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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 12:30am-1:03am IRST

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a yourpressive headlines: the government media office in gaza says more than 408 seekers have been killed by israel in the besieg territory in just two weeks time. the leader of iran's islamic revolution ali khamenei says resistance in palestine will eventually bring israel to its knees and katar which serves as a mediator between israel and hamas
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said the two sides are not close to seizfire deal in gaza. hello boys, 11 pm in the besieg gozo strip of and you're watching press. tv world news: now palestinians in gaza see no ease to their suffering as israely bombardment and siege continues even during the holy month of of ramadan. here's a moment when a new air strike targeted the southern city of rapa. regine strucked central city of... abalah
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twice, killing nine palestinians and injuring many others. 11 others also lost their lives after israeli troops once again open fire on eight seekers in gaza city. according to the gaza media office, over 400 palestinians have been killed while in line for life saving aid since uh march 1st. deathtul from israely genocidal war on gaza since october the 7th stands at nearly 31,200 dead, most of them women and children. and the un secretary general anthony gutierres, in a message on the occasion of the holy month of ramadan has called for an immediate cease fire in gaza to honor the spirit of this month. today marks the start of the holy months of ramadan, a period when muslims around the world celebrate and spread the values of peace, reconciliation and solidarity, yet even
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through ramadan, even though ramadan has begun, the killing, bombing and bloodshed continue in gaza. my strongest appeal today is to honor the spirit of ramadan by silencing the guns and removing all obstacles to ensure the delivery of life-saving aid at the speed and massive scale required. now leader of iran's islamic revolution says resistance in palestine will eventually bring israel to its knees. said ali khamenei made the remark during a meeting with distinguished iranian quran reciders and activist, he's a resistance is still standing strong after months of heavy fighting. khamenei also called for an enti assistance to israel by muslim countries. he said those governments helping israel are committing crimes. and will be punished for that reason
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and qatar, which mediates between israel and hamas says two sides are far from a ceasefire deal in gaza. the situation is very complicated on on the ground, the we are not near a deal, meaning that we are not seeing uh both sides converging on uh a language that can uh resolve the... you now the current disagreements over the implementation of of the deal, but we remain hopeful and we continue pushing for for deal to happen in in the near future. official potential deal requires an end israel's bloodshed in gaza as continuous flow of humanitarian aid into the devastated strip. the announcement comes as months of talks involving the us, qatar and egypt have failed to bring israel campaign of
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genocide to an end, hamas has blamed israel for failure to reach an agreement saying regime is not serious about deal and is merely buying time. the resistance movement has also... said it is shown great responsibility and flexibility in the negotiations, but will not settle for anything less than a full sessation of the israeli aggression and withdrawal of all occupation forces from gaza. meanwile palestinian fighters continue putting up stiff resistance to israeli forces in gaza. military wing of hamas says its fighters targeted two groups of israeli soldiers north of on units with anti-personnel weapons that resulted in deaths and injuries. the alkasam brigades also said it targeted an israeli merkava tank. meanwile, the military wing of islamic jihad also says it fighters blew up building in southern gaza where six israely soldiers were staying. regime says nearly 250
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of its troops have been killed since launching its ground invasion into gaza in late october. palestinian factions however say regime is intentionally hiding the real number of its casualties uh to void public anger, the israel regimes carried out series of new air strikes on lebanon, triggering retaliatory rocket attacks from the hezbulah resistance movement against occupied territories. according to lebanese officials is really... strikes hit eastern city of belback in its vicinity. some of the air strikes target area near the city of taraya, 20 km west of belback. this is the first time israel's pounded eastern lebanon since eruption of exchanges of fire between the regime and hezbulah, and in response has fired over 100 rockets toward israeli
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positions in the occupied goal and heights and northern occupied palestine. hezbulah says it will continue attacking israely targets until the regime stops its genocide in. but the israeli military has recently carried out aerial raids even on residential areas of lebanon. and joining us for an update earlier uh was our beirot correspondent matsala. they do target uh balbak and eastern lebanon in the vicinity of the cities of taraya and balbak itself. we know that there was total destruction of. the buildings that were targeted and one person has been killed uh previous time also it was more of an open area that was targeted the previous time like agricultural lands um there was some sort of a residence there but that also let to the killing of two hazbillah
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members and now with this in place it seems that hazbullah has basically become impatient with the israelis uh presumptuous when it comes to how they are targeting at lebanon, the fact that they're trying to put lot of pressure on the resistance and on lebanon itself, with the fact that you do have some opposition uh from hezballah's political foes uh when it comes to hisballah supportive front for the resistance inside gaza and for the people of gaza, and so it seemed that this is why hizballah had in retaliation launched some uh, we're talking about more more than 50 rockets that... were um witnessed or that were reported in some areas, the israelis are talking about more than 100 rockets from on two different rounds, a group of rockets uh was against the galila region, another salvoy was against in the golan heights and it seemed that they
