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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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the headlines ahead of onroa says more children have been killed during israel's genocide in gaza then in four years of conflict around the world. about 100 european academics condemn israel's genocide in gaza saying the regime is systematically erasing the territories education system and a group of human rights ngos are filing a lawsuit against denmark to force the country to end arms exports to israel amid the gaza genocide.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 11:30 am here in the iran in capital tehran, watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, the relentless israely air strikes continue to target palestinians fasting in the holy month of ramadan as hopes are fading for immediate ceasefire in the besieged gaza strip. the regime's latest terror strikes have claimed 11 palestinian lives in the central city of dar albala. local reports say the israel. shelling there continues uh up to this moment to the north, the jabalia refugee camp and its vicinity remains a key target, this as the gaza health ministry says aid reach the north is insufficient while widespread hunger prevails in the area moving to the south, the entire city of honest continues to witness daily shelling as israeli forces blow up residential areas there, according to the gaza media office, of over 400 palestinians have been killed while in line for life's. saving aid since late
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february, the palestinian death tools since october the 7th now stands at nearly 31,200, mostly women and children. the un says a number of palestinian children killed during the first four months of the israely anslot on gaza has stopped those killed in four years of conflicts across the globe. the head of the un agency for palestinian refugees onrowa made the remark. a post on his x account. philip lazarini said the un figures show that around 12,200 children have been killed in conflicts worldwide between 2019 and 2022. that's while, according to the gaza health ministry, more than 12,300 palestinian children have been slaughtered since early october. the honor chief has also said that what's going on in gaza is a war on children, their childhood and their future. new foreign
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policy chief joseph says uh israel is using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinians in gaza. he made the remark says he addressed the united nations security council members on tuesday. and when you look what's happening, you may doubt about it. i don't want to teach anyone of you about what is happening in gaza. 30,000 people that 1. 8 million displays, 500 thousand people on the bring of starvation, we are facing now a population fighting for their own survival, humanitarian assistance needs to get into the gaza and the european union is uh working as much as we can in order to make it possible, but this is humanitarian crisis which is not a natural disaster, it's not a flat, it's not a healthquake. is a man-made, and when we
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look for alternative ways of providing support by sea, by air, we have to remind that we have to do it, because the natural way of providing support through roads is being closed, artificially close, and estarvation is being used as a war arm. around 100 leading european academics have slammed what they call israel's systematic anniholation of the educational system in the gaza strip. the scholars have signed a protest petition formulated by euromet human rights monitor. according to official report 70% of the strips universities has been completely demolished. also, the palestinian ministry of education says around 4,300 students have been killed and thousands others injured during the ongoing air strikes. all this has been documented. in the
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petition, the written appeal stresses that such attacks on civilian objects constitute a grave breach of international law and fall under the definition of genocide. it also calls for a boycott of. the academic institution supporting the occupation of palestine, over 180 british academics have also recently signed separate petition denouncing the israeli onslot on gaza, especially targeting of academics and students and a group of the world's most prominent human rights groups plan to sue the danish government for its exporting of arms to israel and it the regime's ongoing onslot against palestinians and gaza, the group has cited concerns that the exported weapons are being used to commit serious crimes against palestinians in gaza. according to the statement, the case will be filed against denmark's ministry of foreign affairs and the national police, which are in charge of approving the country's sale of military equipment. meanwhile, the legal uh firm
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representing the ngo said it would bring the case to a copenhagen district court within the next three weeks, based on the un arms trade treaty, countries must ensure that exports of arms. military equipment or not in violation of international law. back in january, the international court of justice concluded that israel's actions in gaza could amount to genocide. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan, thousands of jordanians rallied in amon and across the country to protest against israel's genocidal war on gaza. today, on the first day of ramadan, we are standing before the genocide. enforced hunger and killing, the targeting of children, women and unarmed civilians and the demolition of houses over inhabitants. of course, our message is to create the humanitarian land corridor to northern gaza where the palestinian citizens suffer from hunger and dehydration inflicted by the
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zionist enemy that is leading this offensive war, this genocide and ethnic cleansing against the palestinian people. carrying palestinian flags and banners. protesters chanted pro-palestinian and anti-israel slogans. they also demanded unhindered delivery of aid to gaza as they gathered near the israeli embassy. jordan that is hosting 2.4 million palestinian refugees has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gaz and since israel launched its war on the besieg strips. similar rallies have taken place in other countries as well. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan. syrians and palestinians took to the streets in response to the call of palestinian resistance factions in jaramana camp in damascus. they condemned the us israeli genocidal war in gaza and demanded immediate cease fire and the release of palestinian prisoners. on the first day of ramadan we
