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tv   Black And White Migrate to the US  PRESSTV  March 12, 2024 7:02pm-7:31pm IRST

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estados unidos, la gran potencia imperialista del norte, the united states, the great imperialess power of the north presents itself as the country of opportunities, of democracy. the place where they have even built a monument for immigrants, the statue of liberty.
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visados con visa de turista y se queda, todos los indocumentados, all undocumented immigrants, those who do not have anything regularized, live in deplorable conditions, no pueden hacer contratos, they cannot make contracts, they cannot take medical care even médica, aunque tengan dolencias, en fin est
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such remarks are cynical and of double standard. on the other hand, the official agencies of the united states constantly make calls to professional scientists in areas of such as engineering, architecture and medicine. to emigrate and to immediately be a given a residence visa with all the rights. they are the thieves of brains, the brains that should remain for development in our countries. and every time there is a problem like now that the elections are to come, what is the issue?
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arista from mexico, human rights defender, member of the mexican league of human rights and the assembly we want to be alive, vivas. is the issue of immigrants and especially today when we are on the verge of an election there, an american election that we know what it is and how very democratic, the matter has become much clearer democrática en estilo estados unidos, no tema ha tomado cuerpo, we
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see what is happening in texas, the governor's speeches and at the same time the... limited to one reason, and there are many reasons for it. we can say that in the past years, the issue of economic problems were raised, the lack of ability earn a living in their own land, lack of work, etc., but in addition to the issue of lack of work in countries where people have no choice, there
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is also the issue of security. the issue of security is the most important thing in our countries, known as central america where unfortunately there is a situation of violence and insecurity. and this situation has caused migration and displacement of people from these areas in many places. these journeys are very long and they cause many casualties, and people on these journeys are looking for better life and better security conditions and a different kind of life, but unfortunately they face conditions that put their lives in danger. some immigrants say that we have nothing to lose here because we don't have this security in our own countries. we don't have a job. that guarantees us decent life, and i think one of the main reasons for this condition is honor. these people who come on foot and whose goal it is to create better living conditions for the family that accompanies them, and also for the family that is waiting for them in their own country, they seek honor and
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dignity. yes, the issue of honor, you're right. "our nations have had a hard time in our countries in terms of dignity, in a way that we have had the monroe doctrine for 200 years, which says america for the americans, and it seems to mean latin america for the americans, united states, that is, yeah, i better put it this way, and they still haven't forgotten about it, but only these days do they just use crimes, for example, what is happening in ecuador?" we must also address the issue of ecuador at some point. practically we see that in countries that do not have industry, there's no honorable job either, and therefore, when you're without an honorable life and without an identity, they somehow impose the american way of thinking and living on us. and the us presents itself
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as a country of opportunities and freedom, where everyone can live so-called good life. what is your opinion about this factor of destroying the? identity of our countries and societies, and that by destroying the identity and belonging, the issue of leaving and immigration is raised. through our country, mexico, our countries that are in the pass saw different living conditions. sort to change the living conditions of their people, but they lost everything. they wanted to make a change and make progress. historically, countries like our country had factories and produced raw materials and were rich in natural resources. this issue, as you said, well, goes back to
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the distant years, 200 years, and when we were talking about gold and silver, but today we're talking about other issues and other natural resources that are taken. from these countries to develop their industries and then force us to consume their products to achieve so-called honorable life, a concept that they refer to as a good life, but this policy destroys the lives of nations and deprives them of their own natural resources and under such conditions they're forced to leave their land and pursue the american dream. there is still this way of thinking that there is better life out there and the type of life there will be different, but what happens is that our compatriots somehow become slaves of work. es que son esclavos del trabajo desde otra forma. así es.
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un trabajo bastante importante desde la propia asamblea no de derechos humanos.
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for example, education and health, they have to do lot of work to be recognized as residents, and they have long working hours, for what? in order to be able to live there, pay rent and provide other necessities of a relatively comfortable life, and most importantly to be able to send money to their countries. we call this money remittances. so what happens in america is that there are no honorable conditions for people, this condition does not exist. "there are also people who do not have residence documents and have to hide and look for some kind of
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work that is possible for them. they could work for the economic development of their own countries. therefore, this lifestyle in the american dream is not an honorable condition in our opinion. on the surface, it is an act to send remittances to our countries, but in reality and above all, it is for the benefit of america, because our countrymen are exploited. porque eh nuestras eh paisanas paisanos pues viven largas horas de explotación. beyond the american dream, most immigrants live in the american nightmare, that is racism and lack of medical attention, because all the people who don't have documents even if they get sick, they're afraid to go to the hospital or anywhere else because they might... claro que podrán ser denunciados, no, la sobreexplotación, todo lo
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que tú has explicado muy bien, this is the same issue of exploitation that you pointed out so well, elisa, how does mexico as a government, as well as mexican social organizations communicate with immigrants who are constantly passing through mexico, what conditions are there, what do people think about them, and what is the approach of mexican social organizations? there is a hatred, but on the other hand, immigrants arriving areas of our country that
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are poor and live in the outskirts of cities like mexico city in the state of mexico as well as in wahara. they pass through areas where they're accepted. residents of these areas belong to social classes that have a close identity with the immigrants, but on the other hand, we are facing movement that says immigrants should leave their country because they don't look good, they're dirty and we don't. and on the other hand, there other people who are against this approach, it's very ridiculous, like colonies and places that welcome immigrants, they give whatever they have to the immigrants, food, clothes and other supplies, they even share their culture of life with the immigrants, immigrants dance or music, eat or food, so there seems to be an exchange in a very good act that some areas of our countries welcome immigrants, for example, the vera cruz crossing, which we have heard lot about, i don't know if you're familiar with this area or not, there are supervisors that is women
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who are organized that are ready for the immigrant trains that pass through, they feed the... and have a large canteen and shelter, which can be used by those who go on foot. therefore, i believe that the society, the neighborhoods and organizations that have taken actions in solidarity and in companionship with immigrants, because our own family members are immigrants. in mexico, the majority of our country's population has an uncle, aunt or a first degree relative who is an immigrant, an immigrant who was forced to come to america so that their families. move forward, therefore there is an approach by the right that is not beautiful, for example, the behavior we witness in texas is completely racist and supremacist, that presents immigrants as criminals and does not care that their human beings who live in such conditions just because they're looking for better living conditions in other countries.
