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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 14, 2024 10:30pm-11:03pm IRST

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murderous and crime that they are committing, they're trying to present it as a military achievement, this is not an achievement, this is not represent any sort of victory, the israeli enemy, as they continue to fail day by day, they are also paying very high price for this aggression, very high economic price, that is also a an ascending letter, they're paying more and more day by day, they have internal. problems and this is quite clear, there are also the also the psychological and mental state which has reached the fact that there is a collapse of their mental state of hundreds of thousands of these enemies, they have are either in of shock or they have psychological problems, mental issues, and they are clearly running away from any service for to the army or anyone who wants to be has to serve with the army. "and this is one of the problems that
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are is growing and very appearing bit by bit, and this is very high cost for the israeli enemy, and with all of this, continuing with their aggression will be mainly the result of the fact that the us continues to support this enemy and the level of treason from the muslims and the arab world against the palestinian people, and here we would like to stress the level of..." responsibility, the responsibility of the muslims and all the muslim countries, because the fact that they of are silent, they are the ones who are creating and assisting in creating this treason, this this misery and also allowing the us and the israelies to be bold in to be emboldened in their continuous aggression against palestinan people, the governments or the institutions like for example is the case of the oic for example, or the arab league,
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also at the level of the general level, all the governments, the those who are in power, the authorities, the regimes, the leaders, the arab and muslim worlds at level of governments or the institutions or the associations, or those leaders, they have not been able to take a practical and tangible, serious stance towards the what is happening in in the aggression in gaza, we only hear statements and statements. and statements, nothing more than that, this is a issue that is sad, this is issue that we see that they have forsaken palestine, there are no tangible steps, no economic steps at the political level or procedures or measures in order to put some pressure on the americans or on the israeli enemy, this is a shame, this is something that we can see that...
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many of those who are in the arab world, muslim world, and they did not live and live up to the level of other countries that are non arab or non-muslim, this is sad, we need to all understand that the israeli enemy with everything that we see, all this barbarism, all this criminal actions, all this aggression and this turny and this barbarism, this is an enemy of all the... and the level of aggression that we can see being manifested in their aggression against the palestinian people is an aggression is something that they have against all of the muslims, this is an enemy of the entire muslim nation, and the same barbarism from the us that we saw against the palestinian people and the children and the women of palestine is a barbarism that is in the...
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essence of the us administration in their view, in their strategy, in their practices against the muslim nation in general, and therefore the the struggle, this battle, this is something that is linked to us, this has to do, we are responsible in this, what we see from the americans and what we see from the israelis, is that this is a threat against all of the muslim nation, god almighty. shown to us in the holy quran, who of are the enemies of the muslim nation? what do they hold of enmity and hatred against this this nation, the muslim nation, and unfortunately, despite the fact that the quran has uncovered more than 1,400 years ago, that level of enmity, that barbarism, that criminality from the enemies of the of nation, but the muslims had headed to the...
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these teachings teachings and these words and these guidance not to allow the israeli enemy to reach what they have reached all this supremacy of the the occupation in palestine assisting the enemy to reach that level of capability in order to be able to commit mass killings, genocides and to really inflict the suffering against the palestinian people. the israeli enemy with their aggressions, with their crimes is an extension of the the path which goes against god's teachings and they are the grandsons of those who have killed prophets in the past, they are the ones who have the harsh heart. as hard as stone, and they are the ones who have no emotions, no humanity, no ethics or religious understanding or or feelings, their soldiers are proud of killing and elderly, who is unarmed, who was killed on his bed, and they
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are proud of this action. is there any level of humans who do this, and they are spreading their videos. their politicians, their leaders are the ones that come and say to a soldier that you have executed a child with all with cold blood, and they even consider this is an achievement, they are proud of this crime, they themselves, it is their nature that they are criminals, that they are murderers. the quran has uncovered the fact that they have harsh hearts, the hearts as harder stone and that they... a threat to all practices are all aggressions that are a the muslim nation, their politics, their threat against the muslim nation, and it is the responsibility of the muslims to face them, to confront them and to consider them that they are enemies of not only the muslims
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first, primarily against the muslim nation, but also against all of humanity, and they consider, they should consider that it is their duty, it is the religious duty and ethical duty of the... in palestine and the ethical religion, the the ethical responsibility, the religious responsibility, and the the fact that they need to fight turany and to fight those who are arrogant dictators and those zionists, they are the ones who are loyal to satan, they are the soldiers of satan, they are the ones are moving with all satanic movements and actions, and they are the ones who are spreading corruption in this on this earth, and why does the muslim nation leaves this responsibility? why are they forsaking their duties? why do they not hold the banner of
