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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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of first of the headlines this hour as the us is really genocide in gaza enters its 159th day, underwa says the onslot has claimed more lives of children than in four years of conflict around the world. the situation of the occupied west bank and alts is getting tense as israely forces escalate their deadly crackdown on palestinians during the month of ramadon and the israely military conducts a drone attack a car in southern lebanon killing at least two civilians there.
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3:30 pm capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. the american israeli genocidal war against palestinians in gaza is now in his 159th day with the regime keeping or keeps spounding areas with war planes and artillery across the... each territory. the latest israel air strikes hit residential areas in rufa, the southern city, where nearly one and a half million displaced people are enduring extremely dire conditions. additionally, the regime's air strikes targeted areas in the central city of derobala, the jabalia refugee camp and the southern city of hanjunis were struck as well. the health ministry in gaza says nearly 31,300 palestinians have been killed, since the war began early october. most of those skilled are women and children. the one says the number of palestinian. children killed
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during the first four months of the war on gaza has stopped those killed in four years of conflicts across the globe. the foreign policy chief joseph bararal says that israel is using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinians in gaza. he made the remarks as he addressed the un security council members on tuesday. when you look what's happening, you may doubt about it. i don't want to teach. anyone of you about what is happening in gaza, 30,00 people that, 1.8 million displays, 500,000 people on the bring of starvation, we are facing now a population fighting for their own survival, humanitarian assistance needs to get into the gaza and the european union is uh working as much as we can in order to make it possible, but this is humanitarian... crisis which is not a natural
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disaster, it's not a flat, it's not a earthquake, it's a man-made, and when we look for alternative ways of providing support by sea or by air, we have to remind that we have to do it, because the natural way of providing support through route is being closed, artificially closed and... is being used as a war arm, several more palestinians have lost their lives in the latest rates, the israely forces launched on tuesday evening on several parts of the occupied west bank. mondel a correspondent of ramala joined us earlier with the details. let's take a listen. unfortunately, as you were saying, it seems that in less than 24 hours the israeli forces shot and killed. six palestinians all
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over the occupied uh west bank, the latest palestinian is yet another palestinian minor, this time 14 year old muhammad abu hammed. from the village of alkhadr south bethlehem, the israeli military claimed that muhammad abu hamed arrived a an electric bicycle at the tunnels checkpoint at the entrance to al-quds and near betlahem they claim that he had knife and that he succeeded to stab two israeli soldiers, they were wounded and they are in light to moderate conditions, the israeli forces there opened fire and immediately at this 14 year old palestinian, they shot him and killed him and confiscated his body, earlier the israeli forces stormed genine refugee camp and the city of genine and the exchange of fire have taken a place between the palestinian fighters and the
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israeli forces, two palestinians were shot and killed, at least one of them were shot and killed by the israeli forces while he was inside the complex of the genene government hospital where clashes have been taking place outside the hospital and the israeli forces opened fire at the people there at the conflicts of the hospital and one palestinian was killed there earlier two palestinians were shot and killed at the village of ajib northwest al-quds the israel has claimed that day earlier palestinians through explosive devices or cocktail or mullet of cocktails at the israeli military uh checkpoint there earlier there's another palestinian this time in shaf refugee camped in alquds after the uh let's say the the al-magharib and iftar of of
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the first day the second day of ramadan he was at the outside his home playing with number of his relatives the israeli forces opened a fire and shot him in the chest. then they claim that he was playing with fireworks with the with the other children and that's why the israeli forces opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, the number of the palestinians who was shot and killed by the israeli soldiers, since the 7th of october is today over 430 palestinians, an israelly drone strike a car near the southern lebanese city of tyre has killed a member of the palestini resistance movement ham. the drone hit the vehicle near the palestinian refugee camp of rashidia. the slain hamas member has been identified as hadi mustafa according to security sources. a civilian who was passing by on his motorcycle was also killed in the strike. reports say the israely drone was hovered above the side for several minutes before targeting the car. soon after the
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strike, sirens were also heard in the occupied territories, indicating possible retaliatory attacks by lebanon's hisbollah movements on israeli targets. tensions remain high between hisbollah. israel since the regime launched its genocidal war in gaza early october. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified attacks on civilians in lebanon in recent weeks. earlier, we spoke to our correspondent in beirout mariam salah to get more on the latest tensions between israel and lebanon. this is what she said. uh, we do not have confirmation or the names of those who were killed in that vehicle, but it is pretty close. to one of the palestinian refugee camps in south lebanon, it is possible that there is a palestinian figure that was in the vehicle, it could also be member of the resistance. we know now that after the uh the strike against this car, simons were sounding
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in several areas in the western gilluly parts and so that is probably we have those sirings because hezballah seems to have launched several rockets, we also know that... rockets were fired told the gollan heights, that is something that hisbullah has also maintained, is part of its scope of operations as well, um, we also know that there's a lot of threats from the israelis, lot of talk that they want to go on with a blow against lebanon, a full-scale war, you have elites within the israeli regime, it's not the time now for any sort of war against uh hazbullah, against lebanon, while... the war in gaza remains and he said very clearly this uh these elite figures and other political figures also in the israeli regime are stressing that we all know that hazballah is not going to stop until the war on gaza stops.
