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tv   Documentary Seeds of Doubts 1  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 8:02pm-8:31pm IRST

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on june 18th, 1994, when francisco oscar lamalina, the referee of the opening game of the world cup, blew into the whistle, over 77,000 spectators were shouting in jeers at pineak silver dome stadium in detroit. it was the first time that the world cup was being held in the us. for a month, all eyes all over the world were fixated at the event, the shining stars of the world of football like romario, roberto bagio, kristochkov and george hagi filled the stadiums to the brim, with every goal, yellow or red cards, the stadiums were in uprore, like the day when nigeria thrashed bulgaria with three gold.
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and the fans of the team were madly shouting out of joy, people who had traveled thousands of miles from africa so they could watch the games up close. those days were good days for the people in africa, but not for all the residents of the continent. right at the time when people across the world were glued to their television sets to watch nigeria's exhilerating display of skills. in a part of africa, one of the most brutal genocide in the history of mankind was underway. the tutsi and huto tribes in rwanda were up in arms against each other. in 100 days, 1 million people, nearly 20% of the population of the country were killed. "the hootos that
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had control over the government killed so many people from ethnic tutsies that the tribe last 75% of its population. the genocide eventually stopped after the un intervention, but it proved that death in africa is an ordinary thing that can take place. however, the genocide in ruanda wasn't the largest massacre africa was witnessing. in the 60s, amit the french occupation of algeria, over 1.5 million people died in the country within a span of two years only for asking for independence. if you think it was the bloddiest incident in africa, you'd better go through the history of belgium, a small country that perks in western europe and is shown in a light of democracy and freedom these days. but in the not too
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distance past, it experienced one of the most horrifying governments in history. leopold ii, the former belgian king, ruled over the country from 1865 to 1909 occupied the congo in africa. during the 44 years of occupation, he slaughtered over 10 million people in the central african country, yet despite the high number of killing, leopold ii is not top of the list of the biggest murderers in history, as it was announced in the 60s and 70s, biggest and scariest murder in africa, unlike what the majority of the people in the world imagine, was woman? the number of the people this woman put to death is higher than the number of the people killed by hitler, stalin, paulpot and even gengiskon put
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together, even higher than the number of the people who were killed during the bombing of dresen in germany and the victim. the hiroshima and nagazaki nuclear bumming. apparently rachel carson is the biggest murderer in history and yet nobody was aware for a long time. everyone admired carson for being a nice human being and a great author and also for her role as an environmental activist. she has been praised in numerous book. articles and reports, but in the end the mask was removed from her face. they said that the woman who had a charming smile on her face in all of the pictures and the only thing she cared about was nature, was behind the death of millions of people in africa.
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the deaths happened after she genetically modified mosquitos. if we take a look at history, we'll find out that rachel carson's life in many ways had striking similarity with major criminals throughout history, like hitler who used to paint pictures when he was young man, or stalin who was a choire singer. carson was into art, literature and poetry. she was born in pennsylvania and graduated from johns hopkins university in 1932 after getting a degree in zoology, she started her career as a journalist. 15 years later, she displayed so much talent and skills in the field of aquatic creatures that she supervised all publications in this field.
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during those years she'd write books besides working as a journalist. her books are an environment and the seas which gained cars and fame. she resigned from all of her posts in 1952 so she could concentrate mainly on writing books. the most important book she wrote in that period was her autobiography. the us media as well as many chemists and physicians say the book changed the fate of millions of people in african and many other parts of the world. carson's name turned into the nightmare of people who were grappling with malaria. in africa and asia, the mosquito is a mask. more than two million people die every year from malaria which mosquitoes transmit. in 1962, carson's silent spring was published. in her book, she has
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talked about the detrimental health hazards on pesticides and food and agricultural products and that the widespread use of ddt helps the poisonous substance. permeate into plants and remain in their texture for a long time and cause disease. they say the publication of the book and raising such issues banned the use of ddt across the world, including in africa, but the ban in africa led to the emergence of an old disease across the continent. back then man, many chemists criticized carson for... theory and claimed it was basically unfounded in miss rachel carson's book, silence spring, our gross distortions of the actual facts, completely unsupported by scientific experimental evidence and general practical experience in the field, her suggestion that
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pesticides are in fact biocides destroying all life is obviously absurd in the light of the fact that without selective biological activity, compounds would be completely useless, based on figures and documents proposed by dr. gordon edwards and entemologist at the university of san jose in california, stated in his paper that the elimination of ddt helped the mosquitoes that transit malaria to reproduce without any barriers. in few years, the population of the mosquitoes grew so large that millions of africans fell victim to the disease and lost their lives. according to edwards in an article titled bias, misinformation. half truth published in 1992 in the science and technology magazine, the silent spring has
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been one of the deadliest books in history as it sent millions of people in africa to their death. some people put the number of fatalities at about 50 million people, larger than the number of the casualties in the second world war. ddt was first synthesized in 1874 by othmar zeitler, but insecticidal properties were not identified until world war ii, but from 1939, it was widely used by soldiers on farms to fight of lice and tyfus. major chemical companies produced millions of tons of ddt every year and earned what... amounts of profits, so it was only natural that the companies were outraged over the ban
