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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 4:30am-5:01am IRST

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your headlines on press, the vs really forces commit another massacre against palestinian civilians in gaza, killing over 60 people waiting for aid in the... north of the territory. yemen's ansort leader says operations against israel linked vessels will continue in the red sea and will extend to include ships crossing the indian ocean. and iran says israel has failed to achieve his proclaimed goals in the month's long unsolt on gaza and the signs of his historic defeat are already clear.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in teren, thank you for joining us. today's top story, the israeli regime has committed another massacre against palestinian aid seekers in the gaza strip, killing at least 60 people and wounding 160 others, according to. to euro med human rights monitor, the massacre took place at a gaza city's kuwait roundabout where israely forces talked at some 30,008 seekers with machine guns, helicopters, tanks and drones. the roundabout has witnessed similar tragedies in the past. at least 500 civilians have so far been killed in israel attacks on people awaiting aid in gaza. the latest incidents came hours after at least eight people were killed in an israeli strike on an aid center in in the neceret camp in central
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gaza. gaza's health ministry says the israeli genocide has so far killed more than 31,300 palestinians, leaving over 73,00 others injured. our correspondent moti abu masab joined us earlier from gaza's central city of dairal bullah with the latest updates on the israely atrocities. the israel. war planes continue their strikes against the residental buildings, particularly here in der balah city and even albures refugee camp, the last and the fresh attack actually targeted a residental building and burge refugee camp, at least five palestinian civilians were revetedly killed over that attack, while douzens are still trapped under the rubble, in the meantime another civilian car was hit over the last couple of hours in gaza city, at least for palestinian civilian. were
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reportedly killed over that attack even in jabalia refugee camp, the israeli war blins also renewed their air strikes and incursions against several areas, more dental buildings were pounded by the israeli uh brilliantless air strikes against that area, we are still talking about continuous israel strikes are still hitting the residental buildings acclaiming more lives of the palestinian people while the israel salvation war is still continued and maintained particularly when it comes to the uh food and aid distribution centers and elsewhere in gaza strip. egypt has called for an urgent increase in humanitarian aid going into gaza of by land, warning that the recent air drops were not sufficient. at the current level, this is the highest level, there are daily 200 trucks entering gaza. this is far below the needs, under normal circumstances. "gaza
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was receiving 600 trucks a day, so we recognize that the numbers of trucks are insufficient, there is a long line of trucks waiting to enter, but are subject to the procedures of betting that must be complied to so that the trucks can enter safely, that their drivers are not targeted, that they are received on the other side by the onral which is distributing the the assistance." made the comments in a joint press conference with spanish foreign minister jose manuel alvarez in cairo, the egyptian foreign minister said the airdrops are limited in volume and post danger to the civilians whom they are meant to help. last week it dropped eight packages hit people trying to collect them in gaza leaving several people dead. egypt stop diplomats also said that the israely inspections of all eight shipments at the crossings are the reason behind. and delays
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at the gaza-egypt border. spain's alvarez for his part called for sease fire and an end to the humanitarian catastrophe that is causing the innocent civilian population to suffer. the european union's foreign policy chief has earged the us to put more pressure on israel to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. joseph burell also described the current humanitarian crisis in the besieg territory as a man-made disaster. burell played down attempts made to get aid into gaza through airdrops or ships, saying they are less effective than landrootes. he added that the us must make israel open more crossings into gaza instead of impeeding aid delivery. echoing his remarks, the blocks eight chief said airdrops and maritime corridors cannot make up for the aid that can be pro transported by hundreds of trucks. he added that there are pockets of famon already in
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gaza. israel stands accused of weaponizing starvation by completely sealing off gaza. the un special rapporter on the right to food has also said that the regime is destroying gaza's food system. system as part of the starvation campaign against the territory. in the occupied west bank, a palestinian man was killed after stabbing three israeli settlers in bait kamboot. to further discuss the significance of the palestinian retaliatory operations, we were joined by our guest earlier in our news review program. let's see what they had to say. it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. at least three israels have been injured and an allesh stabbing operation in betkama, kiboots and occupied palestinian territories. according to the israely media, one of the injured settlers is in critical condition, and the
