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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 14, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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first of headlines in this hour dozens of palestinians are killed in fresh israeli air strikes in gaza pushing the overall death toll from the aggression to more than 31,340. an aid boat set sale from cyprus is gradually heading toward the gaza strip with growing calls for further humanitarian assistance to the bessieg territory. also the headlines, russia and ukraine launch new wave of drone strikes against each other with both sides reporting casualties and damage to the buildings. 3:30 pm
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in iran's capitalsran. this is prest tv news. thanks for joining us. our lead story over five months into the israeli genocide in the gaza strip, the regime is pushing ahead with this deadly onslot on the territory, even during the muslim holy month of ramadan. the gaza health ministry says nearly 70 more people are killed and about 110 others injured and israely attack since wednesday afternoon. israel forces once again open fire on eight seekers in northern gaza, killing at least six and wounding scores of others. the attack came hours after the regime's warplanes bombed an unrova aid distribution center in the southern city of ruffa, leaving at least five people dead. separately, two civilians were killed and some others injured after their vehicle was targeted in rafa. more than 31,340 palestinians have been of killed since the war began early october. most of those killed are women and children. over 73, gozans have also been in the us
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israel campaign of killing and destruction against gaza continues adding miseries to palestinians even during the holy month of ramadan. gaza are forced to break their fas in the rubbles of the bombed out homes. last ramadan was great, but this year it isn't a lot of things are not there anymore, my sisters, my family or house. destroyed, there are still people under the rubber and you're still not pull out, this house was the children's dream, their toys and everything is lost, there is nothing that we can offer to the children, no food or meat or anything that they need, we only eat soup and can't food, it can have beans, we are tired of canned food and we get sick because of it, my son keeps telling me that his stomach is hurting him because of can. food, we have
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canned meat that even cats cannot eat, there is no place that i can go to, there is no shelter, no school, there are many diseases that are spreading in schools and i was worried about my children so i said we come back here to the house where i used to live and where i had a dream and where my children also had a dream but it became a rubble last of ramadan i had all my neighbors and loved ones over we used to sit and spend nights together but this year there are no neighbors or loved ones, they're not here anymore, it's only me and the children left sitting here, and we don't know what will happen to us. vessel loaded with food aid is gradually heading toward gaza and it growing calls to deal with dire humanitarian conditions in the bessieg palestinian strip. the vessel sent by a spanish ngo is towing a barge with 200 tons of food aid. this set sale from a port in cyprus on tuesday. meanwile cypriot foreign ministers said second age ship with bigger
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capacity is being prepared in larnaka port. israel's bombardments and ground offensive has reduced much of gaza's infrastructure to rubble. the onslot continues unabated. on wednesday, the main un agency in gaza said that initially strike hit one of its warehouses in the southern city of ruffa, killing at least one staff member. the dire food shortages causing malnutrition and dehydration in gaza have already claimed 27 lives, most of them children. international aid agencies say the current entry cannot address the dire humanitarian situation in gaza. earlier we were joined by journalist and activist khalid barkot who shared with us his perspectives a gaza-bound humanitarian aidship. well, the problem with these initiatives is that it it comes as a replacement of ending the siege and opening the uh crossings, which is what the
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palestinians want, they want to see rafah crossing, kam abu salim and other crossing open, there are thousands and thousands of trucks. full of aid and waiting to enter, but israel is refusing to do that, and at the same time the europeans, the americans and some of even ngos are complicit in this, they want to show that we can starve you to death, and at the same time, they, you know, they want to keep palestinians, you know, um, in need of aid, and today... for example, the united nation have met with palestinian heads of tribes in gazza and they have listened to a unanimous united palestinian positions that people in ghazza support the resistance, any haid that comes to ghazza has to be in coordination with the palestinian resistance,
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and on the ground, i mean if the resistance doesn't want any of these vessels to enter ghazza, they are able to do so, but the resistance has been... very careful in term of looking at these initiatives, they are being also very realistic because they understand that people are have reached in in in reality a starvation, mean people are dying of starvation, and this is because of us position, united states is responsible for starving the palestinian people and the un special reporter on the right to food says those countries that are currently supplying weapons to israel are complicit in genocide and starvation in the besieg gaza strep. michael fhri made the remarks in an interview with press tv website. he said that the israely regime not only declared a complete blockade on gaza, but restricted and denied humanitarian relief after waging a war there.