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in the migration path, as i said in the beginning, organized crime that we unfortunately see in ecuador as well as in honduras, guatemala and panama, we also face the conditions of organized crime in mexico, they trap immigrants who are passing through our country, they arrest them, kill them, rape them and exterminate them, there is even
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an organization of american, women for the disappeared whose work focused. is on the disappeared from other countries who are passing through mexico, this is a catastrophic issue, this is the condition they come and face, and another issue is health and economic issues for those who pass and even lose their lives. many people take the desert crossing and may die there. i've also seen that many times in history, in recent years, the border patrols shoots immigrants who are still in mexico. this is one side of the story. but on the other side we have those who return to our country from there. i learned about the case of several girls in wahara who do not speak the language their community. they were not born in mexico, they were deported because they did not have the documents. this is why they face different culture. some people receive them very well and some people take a long time to
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understand. mexico is a country they didn't know and they knew it through the stories of their parents. to create documents that enter the united states, a classification was made for those who can go to work and return, but no one can guarantee they will return after work. anyway, this idea has been proposed, i will allow you to go to work for six months and come back, and on the other hand, not all immigrants who pass through mexico will have the opportunity to go to work in america, and
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on the other hand, measures at the borders are intensifying, especially on the border with texas. where the representative and the governor himself said that the border patrol can shoot any immigrant who does not have an identification documents and the caravan has been formed in which the views and members of the kucklux clan are present and they go and pull the immigrants out of the lands, therefore i think that suitable conditions should be created for someone who wants to immigrate, countries should create these conditions por otro condiciones reales desde los países, así es thank you, elsa from mexico, human rights leader and activist. this is black and white.
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in late 2023, south africa filed case at the international court of justice, icj over the israel apart regimeside of war against palestinians in the besaged gaza strip. south africa stated that the regime. has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the locit against the israeli regime at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that started last october are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of our sub central part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today. he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis molloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today, thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak, it's a pleasure to be here.
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i have been detained 10 times since the first interfada or uprising in 1987, i was... and released 10 times, so i have lot of experience and have lot to say about what takes place during the interrogations and about the horrifying stories i heard from my
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fellow detainees. "the first pain when his house is rated by the occupations army, the troops detonate the doors using bombs and then enter the home and begin ransacking it, destroying everything inside. they terrify the children, women and fathers and mothers in plain sight of the prisoner who is handcuffed behind his back." "that prisoner is taken in plain side of the children who scream. this also constitutes
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suffering for the family, for the children, for the women, for the father and for the mother. on the way to the interrogation, the detainee is physically in..." verbally assaulted, and here's blasphemous words. the wives or sisters of some of the detainees were also detained and brought to the interrogation. there the men were threatened with subjecting their wives or sisters to sexual abuse if they refused to make a confession. "i personally spent a week, seven days, sitting a chair with my hands cuffed behind my back and my face covered. i spent
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seven days without sleep and without food during the fasting month of ramadan. they were giving us just one meal every two or three days. when i was asking for water, they were spilling water on the floor, so if you wanted to drink water, you had to drink the water spilled on the floor." so they obtain a decision from the court and sit the detane down and shake him for a long period of time, and that subsequently inflicts a brain injury on him that leaves him either dead or mentally ill. they strip people of their clothes and put them a... floor and turn on air conditioners, switching back and forth from cooling to heating. during one to two days those detainees fall ill due to that
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method. while the detaining is hungry, the interrogator brings delicious food and begins eating. what hurts more is that the army brings those settlers to the prisons. to see how palestinian detainese are humiliated, or subsequently they boost the moral of their people and settlers through showing them the pains of the palestinians who are held in the prisons. what's currently happening in israeli jails is harsher than what happened in the us dettention centers of abu ghraib and guantanamo bay. i can say that they all
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learn from the... name source, how to torture and humiliate the people.
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the government media office in gaza says more than 408 seekers have been killed by israel and the basieg territory in just two weeks. lebanese resistance fighters fired dozens of rockets at israeli targets and response the regimes of rates on lebanon's valbeck. russian and chinese vessels enter iran's waters says the three countries engage in joint naval drills in the seava mine.