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took a palestinian factions call to support gaza and the resistance and to stand against this violent zinus aggression that destroys buildings, trees and kills humans. we say to our people in palestine, be patient, victory is upon us. today is the first day of the blessed month of ramadan and it is day 157 for gaza without water or food. we appeal to all international human rights organizations and to all free people of the world to work for immediate ceasefire and to stop the genocidal war against the palestinian people. participants expressed their confidence in the resistance ability to achieve victory and restore the rights of the palestinian people. they emphasize that there is no room for compromise or retreat after the regime's onslot that resulted in more than 100 thousand civilian casualties so far, most of them women and children. we congratulate our people in gaza on the arrival of ramadan, and
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we expressed our confidence in all the battalions of the palestinian resistance.assam brigades, brigades, murder abu ali mustafa brigades and we demand the leadership of the palestinian factions, uphold the sacrifices of our palestinian people and preserve all their rights, including the return of refugees and the liberation of all palestinian prisoners. we are sure our people in gaza that we stand with them in the blessed month of ramadan, the month of allah and the quran, the month of victory and liberation, the resilience of gaza is a symbol of the dignity of the arab and islamic nations, the patience of its people, the victory of... allah is near. protesters expressed their anger at the stands of the international community which supports the israeli regime as well as the arab regimes that normalize relations with disionest entity. syrians stand alongside their palestinian's brother to prove that they are free peoples who cannot be threatened or humiliated. they affirm that
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operation al-aqsaflod will continue until the people of gaza defeat the israel regime. ibrahim wahdi press tv damascus. operation took israel off guard, playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack, but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped
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of life soon unpressed tv. welcome back to these four palestinians have lost their lives in the latest attacks by israely. forces across the occupied territories, in the latest incident israeli forces shot de a palestinian teenager over an alleged stabbing attack against soldiers in bethlehem, a palestinian youth in his 20's also succumbed to wounds, he sustained an israely gunfire during raid on the city of janin overnight, earlier on tuesday, two palestinians were also killed by regime forces a military checkpoint northwest of allots, israel carries out raids on the occupied west bank almost a daily basis since the... began its onswaut on the gaza strip on october the 7th, attacks by israel's forces
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and settlers have left more than 400 palestinians dead in the occupied territory since early october. we're once again joined by our correspondent mondy is joining us from ramal in the occupied west bank to bring us up to speed on the continuous israeli aggression against palestinian. in the occupied territories, mona? unfortunately, as you were saying, it seems that in less than 24 hours the israeli forces shot and killed six palestinians all over the occupied west bank. the latest palestinian is yet another palestinian minor. this time 14 year old muhammad from the village of alkhadr south bethlehem. the israeli military claimed that uh arrived a an electric bicycle at the
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tunnel's checkpoint at the entrance to alcoots and near bethlehem they claim that he had knife and that he succeeded to stab two israeli soldiers they were wounded and they are in light to moderate conditions the israeli forces there opened fire immediately at this 14 year old palestinian they shot him and killed him. and confiscated his body, earlier the israeli forces stormed jinene refugee camp and the city of ginin and exchange of fire have taken a place between the palestinian fighters and the israeli forces, two palestinians were shot and killed, at least one of them were shot and killed by the israeli forces while he was inside the complex of the genine government hospital where clashes have been taking place outside the hospital and the israeli forces uh open. fire at the people there at the conflicts of the hospital and one palestinian
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was killed there earlier two palestinians were shot and killed at the village of ajib northwest alkuts the israel claimed that day earlier palestinians through explosive devices or cocktail or motot of cocktails at the israeli military checkpoint there the next day the israel so a group of palestinians there and they immediately opened fire at them, it's not clear if they were the same people who uh were in the area the day earlier, but you are speaking about two palestinians were killed, the three others had been wounded and are also in serious condition, earlier there's another palestinian this time in shafu refugee camped in al-quds after the let's say the the uh al maghrib and iftar of the first day, the second day of ramadan, he was at the outside
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his home, playing with number of his relatives, the israeli forces opened a fire and shot him in the chest, then they claim that he was playing with fireworks with the with the other children, and that's why the israeli forces opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, and we are speaking about 13. year old palestinian rami hamdan, so in ramadan alone, the three days of the holy month of ramadan, the israelies have shot and killed eight palestinians. "and this means that the number of the palestinians who was shot and killed by the israeli soldiers since the 7th of october is today over 430 palestinians in addition to a thousands others had been wounded. also we are speaking about over 7,700, 7,700 palestinians had been arrested by the israeli forces all across the
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occupied west bank. thanks lot mona press tv's mona candel joining us from..." ramadan, the occupied west bank. moving a senior israely official on the condition of anonymity has revealed that the united states is seeking to housed israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu in a statement issued to the media. the official pointed to new us intelligence report showing growing public distrust in netanyahu, he interpreted the wardings in the report as an effort to unseat netanyahu. the intelligence report for 2024 published on monday warned the viability of the netanyahu cabinet saying that it made. mid criticism over its handling of the gaza war. us intelligence agencies in the report also speculated more rallies demanding netanyahu's resignation and snap elections. the intelligence report and reactions show growing rift between israel and the us despite washington's all out support for the regime's genocidal war on the gauza strip.
