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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 14, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm IRST

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the headlines, dozens of palestinians are killed in fresh israel air strikes on gaza, pushing the overall death tool from the aggression to more than 31,340 and eight boat sets. from cyprus is gradually heading toward the gaza strip growing calls for further humanitarian assistance to the bessieg territory. also on our headlines, russia and ukraine launch new wave of drone strikes against each other with both sides reporting casualties and damage to the buildings.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 1:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital tehrani, watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour over five months into the israeli genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is pushing ahead with its deadly onslot on the territory, even during the muslim holy month of ramadan, the gaz health ministry says nearly 70 more people are killed and about 110 others injured and is... attack since wednesday afternoon, israeli forces once again open fire on eight seekers in northern gaza, killing at least six and wonding scores of others. the attack came hours after the regime's warplanes bombed an honor 8 distribution center in the southern city of rafa leaving at least five people dead, separately two civilians were killed and some others injured after their vehicle was targeted in rafa. more than 31,340 palestinians have been killed since the war began. in early october, most of the... was
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killed or women and children, over 73,00 gazons have also been injured, but the us-israeli campaign of killing and destruction against gaza continues adding miseries to palestinians even during the holy month of ramadan, people in aid starved gaza are forced to break their fast in the rubbles of their bombed out homes. last ramadan was great but... this year it isn't a lot of things are not there anymore, my sisters, my family or house got destroyed, there are still people under the draba, and you're still not pull out, this house was the children's dream, their toys and everything is lost, there is nothing that we can offer to the children, no food or meat or anything that they need, we only eat soup and can't food, it can of beans, we are tired of canned food and we get sick because of it. my son
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keeps telling me that his stomach is hurting him because of canned food, we have canned meat that even cats cannot eat, there is no place that i can go to, there is no shelter, no school, there are many diseases that are spreading in schools and i was worried about my children so i said we come back here to the house where i used to live and where i had a dream and where my children also had a dream but it became a rubble i had all my neighbors and loved ones over, we used to sit and spend nights together, but this year there are no neighbors or loved ones, they're not here anymore, it's only me and the children left sitting here and we don't know what will happen to us, we're watching. press tv's news review where
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we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, a vessel loaded with food aid is gradually heading towards gaza mid growing calls to deal with dire humanitarian conditions and the besieged palestinian stripped the vessel sent by a spanish ngo is towing a barge with 200 tons of food aid. it set sale from a port in cyprus. on tuesday meanwhile cypriot foreign minister said second age. ship with the bigger capacities being prepared in uh larnica port, israel's bombardment and ground offensive reduced much of gases infrastructure to rubble. the osat continues unabated on wednesday, the main agency in gaza set an israeli strike at one of its warehouses and the southern city of rafa, killing at least one staff member, the dire food shortages causing malnutrition and dehydration and gas have already claimed 27 lives most of... children, international aid
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agency say the current aid entry cannot address the diar humanitarian situation in gaza. joining us on this edition of uh the news review we have uh journalist and geopolitics expert leila hatum joining us from the lebanese capital beirout and also we have journalist and podcaster asha krishna swami joining us from st. petersburg. welcome to the program to the both of you. let's start off with miss hatum in uh beirot. give us your perspective on this um vessel that has set sale from cyprus to uh get aid into gaza. of course we know the dire humanitarian situation there will not be uh handled in any way and will not be remedied by uh this means of aid delivery international aid agencies have already said uh that even the current aid entry that is getting into gaza cannot address the diyor humanitarian situation in
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gaza. unpack that for us please. well as you know basically uh there is total maritime siege imposed by the israelis again. against all of gaza, all of gaza strip and it's basically shoreline, so i wonder how this ship will be able to get in, and if it gets in the get the green light from the israelies to do so. six months after this war had started, after over 100 thousand victims between killed and or injured, mostly women and children, and then you have starving people in the dozens dying, and now they decide to send a flotella, why didn't they do it before, that makes me question the matter, however any aid... that reaches gaza, especially north gaza, where the israelis ban the entry of aid over there, where they bombard the convoys of trucks of humanitarian aid coming in, and they kill people in the hundreds doing so, and recently they started bombarding the air the aid that's air dropped by the planes as well, that makes me wonder why they would allow a ship to go in, that's
