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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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of the headlines, the head of the honor says more children have been killed during israel's genocide in gaza than in four years of conflict around the world, about 100 year. academics condemn israel's genocide in gaza, saying the regime is systematically erasing the territory's education system, and a group of human rights ngos are finding a lawsuit against denmark to force the country to end arms exports to israel and it the gaza genocide.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 10:30 am here in the iranian capital tehrani watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, the relentless israely air strikes continue to target palestinians fasting in the holy month of ramadan as hopes are fading for immediate ceasefire in the besieged gaza strip. the regime's latest dear strikes have claimed 11 palestinian lives in the central city of dar albala, local reports say the israeli shelling there continues up to this moment. to the north, the jabalia refugee camp and its vicinity remains a key target. this as the gaza health ministry says aid reaching the north is in sufficient, while widespread hunger prevails in the area. moving to the south, the entire city of haniness continues to witness daily shelling as israely forces blow up residential areas there. according to the gaza media office, over 400 palestinians have been killed while in line for life saving aids since late february. the palestinian death toll since october the 7th now stands at nearly 31.
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1200, mostly women and children. the un says number of palestinian children killed during the first four months of the israeli on slot on gaza has topped those killed in four years of conflicts across the globe. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees onrow made the remarks in a post on his x account. philip lazarini said the un figure showed that around 12,200 children have. been killed in conflicts worldwide between 2019 and 2022, of that's while, according to the gaza health ministry, more than 12,300 palestinian children have been slaughtered since early october, the honor chief has also said that what's going on in gaza is a war on children, their childhood and their future. u foreign policy chief joseph burell says that israel is using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinian. in gaza, he made the
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remarks as he addressed the united nations security council members on tuesday, and when you look what's happening, you may doubt about it. i don't want to teach anyone of you about what is happening in gaza, 30,000 people that, 1.8 million displays, 500 thousand people on the bring of estarvation, we are facing. now a population fighting for their own survival, humanitarian assistance needs to get into the gaza and the european union is working as much as we can in order to make it possible, but this is humanitarian crisis which is not a natural disaster, it's not a flat, it's not a earthquake, it's a man-made, and when we look for alternative ways of providing... support by sea or by
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air, we have to remind that we have to do it, because the natural way of providing support through roads is being closed, artificially closed, untervation is being used as a war arm. around 100 leading european academics have slamed what they call israel's systemic anniholation of the educational system in the gaza strip, the scholars signed a protest petition formulated by euromet human rights monitor. according to official figures, 70% of the strips universities has been completely demolished. also, the palestinian ministry of education says around 4,300 students have been killed and thousands others injured during the ongoing air strikes. all this has been documented in the petition. the written appeal stresses such attacks on civilian objects constitute a grave breach of international law and fall under the definition of genocide. it also called. calls for a boycott of israeli
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academic institutions supporting the occupation of palestine, over 180 british academics have also recently signed separate petition, denouncing gaza, especially targeting of academics and students. a group the world's most prominent human rights groups plann to sue the danish government for its exporting arms to israel and the regimes ongoing onslaught against palestinians in gaza. the group has cited concerns that the exported weapons are being used to commit serious crimes against palestinians in gaza. according to the statement the case will be filed against denmark's ministry of foreign affairs and the national police which are. charge of approving the country's sale of military equipment, meanwile, the legal firm representing the ngo said that it would bring the case to a copenhagen district court within the next three weeks, based on the un arms trade treaty, countries must ensure that exports of arms and military equipment are not in violation of international law. back
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in january, the international court of justice concluded that israel's actions in gaza could amount to genocide. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan, thousands of jordanians rallied in ammon and across the country to protest against israel's genocidal war on gaza. today on the first day of ramadan, we are standing before the genocide, the enforced hunger and killing, the targeting of children, women and unarmed civilians and the demolition of houses over inhabit. of course, our message is to create the humanitarian land corridor to northern gaza, where the palestinian citizens suffer from hunger and dehydration inflicted by the zionist enemy that is leading this offensive war, this genocide and ethnic cleansing against the palestinian people. carrying palestinian flags and
