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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 13, 2024 9:30pm-10:02pm IRST

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press tv headlines this hour, the un refugee agency says the onslot in gaza has killed more children than four years of wars around the world. president says ukraine's recent military operations intent to... in russia's upcoming presidential vote. also, the headlines iran, china and russia carry on with their joint naval drills in the indian ocean.
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9:30 p.m. in iran's capital tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. israel presses ahead with indiscriminate targeting of palestinians who are fasting in the holy month of ramadan as the last hopes for immediate ceasefire vanish into thin air. anwas says israely warplanes have hit one of its eight warehouses in raffa. several people were killed and scores more wounded as palestinians were waiting for humanitarian aid. according to the gaza health ministry, israely air strike. have claimed 88 palestinian lives over the past day. the un says the number of children killed during the first four months of the war in gaza has stopped all those killed in four years of wars across the globe. in northern gaza alone 27 children have starved to death. the health ministry has called on the un on other child protection agencies for the provision of milk for the infants. the palestinian death tholl now stands at around 31,300, most of them women and children. a correspondents muti abu
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musa joined us earlier from gaza's central city of derobala for the latest updates on the israeli atrocities. the israeli wars attacked a group of the palestinian civilians waiting for the humanitarian aid uh before the gate of a distribution center belongs to the onrua and rafa city, at least six palestinan civilians were revertedly killed over that attack while douzens were injured uh previously uh "at least two civilian cars were destroyed and attacked by the israeli war planes in rafa city, three palestinian civilians were killed as a result of those attacks. in the meantime, when it comes to khanuni city, at least 17 dead bodies of the palestinian civilians actually were extracted from the rubble of those destroyed houses, particularly in neighborhood hammed neighborhood located in the western part of khanuni city, it's worth mentioning that hammed neighborhood has been under" heavy
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bombardments and attacks for roughly uh three consecutive weeks and this these attacks are still underway till this moment uh more destruction unfolded after the israeli ocubation forces withdrew from several parts of the surrounding area of the neighborhood the vast majority of the buildings and the palestinan houses were partially or totally of destroyed and devastated by the chronic israelir strikes and attacks that reach everything in that area. the guzland government says sending aid ship from cyprus to the besseach territory is not sufficient for millions of starving people. the spokesman for the government's press office says the ship's cargo does not exceed that of one or two trucks and it will take days to of arrive. he also stressed that there are some logistical uncertainties about the operation, raising concerns regarding israeli inspections. salama marof noted that a maritime aid corridor is far less efficient than overland routes. he call for internet.
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pressure on israel to lead eight trucks through its border crossings. the ship carrying 200 tons of aid left cyprus on tuesday as part of pilot project to deliver supplies to a population that is on the verge of famon. several more palestinians have lost their lives in the latest raise that the israeli forces launched on tuesday evening on several parts of the occupied west bank. mon correspondent to ramala joined us earlier with details. let's take a listen. unfortunately, as you were saying, it seems that in less than 24 hours, the israeli forces shot and killed six palestinians all over the occupied west bank. the latest palestinian is yet another palestinian miner, this time 14 year old muhammad abu hamed from the village of alkhadr south bethlehem, the israeli military claimed that muhammad abu hamed arrived a an elector. bicycle at the
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tunnels checkpoint at the entrance to alkuts and near betlahem, they claim that he had knife and that he succeeded to stab to israeli. soldiers, they were wounded and they are in light to moderate conditions, the israeli forces there opened fire immediately at this 14 year old palestinian, they shot him and killed him and confiscated his body, earlier the israeli forces stormed genine refugee camp and the city of genine and the exchange of fire have taken a place between the palestinian fighters and the israeli forces, two palestinians were shut and killed at least one of... them were shot and killed by the israeli forces while he was inside the complex of the genene government hospital where clashes have been taking place outside the hospital and the israeli forces uh opened fire at the people there at the conflicts of