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struggle in the name of god almighty to face the enemies? if this nation does not stop them and face this enemy and their aggression and their barb barbaric actions. and their crimes and their corruption on this earth and their occupation, then who will stand in their face, when will they stand an honorable stance, when will they take an honorable stance? isn't this part of their responsibility, as faithful people, people even for their national interests and their own interests as well, the israeli enemy is an enemy. for the muslim nation, not only for the afterlife, but also in this life, they were, they are threat to your life, they are threat to your true and genuine interest here in this life here in the holy month of ramadan, which teaches us to have piety and
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to have feelings of responsibility, and to also have responsibility of standing and confronting and also to have patience, prophet in the... isn't it not the quran that in more than 500 aya and verse they tell us to stand and confront such enemies and such crimes and such aggressions and such oppressions and such corruption on this earth which is being practiced by the zionis and israely enemy but the arabs do not... talk about this except, they don't use the verses the quran except in order to sell sedition, when they talk about for example jihad, when they talk about holy struggle, we talk about the procedures and how decisive they are and all those slogans that they use and all the speeches and statements in order to use it in
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the wrong place, but it is a completely absent now, but in the holy month of ramadan we need to be more heading and understanding living up to our responsibilities. and we need to shoulder our responsibility in the face of god almighty, whether in our hunger, in our thirst, with our fast, we need to remember all together as muslims and all muslim country. we need to revive these emotions of humanity, these emotions of faith, and our conscience need to awaken, in order to understand this, we have huge responsibility, this is our religious duty, and god will ask us about this, on judgment day, god almighty. has said, and he has told us on the holy quran, what is for why do you
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not fight in the name of god, when the oppressed of the men, women and children are there, you are oppressed, you why do arabs, why arabs, have you not moved, have you not taken any action, even if you do not want to fight, we do not want you to find, but even at the lower level, at least a practical stance, maybe a political stance. economic stands an actual position where you have a voice, where you attempt also to work hard in order to provide food and medicine to the people of ghazza, there is absolutely no support even at that level, but on the contrary, it is a shame, it is a shame on the arabs, it is shame on all those countries that are surrounding palestine that the americans come. and through their deception, even for other for other objectives that are not humane, they're presenting themselves as
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if they are sending few meals and throwing few meals so the people, but they can open even on on land across that can allow to allow all the goods to enter into gaza, god almighty tells us in the holy quran that you need to fight and have a struggle and fight you losing and sacrifice your lives, sacrifice your money. this is better for you, if you knew, when will our nation take action? what is the level of misery that the people in gaza need to reach, the oppressed people in gaza, what is it that they need to reach other than this, more, what is more miserable than what we are seeing today in gaza, should we wait for something that is even more catastrophic than what we are seeing today? when will they take action? this is huge test, this is very dangerous
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test, this is a test for every single muslim. this is a test for every single country, every single people in the muslim world, in the arab world, god almighty has also told us in the holy quran, will you be left alone and you are not tested, and god does not differentiate between those and clearly show who are those. are faithful, those are not, and what you will be taken, and this is a test for you, where is your position, where is your support, where is your assistance, where is your true practical and tangible steps, this is huge responsibility, that we will be asked about on judgment day, god almighty said that he will differentiate between those who are have struggle, those who have not, this is the month of fasting, this is... time when everyone should go back to evaluate their own stance, what is the
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level of that position? that position is very important, but they have not even taken any position, some of them have not even reached a state where they boycott us product, producer or israeli products. there was not an official stance from the arab and muslim worlds and nations and countries, not even at the minimal level, maybe some regimes boycotted. certain reasons where there were perhaps some the fact that they even would boycott themselves and each other, the arab states or the muslim states, but they would not boycott the israeli regime. we can, we as muslims need to understand that it is our duty with god almighty that we need to have a stance, we need to take a firm position, but not and not to stand id by and watch what is happening. we need to pay the price if we do not take the stands. this is very, this is
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issue which is a threat to all of humanity, but as muslims we will we will be asked about this, we will be punished if we if we do not take the righteous stands, or we will be continue, we will be considered collaborative with the israeli enemy, and allowing it to continue with their crimes at the expense. the people of gaz, this is very dangerous issue, we need to know that there will be also a punishment in this life, this shameful and stands, which is a treason. against the people of palestine and stands and does not assist the people of palestine while the israelites continue to massacre them. this has repercussions and there will be punishments and we need to tell them that they need to fear god almighty. all they care about is that they are succupants to the united states, but god's work of course can