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the un official accused israel of intentionally starving gozens that has resulted in a full-scale famon in the beseged palestinian territory. fkri said that israeli forces have also been targeting eight. had blocked all entrances with heavy troop deployment before rating the city and two refugee camps there earlier we were joined by our correspondent deal to get more details. unfortunately israeli forces are raising palestinian areas day and night. at this time
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the israeli forces stormed the refugee camps of sultan and ariha and they arrested at least four palestinians from the from the... area and up till the moment the israeli military is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city of ariha, it's not clear why, because when the israel has started their genocide on the gaza strap, the city of ariha and the refugee camps had been completely closed for several weeks and palestinians were not able to enter or to leave the city as its refuge. camps, it's not clear why the israeli mily is sending more soldiers to deploy at the entrances of the city, however the operation is still going on insultan refugee camp in ariha. in colandia refugee camp, the israeli forces stormed the
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outskirts of the refugee camp and there has been reports of exchange of fire between palestinians and israeli forces that continued for at least two hours at midnight and the same thing happened israeli military sent more reinforcements around the refugee camp of calandia. we have to mention that the refugee camp of calandia is located to the south of ramala city and at the same time it's adjacent to the israeli military checkpoint of calandia that palestinians usually use in order to enter al quods. iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. it's warships, speed boats,
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missiles and drones among many items in it. arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is... this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary. welcome back to the news here on press tv. russia has reported one death and cross border drawn attack from ukraine as the war between the two neighbors now enters its third year.
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local officials in russia's belgorood region said three civilians were also wounded in the strike that hit a car. according to the russian defense ministry, 14 ukrainian drones were destroyed overnight over belgorod and kursk regions along the border with ukraine. russian installed officials at the zaporaji nuclear power plant, also reported ukrainian shelling of the complex. meanwile, russia launched three dozen drones across several ukrainian regions. ukraine's military said that it shot down 22 out of the 36 drones. there were no media reports of casualties, but local ukrainian officials have confirmed that. italy's judicial authorities are considering the extradition of a palestinin man who was arrested without charges over a month ago at the request of israel. five weeks after his detention, the man is not being charged with alleged terrorist plans, well israel's extradition request is now being examined by an italian court. max
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chivali reports from rome. ananyaesh is a 37-year-old palestinian citizen from tulkarm in the occupied west bank and a former member the palestinian resistance movements. during the second palestinian intifada in 2006, anan who was just teenager, served four year sentence in his. israri jails a political prisoner, anan holds valid italian resident permit for special protection since 2017. ananyesh was arrested without charged by the italian police on january 29 on an extradition request by the israeli regime which italy's justice ministry acquised straight away weeks following annan's arrest on march 11. he's now being charged with terrorism accused of being part of a terrorist cell that... was allegedly planning attacks on israeli civilian and military targets. italian investigators have used
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elements provided by tel aviv to charge anan and two other palestinians of allegedly belonging to an operational military structure called the rapid response group, which they claim to be linked to the alaxa brigade. there are countries like italy that are totally subservient to the us and its allies. this results in our authorities. on tuesday, israel's extradition request for anan was being examined by a court in laquelin central italy, where the man was arrested in late january. the court is expected to rule on announced case soon. we have appealed to the court not to extradite and mainly on. two grounds: firstly, due to the systematic nature of torture other ill treatment of palestinians convicted, or a
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waiting trial in israeli prisons and would risk being tortured if extradited. secondly, while israeli citizens are subject to israeli civil and criminal law, palestinians are subject to a military court system. annash's lawyer, flavio albertini also argued that the charges against this client. and the other two palestinians were politically motivated, referencing italy's prime minister georgia meloni's stounch support of the israeli regime, max chivily press tv, rome. thousands of iranian legal experts and attorneys have joined the global movements of lawyers were volunteered to file a genocide complaint against israel at the international criminal court. refer to as the army of lawyers for palestine, the initiative has so far mobilized more than two. an unprecedented
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global movement gaining momentum, initiated by veteran french lawyer and academic gil de ver, the army of lawyers for palestine now has over 200 thousand lawyers of different nationalities on board and still counting as he travels from country to country to promote his grassroots. here we have a french lawyer that has started an initiative that brought together 300 lawyers from across the world in less than 10 days and that number grew rapidly to 100,000 and now with the mou that we have signed at the iran judiciary bar that number will be rising to 50,000 lawyers. with iran on board you can also expect lawyers
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from iraq, syria and lebanon to joining as well, and an optimistic gil de ver already filed a complaint of genocide against israel with the international criminal court, demanding an arrest warrant for top israeli politicians, including prime minister benjamin netanyahu. this is going to be tough battle without a doubt, but in just few months, all these lawyers have joined us. this kind of solidarity is unprecedented. we have never seen so many lawyers join hands for one purpose in history, so this is a... great sign, because it won't be enough to tell a judge, look, there's no many of us, instead we have to be able to defend palestine with strong legal arguments, and by the looks of things, we have solid base for that. his south african fellow companion shedding light on the legal aspects of the matter while explaining how the case brought
