran
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and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives throughout ages they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and immiriad other fields, yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. you entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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now let's move on with the second part of this uh news broadcast: pro palestine rallyers in amsterdam have slime to visit by the israeli president to the dutch capital city. the pro palestiny campaigners gathered outside the holocaust museum where isaac ertsag attended the opening ceremony, they channel slogans against israel's genocidal war against the besaage gaza strip calling for the boycott of the israeli racing, they also wave palestinian flags urging an end to the occupation of palestinian lines. from
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geneva, i'm not joined by alfred zazias, former un special reporter, good to have you with us, alfred, uh, so that was the right place - kerts like went near the museum of holocast, that's what i of troops exactly doing against palestians in the gaza strip, especially the holocaust against the palestinians, so it seems that uh... "this is one of the uh things that they have achieved, that the hatred and indignation of the people around the world, even the people who sell them ever heard about palestine and the issues with the israeli forces. well, even in the united states, my nationality. two weeks ago, young man thold our hell, self-imilated himself. outside the israeli embassy in washington dc, yesterday there were
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demonstrations to the memory of aron bushnel in boston and many other cities in the united states, certainly in the netherlands, there has been considerable criticism not of the jews, not of the israeli people, criticism of the criminal acts. the israeli government, the vast difference between being anti-netanyahu and being an anti-semite. the jewish voice for for peace, the council of rabbies issued a statement on holocaust day, that was the 27th of january, calling the... onslot on gaza, calling it genocide. these
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are rabbies, so there is a gradual recognition that what is going on uh is a crime of prodigious proportions, and that is why we have several cases before the international criminal court and before the international court. of justice, south africa has requested on three three occasions, inter measures of protection, and they were granted in january already, but israel is ignoring them totally, and this of course is a problem for the authority and credibility of the system of international justice. and actually south africa, number of other countries that
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have submitted cases to the international criminal court have actually checkmated the international criminal court, because if uh karim kham, the current british prosecutor general at the international criminal court does not indict the israeli. ministers does not indight netanyaho or even the president of israel, sak herzok, it loses its credibility, and so i see movement in latin america and africa and asia that unless the international criminal court does its job, they will withdraw from. from the statute of rome, so here it's a moment which it's
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important to give it the proper visibility in australia, very prominent law firm just submitted to the international criminal court a case against australia, against their own prime minister anthony albonesi for complicity, and i think that this is the moment to submit cases to the international criminal court. against sunak, against macron, against olaf schulz in germany for complicity, and the complicity is well established, i'm not talking in in in the air, the statute of rome is clear on this, the same as the genocide convention in
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article three paragraph little e condemns right, i can also add an interesting, yes, one minute please, in the netherlands, few weeks ago, an appeal court in the netherlands, issued an order prohibiting the dutch government from delivering any legal weapons to israel, which would then be used to violate. international law, international humanitarian law, the geneva conventions, and of course the convention against genocide, so here the system of administration of justice in the netherlands has been engaged and it has acted, it has ordered the government not
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to deliver, and the government hasn't said that it will not do so, the government is appealing, i mean mark. just saw the israeli prime minister netanyahu and obviously route would want to continue uh shipping missiles and f 35 etc, but he is order not to do so, so this is an important challenge and people should know about it, it is okay, appreciate your comments, alfred desaias, former un special reporter. in geneva, now moving to the height of uh cruel western sanctions, iran has managed to turn into a prominent naval power. it's capable of conducting large scale navy operations at level of first grade powers, by relying its own potential and trusting its youth, the country has manufactured a wide range of indigenous equipment, including naval drones, missiles,
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submarines and warships. we have a report. he who controls the sea controls everything, from the foundation of iran's first navy in the accamened era in 500 bc, till now, maritime influence has been one of the main points of interest for iranians. the country's strategists have always been aware the significance of iran's geographic superiority. the country is located in west asia, making it a bridge between east and west. it borders the world's largest inland. lake, the caspian sea in the north and the persian gulf and gulf of oman in the south, giving it access to international waters. therefore, in order to guarantee iran's influence in the shaping of the new world order and its rule in it, the country has managed to establish itself not only as a prominent naval power in the region, but also in the world. despite all hurdles, in recent
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years, iran has managed to make great strides in this regard by. relying its domestic potential, the country is self-sufficient in production of indigenous equipment such as destroyers and submarines. just days ago, the iranian navy took delivery of dozens of new watercraft and weapons, including number of corvettes, naval boats, cruise missiles, electronic torpedoes and naval drones. iranian commanders have time and again stress the navy's full preparedness safeguard regional waters, but that's the full potential of the islamic republic prowas. the iranian navy has also bolstered its presence in the international waters. it has set up three ocean commands, supervising naval missions to the indian ocean, the pacific ocean, and the atlantic ocean. iran's navy has also established itself as a country capable of conducting long-term missions in the world. islamic republic of iran armies
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navy, 86th flotilla, successfully completed its historic. the world for the first time in the country's history and ended at the southern port of bandarapos on may 20th. these achievements have proven that iran cannot be isolated and that iranians will is stronger than sanctions. press tv, tehran. now international organizations have called the taliban to lift the bands against women and girls. the taliban saying that the organization. are pursuing what they call intelligence objectives under the guys of advocating human rights in afghanistan abdullah amir reports well. occasion of international women's day, the un secretary general, along with some international entities called on the taliban to lift its bands against women and girls in afghanistan.
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they also called on the international community to bolster support and safe guard the rights of afghan women and girls. a global backlash against women's rights is threatening and in some cases reversing progress in developing and developed countries alike. the most igracious example is afghanistan where women and girls have been bared from much of the education system, from employment outside the home and from most public spaces. in response to global concerns over the violation of women's rights, zabihullah mujahid, the spokes person for the taliban said women's rights in afghanistan are protected and that international organizations should not be concerned. the taliban deputy spokesperson als says human rights organizations are pursuing intelligence objectives in afghanistan. unfortunately the human rights organizations are pursuing intelligence
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objectives in the country and human rights and women's rights are only their pretext to achieve these goals. the founder of an educational center for girls says neither the taliban nor international organizations have done anything tangible for girls education in the... that's not enough, women need to learn modern sciences, we need female. and teachers for instance, this lack of female education will be acutely felt the coming years. the future of female education in afghanistan remains
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unclear, while international organizations and the taliban say they are working on the issue, so far there hasn't been much progress. despite the two-year ban on women's education and employment, women in afghanistan are still holding to hopes that they will once again have access to education. and job opportunities. the press tv, cobble. okay, with that we come to the end of this news broadcast. thank you for being with us. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy, usraeli
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genocide in gaza. all muslims share the same rituals during the holy month of ramadan, a common practice that can create unity among them across the globe. که رمضان را رمضان می گویان چون گناهان. را می سوزان ماه مبارک رمضان یکی از ماه های پرفضیلته خداوند متعال اون ماهو برای خودش قرار داده
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یعنی میگه تمام چیزها برای بنده خودم تنها ماه مبارک رمضان برای خود من.
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less than two weeks after launching its genocide on the gaza strip, the israely military committed one of the most heinous atrocities in modern history. back on october 18th, huge blast rocked the al-ahley hospital compound in gaza, which was packed with thousands of palestinians seeking shelter. from the israeli strikes. according to palestinian health officials, more than 470 people were killed in that incident. most of the victims were defenseless civilians who had taken shelter at the hospital and its surrounding areas. at the time they had no idea that the israeli regime might target hospitals. hospitals in clinics have special protections under international.