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see that there will be changes and drastic. transformations, issues that they cannot even perceive, some of them had even thought that they they had made calculations that which is that they are at ease and they are no dangers, there's no threat against them, but the issue is not like that, but the continuous fronts that are supportive of the palestinian resistance, mainly the the front in lebanon, which is the continuous confrontation with the israeli enemy a daily basis and the yemen. front as well, in the yemen front our forces and our dear people and our country officially, on the popular level, we continue with god's support this battle, this battle which is the battle of promised victory and holy struggle to support the palestinian people, and the military
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operations will continue with rocket firing. where we are targeting the vessels that are linked to the israeli enemy and as well with the implication of the us and the vessels that are for the us and the uk and the uk as well and their aggression against our country in order to support the israeli enemy and our operations are also continuing against them and our targeting is also continuous against them, this is all with god almighty support with through these operations we've have given this this front which is mainly mainly deals with launching rockets and also drones and sea operations and operations that are in the sea and we we believe that everything we have given all of these these marters that we
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have sacrificed, we are proud that we have sacrificed these marters in this. sacred battle and this honorable position where our people have held the banner, the banner of struggle in the name of god almighty. these fronts of support were 12 operations where we targeted vessels and warships with 58 ballistic missiles and drones in the red sea and the arabian sea and the eden, gulf of eden, and this time we have reach ranges which are are unprecedented, three operations have reached the indian ocean, this is all with god's support, to reach level that the number of of ships that have been targeted, 73 vessels have been targeted, this is at the level of the military operations that are
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continuous very actively, very effectively as well and with god's support it. are well known, the implications are well known, also at the popular level, and primarily all the protests that are being held, the mass rallies, the millions of people who are a weekly basis taking taking to the streets, as we saw also in the month of shavan last week, we saw that the number was hundreds of protests, but also at the level of sins and gatherings and activities, also we see huge time even to talk about them in detail, numbers of activities, there's not enough concerning the us arrogance and insistence on continuing continuing the aggression on ghaza and the blockade on ghaza, and also continuing to support and protect the zionist enemy, and instead of understanding and
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taking the right stands and the right position by stopping the war on gaza, by stopping and lifting... the blockade and the siege on people of gaza, now they decided to launch an aggression against our country, and they continue to launch and shell our country, they are not even taking and putting humanity as a priority in order to allow medicine and food to reach the people of gaza, they are on the contrary going to the path of launching an aggression against our people, and this last week they launched several. shelling and bombing of our country, whether in the sea, some 32 um instances of shelling on our country, and this is as usual, its results are... failure, they failed to reach their objectives, they have not stopped our drones and our rockets to continue, and they have not stopped our operations, to continue to face them and to
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prohibit the vessels linked to the zianist enemy, to continue and pass, and we have said that in this week, just like all the other weeks, that this us stubbornness and the fact that they will continue their aggression against our country, in order to support, as they say, the zionist enemy, and in order to insist on continuing their aggression against the people of gaza, we will not stop our operations, and they cannot limit our capabilities, they will also not have an impact on this ascending mode of our operations and the power and the fire power and the number of rockets, our operations will continue as long as the siege on gaza continues, as long as the aggression on gaza continues, what can stop? "our operations in the sea is only in a total halt of the aggression against gaza and lifting of the siege, the us has not stopped this this
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aggression against gaza and continues to prohibit food and medicine from entering into gaza, this arrogant s instead of going towards the righteous path, stopping the aggression, they are. only going towards one result which is trying with to enlarge the scope of war and confrontations and and creating tensions at the level of the entire region. therefore we have with god's support with very decisive sense based on our duty and our religious duty in the face of god iny and that this battle is righteous battle and with this righteous stands that we support. righteous cause which is linked to us directly in our religion and our humanity, in our ethics, this is to give support to the palestinian people, are oppressed and they
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are being under genocide and ethnic cleansing, and they are being killed also by famine and and the siege, it is our duty to continue with all effectiveness and even enlarge the scale of our... the vessels that are linked to the israeli enemy, not only to pass through the arabian sea and the red sea and the gulf of aden, but also we are also going towards with god's support and victory to prohibit it from letting it pass even from the other pathways and this is this step from the indian sea and south africa towards