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operation israel off guard, playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped of life soon unpressed tv. welcome back to
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the news here on press tv. a senior israely official has accused the us of seeking to ask prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that came after new us intelligence report said that the viability of the netanyahu cabinet may be in jeeparty and at public discontent. we discussed that earlier in our news review program. let's listen to what a guest had to say. we're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day on the segment of the program, his uh senior israely official on the condition of ananimity has revealed that the united states seeking to aust israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu. in a statement issued to the media, the official pointed to new us intelligence report showing growing public distrust in netanyahu, uh, he interpreted. wardings in the report as an effort to unseat netanyao. the intelligence report for 2024 published on monday warned
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the viability of the netanyahu cabinet saying that it may be in jeopard criticisms over its handling of the gaza war. us intelligence agencies in the report also speculated more rallies demanding netanyahu's resignation and snap elections. the intelligence report and reactions show growing riff between israel and the u.s. despite washington's all-out support for the regime's genocidal war on the gaza strip. joining us on this edition of the news review we have academic broadcaster and investigative researcher david miller who's joining us from bristol. also we have co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign. mr. mcnape here joining us from edinburgh. let's start off with mr. miller uh in bristol. uh, sir, i want to get your perspective on this recent intelligence report. uh, it seems that uh uh on uh from the the side of the united states benyamen
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netanyahu is turning out to to be the skapegoat in this war. well, this is not a new position by the us and intelligence committee. uh, it it looks like they are getting fed up with netanyahu, but they have been opposed to his uh government for some time, uh, indeed have been themselves directly funding. some of the protesters prior to alex a flug being launched, so it's not new, but it it does indicate that there is section of the us ruling elite which wants netanyahu gone, which wants a more moderate government as they would see it, of course that's not uh necessarily the likely outcome if netanyahu goes, it may well be even more radical government that comes into power, and you've got to think about the way in which the the intelligence services in the u.s. relates to... the presidency and they are not necessarily in the same view. right, and uh,
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mr. napur, uh, let's uh, let's talk about uh, the uh, this report uh, and also how it's going to play into the uh, the divisions that we're seeing uh in the politics of the israeli regime, and uh, how untrusted and unpopular uh, the israeli prime minister benyamin netanyahu has turned out to be following this genocide. popular, but the big question is why is he unpopular? mean, in a previous election several years ago, the the american jewish newspaper forward said that the election between benny gants, the moderate opponent, the moderate opposition and netanyahu was really a competition to see who could have who could kill the most palestinians and that was the the core of their competition, so yeah, i mean netanyahu's only crime and... the eyes of washington is failure. i mean, if he could have crushed uh the palestinian resistance,
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as he wanted to do in a very short period of time, then i think he would be riding quite high in the poles, but that failure is is quite stark. so it's opening up uh, fishers inside israeli society, but also inside washington as well, the crime being failure. now, if netanyahu falls and almost everyone thinks that he will fall. i was speaking to in israeli yesterday um in in scotland and he's was very antisignus, he was saying yes netanyahu is bound to fall at some stage quite soon, but who will the winner be? as as as david points out, it could be somebody who's even better at killing palestinians, so yes, it's very likely netanyahu will be outsted in the near to to to to middle future, but what will replace him? look, the problem is not the political, the divisions inside the israeli political elite, it's this that you got 7 million or probably six million zianist jews in israel, and virtually all of them well understand that their living standard in the middle east relies on the
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link to to the usa, relies aid, relies on on on protection from them, so everybody... understands that if america wanted to stop the genocide, if they really wanted to get rid of netanyahu, they would simply stop the guns and stop the bombs and stop the money for for a short period of time, netanyahu would be gone, but they dare not do that, because they have to keep up the the the the israeli elite as a whole, and the and if you've got an attack dog in the middle east who can be relied upon if necessary to attack iran or to attack jordan or or lebanon or whatever, you have to keep that attack dog salibating, you have to maintain its own particular um morale, so america is reluctant to take on the whole elite in israel, but they they it's not so easy to maneuver netanyahu out. thanks lot, gentlemen, that's all the time we have for this segment of the program, academic broadcaster and investigative researcher david miller joining us from bristol and also thanks to co-founder the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. mc nape, you're joining us from edinbrow.
