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tv   Gaza Under Attack GAZ As AIRDROPPED LIES  PRESSTV  March 15, 2024 12:02pm-12:31pm IRST

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aid deliveries by road are being artificially closed and starvation is being used as a war arm, the words of eu foreign policy chief joseph burell. hello everyone, you've tuned into gaza under attack with me saied puruza. let's begin with the recap of some of the latest developments. intense us europe
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strikes on gaza continue on the third day of ramadan. gaza's health ministry figures show almost 100 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. the number of palestinians killed since the start of the war has risen to more than 31,000. another 73,00 have been wounded. more raids in the occupied west bank. israeli occupation forces have killed at least four palestinians including two minors in ramala and jane. also growing call. on the world's football governing body, fifa to ban israel from all international in competitions over the occupying regime genocidal war in the gaza strip, and profoundly undemocratic, civil liberties campaigners denounce the uk government's controversial plan to impose new definition of extremism. it comes in the wake of months of overwhelmingly peaceful, anti-war, pro-palestine demonstrations across the country. with us on this edition of the...
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program filmmaker, author and lecturer, professor haim brahith, and joining us via skype from london, sakina datu, journalist and producer, welcome to you both. i'll start with you, professor, if i may, we we're going to of course take a deep dive into the other issues soon. can i have your reflections on more than 160 days of bombardment that has gone on in the gaza strip so far? this is... in ly unprecedented that for 160 days um nothing was done to stop the israeli crimes. um, it's clear that this is a genocide, um, the icj is still sitting on it, but um, the fact that they allowed it to be in um, when south africa has put the request um, means that they will decide that the... genocidal acts
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and i'm sure that normal people already understand that, so um, this is the first time in history that the genocide is happening, the world is looking, and the leaders of the most powerful countries are looking aside, um, some some of them are now speaking up, yeah, but they're not doing anything, um, all that, joe biden needs to do... is one phone call and this will stop immediately, and he's not doing that, neither is rishi sunak, and neither is anybody else acting, they could cut the israeli support immediately, and that will bring an end to the genocide. not only do they not stop the genocide, they removed their financial contribution to anra, which is the only organization that can feed palestinians, can look... after the medical support for them,
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when all the hospitals have been destroyed and the clinics don't exists anymore, so basically now 2.3 million people are being starved uh as part of the genocidal campaign, and this still doesn't move the world leaders. what world are we living in? what a world we're living in. and sakina, as someone watching over events from here, what are your reflections when it started out, some people said you, it's going to die out in a week or two or few weeks, but it's more than five months on and it's still happening, it is, and you know, i think there is a bit of a shift in the way i think muslims in particular are now looking at this conflict, it has been 160 days and whereas we were watching this with lot of pain and sometimes this illusionment that things were... what
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happening? i think with the onset of the month of ramadan, there there is a bit, the month of ramadan is all about reflection, about thinking differently, and and i see lot of muslims are are... taking this on and when we are now watching what is happening in gaza, it is not this illusionment, it is inspiration to think that these people, you know when we see the pain, this pain is very very surface, when you look at it spiritually, they are setting pace for very different world, the world has changed, you know, mean i remember every ramadan for example, people would be sharing their pictures of food everywhere on what we are cooking and eating and "there is a campaign this year to ensure that we don't share any such pictures in our solidarity with people who are starving in palestine and automatically with that you see that the focus has changed so much, every moment of every day that we are fasting, our thoughts are on where this genocide is taking us and
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what our responsibilities are, and and for those of us who believe in you know in a spiritual bigger. picture, we see this as setting a scene for the coming of the masaah, and therefore i think with the onset of the month of ramadan, it has taken a bit of a different look on how we view the genocide going on in gaza, and what we have also seen, professor, is the ground swell of public support for the palestinians and the call for an end to the genocide, call for immediate permanent cease fire uh, both here across. uh european capitals in the united states, where biden and trump will now officially be squaring off in the november elections, um, and yet the both of them have pledched in words and in action, unqualified support for the israeli regime, how much of a play role
