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tv   Ten Minutes Israel Targeting Palestinian Hospitals  PRESSTV  March 14, 2024 3:16am-3:31am IRST

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things like love, honor, culture, art, peace and everything that binds us together as humans, despite our race and the language we speak. kashan is where the heart speaks, hodaliz for eran. the prescover of this assassination of passammani now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at uh.
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less than two weeks after launching its genocide on the gaza strip, the israeli military committed one of the most heinous atrocities in modern history. back on october 18th, huge blast rocked the al-ahli hospital compound in gaza. which was packed with
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thousands of palestinians seeking shelter from the israeli strikes. according to palestinian health officials, more than 470 people were killed in that incident. most of the victims were defenseless civilians who had taken shelter at the hospital and its surrounding areas. at the time they had no idea that the israeli regime might target hospitals. hospitals and clinics have special protections. under international law, and the deliberate targeting of these facilities is a clear violation of these principles. as usual, the israeli army first denied that it of was behind the attack, later the regime and its western allies, including the united states and canada, claim that the explosion was caused by an erent rocket fired by the arm group palestinian islamic jihad. however, independent investigations by various media sources have. drunk this propaganda, the new
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york times conducted a thorough analysis of video footage from the night of october 17th, which clearly showed that the missile seen in the video, supposedly fired by palestinian fighters did not cause the explosion of the hospital. instead, it detonated in the sky, approximately 2 miles away. it was in fact a missile fired by the israeli military that caused a devastating... explosion: according to all feeds and videos analyzed, this rocket was intercepted and was the last one launched from gaza before the bombing of the hospital. 5 seconds after that interception, an explosion in gaza can be seen, followed two seconds later by much larger explosion. this is the strike that hit al-ahli arab hospital. as a result, al-jazira. digital
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investigations team found no grounds to the israeli army claim that the strike on the alahli arab hospital in gaza was caused by a failed rocket launch, but al-ahli hospital was not the last hospital targeted by the israeli military during its onslaught in gaza. according to a report by human rights watch in 2023, the israeli military has repeatedly and unlawfully attacked medical facilities. personnel and transport, further destroying gaza's healthcare system. the report says that these attacks should be investigated as war crime as they violated international humanitarian law, because every society has the right to have healthcare system, and that's why the healthcare system is is protected by the geneva convention, and the fourth geneva convention is is utterly clear, has always been, and that's why these attacks on healthcare that are so well document. and and and the most the most
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extreme, the most brutal examples are the situations like we have nasar medical complex now where they're shooting and killing. staff and patience inside and the situation we had in the west bank where they again dressed up like doctors, fake doctors and and and relatives coming and and hid their weapons and went into this room and shot and killed this patient who was actually immobilized this palestinian young man and his two companions killed him, executed him and his two companions under the disguise of being medical personnel. "the reason why this is so serious and why why it is not stopped is so serious is that it threatens the immunity of the healthcare system and the safe network, the safety network that the healthcare system provides to people around the world. on
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january 31st, an undercover israeli death squad posing as palestinians brazently infiltrated hospital in the occupied west bank, resulting in the assassination. of three palestinians, one of whom was a partially paralyzed patient. surveillance footage captured the alarming scene as approximately dozen israeli special forces rated ibn sinah hospital in the northern city of janeen. disguised as palestinian medical personnel and civilian women, they brandished rifles while navigating through the corridors, perpetrating the shocking act in broad daylight. according to the world health organization. has conducted nearly 400 attacks on healthcare facilities in the gaza strip, including on every single one of its hospitals, leaving the majority non-functional as of february 12th. this illustration published by the who details the israeli strikes on healthcare facilities in
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the gaza strip. according to the report by the world health organization, at least 659 people have lost their lives and more than 840 others injured in his rate. the attacks as of february 12th. nearly 100 ambulances have been targeted with more than 50 destroyed by the israeli missiles. as of february 12th, only 11 out of 36 hospitals in gaza are partially functioning, five in the north and six in the south. according to the world health organization, hospital bed capacity across all of gaza has now been reduced from 3,500 to just 1,400. this is just the tip of the iceberg and the disaster seems to be much worse. matantier, msf is one the international organizations actively working in gaza despite israeli attacks.