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the hospital and one palestinian was killed there earlier two palestinians were shot and killed at the village of ajif northwest. could the israel claimed that day earlier palestinians through explosive devices or cocktail or molet of cocktails at the israeli military checkpoint there earlier there's another palestinian this time in shafat refugee camp in al-quds after the uh let's say the the almagharib and iftar of of the first day the second day of ramadan he was at the uh outside his home, playing with number of his relatives, the israeli forces opened a fire and shot him in the chest, then they claim that he was playing with fireworks with the with the other children, and that's why the israeli forces opened fire at him, shot
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him and killed him, the number of the palestinians who was shot and killed by the israeli soldiers since the 7th of october is today over 430 palestinians. the russian president vladimir putin says the main objective of ukraine's recent attacks on his country is to interfear with upcoming presidential election in russia. i have no doubts about it. the main goal is to, if not disrupt the presidential election in russia, then at least somehow interfere with the normal process of expressing the will of citizens. secondly, as i've already said, it's about informational components. and thirdly, if they have some success to get some kind of chance, some kind of argument, some kind of trump card in a possible future negotiation process. in interview, putin said the attacks by ukrainian forces are aimed at diverting attention from their failures on
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the frontline. he added that russian forces have completely taken over the initiative in the war. the russian foreign ministry spokes person also said the us seeks to discourage russian citizens from taking part in the election. which is due to be held between march 15 and 17. maria zakarova says the us also plans to carry out cyber attacks on russia's remote electronic voting system. tensions between russia and the u.s. escalated to unprecedented levels following the war in ukraine. putin has once again warned that he is ready to deploy nuclear weapons if his country's sovereignty is threatened. iran, russia and china are continuing their joint naval drills. the northern indian ocean. the spokesman for the drills says vessels from the three countries carried out shooting practice naval targets. we are admiral mustafa tajadini said the exercise dubbed marine security belt 2024 was led by iran's homemade destroyer denna. the vessels went into attack formation and
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participated in a photo exercise. the drills were supervised by iranian helicopters. the maneuvers, which will end on friday, are aimed at reinforcing regional security, fighting piracy, and expanding... cooperation among participating countries. abbastian joins us from konrespon has traveled there and he is going to tell us about some of the ongoings there. maty, over to you. well, cover today, the main phase of the 2024 maritime security belt exercise. trilateral um naval drill that is conducted by iran, china and russia in the north of the indian ocean uh kicked off with the navies, navy vessels of the three countries uh conducting various operations in the region that was um
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you know designated for the operations. now in order to get better understanding of the operations conducted and uh what has happened today uh are now joined by the commander of the iranian navy, rear admiral shahram irani. امیر خیلی ممنون که. thank you very much for accepting our invitation to take part in this interview, please explain to us what took place in the main phase of this drill and what happened in the name of god, merciful, the compassionate, today we had tactical drills which we call the عنوان شد.
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and it has come from the and it is attended drill straight from the journey that it had and also the albos destroyer iran's albos destroyer which had new equipment added to it last week and destroyer also.
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and from russia and china participated in the drills and all of them were utilized in joint operations and this was the first time that this took place and most importantly.