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rather, would this issue play do you think in the us presidential elections? well, they are competing with each other, um, who will support? israel um the worst, you know, this is this is terrible uh to think that no one, no candidate in the united states is actually thinking even of stopping this genocide, there is no hope to come from that quarter, i'm sure, so um, we have the strongest nation on earth, um, well, two, um, people. their 80s yeah um one of them is definitely not there um both um vying for um supporting a genocide in action i think this is something that hasn't happened um we don't have much hope uh from britain uh we have the uh leader
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uh of the conservative party in the chair of a prime minister um in a year of probably uh elections in november, um, he is in total agreement with the leader of the opposition supporting the genocide, so uh, if we go through the leaders of the west one by one, that's what we see, there is no hope from them, unless they can be um removed, but i can't see how they can be removed, this is a war of the west against the rest, and gaza and palestine are playing the role. the rest, the rest of humanity understands that gaza is standing for us, for all of the citizens of the world, not for the leaders, the leaders are actually waging war on normality and on life, right? let's let's hear from the man
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who described europe as the garden and the rest of the world as the jungle, and that's joseph burell, as we mentioned at the top of the broadcast, the european union's top diplomat joseph. broken out against the use of starvation as a tool of war whilst linking the situations inside gaza and ukraine. the eu has provided tens of millions in aid to kiev, but have done comparatively little to stop the genocide inside the beseged coastal enclave. let's listen it. humanitarian assistant needs to get into the gaza and the european union is working as much as we can in order to make it possible. but this is humanitarian crisis which is not a natural disaster, it's not a flat, it's not a healthquake, it's a man-made, and when we look for alternative ways of providing support by sea, by air, we have to remind
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that we have to do it, because the natural way of providing support through roads is being closed, artificially clos. and estarvation is being used as a war arm, and when we condemn this happening in ukraine, we have to use the same words for what's happening in gaza, but me remind something, under exist because they are palestinian refugees, it's not a present to the palestinians, is answer to their needs, well salion points from barall there, but sakina, the eu remains one of tel aviv's largest trading partners at the same time, how can we even take joseph broel seriously? i mean, "i think you know on the face of it, on the surface, i would like to think that maybe
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some of these people are having a rethought having watching these the wast tragedy, i think we've seen in our lifetime, maybe something steering inside them, however i'm not holding my breath on that one, the the fact is, i think you know the eu, the us, the uk, these are all complicit in the genocide in in. gaza and i think what they are trying to say over here is that their method of fighting the war was better because people weren't aware, they weren't using for example starvation, they were killing palestinians in the past 75 years but silently so that the world doesn't awaken to what they are doing and now it's the israel is actually just become blindfolded and the hate and the rage with which they are conducting these atrocities has made the whole world open up and i think what eu is just trying to say is
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let's not make it so obvious about how horrible we are and how you know easily we want to kill everybody but let's do it a bit more silently i mean that's all i can read honestly from the statements of people who are so complicent in every manner in the genocide. professor bishith as you you mentioned uh you're not holding your breath as far as action on the part of uh leaders in in the global north, um, you hear comments we heard from the likes of kier starmer at the start of this, saying israel reserved the right to cut off electricity, food and other supplies to the palestinians, but then again he goes to congratulate muslims on the arrival of the month of ramadan on his twitter page, what is this the reason do you think behind this total direliction of um global moral leaders? ship on the part of the leaders in here and the rest of the global north, it's not as if they were um really
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morally leading before this episode of genocide, but now they are actually supporting genocide, so this is the the switch from the 7th of october that before they were supporting israel in whatever they were doing, but not uh supporting genocide openly, now they are. so uh when uh kiestdama is uh saying that um israel has a right to um actually cut electricity, food, water, medical supplies in its war, he is candidate for the icc and the icj, and the same with rishi sunak and with uh joe biden, uh, they are actually not doing what the genocide convention demands them. demands that they do, and that is, never help genocide in