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san francisco-based political commentator scott bennet says the world is rising up against israel. and the netanyaho is being denounced at home and abroad, they just scraped the surface in this report, but essentially they're saying uh the the world is rising up against israel, the world is and the israelis are rising up against netanyahu, they they see him as uh responsible for lot the antagonism, lot of the instability that is uh occurring, and more importantly... this threat assessment is is recognizing that uh netanyahu most likely is going to have very difficult time maintaining his political viability uh as the as this conflict continues because hamas is not going to surrender uh they also recognize that iran had nothing to do with and had no pre-knowledge of the uh october uh 7th
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attacks which israel uses to justify this genocide. um, but they're also a little bit untruthful because they're trying to establish that all of the people in the region see the united states as the best power broker for some sort of a peace deal. i think the majority of the populations of the countries in the region from turkey to jordan uh to to uh egypt uh to to uh iraq uh countries that are favorable to the united states. i think they're increasingly viewing the united states as not a candidate. uh to to exercise any sort of uh peace deal brokering because the united states is backing israel and providing the weapons and the military coordination and the funds for israel's genocide. italy's judicial authorities are considering the extradition of a palestinin man who was arrested without charges over a month ago on request of
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israel. five weeks after his detention, the man is now being charged with alleged terrorist plans. israel's extra. request is now being examined by an italian court. reports from rome. ananyaesh is a 37-year-old palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the occupied west bank and a former member of the palestinian resistance movements. during the second palestinian intifada in 2006, anan who was just teenager, served four year sentence in israeli jails as a political prisoner. annan holds a valid italian. president permit for special protection since 2017. ananyesh was arrested without charged by the italian police on january 29 on an extradition request by the israeli regime which italy's justice ministry acquised stride away. weeks following anan's arrest on march 11, he's now being charged with terrorism accused of being
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part of a terrorist cell that was allegedly planning attacks on israeli civilian and military. gets italian investigators have used elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan and two other palestinians of allegedly belonging to an operational military structure called the rapid response group, which they claim to be linked to the alaksa brigade. there are countries like italy that are totally subservient to the us and its allies. this results in our authorities absurdly arresting anan for being survil to israel, favor done to a... where the man was arrested in late january, the court is expected to rule on announced case soon. we have appealed to the court not to
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extradite anan mainly on two grounds: firstly due to the systematic nature of torture other ill treatment of palestinians condicted or a waiting trial in israeli prisons and and yes would risk being tortured if extradited. secondly, while israel "the uk's national health service has been a source of pride for millions for more than 70 years, but the nhs is now facing serious challenges and a great deal of criticism, the
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british medical association is war the healthcare system is collapsing, this report from london. britains treat their national health service, better known as the nhs with an almost religious reverence will grow up using the nhs from the..." to the grave for the point of use, and that has tremendous significance for our lives, but today, this eternal source of national pride is under increased scrutiny with new figures showing more than 120,000 people died last year in england alone from delays in lifesaving treatment. the nhs is a state-funded healthcare system founded in 1948, back then it cost around $20 billion in today's money to run. last year the government spent more than $181 billion. despite that, more than 7
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million people are now on the waiting list in england alone. that's nearly 12% of the population having to wait at least 52 weeks for health consultation. our politicians aren't really serving the public interest, they are serving a neoliberal agenda which is to transfer the country's natural assets and wealth. to overseas corporations like united health of america and other big multinationals. the government has promised to cut the long cues, but has made little progress. the situation is no better in the rest of the kingdom. in scotland and northern ireland, one in 80 people, and in wales, one in 20 are having to wait more than year for treatment. there's also the energy costs and inflation that has reduced the value of the nhs budget. meaning it now has to do more with significantly less, add to the mix, a shortage of staff, which means more pressure on exhausted employees. we've had more than
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decade of defunding since the financial crash, this has led to a real terms wage cut for staff, um, the whole population, the health needs have gone up, we have trouble keeping hold of staff, and we've also lost significant capacity with the nhs through privatization, so we don't have enough fed. "we don't have enough staff and the staff we do have are being treated appallingly. the health service is also coping with aging population. a large number of people now live with chronic conditions like heart disease and diabetes. the covid-19 pandemic severely tested the nhs with its aftermath still posing serious challenges. health officials and experts warn for the uk's national health service to survive, the next government should" their a national emergency. saipur is at press tv, london. well, that's a wrap for now, but stick around this playing war to come here on press tv. see you in a bit.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology, and a myriad. other fields, yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to
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pave the path for greater sinner. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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the chief of staff of the idf uh halevi, he spoke to his troops, he spoke to officers on the northern border um the other day and he said that um that he he was giving them encouragement saying another hamaspitalion need to dismantle, he's talking about the achievements, he listed them, another hamas. you dismantle, another underground infrastructure, and get this, another, another neighborhood where the population evacuates safe areas, all of these push for the release of our hostages, so he's including the...