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to the international court of justice by south africa is also paving the way. the icj order specifically. about creating a humanitarian corridor and humanitarian assistance to the people of gaza. the united states and israel were saying that the word seasfire did not exist in the icj order, but this is not true because the humanitarian aid on the ground at scale can not be delivered without an effective and immediatefire. it is very clear that we are witnessing a birth of new age, new movement of... justic seeking people from all over the world is emerging and that is why while the south african government files a complaint, we see a grassroots movement also taking shape, very unique one that has brought together lawyers who are seeking justice in the battle between good and evil. and in the words of these legal experts, this goal is not far from
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reach. these lawyers believe that we live in a new era in which this new global. initiative will eventually lead to justice for palestinians. gisum shahmedi press tv, tehran. breaking news ac there four palestinians have been killed after israeli war planes hit what's have been a common feature now, aid distribution center. this aid distribution center located at the nasarad camp in the gaza strip. four palestinians killed as a result of the ragine forces uh fire from warplanes. the leader of iran's islamic says what is happening in the besieg gaza strip is an indication of palestinian's steadfastness and resilience, he made the comment while meeting with a group of quran reciters and memorizers in tehran. has a report. annual meeting of quran
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reciters and memorizers with the leader of the islamic revolution. every year on the first day of the holy month of ramadan, leader of the islamic revolution receives top reciters of the holy quran to stress the importance of this very holy book in the lives of muslims. in the meeting described the recitation of the quran as sacred art, while underlining that the primary objective of this very valuable skill should be to convey the meaning and message of the quran to the public and society and create the ground for contemplation of the holy scripture. else, in his speech, ayatollah khamani expressed his satisfaction with the abundant number of young quran reciters in the country, viewing their increase as a blessing of the islamic revolution. meanwhile, referring to the crimes committed by the zinist regime in gaza, the leader pointed out that the peak of brazilians that is being witnessed in gaza presently stems from a profound familiarity with and
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adherence to the teachings of the quran. انجام می گیرد از دو طرف در اوجه از لحاظ جنایت و خباثت و وحشی گری و خونخواری در اوجه اون طرف هم در اوجه این صبر بی نظیر این ایستادگی مردم دنیای اسلام مکلف است موظف است تکلیف دینی داره هرکس هرجور می توانه کمک کنه و حرام قطعی و جن
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attending such a great event, today i am this is the third time i have the honor of going to have supplications to recite about the holy month of ramadan. other reciters were worried about the people of gaza who are observing the holy month of ramadan and meet the israeli buming and shelling campaign. the month of ramadan is the month of mercy and blessing. i do believe that during this month. the zionist regime will face a big defeat. at the end of the ceremony, the quran reciters and memorizers held congregational prayers led by the leader of the islamic
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revolution and broke their fast together. press tv, tehron. during the holy month of ramadan, muslims in afghanistan not only observe fasting, but also practice a spiritual act of helping others, particularly by distributing food to the less fortunate. press correspondent. has more from kabel: the holy month of ramadan rivered as the most sacred month in the islamic calendar, is a period during which muslims observe a daily fast from dawn to dusk. this fast is not merely about abstaining from food and drink, it is also a time for spiritual reflection, prayer and doing good deeds. molavi niyazi says it is a time to do business with god. the holy month of ramadan is the best of the months. it is said in the quran that this month is better than one thousand months. this is a month to do business with god by
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giving charity, doing good deeds, praying and reciting quran. we muslims should seize the opportunity of this holy month and get united with our brothers and of course pay serious attention to the poor and to the less fortunate. ramadan is not just about fasting. but also a time for giving to those in need. the fast is broken each day with the evening meal called iftar. muslims here in qabul provide food and distributed to the people in need at the sunset for iftar, a tradition that continues throughout the holy month. here, as you can see, we prepare and distribute food to needy people. this is a tradition carried out every ramadan in this mosk, because ramadan is the month of the feast of the lord. the act of providing food
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to the poor and needy is seen as a way to purify one's wealth and is an important part the spiritual practice of the holy month of ramadan. during ramadan muslims unite in a journey of a spiritual growth. this holy month marked by charity and communal. meals illuminates the essence of humanity and brotherhood. the press tv and that does it for this traditional world news. thanks for being with us, this bye-bye for now.
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the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of
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the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the aras river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water.
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porque después ya empieza el reexamen en todo casolución gerente de armas in that building right there as i zoom in you can see that robot it's unclear what the robot was used for you see some debris on the exterior the fbi investigators were looking at that just a short.
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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless. press tv.
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this is for palestine ramala. this is for the child that is searching. this is not just a war over stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state and terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television televise i'm telling lies how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try palestine will never die free palestine. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine.