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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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repressive headlines, as us israely genocidal war on gaza continues for 162 day, new air strike on a refugee camp kills at least 36 palestinians. israel's netanyahu rejects hamas's new ceasefire proposal, pressing on with his plans to invade gaza's southern city of raffa. and palestines islamic jihad deputy leader sllams a us offering of limited aid to gaza while delivering unlimited lethal weapons to israel.
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hello everyone, it's 1 p.m. the besiegu strip and you're watching press tv world news. dozens more palestinians are killed as the israeli regime continues ahead with this genocidal campaign on gaza now and its 162nd day. and the latest air strikes the israeli military has targeted al-nuceira. refugee camp, leaving at least 36 people dead. many people were also killed or injured in yet another bombing of rafa, a southern city that once israel designated as safe for palestinians. rapha has been targeted frequently amid the regime's threat that it will conduct a ground operation there. since onset of israeli war on gaza early october, over 31,500 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. our
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correspondent join us earlier from a central gaza city of deral bala with an update on the situation in the besieg territory. actually the israeli massacres were continued and uh uh were continued over the last night as the swinging israeli attacks continued and maintained over several areas of gaz strip from beit han city in the. north to rafa city in the south continuous israeli air strikes harvested more lives of the palestinian civilians. let's begin from the central area of gaza strip as the israeli accubition war planes carried out several israeli air strikes against the residental buildings, at of least for residental buildings were destroyed in the central area of gaza strip, particularly in a nusarati fuji camp, at least 37 palestinis civilians were reporttedly killed in after the israel incubation forces targeted resident building
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in anosarati fuji camp as you can see here the scene in the alaxa marters hospital uh the people are gathering to more and those people and to take uh these dead bodies to their last destination after the israeli occubition forces merci losy massacred them while they were inside their houses uh these are the dead bodies of those palestinas civilians including the women, children and darles, they were massacred over the last night and deril balah city. and so it's the same scene, it's the same crime uh reiterated a daily basis by the israeli accubition forces, so it's another crime added to the uh continuous record and continuous israeli crime. israel's genocidal warn gaz has cast somber tone over this year's holy month of ramadon, palestinians there are in dire need of food grappling with devastating impacts of
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of unrelenting israeli bombardment and a crippling sie. our correspondent in gaza has spoken to some displaced gazans about their flight. he was displaced after the israeli forces attacked our neighborhood. as you can see, we live in these tents made of plastic and fabric. we have nothing eat but some canned food, which is the only thing that we have been eating for roughly six months. we of don't even have gas to cook. i have six children and i don't know. i have been displaced from the noosirad refugee camp, i have five children, i came from algeria to visit gaza and then the war erupted, i hadn't expected that the situation could be as bad as it is, the situation is beyond catastrophic here as people can barely find food, especially in this holy month of ramadan, this ramadan is completely different from previous years, my five kids and i have
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been displaced from gaza city while my husband is still there. we have no source of food. the amount of food provided by charities is also scarce. we're devastated and deprived of our basic needs. relying on the food provided by donors, sometimes the food is scarce and we get nothing to it, i think can food has also made us sick, we have been displaced from northern gaza, there are seven of us living here. are suffering lot, the weather is too cold and there are no gas supplies, because of that, i have to make fire to cook food, most of the time find no food or milk for the children, they always cry and get sick, the israeli war has destroyed everything in gaza, the israely
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prime minister has rejected se fire proposal by the hamas resistance movement that includes release of the regime's captives in exchange for the release of palestinian abducties. benjamin netanyahu's office issued the statement following a war cabinet meeting in tel aviv, however the statement said delegation will leave for qatar to discuss israel's position a potential agreement. it also said netanyahu had approved plans for military operation in rafa, the southern gaza city where more than million people are sheltering. earlier hamas said under its proposal occupiing forces have to leave gaza. hamas also said his proposal include return of display. palestinians to their homes and to provide them with aid. exchange of palestinian abductees along with israeli captives held in gaza was also included. a representative with the united nations's population fund for palestine has expressed
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deep concerns about the situation of newborn infants in gaza amed ongoing israeli unslot. i'm personally leaving god. this week terrified for the 1 million women and girls of gaza, 650,00 of reproductive age of menstruating age, and most especially for the 180 women who are giving birth every single day in gaza. we need to have unfetted access, safe, um, at scale, with multiple entry points, so there's a there's a lot more conditions on the ground that would need to be provided to ensure that the assistance can get to the where the where where it's most needed. allen warned on friday the humanitarian situation in gaza is nightmare for mothers and babies with doctors reporting abnormal sizes and sick newborns. he said doctors also point to tragic situations
