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tv   Documentary Israel Unpunished Destruction of Mosques 1  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 9:02am-9:31am IRST

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"the azan, the islamic call to prayer, reverberates from mosks throughout the city of gaza, five prayer times each and every day summon allah's faithful servants. since the period of the first interfada in the year 2000, religious awakening has grown dramatically in the gaza strip. at that time, the number of mosks was estimated to be 500. statistics 14 years later in 2014, that this number has now dobled to nearly 1ous mosks which are attended by hundreds of thousands of muslims both night and day and the teaching of the muslims they have the forgiveness which they call it in arabic samah so to forgive someone suppos supposed to have love there is a striking image, which
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is evident in almost every palestinian city. in the neighborhood of zeitun in gaza city, for example, you can see the catib al-wilayah mosk situated next to the roman orthodox church, the church of porpphery. this living example, witness for centuries, proves that of fraternity and tolerance between the muslim and christian communities is indeed possible, and how the fate of each community is linked to that. the other in the land of palestine, christians and muslims, we have to live together in love, because we are the creation of god and the god is one, so special here in gaza, christians and muslims are living in a very good relationship, very close relationship, because we are living as family, we participate together,
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martters and for the wounded, we suffer we all share the same concern for the together, which prompts the christian to host the muslim and vice versa, so that we introduce to the whole world demonstration of brotherhood between muslims and christians in gaza and palestine at large. the fraternity among muslim and christian communities was also demonstrated when the ferocity of the most recent war imposed by israel on the gaza strip in 2014 escalated to inhumane degree that shot the world when the israeli occupation army invaded border areas indiscriminantly, killing men, women and
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hundreds of children and displacing thousands of ordinary citizens who were forced to seek asylum to safer shelters. churches and christian homes served as shelter for thousands of victims. we refused to leave from the beginning. the israelis dropped flyers from their planes asking us to leave, but we refused up until yesterday and the day before. all of beit han was flaring under phosphorus bombs, emitting poisonous gas and the f-16s in the sky and tanks on the ground, هذا we waited until daylight to leave while our house was destroyed, allah grants victory to the resistance, we accept the people in the church because we are very close in the area when they were hitting the israeli army, we are very close to say and zaitoon, we are in zaitoon and so many people from, bethan and sadja, which they are supposed to leave.
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their places or because it was hitting their places from the tanks, so they run to find a safe place, safe place, it is the most... the church, young father or young woman carrying baby on his hands or her hands, you cannot close your eyes, you hard speak and you have to apply, so this is the um the cause that we open the doors of the church and to accept the people, the compassion and empathy did not stop at the churches hosting displaced persons, but even more, was offered providing environments to muslims to lead islamic prayers in their churchyards during the ramadan time, so this it was very difficult time for the people, it was the holy day of elkader, which they call it in arabic, which
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supposed this people to pray during the night time, so the church respect everybody. so what have done, we gave to them all the the freedom, well the permission to pray down in the yard of the church without no comments. tragedy unites communities, the israeli occupation forces were livid to discover this muslim christian unity, so they decided to open fire a church an effort to... spoil this rising affinity and sympathy under the false pretext that they observed rocket fire coming from the church grounds. this was a war on people, not a war on hammas by an entity which has a long history of massacring the innocent since 1946. the situation explains
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the relationship between the muslims and the christians in the gaza strip as we share the same experience and sorrow together while we walk towards the liberation of our... jerusalem and the church of the holy sepulker. israel targeted places of worship and even schools, universities, hospitals and cemeteries with their attacks, gross violations of international law that reflects the moral depravity and severity of the israeli occupation army and indirectly the complicity of western nations, whose medias and governments widely ignored the deliberate targeting and bombing of churches and mosques in the gaza strip. in all, more than 200 mosks were blown up with debris raining down on the heads of innocent worshipers. the israeli occupation reduced 74 masks to rubble, while 179 more were directly hit by