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palestinian man that carry out the operation has been killed. there is no report on the identity of the palestinin man yet. on wednesday, a 15-year-old palestinian was killed after allegedly stab. and wounding two israeli settlers a checkpoint outside of algod. the back to back incident comes in rising israeli crackdown on palestinians during the first days of the holy month of ramadan. is a palestinian scientist and author joins us from bethlehem assad abu shark is palestinian academic and activist joining us from dublin. welcome to you both. we're looking at the month of ramadan and um i'm curious as to the state of affairs in the west bank, i mean this particular piece of news we had uh involving uh the incident is uh just a little i guess snipped into how dire the situation is there and maybe you can
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give us an overview we know that over 500 palestinians have been killed i think for the month or for the for the year 2024 about 150 or so but uh what are we looking at when it comes to the occupied west bank? yes, indeed, the on the brink of explosion, there's a lot of people here that are very angry about what's going on in gaza, the starvation, the hunger and all of this, the killings in gaza, now 27 kids died in the past week for lack of food, but the west bank also is not to be forgotten, the setlers have expanded their... destruction have expanded ethnically cleansing palestinians, the soldiers are on the rampage shooting palestinians, preventing us from even getting out of our gattos like the bet ghetto, you to move to another ghetto
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or another concentration camp, so trip that used to take an hour now take several hours if at all possible, this this and settlement expansions and the approval of the israeli government of thousands and thousands of settlement units have made the west bank boiling point. now comes ramadan of course and you know we have the first two three days of ramadan and tomorrow is friday, israel is preventing people from getting to aloxamos so people are frustrated. and it is not surprising that we see reactions like the one you described. well, that's said abu shark, when you take a look at the life of uh palestinians in the west bank, uh, we understand that obviously on the economic side things are very dire, you have all these palestinians who have been borred from working, they don't have a permit to work
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inside the occupied west bank, unless they do in the black market, and as a result you have uh people who are in dire situation there, when you take a look at what's happening in the gaza strip, do you think the west bank risks? sliding into something similar to that? yes, indeed, you see, israel is launching war in gaza to kill and overkill and to ' children, men women, everybody to get rid of the people together strip, and in the same time israel is lunching a war of ethnic cleansing in the west bank, cantonizing the west bank, killing people, restricting their movement, building you know apartite walls, humiliating people, putting thousands of them in israeli jails, excepriating the land, building more settlements, you see this is this is the the
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the type of treatment that israel give to the palestinans, that is the israel on the destruction, utter destruction of the palestinian of the palestinians, wherever they might be in historic palestine, whether they are in jerusalem, in betlan, in the west bank in neaplus and hebron, whatever, in the west bank in gaza, in 1948 areas wherever, this is the science project which is bent on the destruction of the palestinian people using psychological warfare, using propaganda war, using genocidal war, using ethnic cleansing, using collective punishment, using all sorts of maltreatment against the palestinian people. unfortunately the whole world is is not doing anything to the palestinan, they are just standing eitherly by, sometimes they are issuing statements of condemnation, but there are... are not taking serious action, they are not imposing for example sanctions on israel, they are not
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kicking israel from the united nations organizations, they are not recognizing the right of self determination and right of retain for palestinian refugees, they are not recognizing our own right to live in honor and dignity in history palestine. thank you very much for that, let me thank your guest, palestinian scientist and author who talked to us from bethlehem and palestinian academic and activist from dublin, thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. welcome back. the leader of yemen's ansarulah movement vows that operations against israel linked vessels in the red sea will continue with high effectiveness. abdul malik al-huthi added that american and british vessels will be also target. and the military operations will
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continue with rocket firing and the operations where we are targeting the vessels that are linked to the israeli enemy and as well with the implication of the us and the vessels that are for the us and the uk and the uk as well and their aggression against our country in order to support the israeli enemy and our operations are also continuing against them and our targeting is also continuous against them, this is all with with god almighty support.i added that yemen's operations will further extend to include those vessels that cross the indian ocean towards south africa's cape of good hope. he said yemen's naval forces have so far targeted 73 vessels in nearby waters. he stressed that the military aggression against yemen by the us and the uk has failed to deter the country from carrying out anti-israel operations and has had no effect