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related to still-born births and neonatal deaths caused by malnutrition, dehydration and complications. he also said numbers of complicated deliveries are roughly twice as mothers are stressed, fearful, underfed and exhausted, and caregivers often lack necessary supplies. allan described the situation in gaza as a crisis of humanity and beyond catastrophic, adding those children should be wrapped in their mother's arms and not in body bags. earlier we had an exclusive interview with deputy leader of palestinian islamic. movement in it he details a latest seas far plan proposed by resistance in gaza becast doubt over israely willingness to reach a political settlement. new proposal was submitted which divides the agreement,
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meaning that the first phase would begin, which includes the... business swap and we agreed to add other elements to it, which would include a withdraw from the rashed street and the salahdeen square, which would allow for the return or guarantee the return the displaced to their homes in the north of the gaza strip. the second phase, which includes the swap of the soldiers, which must include guarantees for an end of the war, an
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end to the aggression and an end to the ceastfire, and the third phase would include pledges to begin the reconstruction of gaza. we believe that the israeli government because "it includes number of members of the far right, will not respond, and it has maneuvered, there is maneuvering on the part of a netanyahu government. hindi hover said, such is really maneuvering, will not lead anywhere because palestinian steadfastness, he said resistance is carrying out operations in. which israel claims to have captured including in the north and also khan unis to
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the south. the resistance official also highlighted us complicity in israel's campaign of genocide. in this aggression, there is american agreement with israel, and "the american administration is a complete accomplice with israel despite the crocodile tears which they are shading, so the goals are to eliminate the resistance, and these are american israeli joint strategic goals. so the goals are the same. but there is a disagreement regarding the priorities
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america, the americans talk for example about sparing civilians, but the civilians are being killed with american weapons and bombs, and some of these weapons. reach israel, even behind the back of the congress. hindi described as an act of hypocrisy, the us delivery of limited aid to gaza through airdrops and temporary sea ports while delivering weapons to israel. he said us is attempting to misleed international conscience and by time for israel. hindi also pointed to israeli threats to invade refugee pack city of rafa. describing them as meaningless, given the large extent of israeli losses and casualties elsewhere in
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gaza, which he stress the regime is concealing. in our news review program we discuss with our guests recent developments in the gaza strip and sea's fire plan proposed by the resistance group. welcome stories and now joining us for the program is everyone to press tv's news review program where we get in depth in one of the day's top moti abusav at press tv correspondent from the central gaza city of dear albala and jamal wakiem professor of international relations joining us from lebanese university out of beirout gentlemen like to welcome you both to the program uh motive we're going to start with you if we could get the latest on the ground there in gaza, yes, first of all
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let me say that the israeli attacks and the israeli strikes are still maintained and continued across all areas of gaza, strip, the fresh attack actually targeted and hit a horizontal building in anosarati fiji camp over the last couple of hours, at least the three palestinian uh civilians were revertedly killed while dozens are still trapped and missing under the rubble, it's not worthy that over the last night israel incubation forces committed an apparing massacre against the palestinan civilians in anuserarat refuji camp uh after targeting and hitting horizontal building 37 palestina civilians were reportedly massacred in that attack and apparently the israel incubation forces are still hitting more residental buildings and claiming more lives of the palestinan civilians uh on the ground the humanitarian conditions are still catastrophic at all levels as the israeli incubation forces are still stalling uh the smooth delivery of those humanitarian aid and they are still procrastinating and allowing those humanitarian convoys and aid to uh into
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to get into gaza strip amid the continuous and relentless israeli uh air strikes, so uh having these moments ramadan month actually excessive bates the suffering of the palestinian people. we are talking about roughly 2.3 million palestinians are still crammed and sporadic areas in gaza strip in rafa and the central area and even in the northern part of gaza strip. gaz city, they are deprived of their basic humanitarian needs and they have nothing eat literally as the israeli incubition forces are still using a salvation as a weapon of war against the gaza's population. thank you, moti and professor waakim, welcome to the program sir, now islamic jihads, muhammad al hindi said we don't need limited morsels of aid, we need washington to stop giving unlimited amounts of weapons to israel, basically calling washington's actions completely hypocritical and fooling no one, and you see the level of sophistication of these weapons, you heard
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what moti just said, a couple air strikes and a couple residential buildings wiping out 40 people of a single family in. rod and all the attacks have been similar, one or two bombs, hundreds of people dead, washington could stop giving that level of sophisticated weaponry and said of these morsels of aid, your initial thoughts please, of course israel is fully supported by the united states and the united states is accomplice of the aggression against the palestinian people and its actions of let's say it's theatrical actions of providing limited aid via air drops uh can pull nobody all around the world, so i believe that the islamic jihad are fully right in their approach and the united states in instead of providing these
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airdrops of limited aid, they should stop... their support of israel, because had it not been for the us support, israel could not launch this sort of aggression and this sort of genocidal crime against the palestinian people, and professor, targeting aid seekers, hospitals, refugee camps, blocking access to aid, using starvation as a weapon of war, what moti was just saying, what part of this campaign show any level of ethics or humanity? on the part of the israelis of course not, because the israelis designists are driven by racist ideology in which they consider that the other people are, the non-jews are lesser people, that they should
