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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST

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hello and welcome to spotlight. israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip continues with unflinching support from the u.s. massive aerial and artillery strikes keep pounding neighborhoods, homes, refugee camps, while civilians trying to receive aid have turned into... new targets for israeli of forces. hamas resistance movement has presented a new ceasefire proposal, but the warmongers in the israeli cabinet have once again rejected the idea of peace by approving a plan for a ground invasion of rafa in uh the southern gaza strip. now uh, what is left of the credibility of international bodies like the un, which have been unable to put an end to what is believed to be the most tragic chapter of modern history. unfolding before
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our very eyes in the besieged gaza strip. our guests for tonight's spotlight are journalist and political analyst elijah magneer joining us from brussels and we also have attorney activist and political analyst zakir ahmed may joining us from johannesburg. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. magnian. russell israel's prime minister, as we just mentioned, is rejected new cease fire proposal by the hamas resistance movement that included the release of the regime's captives in exchange for the release of palestinian abducties. give us your overall views on these talks. is nahu, in your opinion a main obstacle to any cease fire agreement, as it may mean the end of his political career? thank you for having me. indeed, benyamin netanyahu is main obstacles
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with his government of course, because he is confronted with a coalition of ministers of the far right wing like the security minister being ver and the finance minister smotric who threatened him to pull out of the coalition and resign if he stops the war. on the other hand he is confronted with the small war cabinet, benny gants and and gaby eisengort who are telling him that the priority should go to release the prisoners and to accept an exchange of prisoners with the palestinian resistance. of course, the israeli society is made of warmers, they all agree on continuing the war, however we see as very significant failure of the israeli occupation forces in gaza. in the north, in
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the middle, in the south, in hammed city, they go back to bait khanon in the north, they go back to a shot again on the west, and they not managing because the palestinian resistance is harassing and killing the israeli officers and soldiers, and that comes from the defense minister, confess that they are paying heavy price, so how he's going to go and conduct first? the operation rafah instead of sitting around the table and negotiate a cease fire if he is not managing to to occupy and control gaza. this is the dilemma he is facing, but because of the support of the society for the war, he is finding strength in comparison to the pressure that he is subjected to by the americans, by the europeans. by the congress,
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by the american administration and by the population around the world, so for him is decision either to step down and resign and accept his failure, or to continue the war without achieving any strategic objective. mr. ah, israel is bombing areas of gaza that it had designated as being safe, wiping out entire families, and now in a recent statement from the israeli prime minister's office. apparently approved plans for the military operation in rafa, that's the of southern gaza city where more than million people are sheltering, how far will this clear intent to destroy gaza continue as the world looks on? i think with the blanket support of the united states, even at the expense of joe biden's election campaign and the possibility of him not being reelected for his unconditional support for the genocidal state of israel, "the israeli
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administration will continue to massacre the palestinian people. the only reason why there has been a dragging of the feet so to say with regards to the..." operation in raffa was because of two things, one it required planning, and more importantly they were very concerned about what would happen during ramadan, the major concern for the israeli military establishment was the west bank and the arab population within israel proper, the statements by netanyahu, the statements by, the the statements by bashalil were inflammatory and they were... extremely concerned about the flare up within the palestinian territories as well as within the arab populations within israel proper. now that we have crossed into the holy month of ramadan, israel believes that they have other options and they cannot continue to delay
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indefinitely and they have to move on rafa. rafa has been pinned as the key to the success of israel. we all know that israel has not succeeded in any of its domains we see continuous attacks in gaza city, there is fighting, severe fighting, khan unis, there was even attacks in baithan, and baitthanoon was one of the first areas that saw conflict when israel invaded on the ground invasion, so israel has no dominance on the ground, it is losing its air superiority as well, we consistently hearing of anti aircraft weaponry being fired as well as drones being captured by the resistance and the move on rafa is merely to extend netanyahu's political life and that is why he is also jostling for a fight within the north and hazballah has responded quite heavily with regards to that and i think that we might be heading for escalation if israel continues on this trajectory. mr. magnia, global
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condemnations have been pouring in over israel's massacre of over 100 palestinians who are waiting for humanitarian aid in gaza city on thursday israel has. made habit now of slaughtering those seeking aid in gaza over the past several weeks, now impeeding aid and starving gasens is one part of the collective punishment, but murdering in cold blood, people seeking aid, that definitely fits uh in the bracket of genocide, doesn't it? it does indeed, not only that is a crime against humanity, war crimes and should be brought in front of the international criminal. not the international court of justice, secondly, it is, the the israeli occupation forces are demonstrating that their strength is only manifested in killing civilians, in targeting women and children
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and in starving the population in gaza to put pressure on the palestinian resistance, because they are failing to confront the palestinian resistance, however, the word condemnation really um reached to no conclusion really and nothing concrete, because we cannot accept that the americans are condemning the killing of 30 of more than 30,000 civilians in gaza, acknowledging it for the first time by joe biden himself, and then insisting on sending weapons to the israelis to continue killing the palestinians, secondly to... say that israel has a right to defend itself, even yesterday by the white house, it's a total mockery because israel is not defending itself, israel is killing civilians and starving the population in gaza, so the multiple ethnic cleansing by pushing more than 700 thousand