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this aggression. several mosks were destroyed top of the heads of worshippers such as algasan mosque in al-nusierat of middle governorate. they were killed while waiting for the... also known as the grand mosk, used to be the largest mosque in the middle zone of gaza where it is densely populated. after an israely air strike reduced it to dust, all that is recognizable now is the minarette. the claim that mosks were being used to harbor weapons and tunnels is unproven and denied by local residents. the occupation army contacted us on saturday august the 8th. the caller introduced himself as officer musa asking whether this was yahyawil's house. my husband answered in the affirmative. the officer informed him that we have five minutes to evacuate as they are intending to target mosk. the officer hung up and my
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husband rushed to inform the neighbors. my mobile phone, neighbors called to inform me the mosk was going to be. my husband quietly told us we have to evacuate as the alasam mask was going to be targeted. we dressed and went to my brother-in-law house in this tower. the hit the place with another missile, the vicinity was covered with dust and smoke, it was horrifying, my neighbors and beloved ones were calling asking where i was, tell them i
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was outside the mosk, but four young men were inside and i had no idea what happened to them, two bodies were retrieved while the third the body of my son zodi. remained somewhere under the rubble. they searched for three days with an excavator, but found nothing. the search was called off but resumed again after 60 days. the excavator operator came across my son sawdi's body then. ولم يتم العثور عليه. وتوقف البحث بعد ذلك. وبعد ما يقارب ال 60 يوم رجع البحث مره اخرى. he was next to them. we thought he was somewhere else. this means the young man were here. two of them were recovered, one of them was waiting here while another was hiding in the corner, we found
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him in this corner, بالضبط اللي تحت تضررت, the whole apartment underneath us sustained damages while the barrier between us and the mosk was removed, our home and the shop sustained, pit flew into the house, the electrical generator was this site, but ended up landing in abuz family's grocery shop. can you see this repair shop where the electrical generation entered? can you see what the shop looks like now? a 60 kilo electrical generator flew to the shop, also mosk was located west of gaza city in the densely populated. refugee camp, this mosk too was reduced to rubble by israel's us provided f16
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war jets. the raid resulted in the destruction of residential homes surrounding the mosk and caused the fall of martters and many injuries amongst the families residing in that neighborhood. the enemy. on july 30th, they hit the mask with unmanned drones that landed on the water tankers, none the neighbors heard anything and so did nothing, then they fired another missile which made us aware and think they were going to target the mosk, as that was the way the israeli occupation worked.
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then people started to scream urging us and our neighbors to leave our homes, we were unsure as to whether we should leave and... i was awake with my family next to me, which includes three boys, two daughters and my wife, my two brothers and their families were there as well, totaling about 50 people. i woke the boys up and the girls and rushed to my brother upstairs, i can't describe to... how this all happened in just minutes, those were sleeping woke up alarmed and we had to
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look after the elderly members and those to be carried, bottom line, we all left the building. we were separated from each other, lost three of my kids and had to go back to search for them. we weren't able to grasp what was happening in the moment, electricity was caught and neighbors. screaming while ambulances rushed injured and firefighting crews raced around. i had to return after receiving a phone call from my neighbors, telling me that my kids were at his place. on the way i was injured, hit by shrapnail in my foot, back and head, and my brother was injured too. we were running, but we couldn't run far because the mesas came down so fast as we were following one another. neبعد. قصف المسجد اثنين صواريخ كما يقولون صواريخ زنانه
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ثم الحق this mosk was targeted with two unmanned drone missiles followed by two f-16 vacuum missiles as they call them. the f-16 rate was the reason for the home ضربه صواريخ الف 16 هي كانت السبب في نزول او سقوط المئذنه على بيت الرضوان لما وقعت المئذنه على البيت طبعا. the tip of the minaret that collapsed onto the house weighed 10 tons. it flew about eight meters onto the roof. it was allah's mercy that prevented it from falling on the neighbors, otherwise none of them would have survived.