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on his missile and drown capabilities. elsewhere in his remarks, hoothi criticized some arab and muslim states for their inaction in the face of the israely genocide in gaza. he called on muslims to stand against the regime which is trying to turn gaza into uninhabitable land for palestinians. huthy reaffirmed that israel has failed to achieve any of his goals in the blockaded territory. in this week's episode of erantech we're checking out lapscale new... wastewater treatment system that uses activated sludge and membrane bioreactors to filter out the
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impurities in the nuclear waste water, including uranium and other heavy metals. don't miss it, the times are written below. your one's for minister says there is... regime has failed to achieve any of his proclaimed goals during his months long onslot on the gaza strip. wain amir abdullah yan says the science of historic defeat for the regime have already become clear. iran stopped. diplomat made the remarks in a message to the heads of hezbulah, hamas and the islamic jihad resistance groups on the occasion of the advent of the holy month of ramadan. amir abdullahyon said the israeli regime continues with this genocide and inhumane crimes against palestinians, especially women and children in gaza during ramadan. he said international organizations,
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including the un security council have failed to adopt any effective and deterrant measures against this genocide. amir abdullahyan also slammed the enaction of the so-called applicats of human rights in the face of israel's extensive crimes. the highest ranking jewish politician in the us, chuck schuma has harshly criticized benjamin netanyahu's cabinet calling for new elections in israel. this comes as the rift between washington and tel aviv seemed to be widening. if president, prime minister netanyahu's current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing us standards for assistance, then the united states will have no choice, but to play a more active role in shaping israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present
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course. at this critical juncture, i believe new election is the only way to allow for healthy and open decision-making process about the future of israel, a time when so many israelis have lost their confidence in the vision and direction of their government. prime minister has also weakened israely opposition leader yair lapid has also said that schuma's comments show that netanyahu is losing the regime's biggest supporters in the u.s. on the other. and of the of israel's political spectrum, netanyahu has laid into the top us politicians remarks saying israel is not a banana republic. netan yahoo said he is leading a policy that is supported by the huge by huge majority of the people. his claims however appear to be false as reports point to a growing public distrust in the israeli premier. a us intelligence report
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published on monday has warned about the viability of the netanyahu cabinet saying it maybe. jeopady admit criticisms over his handling of the gaza war. the report also expected more israeli vallies demanding netanyahu's resignation and snap elections. if president prime minister. thousands of people in israel protest against the exemptions for ultra orthodox jews from military service at israel's ongoing unslot on gaza. the protests were mainly aimed against. prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his far right ruling coalition. the rally has come after the statements of chief safardic rabbi yitiash yosef earlier this week. yosef threatened that ultra orthodox jews will all leave israel if the regime ends their exemptions from mandatory military enlistment. since israel's founding in 1948, ultra orthodox jews also known as haridim
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have been granted permanent exemption from serving in the military. however, after the regime. began as offensive in gaza, pressure increased for ending the exemptions. last month, the knesset passed the mandatory service bill, which intends to integrate ultra orthodox men into the military. the palestinian authority prime minister and his cabinet submitted their resignation a couple of weeks ago, now news as surfaced there is a replacement for the job, one approved by the pa president mahmoud abbas in or explain a program with took a closer look at the issue, the palestinian president mahmoud abbas is set to appoint muhammad mustafa as the next palestinian authority prime minister, now this comes after the former palestinian prime minister muhammad shataya resigned from office paving the way for muhammad mustafa,
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but who is muhammad mustafa? well, mustafa is 69 years old, he's born in tol karman. west bank, he holds a doctorate economics from george washington university in the us. he has also worked at the world bank for 15 years. other notable points of his resume: he has served as pa's deputy prime minister, the economy minister and as abbas's economy advisor. of the close to mahmoud abbas, he is not a fata member. mustafa has also sat on the palestine liberation organization executive committee since the year 2022. now he's also served as the chairman of the palestine investment fund since 2005. this is important since he oversaw a fund with nearly a billion dollars in assets, so that's a lot of money. why is that important? not only did he oververs gaza's reconstruction under hamas rule after earlier war between israel and hamas, mustafa will be responsible for overseing billions of dollars and expected