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palestinian from the north to the south and then from the south to rafa and displacing them to non-secure area a an occupation force is again an ethnic cleansing that israel is responsible of. now the main fact the international court of justice accepted the case of intent genocide is because there is a strong ground for it and we have heard how the deliberation of all the lawyers in this case and were all quoting united nation resolution. now the united nation is calling for this. the seasfire and for the murdering the civilians, but israel seems giving no attention to any country around the world and asking the world not to lecture the israelis for their doing, promoting the killing of
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children because they will be the fighter that they will fight them in the future, promoting the killing of women that they will be pregnant and carrying the children who are going to fight israel. so you can't have more criminal mind than the israeli mind. mr. ahmed, the us, it wants to establish a port to deliver humanitarian assistance. in gaza, but at the same time it provides weapons and lethal arsenal to the israelis. please break down this appalling hypocrisy by the us. uh, mr. muhammad al hindi, he's the uh deputy secretary general of the islamic jihad movement uh, which we spoke earlier here on press tv, he called this as an act of sheer hypocrisy, and that the us is attempting to misleave the international conscience and buying time for israel, do you see it in that light as well? most definitely, there's other interpretation with regards to this. if we look at the plan to establish the port of the
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coast of ghazza, this is an israeli plan, there are numerous entrance points into ghazza which israel controls and israel had been instructed by the icj to ensure that humanitarian aid entered into razza. the problem that is present before us is not one of allowing aid in, it's political problem within israel and this was not admitted in other publications, but was admitted in the inss annual conference, this happened about a week ago, where they indicated that there's a split within the government, the war cabinet allows for the humanitarian aid to go in, then you have the extreme right-wing individuals, we already mentioned their names, starting to produce opposition to that and organizing protesters to... trucks from going in, so what do they do? they move to this concept of dropping humanitarian aid by
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air drops. most of the aid that we have seen has forced palestinians to fight over the aid having to to go down the path of survival of the fittest. this has another political function and also a military function, because they're trying to bypass another. if we look at the statements in a recent interview given by major general. dan reserve uzi dayan, he said that they need to destroy anarwa because of the refugee issue, and one simple way to do that is to take away the distribution of humanitarian aid as a function of this organization, that is also one of the primary issues with regards to the sport, so when we look at what is happening, it's no act of benevolence on the part of the united states, israel or any other country that has participated in this, it is part and parcel of a plan to try and as establish israel as the supreme power within the region
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within ghazza and to ensure that hamas and ara is distored. this is the weaponization of humanitarian aid, if they wanted to allow humanitarian aid in, it's very simple, allow the streamlining of the checks, allow for the trucks to get in and the handful of protests that should be moved away from the the borders by israel, as simple as that. these are all mechanisms to push agenda. "and it's simply the principle of war, negotiate while advancing, that's exactly what they are doing right now. elijah, an exclusive interview that we had with the deputy leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, we discussed the palestinian resistance in gaza, mr. muhammad aldy said the resistance is carrying out operations in areas which israel actually claims to have captured including in the north of the strip and also in hanness to the south. now after over five months of lethal and deadly attacks the resistance." groups are fighting back strong both inside and outside of gaza, this is surely serious
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failure uh for the israeli murdery machine, especially in the eyes of the israeli public. the 7th of october and five months after that date, it is now pretty obvious of the capability of the israeli army, to the point that many american generals are mocking the... the army and the time they are taking for trying to occupy 364 square kilometers in gaza, so we see the israeli army since 29th of october last year saying we have control the north, and then we hear just few days ago that the israeli army is bombarding baitlahya in the north and then they pushing the army into bait hanonon and then they... conducting operation in the north and then they say we are attacking khan unis, we destroying the
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palestinian resistant, but then today they pulled out of hammed city in northwest of khan unis and then they return to it and then they pull out and they struggling all the time because they are facing people resistance owner of the land who are determined to offer their life to the... beat the oppressor and this occupation force and they not managing because they are not the owner of the land. the only thing they are trying to do is to kill as many civilians as possible. among these, the families of the fighters and the resistance, so they can demoralize the resistance, but is not working, because at the end of the day, during the negotiation of the seasfire, the upper hand is giving to the resistance inside gaza that is dictating the terms and rejecting any sease fire in exchange of no
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commitment of the israeli to pull out from gaza to withdraw the arm. to allow the return the refugees, that is a position of strength, it is not a position of people who have been under bombardment for the last five and a half month and who, according to the israeli wrong thinking, they are suffering defeat, on the contrary, it is the israeli army that is screaming, it is the israeli army that is demoralized, the israeli defense ministers are saying we are paying very heavy price, not the resistance, distance is working quietly and we see the result on the ground by the failure of the israeli army not only not to achieve and fail to achieve the objectives of defeating hamas and release all the prisoners but not incapable of controlling any area that the army went into in the north and khan unis. mr. ahmad may the