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action, but do all they can to stop it, they are doing the opposite of what leaders of countries should now do, and south africa and many other countries which support south africa are doing the right thing, they are trying to stop the genocide, now it's very easy to stop the genocide, we know that, i mean if the united states ac' stops the flight of munitions to israel and europe does the same, and cut aid, military aid to israel, now i want to say that the other thing that we forget, europe is major support of israel, i'm academic and i know that the eu support for research in israeli universities outstrips the support for most sorry most countries in europe, israel is not a... member of the eu, it's an associate member, but it has, it is getting more than
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many european countries, now israel is getting something like between 1.5 billion euros and two billion euros year, wow, and palestine is getting exactly a thousandth of that, israel is getting a thousand times more palestinian research, both communities. the same size, both communities have eight universities each, um, of course you can think that of the two, palestine needs more support, and yet israel is getting... a thousand times that which uh palestine is getting from the eu. this is the world we live in now, there is no pretense anymore for you know equality and and and reasonableness, it's been given up all together, and joseph burell himself lies when he says that europe is doing all it can to to stop this, they're
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doing nothing at all to stop it. they definitely are not doing anything at all. well, despite the uk government actively cracking down on pro-palestinian demonstrations, with ministers even referring to them as hate marchers. millions continue to take to the streets to raise their voices for palestine. our cameras were at the latest mass demo in the british capital, and here is what some of those marching had to say. the only extremists are the british government who are putting more division into our society by saying these kinds of things. what are... we doing, we're just here peacefully protesting, we're just walking slowly through the streets to demand a ceasefire. who's the extremists? us or the people who are supporting what israel is doing? that's the question i'd like to ask. i'm not going to be voting labor or tory, not at all, i'd rather vote for someone completely different. mean, i think it's just showing people, people are waking up. this is the first time a genocide
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is being live streamed to our phones. there's no excuse for people to say we didn't know what was happening. we're all seeing it everywhere. even people who didn't know about what's going on in palestine, they're now seeing it, even strangers on the street, i've seen people talking about it as well, people at my workplace, they all, it's it's waking everyone up, whether it changes politics or not, i don't know, but for the for the most part people are seeing what is happening, we're not a mob, we're peaceful protesters, we're more people arrested at glastonbury than have been arrested on these marches and they're just going to criminalize um... right to our freedom of speech and our freedom to protest, and the same to stop arming israel, um, to work towards a cease fire, to listen to the thousands and thousands of people who've written to their mps, dozens and dozens of times and i don't even get a reply from my my mp, so rude, it's that it's my right to have my voice heard and they're just
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not listening. i did once think that we lived a democracy and i did... think that we i lived in the freeest country in the world, but i'm questioning that now, um, what happened in parliament, the week before last or whenever it was, that was like completely anti-democratic and shockingly bad behavior on behalf of our mps, um, we behave better on this protest than they do in the houses of parliament. david cameron, britain's foreign secretary, has urged tel aviv to allow more aid into gaza and a scale. that is simply not possible with the current system of air drops. london has been putting pressure on tel aviv to open up more land routes and agreed to immediate humanitarian pause to avert a growing catastrophe. here's more. we are doing all we can to increase aid into gaza. we've been collaborating with jordan on humanitarian airdrops and now working with
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partners to operation operationalized a maritime aid corridor from cyprus. however, this cannot substitute delivery. by land, which remains the best way to get aid in at the scale that's needed. israel must open more land routes including in the north for longer and with fewer screening requirements. i've been clear, we need immediate humanitarian pause to increase aid into gaza and get the hostages out. israel must remove restrictions aid and restore electricity, water and telecommunications. but what i'd say, particularly with regard to what's happening on the maritime front, which is encouraging, but if israel really wanted to help, they could... open ashdod port, which is in israel, that is a fully functioning port that could really maximize the the delivery of aid from cyprus straight into israel and therefore into gaza. in terms of his question about how to make sure aid gets around gaza, this is one of the trickiest pieces of the jigsaw. one of the things israel needs to do is to give out more visas to un workers who are capable of distributing