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imposed on production and sales of ddt, therefore, when rachel carson published her book, they spent about $250,00 to debank her claims, measures which research laboriously has developed in the media, they called her radical hysterical spinster who only keeps cats and... hates genetics. it was at that time when carson was introduced as the biggest criminal in history who caused the deaths of millions of people. even today, the claim continues to be circulated by some people, but the reality is, rachel carson was never a criminal or murderer. in fact, the ban on consumption of ddt has nothing to do with her. in fact, five years before carson's... silence spring was published, the united states environmental protection agency
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reached the conclusion that using ddt has detrimental effects on humans health. a government back scientific panel today reported that pesticides may indeed represent a grave threat to mankind. the average american already has more ddt in his body than is permitted in the meat and fish that we eat. it does not go away, it accumulates and it passes to babies through their mother's milk. so the consumption of chemical substance sharply declined from 1957 to 1967 and in 1979 it was completely banned. at that time it was revealed that ddt is not effective in killing malaria because they quickly adapt themselves to the insecticides. in fact, now everyone knows that... arsen and malaria are irrelevant, but powerful businesses and political lobbies in the 60s
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and 70s, grilled the scientists for her studies and many people detested her. it has happened many times through history. rachel carson is only one example of politicizing science. we have heard um a great deal about their... safety, but very little about the hazards, very little about the failures, the inefficiencies and yet the public was being asked to accept these chemicals, was being asked to acquiess in their use and did not have the whole picture, so i said about to remedy the the balance there. in 18. in 98, german medical student herman rotmann announced that tobacco causes infection and
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tumor in the lungs. laborers at tobacco fields were exposed to the highest risk. he continued to hold to the wrong belief until 1912 when some doctors tited long diseases to smoking cigarettes. in the 1920s, when long cancer was being identical. it was attributed to various agents like asphalt and the effects of poisonous gases in world war 1. smoking cigarettes did not have an outstand standing place on the list, but in 1939, herman muller in the cologne university in germany studied 86 patients with long cancer and publicly announced the relationship between smoking and the disease. the idea was soon approved by the scientists in the us and britain as well as the american cancer
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society. the news was a massive shock to the tobacco industry. all over the world and their shares at the stock markets plonged. six major cigarette producing companies decided to find a way out of the crisis. on december 14th, 1953, the directors of the companies gathered in the hotel plaza in manhattan and told the reporters that the alleged link between smoking and long cancer. needs further scientific research, they announced that the claim that cigarette is a carcinogen is unfounded and there are no scientific proof to back the claim. those who stood up against tobacco companies would face harsh reactions from the companies and the scientists affiliated with the companies. four packs of cigarettes a day. i am 55.
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wait, tell me if i don't look 20 years. these people were on many radio and television shows. their message to the audience was, "we are not sure if smoking cigarettes can cause cancer." in fact, the doubt ruled the minds the people. this is known as the... of doubt
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this is america today, the pace fast, the competition great, with more tension, more emotion, more concern about our health, more everything than ever before. in 1979, a promotional video footage named smoking and health, the need to know was made and broadcast by tobacco companies. the video was played for: hundreds of thousands of americans. during the screening time and after that, the audience was posed with some questions. they were asked, is it likely that the concerns raised over smoking and the health hazards are wrong? a year after the survey, they achieved unbelievable results.
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there was a 17% decline in the number of those who already believed that smoking can cause cancer. it nose div to 59% from 76%. the survey was conducted in other countries like britain and the netherlands. in the 1980s, philip moris spent millions of dollars to persuade the people in the uk that they should not worry about secondh smoking. meanwhile, a study conducted in the netherlands in 2011. event showed that 61% of the people in the country believe that smoking poses no threats to non-smokers, while throughout these years, many doctors and scientists have tried to prove to the people that smoking, cigarettes and nicotine can be very hazardous and can lead to many
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diseases like long cancer. they publish different kinds of figures to push back those who capitalize on that. out, but those who were on the other side of the story, namely tobacco factories and their affiliated scientists, wielded huge power. now it has come to light that the scientists knew for decades that cigarettes and its compounds are very hazardous for human body. the documents leaked in the 1980s and 1990s by some tobacco company staff revealed. that the owners of the companies had known as an established fact from the 1950s that smoking can cause cancer, in one of these documents dated 195 three, cloud tico, one of the scientific advisors of camel tobacco company, wrote to his director that the tobacco in cigarettes is one of the main factors behind lung
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cancer, and added that there is a direct correlation between smoking and long cancer. a decade before that, emma harris palmer, the head of the research center of lord yard, acknowledged that there is ample evidence to... prove the link between smoking and long cancer, yes. took israel off guard. playing the
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victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack. but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped of life soon unpress tv.
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the israeli occupation demonstrates its hatred on houses of the lord. this mask was reduced to rubble by f16 warjet. their way led to the destruction of the houses around the most. causing the fall of marchers and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the palestinians did not stand on the romans of the masks id, but they created temporary mosks that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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جنبه های گوناگون انسانی در شعر توجه کردند. زبان مردم خودش هست. رنج های جامعه خودش رو می بینه. همین رنج ها هم بعدها برای او تنگناها و محدودیت و دشواری هایی رو فراهم می آورد. what is most important is the depth of paris's belief and her vision for the empowerment of
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women. bismillah.
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first tv headlines this hour, the un refugee agency says the on slot in gaza has killed. more children than four years of wars around the world. president putin says ukraine's recent military operations intend to metal on russia's upcoming presidential vote. and you want china and russia carry on with their joint naval trails in the indian ocean.