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alsosi worshippers refused to be distracted from performing their prayers near the mosk and so set up a makeshift mosk a vacant land beside the original location only to see it bombed also. israeli aircraft did not give them the opportunity to pray. we started
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preparing a makeshift mosk the... next day, an organization provided us with a shading to finish it. we were shocked the next night to be hit by another bombardment targeting the area. we rushed to the area to find the targeted the exact spot we were preparing to build a makeshift mask. the town of in the south with the population of 900 suffered immense. damage after it was heavily bombarded for three days by the israeli regime to the degree that the town was almost completely wiped out. seven mosks out of nine were destroyed, the most prominent being the township center mosque, jamad ibad ar-rahman. after the annihilation, israeli forces besieged the town for 10 days, cutting it off
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from the outside world. a red cross worker described the scene as a tsunami of death. unfortunately they sabotaged the infrastructure and the structures, the whole electricity network in atlanjar neighborhood and entire city in hazar was destroyed. it was intentionally leveled by bulldozers. they removed the pylons, wires, water networks and everything. they even level seven mosks and blew them up with dynamite. they are taking out their anger on the... i live next to the mosk, but no one passes by or greets me now, i am so affected by this. northern gaza also suffered extensive destruction of its mosks.
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one example was the beautiful omar abdul aziz mosk in bait hanan, important to muslim. worldwide and renovated by a malaysian islamic organization in 2013 was bombed to smithharines for the second time in its history by an israeli air strike. rubble and a pile of concrete remain. they targeted this mosk in every war. this is second time now. the first building was bigger than this. it was three or four floors high, but it was targeted too. the omar mosk that we built was targeted. as well, if they had destroyed my house, it would be much easier for me to bear. i have a great affection for this mosk that allah only knows. the mosk is my whole life, as i attended the one or two hours before the call for prayer to recite the quran and help clean the mosk. a whole life revolves around the mosk, قران, باذن, بنظف المسجد. الاحتلال الاسرائيلي يفرغ حقده. the
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israeli occupation demonstrates its hatred on houses of the lord, destroyed mosks. were found to have no weapons or resistance in them. we at the ministry of wacth supervised the mask. we challenged the occupiers to present one piece of evidence that mosques were being targeted because of the palestinian resistance, or any resistance that acts whatsoever. they are places for worshipping only. the palestinians did not quit or give up as their holy places fell. immediately went to work to construct temporary mosks and places for prayer, and whilst these hastily built sanctities provided little protection from the weather, it brought the people together for each call to... prayer: we set up structures to pray under while rainfall was dripping on us, praise the lord that we are steadfast and
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that we will survive on this soil, no matter what the ziners do, we will prevail and reform. this mosk was built by residents of the neighborhood and from other goodoers, we built a mosque inside the refugee camp an area that... we agreed we should build the most to perform rituals of the lord and decided to make the mosk out of material from green. houses, you can see those two where people used to fill the mosks before it was targeted, now there are barely three lines in this small most house of most of the neighbors were reduced
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to rubble and they left the area to rent elsewhere. الاحتلال israeli's target palestinian mosks repeatedly, 27% of mosks. along the gaza strip are either completely or partially damaged, it is their intention to subjugate the arab and muslim people. it is also to pave the way for the tearing down of the sacred al-axamosk to be replaced by a jewish temple. it's like they're telling people not to be shocked if the alaksa mosk is destroyed, just like any other mosk that was destroyed in the gaza war. that's what they want, but alaksa is different. if it was destroyed all muslims around the world.
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"the palestinian people believe that the lord protects his house, they believe that the mosks and indeed islam will eternally prevail
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despite all efforts by its enemies to destroy them. playing the victim, the regime called it an unprovoked attack.
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but did hamas really attack the regime out of the blue with no good reason? gaza stripped of life soon unpressed tv. writer screen writer, translator, theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature, qutbildin sadiqi. born in sanandaj, phd in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and
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artistic theater, through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist. floristan's prestine nature with vast oak forests, gaping gorges and amazing waterfalls. it's where heaven and earth meet each other and stars frequent to welcome the visitors at nights. join us to watch the most
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wonderful place in the heart of europe. we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the site. and touristic places of this province. katalehor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khudabandelu mountains with unique and wonderful icles with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey.
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