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the first thing, is it because of the port, and why would those private entities move now? i'm not questioning the intentions, but after seeing all the mistakes that have been happening. on the ground, i have to draw a question mark, yet i still say that any aid is welcome because i don't want to see the palestinian starf to death, especially in north gaza, you said 27 people have died, mostly children, 21 are children, well let me tell you one thing, those died because of malnutrition, those who died because of dehydration and the diseases from contaminated water are way more than that, multiply it by three or four, last week we were talking about 63 people, absolutely miss krishna swami, let's get your um perspective on this issue of aid, why is uh aid delivery being impeded in the first place, if the israelizes have stated that they want to uh, in their words dismantle the hamas military machine and the capabilities of the resistance in gaza, then why is aid not being
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allowed in uh to reach uh palestinian civilians in gaza, women and children, uh, this is of course violation of the geneva convention. and it is collective punishment of uh every single man, woman, innocent man, woman and child living in gaza. from multiple statements by israeli government officials, their intention has nothing to do with hamas or hamas militants, um, their intention is to have settlers resettle in gaza, so um, what, so this is another form of israel using aid as a bargaining chip, in order to get people cleared out of gaza so that more settlers can move in, so it is a form of ethnic cleansing, and top of it you have israeli settlers who are backed by the government who are also blocking the aid, um, which shows that it is,
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um, the dehumanization and propaganda of dehumanization runs very deep in israel society, it's not just among the elites, but it seems to have trickled down to many people, causing them to actually blockaid, food and water to people within gaza. right, leila hum, um, it's genocide, war crimes, dehumanization of uh of palestinians and gaz as miss krishna swami, just alluded to, collective punishment, starvation, using hunger as a weapon of war, how alarmed, or better get said, how horrified are... to see all of these unfolding as the world watches by for over 160 days now, it's extremely alarming and we've been warning about it from day one, we've said that the israelies intent is to actually ethnically cleans the land,
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they have imposed salvation as a weapon against the palestinians in north gaza to either drive them out of the land to go and search for food elsewhere or to kill them all over there and as mr. krishna said, basically to actually replace them in that in that place, but it's only it's not only about the settlers, it's also about the wealth that's found under the seabed of gaza, and that's why we see the... americans moving in with over 10 soldiers to build a humanitarian aid port, give me a break, why would you send soldiers to do that? the americans are looking at establishing a military base over there in the region for the main reason of controlling the resources in the eastern mediterranean region, that's one thing, and this comes a price, and the price is displacing and killing 2.4 million palestinians, if you can't kill them all, you will drive them out, and what's happening at the moment is beyond war crimes, beyond genocide, this is humanity standing silent in the face of one of the most cruel conflicts
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that has been ongoing for the past eight to nine decades, not seven decades, it started way before 1930s, it started in the 1920s and before, you had terrorist attacks happening against the palestinians since then, and nobody talks about it, the whole world is complicit with this matter, be it not standing in the face of the us who continues to send weapons to the israelis and then this basically try to absolve it's and the white washed image by sending a couple of aid drops over to north gaza and most of those aid drops went two kilometers into the sea where the israely navy is waiting to kill people or way into the israeli occupied territories. this is beyond, this is beyond breaching international law, this is riding above international law. those people act with impunity because the us gives them that with the veto power. miss christian swing, i want you to address the same issue as well about this intended us humanitarian port uh which they want to uh uh set up off the coast of gaza to get humanitarian aid uh in uh the uh