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international aid. the introduction of new prime minister is part of an effort by mahmoud abas to reform the pa, to create a technocratic government in the west bank. mustafa himself is widely regarded as an independent technocrat. he's been holding consultations with prospective cabinet members in recent weeks. the members are. to be a group of technocrats unaffiliated with party. for those that may not know what a technocrat or government is, well, it's one in which the ministers are not career politicians and they are experts in their ministerial fields. so hopefully that'll define that for you. once the techratic government is in place, regional stakeholders will be able to move forward with plans to establish in-term committee in gaza responsible for providing civil. versus an internal security in the enclave eventually govern the gaza strip after israel's genocidal war against palestinians continues. well, there's some confusion in this stance
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since muhammad mustafa has also said in the next phase, what he will do was he would reunite gaza and the west bank. okay, this is a direct quote, this means gaza and the west bank will be one palestinian land, not separated actually by a border with gaza. "will the unity government will perform under reformed governmentts comprised of new prime minister, it will be tasked with taking care of arab countries and european donors. there's also request for the pa president mahmoud abbas to transfer some of his powers to the prime minister. and finally, will muhammad mustafa get along with the israeli regime? well, check out this quote: "if we cannot remove the occupation, no reformed government can build a good governance system. doesn't sound like..." he and the israeli regime are on the same page, you be the judge. nigerian muslims, like millions of
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others worldwide are fasting during the holy month of ramadan. however, the rising cost of living in the country has caused significant challenges for many nigerian muslims during this fasting period. press tv's correspondent don juma abdullahi reports. ramadan, sacred month in islam, is a month to cultivate self-discipling, self-control, sacrifice and empathy for those in need. breaking of the fast in the evening known as iftar also fosters a sense of community and sharing as people come together to share a meal. here in nigeria, many muslims are observing the month of ramadan with first. while grappling with the economic hardships plaging the country. the nira nigeria's currency experienced a historic decline against the dollar in
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february this year, leading to rampant inflation that has rendered life exceedingly difficult for many nigerians. in ramadan where people need so much food, where people need to have um access to to basic supplies and then you begin to find that... prices are exorbitant, um, the food is not even there in the first place, so we have double-edged inflation, the inflation is such that the money is not there and the food is not there. many people experience hunger before bedtime, making fasting during ramadan a formidable challenge. experts assert that there exists a fundamental issue that requires urgent attention. for a country where that is that has sorry 40% of the world's available. you find that there is no food security, it begs for question, mean it begs for answer, you calls to question what exactly our agricultural policies are, what are we doing,
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mean how did we get here? it's really uh quite pathetic. religious organizations like the al-habibiyah islamic society have established the food bank where muslims donate both money and food to support the less fortunate during ramadan. dedicated volunteer as cook and package meals ensuring that hundreds of impoverished fasting muslims receive a warm meal for iftar in the evening. our purpose here is to improve lives through the support of allah with utmost humility and sincere gratitude to the almighty allah. things are now getting better for us. yesterday we provided meals for 2,200 people. on the first day of ramadan it was 1600 and on the second day it 2002, only god knows the count for today. the nigerian government has recognized the food challenge and has moved to address it. this is in addition to other
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critical measures. beyond palliatives, experts say the nigerian government must have the right mix of fiscal and monetary policies in order to get out of the economic situation. they say more than 60 thousand hectares of farmland have been abundant in northern nigeria because of the banditry and kidnapping, the government needs to address the general insecurity in nigeria. press tv. to the end of this bulletin, thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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in late 2023, south africa filed case at the international court of justice, icj over the israeli apath regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. south africa stated that the telavive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the locit against the israel at the end of december. noting that israel's actions in gaza that sited last october are genocideling character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today. he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis moloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today. thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak. it's a pleasure to be here.
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les than two weeks after launching its genocide on the gaza strip, the israeli military committed one of the most heinous atrocities in modern history.