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and we hope to continue this strongly, thank you very much. of the iranian navy, and the drills will continue tomorrow, the wrap-up will be held tomorrow with the navies naval vessels of russia. and china conducting a march in the sea and after that the other thing i have to mention cover is that uh this drill, the uh maritime security belt, this is the fifth consecutive year that is uh taking place in iran state in iran, iran is hosting it, and uh iranian commanders have said that
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in the coming years next year and the years after that uh this uh drill is going to take place again and iran is going to host it again and they're hoping that more regional countries uh will uh participate uh in uh the exercises as uh iran has time and again said that the regional that regional countries are truly the ones who are responsible for the peace and security in the region. thank you very much for that we appreciate it corresponder talking to us from karnarak. thank you matty. moving to haiti, where the prime minister ariel henry tenders his resignation as violence plagues his country. henry says his government will step aside after the establishment of a transitional council, stressing that haiti needs peace and stability. when the violence erupted last week by the alliance of gangs, henry was in kenya to sign an agreement to send 1,000 kenyan police officers to the caribbean
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nation to restore order. he was unable to return to haiti as the security situation deteriorated around the airport in the capital. in recent weeks as armed gangs have taken haiti has been plagued by spiraling violence control, calling on henry to go. principausman. escalante joined us from bogota earlier with details on the us intervention in haiti. the united states southern command, which the united states. is the area of the military, the section of the military responsible for the caribbean and latin america, has deployed an elite unit of us marines to the haisian capital. it said
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that an overnight statement, just days ago, it also put out a statement saying that it was augmenting security around its embassy in the haisian capital, saying that for that reason diplomats and personnel would be airlifted by helicopter. opter in and out of the area so it seems that obviously they're preparing for somewhat of uh more intensified uh security situation right now uh i'm not sure if you mentioned this already but the president was unable to return to the country having traveled abroad and he was reportedly for some time uh last we know of him in puerto rico being reported or being protected by the fbi we're hearing a lot of reactions from around the continent uh this week, including by president nicolas maduro, he said that haiti has been murdered and dismembered by us interventionism, and from
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within he said the destructive force of anti-values and drug trafficking took over haiti, um, and he says that this is all, of course, repeating what people in haiti are saying, this is the work of external intervention. the us house of representatives has overwhelmingly approved the bill that forces the popular social media app tiktok to either severtize with china or become unavailable in the us. american lawmakers voted 352 in favor of the proposed law, in a rare moment of bipartisan unity. meanwile beijing has accused the us of suppressing tictock, calling the motion bullying act to damage the international investment environment. the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson has warned washington of the repercussions of the move. wangbin says the decision will inevitably come back to bite the us itself. washington has long expressed concerns over the chinese owned app claiming that it puts national security at potential
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risks. tiktok owners however have repeatedly rejected the claims. if the us bill becomes law, the app's parent company will be forced to sell tiktok within six months or face a ban from american app stores. the leader of iran's islamic revolution ali khamenei says that what is happening in the besieg gaza strip is an indication of palestinian's steadfastness and resilience. he made the comments while meeting with a group. an annual meeting of quran reciters and memorizers with the leader of the islamic revolution every year on the first day of the holy month of ramadan leader of the islamic revolution receives top reciters of the holy
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quran to stress the importance of this very holy book in the lives of muslims. in the meeting ali khamenei described the recitation the quran as sacred art while underlining that the primary objective of this very valuable skill should be to convey the meaning and message of the quran to the public and society. and create the ground for contemplation of the holy scripture, elsewhere in his speech, ayatullah khamani expresses satisfaction with the abundant number of young quran reciters in the country, viewing their increase as a blessing the islamic revolution. meanwhile, referring to the crimes committed by the zinist regime in gaza, the leader pointed out that the peak of resilience that is being witnessed in gaza presently stems from a profound familiarity with and adherence to the teachings of the quran. نه امروز کاری که در غزه دارد انجام می گیرد از دو طرف در اوجه از لحاظ جنایت و خباثت
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و وحشی گری و خونخواری در اوجه اون طرف هم در اوج این صبر بی نظیر این ایستادگی مردم دنیای اسلام مکلف است موظف است تکلیف دینی داره هرکس هرجور می توانه کمک. کنه و حرام قطعی و جنایت واقعیست کمک به دشمن این ها از سوی هر کسی باشه و متأسفانه در دنیای اسلام هستن کسانی قدرتها دولت هایی که به دشمنان این مردم مظلوم کمک می کنن انشاءالله یه روزی هم خودشون پشیمان میشن و سزای این خیانت رو خواهند دید هم خواهند دید که
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month of ramadan is the month of mercy and blessing. i do believe that during this month the zionist regime will face a big defeat. at the end of the ceremony, the quran reciters and memorizers held congregational prayers, the leader of the islamic revolution and broke their fast together. sojuri press tv, tehran. and that does the world news. let's bye-bye for now.
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crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. gaza holocaus raging,
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the rivers of. mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the atas river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water.
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