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banners, the protesters chanted, pro-palestinian and anti-israel slogans, they also demanded unhindered delivery of aid to gaza as the gathered. near the israeli embassy, jordan, that is hosting 2.4 million palestinian refugees, has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gazins, since israel launched its war on the besieg strip, similar rallies have taken place in other countries as well. as the cresent moon marks the beginning of the muslim's holy month of ramadan, millions across pakistan have declared their intention to dedicate this month to the oppressed people of gaza. among those joining in this noble cause are abdullah khalid and his family. recognizing the sufferings of the palestinian brothers and sisters in gaza, abdullah and his wife majibin are choosing to donate their money
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this ramadan to the innocent people of gaza. instead of indulging in lavish feasts and excessive spending. we are dedicating this month of ramadan to our brothers and sisters. in gaza who are facing so many atrocities and when i imagine that my brothers and sisters are having their sour and iftar uh with all the bombings and all the sirens of ambulances, it gives me goosebumps. we as family can alhamdulillah afford enough, but this ramadan we have decided to make things very simple, very basic as much as we can so that we can you know save more money and give more charity to... the people of gaza, charitable organizations and grassroots initiatives have launched campaigns to raise funds and collect essential supplies for gaza's residents. pakistanis are mobilizing a large scale, organizing food drives, providing medical aid and boyotting pro
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israeli products in order to support men, women and children in palestine. every mcdonald meals that you consume, the dollars are going. to buy more ammunition to kill our children, people don't realize it, people don't realize that the israeli army is getting happy meals every day for free, it's ridiculous. throughout the country, mosks and community centers are organizing special prayer sessions dedicated to the wellbeing and liberation of gaza. through their decision to prioritize the cause of gaza during ramadan, pakistanis are demonstrating the true essence of the islamic prince. principles of compassion, justice and charity. this pledge indicates their commitment to turning religious teachings into practical acts of compassion and support for the oppressed and those in need. nasika asmi, press tv, islamabad. in this week's
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show, we'll be inspecting the role of. zinius spirings on us university campuses who are using covert methods to stamp out criticism of israel and crush pro-palestine student groups, directly recruiting students on campus. is to spy for hostile foreign state posts in to pass the information back to israel so it can then be weaponized and so in particular uh people are docs their personal details are given out they try and stop them getting careers or jobs or or the to rem the their universities for example so it's it's very much covart intelligence involvement in campus politics the growth um of the numbers of students from all backgrounds who are joining these movement, but this the growth in their strength and bravery and in their
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willingness to confront and challenge in a more sophisticated way than i'd seen in 23 years. several more palestinians have lost their lives in israeli raids on different parts of the occupied west bank since the early. hours of tuesday, the regime has intensified its incursion into palestinian towns and cities since launching a genocidal war on the gaza strip. mondy, our correspondent in rom joined us earlier with more details, let's take a listen. what's happened in the attack of aljeep, northwest al-quts is that at least five palestinians were walking there next to the the the israeli military. checkpoint and the area of aljip, the israelies claim that those
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palestinians, it seems that they throw cocktail, molotof cocktails a day earlier and then the israels were waiting for them the next day, this is what the israeli military is claiming, the israeli snipers, when palestinians came close to the area, it's not clear whether they are the same palestinians who were the day earlier or not, they the... forces opened a fire at them, they killed two palestinians, abdullah assaf, 16 year old and 23 year old zid khalife, three others had been wounded and transferred to hospital in the village, in the refugee camp of shafat in al-quds, rami hamdan was playing after the iftar on the second day of the holy month of ramadan outside his home and then the mother heard the screams of her son, she went out
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with with some relatives and they found that rami was shot in the chest and he was immediately he was murtered, there is an israeli military base next to the shaffat refugee camp and it's clear that israeli snipers there opened fire at this palestinian child, it seems that we are receiving now, that the israeli forces have raided the genen city and its refugee camp, the military operation is taking place in the streets of genene with thousands of vehicles storming the genine refugee camp and there had been and there are still exchange of fire taking place between the palestinian resistance groups and the israeli for a senior israel official on the condition of anonymity has revealed that the united states is seeking to oust israeli prime minister benyamin