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many of them landed and struck their targets and how that will play out also is another surprise and the number of rockets that hazbullah is showing day by day seemingly increasing and targeting areas that are further off, yesterday for example uh they targeted areas in the goal on heights uh more and more and so it seemed that for hazballah they are basically unifying the land when it comes to how they target and what they target and syrias have held rally in damascus refugee camp on the first day of the holy month of ramadan and support of the palestinians in gaza. press tv's abraham wati reports from damascus. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan, syrians and palestinians took to the streets in response to the call of palestinian resistance factions in jaramana camp in damascus. they condemned the us-israeli genocidal war in gaza and demanded immediate cease fire and
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the release of palestinian prisoners. on the first day of ramadan we took a palestinian factions call to support gaza and the resistance and to stand against this. violent zinus aggression that destroys buildings, trees and kills humans. we say to our people in palestine, be patient, victory is upon us. today is the first day of the... best month of ramadan and it is day 157 for gaza without water or food, we appeal to all international human rights organizations and to all free people of the world to work for immediate cease fire and to stop the genocidal war against the palestinian people. participants expressed their confidence in the resistance ability to achieve victory and restored the rights of the palestinian people. they emphasized that there is no room for compromise or retreat after the regime's onslot that resulted in more than one. we
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congratulate our people in gaza on the arrival of ramadan and we express our confidence in all the battalions of the palestinian resistance. brigades, martter abu ali mustafa brigades and als brigades. we demand the leadership of the palestinian factions, uphold the sacrifices of our palestinian people and serve all their rights, including the return of refugees and the liberation of all palestinian prisoners. we are sure our people in gaza that we stand with them in the blessed month of ramadan, the month of allah and the quran, the month of victory and liberation, the resilience of gaza is a symbol of the dignity of the arab and islamic nations, over the patience of its people, the victory of allah is near. protesters express their anger at the stands the international community which supports the israeli. regime as well as the arab regimes that normalize relations with this arnest entity. syrians stand alongside their
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palestinian's brother to prove that there are free peoples who cannot be threatened or humiliated. they affirm that operation al-aqsaflod will continue until the people of gaza defeat the israeli regime. ibrahim wahdi press tv. damascus. خداوند متعال اون ماهو برای خودش قرار داده یعنی میگه تمام چیزها برای بنده خودم تنها ماه
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مبارک رمضان برای خود من and welcome back everyone you're watching press tv world news islamic movement in nigeria is held a protest against the massacre of innocent palestinians in gaza. the protesters marched on the us embassy in the... abuja and staged a sit in. press tv's danjuma abdullah he reports. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan in nigeria, the islamic movement held a rally through the streets of the capital abuja in a peaceful protest against the massacre of innocent civilians in gaza. the protest match took the demonstrators to the gate of the united states embassy where they sat down and... splitted letter of protest condemning the israeli genocide in gaza and us
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involvement in the killing of innocent palestinians. america is one of the the major party in this uh killing of innocent female and children in gaza. since october 7th, today they have killed 31, more than 31 innocent people, majorly female and children in gaza. "the demonstrators blame the united states and british governments for using their influence to block a un resolution calling for a cease fire. they said every decent government has condemned the israeli terror attacks on the palestinians, but the us government has continued to support the mass murder of innocent palestinians. they are killing female and children, they are, they are imposing starvation on innocent female and children, babies have been seen on. robus crying inside blood, you we see lot of fathers carrying lifeless body of their
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children kill by israelits, anybody that has concerned for humanity should come out today on the street and show his solidarity with palestinians. the demonstrators burn the us and israeli flags as the islam tel aviv's regime impunity and the silence of the international community. many muslims in nigeria believe that israel's continue. killing of palestinians in gaza on the eve of the holy month of ramadan is a clear proof of the regime's disrespect for islamic sanctities. the protestants here are urging all leaders to pressure israel to end the massak in gaza. press tv, abuja. chinese and russian vessels have come to iran's territorial waters for a joint maritime exercise in the northern indian ocean region. drills will continue until friday with representatives of several other countries also participating as observer states. here's
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report. russia navy. russia navy warship uh and china navy warship. this is iranian navy warship 235. italian ch6. the maritime security belt 2024 has officially kicked off with russian and chinese vessels entering iran's territorial waters south of the country on tuesday. the naval and airborne units of iran's army and the irgc along with their chinese and russian counterparts will participate. in various operations during this exercise, naval delegations from azerbaijan, pakistan, kazakhstan, oman and south africa have also taken part as observer states. at the first stage of the drill, the naval officers of the three countries as well as the observer states reviewed different phases of the exercise on maps and held
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tactical briefings. later, the naval commanders of iran, russia and china held a joint. presser, the iranian navy's deputy commander said the main aim of the joint exercise is to help safeguard security in the northern part of the indian ocean. upholding peace and security in the north of indian ocean and having a specialized cooperation in combating piracy and terrorism in our region are among the main goals of this exercise. we are constantly working to improve this cooperation. meanwhile, chinese and russian navy commanders said the joint exercise further demonstrates the preparedness of the participating countries to maintain security while also deepening their practical cooperation. 2024 is the fifth consecutive year that the islamic republic of iran's navy is hosting countries participating in the maritime security belt drills in the northern