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and that's wrap for this edition of the news review, but stick around there's plenty more to come here on press tv. on the first day of the holy month of ramadan, thousands of jordanians rallied in aman and across the country to protest against israel's genocidal war on gaza. today on the first day of ramadan, we are standing before the genocide, the enforced hunger and killing, the targeting of children, women and unarmed civilians and the... molition of houses over inhabitants. of course, our message is to create the humanitarian land corridor to northern gaza, where the palestinian citizens suffer from hunger and dehydration inflicted by the zionist enemy that is leading this offensive war. this genocide and ethnic cleansing against the palestinian people. carrying palestinian flags and banners, the
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protesters chanted pro-palestinian and anti-israel slogans. they also demanded unhindered delivery of aid to gaza. as they gathered near the israely embassy. jordan is hosting 2.4 million palestinian refugees and has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gazan since israel launched this war on the beseest trip. similar rallies have taken place in other countries as well. thousands of iranian legal experts and attorneys have joined the global movements of lawyers who have volunteered to file a genocide complaint against israel at the international criminal court. refer to as the army of lawyers for palestine, the initiative has so far mobilized more than 200,000 lawyers worldwide. gisumi shahmi has the details. an unprecedented global movement gaining momentum. initiated by veteran french lawyer and academic gil dever, the army of lawyers for palestine now has over 200 thousand
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lawyers of different nationalities on board and still counting. as he travels from country to country to promote his grassroots campaign. we are witnessing new movement in the world. the atrocities committed in gaza are no longer only matter that concerns muslim countries, far from it. here we have a french lawyer that has started an initiative that brought together 300 lawyers from across the world in less than 10 days and that number grew rapidly to 100,000 and now with the m. you that we have signed at the iran judiciary bar, that number will be rising to 50,000 lawyers. with iran on board, you can also expect lawyers from iraq, syria and lebanon to join in as well, and an optimistic shiel dev, who has already filed a complaint of genocide against israel with the international criminal court, demanding an
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arrest warrant for top israeli politicians, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is going to be tough battle without a doubt, but in just few months, all these lawyers have joined us. this kind of solidarity is unprecedented. we have never seen so many lawyers join hands for one purpose in history, so this is a great sign, because it won't be enough to tell a judge, look, there's no many of us, instead we have to be able to defend palestine with strong legal arguments and by the looks of things. we have solid base for that. his south african fellow companion, shedding light on the legal aspects of the matter, while explaining how the case brought to the international court of justice by south africa. is also paving the way, the icj order specifically spoke about creating a humanitarian corridor and humanitarian assistance to the people of gaza. the united
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states and israel were saying that the word cease fire did not exist in the icj order, but this is not true because the humanitarian aid on the ground at scale cannot be delivered without any effective and immediate cease fire. it is very clear. that we are witnessing a birth of new age, new movement of justice siking people from all over the world is emerging and that is why while the south african government fires a complaint, we see a grassroot movement also taking shape, very unique one that has brought together lawyers who are seeking justice in the battle between good and evil, and in the words of these legal experts, this goal is not far from reach, these lawyers believe that we live in a new era in which this new global initiative will eventually lead to justice for palestinians. gisum shahmi press tv, tehran. italy's judicial authorities are
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considering the extradition of a palestinin man who was arrested without charge over a month ago on the request of israel. five weeks after his detention, the man is not being charged with alleged terrorist plans. israel's expedition request is now being examined by an italian. court, mexivaly has more from rome. anan yaesh is a 37-year-old palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the occupied west bank and a former member of the palestinian resistance movements. during the second palestinian intifada in 2006, anan who was just teenager, served four-year sentence in israeli jails as a political prisoner. annan holds a valid italian resident permit for special. protection since 2017. ananyesh was arrested without charge by the italian police on january 29 on an extradition request by the israeli regime which italy's
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justice ministry acquised stride away. weeks following, anan's arrest on march 11, he's now being charged with terrorism accused of being part of a terrorist cell that was allegedly planning attacks on israeli civilian and military targets. italian invest. gators have used elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan and two other palestinians of allegedly belonging to an operational military structure called the rapid response group, which they claim to be linked to the alaxa brigade. there are countries like italy that are totally subservient to the us and its allies. this results in our authorities absurdly arresting annan for being survil to israel, favor done to a prepotent alie. the public will never know about the details of annan's arrest. on tuesday, israel's extradition request for anan was being examined by a court in laquiila in central italy where the man was
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arrested in late january. the court is expected to rule on annan's case soon. we have appealed to the court not to extradite annan mainly on two grounds. firstly due to the systematic nature of torture other ill treatment of palestinians. secondly, while israeli citizens are subject to israeli civil and criminal law, palestinians are subject to a military court system. lawyer, flavio albertini also argued that the charges against this client and the other two palestinians were politically motivated, referencing italy's prime minister georgia.
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and that does with this editional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now,
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the united states, the great imperialist power of the north, presents itself as the country of opportunities, of democracy. the place where they have even built a monument.