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be wiped out, should be massacred, and this has been the the the strategy and... policy of israel ever since it was established on the soil of palestine back in 1948, so these genocidal acts are part of the value system the zionists and they are also used for geopolitical ends in order to force the palestinians out of their land, especially now out of gaza into sinai as part of the zionist plan. to take over to take full control of the historical land of palestine, because this will be followed by let's say mass expelling of the palestinians from the gaza strip and even from the occupied territories that was that were occupied back
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in 1947, 1948 and professor waaking, before we let you go, how do you act? actually uh break every rule of engagement, how do you commit violation of every single war crime and so barbarically and get away with it in today's day and age? well the the israelis can get away with it because they are fully supported by the west and we know that the west has established the the international law as mean to to their geopolitical ends not as a law to uh to be enforced on everybody uh all around the world. all right, thank you and stay safe uh professor wakim there and also earlier we were joined by moti abusav our press tv correspondent joining us um from the beside gauza strip and that was um professor jamal waliin professor professor at international relations at lebanese
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university joining us out of beirot and viewers that brings us to the end of this segment of your press tv news review program. thank you. for tuning in and bye-bye for now and welcome back everyone you're watching press tv world news see in your figures from palestinian resistance movement hamas and yemen's ancerilla have reportedly held a meeting recently to discuss ongoing israeli bloodshed in gaza. according to reports leaders of the gaza-based islamic jihad movements also participated in the talks held at an undisclosed location last week. in the meeting, representatives from resistance groups discussed mechanisms to coordinate actions in the wake of israel's campaign of genocide. they also spoke. about a possible is really ground invasion of gaza's southern city of rafa. yevin's anti-israel operations were also on the agenda, during the talks, ansterola movement vowed to continue its
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support for palestinian resistance by targeting israely lean ships in and around the red sea. and thousands of yemenese once again take to the streets of the capital sonna and other cities, demonstrating their staunch support for palestinians in gaza. also held military operations by the yemani armed forces against israely linked vessels. abdullatif al-washali reports out of sana. following friday prayers, thousands of yemanis in the kabara sana and across several other cities took part in demonstrations to express their unwavering support for the palestinians in gaza. they praised the yemeni army's escalation of naval operations targeting israelink chips in the indian. motion the protesters also voiced their opposition to israel's policies which have led to the starvation and death of warters turken palestinians in gaza. mr. abdul
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malik's announcement was clear, if the israeli escalation in gaza and killing of palestinians continue, yemen will also carry on with targeting israeli-bound ships, preventing them from sailing even in the indian ocean and cape of good hope. the escalation of naval operations is a step previous. promised by mr. abdul malik, i believe that it is only a preliminary step and there will be upcoming surprises because mr. abdul malik did not disclose more details and we all know that these operations are in support of our brothers in gaza. hemen army spokesman yahya sarah also addressed the demonstrators detailing the country's latest naval operations in the rid sea. with god's help the naval forces of the yemini. army carried out an operation targeting the israeli ship pacific 01 in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. our forces also carried out an operation targeting an
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american destroyer in the red sea with number of drones and successfully achieved its objectives. thanks to god, we began to expand the scope of our operations against israeli ships and those linked to israel to include the indian ocean to the cape of good hope. abdul malik al hothi, the leader of the ansarullah move. ment had previously blidged to expand the scope of yemen's naval operations, he declared that the yemani army would hence forth prevent israeli bountships from passing through the indian ocean. al hothi further mentioned that the yemani army had carried out 12 operations using 58 missiles and drones last week, three of which took a place in the indian ocean. people here about that they will continue to stand and support of the people of palestine and the wake of israel's genocide in gaza. they believe that all free people worldwide should unite. and understand against israel and its supporters, reporting for press tv, that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone
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thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now, the israeli occupation demonstrates its hatridge on houses of the lord. this mask was reduced to rubble by f16 warjet. raid led to the destruction of the houses around the mask causing the fall of martters and injuries amongst neighbors of the mosk. the
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palestinians did not stand on the romans of the mask id, but they created temporary amors that don't protect them from neither the cold of winter nor the heat of the summer. floristan's prestine nature with vast oak forests gaping gorgeous and amazing waterfalls. it's where heaven and earth meet each other and stars frequent to welcome the
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video. visitors at nights, join us to watch the most wonderful place in the heart of iran.
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people first learned to domesticate animals, then they kept animals in zoos. then they learn to earn money through displaying the animals in cages. then came the aquariums and the dolphin areas. there doesn't. seem to be
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an end to this game of violating animals rights.
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