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ameny army uh says it is carried out fresh attacks on us and israeli vessels in the indian ocean and expanding the scope of its pro-palestinian and retaliatory operations, talk to us about the emini response to the gaza onslot and the defiant message that the yemenes have been sending to the us and its allies. the allie of the palestinian people has clearly been the brothers of yemen and there in the north the brothers of hazballah. we have seen promises from the leadership of the resistance access to ensure that there is escalation particularly during this holy month and the yemani brothers have stepped forward in full their promise in this regard. what is very interesting is that ships had been rooted around the cape of good hope here in south africa and the south african port had been abandoned for a long time because of the excessive distance that they would have
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to travel in the swiss canal shortens this. however, the fact that the yeamenies have already targeted certain... i believe it's the uss laboon and three other vessels that were heading towards the cape of good hope is an indication that the entire blockade will tighten around israel, this will exacerbate the already critical economic and fragile situation within israel. israel is sitting with huge problem right now, their reserves had to be released back into civil life simply because the economy is they are extremely exhausted, they cannot continue with the fighting at the pace that they did at the very beginning, and that is why you see this limited incursions, that is why you see the bombing of individual whilst they obtain aid, these are gutter tactics by the israeli regime, the yemenis however have shown very principal position that despite
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the international pressure, despite the consistent almost daily bombings by the us and the uk coalition. of yemen, they continue to remain firm and fixed on their commitment to the palestinian people. i believe we will see further capabilities of the resistance in yemen. we have already seen new weapons systems being rolled out that have shocked the americans that have shocked the israelis and have shocked the united kingdom, and i believe you will see entrances of other individuals and other actors within a very short space of time, especially considering the expansion of the... particular operation and war now elijah magnia, why aren't regional blocks or even arab governments stepping up and taking matters into their own hands. many officials have called on muslim and arab countries to openly express their opposition to the israeli regime and several ties with the uh israelis. why is that not happening? well, we have seen two so far two
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countries like uh qatar supporting the negotiation. and egypt really closing rafah that was very important step not to accommodate the israeli plan to uh create another nack by the palestinian and displaced one and a half million palestinian from gaza, but on the other hand we have seen jordan and the emirates doing a great job in facilitating the passage of fruit and vegetable to the israelis to through the... land shamelessly providing all the support that israel needs while simultaneously going on the media and complaining about the victim. and the murders of the palestinian in gaza, so you cannot be the second largest producer of fruit and vegetables to israel, that is, i, jordan, because the first is
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turkey, and then complain about the what how the israel are starving the population and then offering a land support, basically, because the arabs want to give up on the palestinian cause, they don't want to hear it, because it embarrasses them with all the... normalization that they are in process or others they have already achieved, and this is something that they cannot face the people in the middle east and around the world that are more powerful than the middle eastern countries in standing with the just cause, i.e. the palestinian cause, and that is quite embarrassing when we see all the arab countries who have the potentiality to put an end to these really arrogance and killing and stop israel, particularly those who are have borders with israel and impose the break of the siege like the yemen
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ansarulah are admirably doing and carrying the honor of the world population imposing humanitarian law on the israeli by preventing their shipment, but on the other hand, unfortunately we see all the sacrifices of the yemeny are wasted by countries, arab countries who are offering the land road to supply the israelies with fruit and vegetable, so this contradiction that we see between the language used by the islamic country and many middle eastern countries, and at the same time they pretend to be more concerned when they not lifting finger, and they are ins, they have no sensibility to the image of... the children and the women begging in the street for food and killed in the street, cut in pieces by the murder of the israeli. israel would have never did to
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such an act had the arabs been united. very well, we're going to have to leave it there. uh, journalist and political analyst elijah magnia joining us from brussels and attorney activist and political analyst zakir ahmed mayet from johannesburg. gentlemen, thank you for contributing uh to our program uh and uh it's good night. and thanks to our viewers uh for staying with us on spot night, bye-bye and see you next time. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. اياته فتعرفونها وقل الحمد لله سيريكم اياته فتعرفونها وما رضك
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بغافل عما تعملون، صدق الله العلي العظيم. for muslims across the world, aid al-fitr, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan, is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages
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in iran have their own traditions for ramadan, which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions. of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries, daniel hardway.
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chileian mayor of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine. i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i traveled when i was 17 years old, i travel even to iran. kamera is kind of protection between me and the rest of the world, and it's very, very useful. it became very famous
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because when you see billion of people in the street, claiming the name of, he was a symbol, this trump is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the...
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تحب تصيب المستقبل تشتغل احكي مهندس مهندس مهندس شنو معمر مو معمر مهندس هذا اطفال المستقبل انا بدي يعني نتعلم اللغه وفوت اولادي مدرسه وانا بدي اشتغل بمهنتي يعني ايه بس تعلمنا بالعراق نتمنى نلقاها بالمانيا اولا من جانب الشهاده والدراسه انا طبيب تقني متعيلات مرضيه المختبرات واعلامي صحفي والجانبين حاول القى فرصه بش will noch also meine studium zu ende bringen ja?