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doctors without borders has already lost several staff members in recent months as a result of israeli attacks. in the most recent attack, the israeli military. ly targeted an msf shelter in gaza, killing two people and wounding several others. as an international charity organization, msf is committed to independence, neutrality, and impartiality, as it only seeks to provide medical services to vulnerable people across the world, especially those trapped in conflicts and war zones. according to msf, the israeli military systematically targets health facilities in gaza. man san francis deplores a situation in which people have been left with no options to go for treatment in case of a large influx of war wounded patients. these systematic attacks against healthcare are unacceptable and must end now so that the wounded can get
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the care they need. the entire health system has been rendered inoperative. as matter of fact, the targeting of hospitals in gaza by the israeli military has tragically become. come and everyday occurrence just recently harowing voice message was sent by a palestinian capturing the horrifying sounds of israeli bombing echoing from nasa hospital raffa about what happening here in nasa hospital and there was a direct bombing to the hospital they forced people inside the hospital including patient. patient relativ oh ya allah patient relatives and health care workers to evacuate immediately and you can hear in the background the continuous bombing in the hospital. this blighton act of aggression saw israeli soldiers storming the
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hospital in broad daylight, a clear violation of international laws governing the protection of medical facilities and personnel during armed conflict. israeli soldiers and tanks continue to shoot and bomb in the near. by area, inside and outside the hospital, we here, the tanks moving inside the hospital, we cannot look through the window. the extent of attacks by the israeli military leaves no doubt that the regime is deliberately and systematically targeting the medical centers in gaza. israel is now directly targeting medical staff in gaza, but why is israel destroying hospitals and? deliberately targeting doctors and medical staff in gaza, is that not only is israel
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systematically targeting medical facilities, but they are targeting medical professionals, and israel's objective in targeting medical professionals is to cripple the health sector by killing an entire generation of doctors to the extent that building the hospitals after the... genocide would not even suffice to restore the health sector. i mean, it's it's such an unspeakable thing, but this is all part of israel's goal to make gaza completely uninhabitable and compelling palestinians to leave the gaza strip, which is one of israel's ultimate war goal, war goals. such brazen attacks come admit the unequivocal support from israel's staunch allies, including the united states. and its european supporters who have not only remained silent, but also supplied israel with deadly weapons
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and ammunition to continue its genocide in gaza. my point is that it's horrible and the most horrible thing about what is going on in nasar hospital now is that this has been going on for four months without no power stopping it, so um, i don't know, i think the israel is with their impunity, they just... keep going because no military force or political force or international alliance of decent nations are able to stop them, the only one you can stop them is is the united states and they don't want to stop them, they continue to supply them with political support and weapons, so this madness is a result of deliberate politics, deliberate policy from the united states and unfortunately also from many of the the european. government: the united nations has repeatedly condemned israel's attacks on civilian targets, including hospitals in
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gaza. in 20203, the un human rights council adopted a resolution that condemned israel's attacks on hospitals and called for an independent investigation into the attacks. implemented as israel enjoys impunity thanks however, the resolution has not been to the unwavering support from its staunch ally, the united states. and other western countries, the recent us-israeli genocide in gaza has once again underscored the hypocrisy of those who claim to champion human rights and has highlighted the inefficacy of international organizations in addressing israel's occupation regime. it has become evident that only through alliances among independent nations can we hope to halt such atrocities?
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your pr tv headlines is tax food distribution facility in southern gaza, city of rafa, a mid extreme shortage of food stuff in the blockaded territory. the leader of hezbulah says israel is paying a high price in its war with the resistance in gaza and lebanon as it's trying to hide its losses. the un says reuters reporter who died in southern lebanon last october was killed by israeli tank fire a group of clearly identical. fiable journalists.