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palestinian officials have already stated uh that this notion is absurd uh and the uh americans are basically just trying to buy more time for the israelis uh if washington is so concerned uh with getting humanitarian aid uh into gaza there aruh other avenues that they can explore one would be uh stops selling arms to the israelis, another would be making that uh phone call of uh and implementing immediate ceasefire uh in the gaza strip, break that down for us and give us your views. um, the palestinian authorities are right, it is part of it is trying to buy time, part of it is trying to show the world that they care, or at least their electorate because the democratic party is having problems with people protesting at every inch, they're like free palestine, they cannot... would give a speech or anything like that, so part of it is that, and part of it is also having to do with ge geopolitical
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control of that area because right now they've seen how successful the yemenese blockades or yemenese are at their um blockading the ships that want to go through the gulf of aiden and so they kind of want to be um in control and they they are also losing control in iraq and syria they've had to reduce the number. of basis they've had, and so it this is new cynical ploy to reestablish control in that area, of course, and when we look at it, why is there no port, um, because it was destroyed by the israelis, so um, yeah, the us intentions should always be questioned, because ultimately what drives the us foreign policy is not people, it's not the leaders, it's basically the corporations that the politicians are beholding to, so it it always requires deeper examination. all right, we're going to leave it there. allow me to thank my guest, journalists and geopolitic expert uh, leila hatum joining us
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from the lebanese capital beirout and thanks to journalist and podcaster esha krishna swami joining us from st. petersburg, with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of the tigris and the euphretes, what will the
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future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the aras river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water. welcome back! israeli forces have carried out new raids on several cities and towns across the occupied west bank, number of palestinians were abducted from ariha where israeli military had blocked all entrances with heavy troop deployment before rating the city and to refugee camps there earlier we were joined by our correspondent and to get more details on that storyly israeli forces
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are raiding palestinian areas day and night, at this time the israeli forces stood formed the refugee camps of sultan and jabar in ariha and they arrested at least four palestinians from their from the area and uptil them the israeli military is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city of ariha, it's not clear why, because when the israel has started their genocide on the gaza strap, the city of ariha and the refugee camps. had been completely closed for several weeks and palestinians were not able to enter or to leave the city and its refugee camps, it's not clear why the israeli military is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city, however the operation is still going on in sultan refugee camp in ariha. in colindia refugee
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camp the israeli forces stormed uh the outskirts of the refugee camp and there has been reports of exchange of fire between palestinians and israeli forces that continued for at least two hours at midnight and the same thing happened israeli military sent more reinforcements around the refugee camp of palandia. we have to mention that the refugee camp of palandia is located to the south of ramala city and at the same time it's adjacent to the israeli military. a checkpoint of palandia that palestinians usually use in order to enter alq. russia has reported one death in a crossborder drone attack from ukraine as the war between the two neighbors is now in its third year. local officials in russia's belgrad region said three civilians were also wounded in the strike that hit a car. according to the
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russian defense ministry. 14 ukrainian drones were destroyed overnight over belgrad and kursk regions along the border. with ukraine. russian installed officials at the zaporija nuclear power plant also reported ukrainian shelling of the complex. meanwhile, russia launched three dozen drones across several ukrainian regions. ukraine's military said it shot down 22 of 36 drones. there were no immediate reports of casualties with local ukrainian officials. italy's judicial authorities are considering the extradition of a palestinin man who was arrested without charges over a month ago on request of israel. five weeks after his detention, the man is now being charged with alleged terrorist plans. israel's extradition requests is now being examined by an italian court, max reports from rome. ananyaesh is a
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37-year-old palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the occupied. west bank and a former member of the palestinian resistance movements. during the second palestinian intifada in 2006, anan who was just teenager served four year sentence in israeli jails a political prisoner. annan holds a valid italian resident permit for special protection since 2017. anannyesh was arrested without charged by the italian police on january 29 on an extradition request by the israeli regime which italy's justice minister. acquised stride away weeks following anan's arrest on march 11, he's now being charged with terrorism accused of being part of a terrorist cell that was allegedly planning attacks on israeli civilian and military targets. italian investigators have used elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan and two other palestinians of allegedly