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netanyahu in a statement issued to the media, the official pointed to new us intelligence report showing growing public distrust in netanyahu. he interpreted the wordings in the report as an effort to unseat netanyahu. the intelligence report for 2024 published on monday warned the viability of the netanyahu cabinet saying that it may be in jepardy amid criticism over its handling of the gaza war. us intelligent. agencies and the report also speculated more rallies demanding netanyahu's resignation and snap elections, the intelligence report and reactions show growing rift between israel and the us despite washington's all out support for the regime's genocidal war on the gaza strip. well, europe is clamping down on palestinian solidarity movement in austria, second largest city graz. the state prosecutors recently pressed charges against activists who used pro palace. slogans during demonstrations, reports from gras. thousands
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across austria's major cities have marched in solidarity with palestinians in the gaza strip almost in a weekly basis since october 7th, and since then the activists have recurrently faced surpression from both the police and the state. the state's initial aim was to ban all protest, but most charges were dropped step by step. however, grats is a different case in austria second largest city, the state prosecutor has recently leveled new charges against activists. inside this police station on kalauer strace in graz, over 50 people are questioned for. using the slogan from the river to the sea palestine will be free, the charge, incitement. press tv has talked with al hussein after her interrogation. i'm just coming out from this police station because of questioning, i was asked by the police about the chanting or slogan from the river
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to the sea palestine will be free. in their eyes, it's a crime to... scream this in demonstration and for this they invited me to come to the police for questioning about this sp, it's already half an year ago, it was a demonstration in the 20th of october and in my eyes this is a shame for this austrian government. she also said that other activists were told during these interrogations that the use of the slogan free palestine is also a criminal offense as the state prosecutor here claims it: to be an expression of hatred for the israeli regime, solidarity with the palestinian liberation movement, people are shouting this in demonstration also from here in graz, before years ago, it was never a problem, the pro- palestine movement cannot expect any support from the political parties hereing guards, just in february and as the israeli genocidal campaign was taking civilian lives in gaza,
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the city's mayor lk invited israeli ambassador to the city hall, the palestine solidarity movement has been active for years despite political opposition, now the movement is facing new threats, legal action repression from the police and state prosecutors who aimed to outlaw the movement advocacy for a free, peaceful and just palestine from the river to the sea. nonetheless, they failed to intimidate the activists. despite legal actions and charges, more protests are planned for the people and the resistance in gaza over the coming days and weeks. dita ranish, reporting for brest tv from cats: well, italy's judicial authorities are considering the extradition of a palestinin man who was arrested without charge over a month ago on request of israel. five weeks after his detention, the man is now being charged with alleged terrorist plans. israel's extradition request is now being examined by an italian court. max chively reports from rome. anan yaesh is a
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37-year-old palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the oc pied west bank and a former member the palestinian resistance movements. during the second palestinian intifada in 2006, annan, who was just teenager, served four year sentence in israeli jails as a political prisoner. anands a valid italian resident permit for special protection since 2017. ananyesh was arrested without charged by the italian police on january 29 on an extradition request by the israeli regime which italy just... ministry acquised straight away weeks following anan's arrest on march 11, he's now being charged with terrorism accused of being part of a terrorist cell that was allegedly planning attacks on israeli civilian and military targets. italian investigators have used elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan
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and two other palestinians of allegedly belonging to an operational military structure called the rapid response group. this results in our authorities absurdly arresting anan for being surviled to israel, favor done to a prepotent ally. you think the public will ever know about the details of annan's arrest? on tuesday, israel's extradition request for annan was being examined by a court in laquela in central italy where the man was. arrested in late january, the court is expected to rule on announced case soon. we have appealed to the court not to extradite anan mainly on two grounds: firstly, due to the systematic nature of torture, other ill treatment of palestinians convicted or a waiting trial in israeli prisons and would risk being tortured
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if extradited. secondly, while israeli citizens are subject. to israeli civil and criminal law, palestinians are subject to a military court system. lawyer flavio albertini also argued that the charges against this client and the other two palestinians were politically motivated, referencing italy's prime minister georgia meloni's stonge support of the israeli regime, and the uk's national health service has been a source of pride. from millions for more than 70 years, but the nhs is now facing serious challenges and a great deal of criticism, the british medical associations warned healthcare system is collapsing, has a report from london. britain treat their national health service, better known as the nhs with an almost religious reverence will