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which is which is very significant step and very critical step, we have begun to launch operations that are linked to this issue, the us and uk have absolutely no choice except to stop the aggression on gaza and to stop this famon and this aggression against the people and to lift the siege on people of gaza and for the us to stop its support of the zionist enemy which is allowing them to kill the people of hunger and to destroy agazam we see the very these catastrophic images of children dying of hunger dying of famine. it is our ethics, our humanity, our dignity, our identity as muslims, this prohibit us from looking on at these images and and therefore we are continuously in a state of development of our capabilities, in order to also even
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widen the scope of our activities and our military operations, and this is why we declare that we will prohibit the vessels that are linked to the israeli enemy from to be able to pass from the indian sea and to go towards the path that is near the south africa, there needs to be victory, we need to stop the aggression against the people of gaza, we need to stop this hunger, we need to stop this misery of the children who are dying of hunger inside gaza, this is a catastrophe, this is this is a level of of crimes that we cannot just watch, and this is why this is our duty, our religious duty and ethical duty, and humanitarian duty to continue to to advance in our capabilities, still the us and the uk will not allow us and
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will could not prohibit us from continuing. this aggression, as long as the aggression on gaza continues, as long as the siege on gaza continues, as long as the famin in gaza continues, we continue to be steadfast on our position, we will also continue with this same stance, and we will continue with the same level of operations, and this is why the popular stance needs to remain at the same level of enthusiasm when it comes to supporting this issue, since we need to continue to target the israeli enemy and this is why we call once more for a protest with the level of millions and this is the month the quran, this is the month where we remember the great bader battle, this is the day that god almighty considered holy, this is the day that god almighty considered also the the the of mecca as well. for prophet
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muhammad and his peace be upon him and his family in the month of ramadan, the second year of hijrah, prophet muhammad also faced with along with him, the muslims, they faced a challenge with those infidels and the unfaithful, in very harsh conditions, the fact that they had less numbers and less capabilities, and with all of the support and the fact that god almighty assisted them and very close to the red se in the battle of bad, which is also close to the red sea, prophet muhammad also held consultations with his companions from those who are theen, those who immigrated as long with the ansar, and there was one position from the from the muhajidin from one fighter who was from
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yeman. who had said that we will not tell you, dear prophet muhammad, like the sons of israel said to mouse to moses, we're not going to tell you go and fight along with your with your god, we will stand here and wait here, no, go fight with your god, but we are with you, and we will remain with you, this is... the position of ansar that was headed by sad who also expressed his position and their position told prophet muhammad then during the consultations that we by god if you want us to go into the sea and he meant the red sea at that point that time then we will come and go into the sea if you told us to come and take our bladders to the level of sacrifice the prophet muhammad had then the
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yemen of faith, i call on you with this call of god almighty, as he said in his verses, which you are reading, which you are listening to in this holy month, this call of quran, this call of islam, i call on you on the call of alaqsa, the alaqsa of the miseries and the sufferings of the people. to come out in the millions to the streets, in san and other provinces depending on the procedures that are put forth by the authorities, and we hope and aspire that you can let the world hear the sounds and the the position and the voice ofdad and as well, like they said, like they called out in the battle of of beather, it is not. issue of
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loyalty, it is not an issue of honor or nobility, in order to come and to give slogans, or empty the scenes, or even marginalize the sufferings of the palestinian people, and you dear people, you are the people of honor, you are the people of loyalty, you are yemen of faith, you are the people of steadfastness, you are today the hope of the oppressed in the world. "when you come out tomorrow, this is at the level of the hope that we have, you listen to the uh leader of the movement, abdul malik al-huthi speaking there, his speech was not as long as usual, but he has spoken a number of occasions coming out and obviously showing his uh stefast support uh along with the yemini people of the palestinians, collapse their mental state in reference to the israel regime forces is what he talked about um, he also made a reference to how they are running
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away from service." uh they're continuing with their aggression and uh again slam the us for the continued support for what he called this enemy, treason from the muslim countries for their signence when it comes to the palestinian cause is another. reference that he made as to why they are remaining neutral and not doing anything overall when it comes to the palestinian cause, and he also said that the israeli enemy is the enemy of all muslims and the level of aggression manifested against palestinians is what they have against all muslims, that's just a tit bit of some of the statements made there by the leader of the movement, abdul malik al huti. uh, do stay with us, we have international news coming up at half past the hour. for now, it's goodbye. i believe that working together we can make history.
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