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the aid when it arrives into gaza. we have few more minutes to go. final questions to professor hiem brahid and um sakina datu um sakina london is urging tel aviv to do more to stop this unfolding genocide, seems like the eu, it's all the right noises, but lacking any real substance. it's all politicing honestly, i think you know the election of george gelaway in rochedal has shaken up these people and they know that they... most of the people are planning to vote neither labor nor conservative and so we see these kind of language now because they are looking for the votes of people who are really annoyed and frustrated. but i don't think i think most people see through this hypocrisy very clearly and we know nothing is going to happen the whole issue of trying to open up new area you know the land through
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which they can deliver aid i think there is lot more that they are not telling us about that but in reality you know there is no will if they had the will to send aid to gaza this would have been done long ago it's very open easy to open the rougher border but they won't do that so all these languages and all these complications are just a politics and trying to you know make people feel like they are doing something when they know that they'll be losing all the votes of people who are watching the genocide and have decided that they're not going to be giving their votes to any of these parties. speaking of that vote professor when when the protest started you had former secretary uh or interior minister broverman calling people hate marchers fast forward um to the current home secretary saying people have made their point, now they have to show what they want through the ballot boxes, they do it in rotchdale, the prime minister speaks attend
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downing street, warning of um extremists, and now his community secretary michael gove introducing uh new introduction of the definition of extremism, and we know who the targets are, what does that mean for freedom of speech, for democracy, for civil liberties, what? democracy, we are not living a democracy, and these people are going to silence the millions that are in britain demonstrating for palestine, for justice and for peace, so if you demonstrate for peace and justice, and for the end of genocide, you are extreme, if you are silencing millions of people as a minister, you are reasonable, this is an alison wonderland. um world that we have created here, i don't think that they are confused, they will not be voted into government in whenever they decide to hold
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the elections, it doesn't matter when the election will be held, they are going to lose. labor is also going to lose lot of support because people will not forget the position that kia starmer has taken on behalf of a genocidal regime. what? what is left for us to do uh, there are no candidates like george galloway in every constituency, you know, i was asked myself to be candidate uh, for for you new movement of the lift, i'm not going to do it because uh, i'm not the kind of person that um can work that way, but this is a situation we haven't actually had, there is no with. no one to vote for, no one standing for elections, apart from people like george galloway and the snp is actually saying what people want to hear, and if they
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think that they will stop us from marching through london and other towns and cities, they are wrong, we will continue to do that, we are not extremists, we are asking for peace and for the end of genocide, what is wrong about that? exactly, and and very briefly, what is the... of this new definition or the expansion of the definition of extremism mean for the left that you mentioned earlier. i think the left should not be fooled for by by these attempts to to silence and to squelch the debate. we shall not be silenced by it, we should not take it into account. this is a law that makes no sense and is actually illegal, it's against democratic rights and that's what they want to do. they've... lost all the other arguments, suela bravaman brought millions into the streets when she talked in the way that she did, and she had to resign, of
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course, um, cameron will not resign, he will um carry to the bitter end, so will rishisunak, but they will not get the public to support them with the law about extremism, when we're talking about people in the street demonstrating for... peace and the demonstrations for peace shall go on. that is all the time we have everybody. my thanks to our guests professor haim brish and sakina datu. and to you of course for staying with us. catch our earlier episodes by visiting until next time. continue to keep palestine in your hearts. goodbye.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. "they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hardway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin, opens a window to palestine to understand in depth, the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects.
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do not miss a window to palestine. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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your press of headlines palestinian resistance movement hamas says it's presented a gaza seesfire proposal to mediators with the aim of putting an end to the ongoing war. the israel regime commits a new massacre against palestinians seeking aid in gaza drawing strong condemnations from resistance groups and russians are heading to the polls throughout the country in a three-day presidential election.