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grow up using the nhs from the cradle to the grave free at the point of use, and that has tremendous significance for our lives. but today, this eternal source of national pride is under increased scrutiny with new figures showing more than 120,00 people. last year in england alone from delays in lifesaving treatment. the nhs is a state-funded healthcare system founded in 1948. back then, it cost around $20 billion dollars in today's money to run. last year, the government spent more than 181 billion. despite that, more than 7 million people are now on the waiting list in england alone. that's nearly 12% of the population. having to wait at least 52 weeks for health consultation, our politicians aren't really serving the public interest, they are serving a neoliberal agenda which is to transfer the country's
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natural assets and wealth to overseas corporations like united health of america and other big multinationals. the government has promised to cut the long cues, but has made little progress. the situation is no better in the rest of the kingdom, in scotland and... in ireland one in 80 people and in wales one in 20 are having to wait more than year for treatment. there's also the energy costs and inflation that has reduced the value of the nhs budget, meaning it now has to do more with significantly less. add to the mix, a shortage of staff, which means more pressure on exhausted employees. we've had more than decade of defunding since the financial crash. this has led to a real terms wage cut for. staff, the whole population, the health needs have gone up, we have trouble keeping hold of staff, and we've also lost significant capacity with the nhs through privatization, so we don't
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have enough beds, we don't have enough staff, and the staff we do have are being treated appolingly, the health service is also coping with aging population, a large number of people now live with chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes, the covid-19 demic severely tested the nhs with its aftermath still posing serious challenges, health officials and experts warn for the uk's national health service to survive, the next government should declare it a national emergency. saip is at press, london. indian government has announced rules implement a 2019 controversial citizenship law. press tv's one hours on one has more details from new delhi. nda says it will enact the citizenship amendment act that provides fast track naturalization for multiple religious
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groups who fledd to india from afghanistan, bangladesh and pakistan before 2014. the law however excludes muslims from those countries. back in 2019, law's approval sparked deadly protests across the country and was halted since. the muslim minority in india. hears the government is using this law and other similar laws to wide and crackdown on them. india introduced this bill in 2016 with the aim of granting citizenship to what it calls a persecuted section of refugees. however, the bill has become one of the most controversial issue across the country since it excludes muslims from availing citizenship. critics accused the ruling bjp of targeting a particular community on the basis of faith which... it's call unconstitutional commentators also question the exclusion of persecuted religious minorities from other regions such as tibet, sri lanka and myanmar. india's interior
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ministry has said in a statement, those eligible can now apply online for indian citizenship. the issue has been one of the key pledges of indian prime minister since assuming office in 2014. the new legislation makes changes to more than six decades old. indian citizenship law, it's unfortunate for us that we are not part of this new law, despite the fact we have faced worse persecution any community has faced so far. we have still hope one day india will accept us on the ground of humanity. opposition political parties have accused the ruling party of influencing the elections, saying the mo is to polarize the voters considering its timing. more than 200 petitions challenging the law, are still pending before the court of law. we thank india, they provide a shelter. it's an act of kindness, but we urge this country not to abandon us.
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knowing the fact we have. seen deadly violence and persecution. india, home to roughly 200 million muslims, have recently seen targeted attacks and vicious hate campaigns. critics accused the ruling party of mixing religion with politics resonating with india's majority. munovar zaman, press tv, new delhi, india. and that's rap for now, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. i'll see you soon. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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تقو لي وفكوا عن غد الحيصار فكوا عن غسك الحيصار وفكوا عن بطل يهتم يا عالم بطلع شيء.
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this is for palestine, this is for the child that is searching, this is not just a war over the stolen land why. think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead, they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state, the terrorist that terrorize i'll testify my television televise, i'm telling lies, how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated, this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try, palestine will never diestan, hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine declassified. we're the only weekly tv show that's dedicated to investigating.