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belonging to an operational military structure called the rapid response group which they claim to be linked to the alaxa brigade, there are countries like italy that are totally subservient to the us and its allies. this results in our authorities absurdly arresting annan for being serviled to israel, favor done to a prepotent allie. you think the public will ever know about the details of annan's arrest? on tuesday, israel's extradition request for a nan was being examined by a court in laquela in central italy where the man was arrested. firstly, due to the systematic nature of torture other ill treatment of palestinians convicted or a waiting trial in israeli prisons and would risk being tortured if
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extradited. secondly, while israeli citizens are subject to israeli civil and criminal law, palestinians are subject to a military court system. ananh's lawyer, flavio albertini also argued that the charges against this client and the other. two palestinians were politically motivated, referencing italy's prime minister georgia moloni support of the israely regime, max chivily press tv. thousands of iranian legal experts and attorneys have joined the global movement of lawyers who volunteered to file a genocide complaint against israel at the international criminal court, referred to as the army of lawyers for palestine. the initiative is so far mobilized more than 2000. thousand lawyers worldwide, he has the details, an unprecedented global movement gaining momentum, initiated by veteran french
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lawyer and academic gil dev, the army of lawyers for palestine now has over 200 thousand lawyers of different nationalities on board and still counting, as he travels from country to country to promote his grassroots campaign. we are witnessing new movement in the world, the atrocities committed in gaza are no longer only matter that concerns muslim countries, far from it. here we have a french lawyer that has started an initiative that brought together 300 lawyers from across the world in less than 10 days and that number grew rapidly to 100,000 and now with the mou that we have signed at the iran judiciary bar, that number will be rising to 50,000 lawyers. with iran on board, you can also expect lawyers from iraq, syria and lebanon to join in as well, and an optimistic gil dever who has already filed a
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complaint of genocide against israel with the international criminal court demanding an arrest warrant for top israeli politicians, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is going to be tough battle without a doubt, but in just few months, all these lawyers... have joined us. this kind of solidarity is unprecedented. we have never seen so many lawyers join hands for one purpose in history, so this is a great sign, because it won't be enough to tell a judge, look, there's no many of us. instead, we have to be able to defend palestine with strong legal arguments, and by the looks of things, we have solid base for that. his south african fellow companion, shedding light on the legal aspects. the matter while explaining how the case brought to the international court of justice by south africa is also paving the way. the icj order specifically spoke about creating a
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humanitarian corridor and humanitarian assistance to the people of gaza. the united states and israel were saying that the word cease fire did not exist in the icj order, but this is not true because the humanitarian aid on the ground at scale cannot be delivered. without an effective and immediate cease fire. it is very clear that we are witnessing a birth of new age. new movement of justice siking people from all over the world is emerging and that is why while the south african government files a complaint, we see a grassroot movement also taking shape, very unique one that has brought together lawyers who are seeking justice in the battle between good and evil. and in the words of these legal experts, this goal is not far from reach. these lawyers believe that we live in a new era in which this new
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global initiative will eventually lead to justice for palestinians. gisum shah madi press tv, tehran. that's a wrap for now, let's stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, seeen a bit. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. كنتم ان تدخلوا الجنه، ولما ياتكم مثل الذين خلوا من قبلكم مستتهم الباسان.
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iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and a myriad other fields, yet they have said the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region and energy hum. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this
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documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighbor. ties. you're still tuned into the conversation, your weekly alternative probe of political events and current affairs around ireland. i'm joined by our special guests, dr. mark humpries from ireland, israel alants, along with hamsa tortzies from the sapient institute. do you see mark at ask, do you see the impact that it's had on june? of course i do, i'm i look, i...