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indian ocean region. this year's naval drills have kicked off under the moto together for peace and security. with participating countries highlighting the importance of jointly safeguarding regional security, press tv, konarak, and to discuss the trilateral naval drills in depth, we were joined earlier by our guests in our news review program. time now to invite a couple of guests for some insight, so allow me to invite glenn desan, professor of international relations with the university of southeastern norway, he's joining me from oslo and john bosn, journalist activist and political analyst is joining me from belgrade, good to see you gentlemen, now uh let's go to glenn first, let's begin, you just heard in the introduction what this is all about, some targets and objectives of the joint drills, and this is the third time of course that
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iran, china and russia are taking part in such drills, so let's talk about to begin with about the... message that such joint maneuvers can convey? well the guess the main message coming forth is that the key or the lot of the largest states on the eurasian continent, so russia, china and iran are encreasingly seeking to corporate on security matters, and this harmonizes with their efforts of pursuing economic integration, we see among these states to have one more cooperation. technical uh establishing new transportation corridors, new financial cooperation so across the board, so it's quite natural as well to supplement this with more security cooperation as well, and this has been the stated objective of course, which is to fight piracy and terrorism to provide support to humanitarian activities,
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but also have a rescue missions, so and doing this in iranian waters is also... quite makes a lot of sense as about the fifth of all oil trail oil trades are passes through this straight of mousse go through the persian gulf so it's a it's it's a lot of security issues involved and the idea that the would all be outsourced to the united states which largely defines itself as an enemy of all of these three participants it it simply doesn't make much sense uh but the main argument coming forth is, this is referred to often as a maritime economic activity, that is security initiatives which are aligned with this new economic connectivity between these larger states, all right? now john, how do you look at this? is this not maybe one of the results and uh of the actually us, you know, keeping pressure on different countries, imposing sanctions on countries,
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including iran, then regional countries try and come up with their own mechanisms that get closer together like iran is doing, and now militarily we speaking, iran, china, russia, they are conducting these joint drill, so in terms of regional security, iran has always said that it's us, regional estates, so we are. tool providing our own security, and this is in line with actually one of the objectives of the drills. let's have your opinion on this. well, i have to agree, i would say that the united states has attempted to pass itself off as some sort of a global policeman, but in fact the united states has been functioning like a global bully, bombing countries around the world. ever since 1945, we've been basically in a continue. state of war as america flexes its muscles around the world, and it does so in complete disregard of international law, the international criminal court, which it
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doesn't recognize, and it is high time for countries around the world, especially the ones that the united states have has designated as enemy states to b together to protect themselves, and i think that this is logical consequence of a reaction to aggression by the united states and its partners in war. i appreciate your insight. glenn disent from oslo, john bosnic, from belgrade. thank you for watching this episode the news review. and welcome back everyone. the indian government has announced rules implement a controversial 2019 citizenship law. press tv's monovar zaman tells us all about it. nda says it will enact the citizenship amendment act that provides fast track naturalization for multiple religious
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groups who fled to india from afghanistan, bangladesh and pakistan before 2014. the law however excludes muslims from those countries. back in 2019, law's approval sparked deadly protest across the country and was halted since. the muslim minority in india fears. the government is using this law and other similar laws to wide and crackdown on them. india introduced this bill in 2016 with the aim of granting citizenship to what it calls a persecuted section of refugees. however, the bill has become one of the most controversial issue across the country since it excludes muslims from availing citizenship. critics accused the ruling bjp of targeting a particular community on the basis of faith which experts. call unconstitutional commentators also question the exclusion of persecuted religious minorities from other regions such as tibet, sri lanka and myanmar. india's interior
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ministry has said in a statement, those eligible can now apply online for indian citizenship. the issue has been one of the key pledges of indian prime minister since assuming office in 2014, the new legislation makes changes to more than six decades old india. citizenship law, it's unfortunate for us that we are not part of this new law, despite the fact we have faced wors persecution any community has faced so far. we have still hope one day india will accept us on the ground of humanity. opposition political parties have accused the ruling party of influencing the elections, saying the mo is to polarize the voters considering its timing. more than 200 petitions challenging the law. are still pending before the court of law, india ka sarkar ka we thank india, they provide a shelter, it's an act of kindness, but we urge this country not to
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abandon us, knowing the fact we have seen deadly violence and persecution. india, home to roughly 200 million muslims have recently seen targeted attacks and vicious hate campaigns. critics accused the ruling party of mixing religion with politics resonating with india's majority. everyone, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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god is omnipresent, but he has house in mecca, as token of his presence on earth. around 15 centuries ago, the prophet abraham built a house in mecca on god's orders. it was to be a place where all believers in god could get together in unity. in the hajj, muslims go on pilgrimage to god's house. and in ramadan god goes to the houses of the fasting muslims, but in both cases, the host is god, and the guests are his believers.