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tv   Documentary Gaza Stripped of Life 1  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm IRST

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gaza, october 7th, the sun is coming up. boats are moving up and down in the cool sea breeds, seagulls flying over the beach, the law before the storm. suddenly, a buldozer breaks the israeli built fence around gaza.
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a land, air and sea attack into the heart of israeli occupied territories. palestinian forces attack military installation and take over various settlements. the israel is in the charone plane wake up to the blare of cyrus. they're caught off guard. danger is around the corner. they don't expect their holiday to be ruined. like that, israel
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describes the operation as an unprovoked attack, blaming hamas for disturbing the peace in the region. in the united states, politicians echo the same narrative. former us president george w. bush calls hamas cold blooded killers. it's of just an unprovoked attack by terrorist people willing to kill innocent people to achieve uh an objective. uh, and uh, and don't be surprised if israel takes whatever actions necessary to defend herself. uh and it's
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going to be ugly for a while, these uh, you're dealing with cold blooded killers, but is the palestinian group's operation really an unprovoked attack and isn't there anything surprising about it? let me show you map of the middle east just a couple of weeks before hamas launched operation, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu had unveiled his future map of the region at the united nations general assembly. the map had no... place for
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palestinian in israel still included the occupied west bank and the gaza strip as well as the occupied and illegally annexed golen of heights of syria. the little map was in fact the blueprint for the complete elimination of palestine from the region for the sake of the so-called greater israel. israel's. policy of ignoring palestinian's rights as a nation is clearly reflected in its illegal settlement projects. built on usurped territories, these settlements and their cancerous expansion have dashed palestinian's hopes for establishing their own state and ending their lingering limbo as nation under occupation. in recent years, the israeli regime has put
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settlement expansion at the top of its priorities. in one of the recent cases netanyahu passed a controversial resolution in june 2023 and gave a cart blange to his cabinet to construct more settlements in the occupied west bank. one month later, the head of the regional council for west bank settlements, dagan submitted a proposal to netanyahu to increase the number of jewish settlers in the northern west bank from 170,000 to 1 million by 2050. there are already over 700 thousand israeli settlers living in 176 settlements and 186
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so-called out posts in the occupied west bank and east jerusalems. all of these settlements and outposts and the settlers who live in them are illegal under international law. since occupying the west bank in gaza, israel has unilaterally declared tens of thousands of hectares of socal state land for israely. mushrooming across palestine, these illegal settlements have made life excruciatingly difficult for palestinian communities, aggravating their already dire situation.
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in addition to depriving the families of the home, which is the main asset and source of mental, physical and economic security. the settlement building and its concomittent devictions of palestinians frequently result in the loss of livelihoods and expansion of poverty. احتمت فيه من الاب ومن الام عشت ام لاخواتي وانا صغيره ف يعني هم بسرقوا كل شيء منك بسرقوا الماضي الناس بتفكر انه البيت حيطان لا البيت ذكرى البيت ماضي البيت كل حياتي
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انا بحس حالي محضونه امي وابوي كانهم في البيت ما بحس حالي وحيده وانا في هذا البيت فهم ما بيهمهم هذا الشيء. trees, destruction of their cultivated land and discriminatory management of water resources in favor of the settlers. to make life even more difficult, restrictions have been imposed on palestinian movement and access to resources. the israeli regime has set up checkpoints, barriers, and operation walls that drastically limit the freedom of movement for palestinians.
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this has had a profound impact on their daily lives. it affects movement with. in parts of the occupied palestinian territories between the west bank and gaza as well as between occupied palestinian territories and the rest the world. since 2007 gaza has been subjected to a crippling blockade which has caused immense suffering and humanitarian crisis. the food supply is also limited by the siege. from 2007 to 2010, israeli authorities kept a calorie count to palestinians nutritional needs to narrowly avoid malnutrition while restricting access
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to food for the people in gaza. today, according to the world food program, a significant portion of the population is food insecure. in 2020. two, 1.84 million people across palestine, 1/3ird of the population did not have enough food eat. among these people, 1.1 million were considered severely food insecure, 90% of whom lived in gaza. the strip also suffers from an energy crisis. the israeli ban on the entry of fuel into gaza means that electricity production is severely limited.
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in 2023, before the hamas israel escalation, gaza had only 13 hours of electricity a day. جهاز يحتاج الى كهرباء منتظمه. فاضطررت للبحث عن البديل, وجدت البديل. ان اخذ كخط كهرباء بديل بمبلغ مقل عالي جدا بالنسبه الى وضعي الاقتصادي والحج يحتاج باستمرار الى كهرباء موجوده في البيت على مدار 24 ساعه. the blocade has also taken a toll on the strip's medical facilities. hospitals lack basic supplies, equipment and infrastructure and are unable to handle severe cases or provide proper.
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الاحتلال يمرق الاجهزه احنا لما لما بنعمل لما بنعمل بنقعد شهرين وثلاثه لما يبقى في اجهزه يعني في حاجات سهله كثير اصلا هو الاحتلال اصلا بده يقضي علينا بيقضى علينا بالبطيء قاعد بيقضى علينا لما م rates and widespread poverty. with nearly half of the population out of job, the gaza strip has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. data also indicate that more than 80% of the gazons live in poverty. "the blockade has turned the
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territory into an open-air prison where the residents have no place to go, no job to do, and no hope to cling to. according to the unrua report published in august 2023, for at least the last decade and a half, the socio-economic situation in gaza has been in..." انا بتوقع زي اذا باقي الطلاب يعني اللي خلصوا اني اخلص الدراسه اقعد في الدار يعني مش مش هيصير شيء جديد يعني زي زيهم يعني انا بس حرفع نسبه البطاله مش اكثر يعني بس هي مستقبلي هذا متوقع واكيد لازم يكون غزه بتعاني من حصار بتعاني من حرب كل سنه سنتين بتعاني من حرب كل
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ما طبعا لازم يكون في بطاله طب نحنا لسه بدنا ندور على البيوت المدمرات قبل ما يشوفوا الشباب. israel's inhumane behavior usually takes even a harsher for. "the regime's military operations in gaza have led to high civilian casualties and widespread infrastructure damage, the destruction of homes, schools and hospitals has left countless palestinians dead, displaced or in desperate need of assistance."
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just within the period of few weeks since october 7th, over 10,00 palestinians have lost their lives including over 4,100 children. in fact, in every action the israeli regime takes, there is one recurring feature: lack of respect for palestinian lives. from 2008 till september 2023, 6,400. seven palestinians were recorded to have been killed by the israeli regime, more than half through missile attacks. targeting hospital in gaza on october 17th that. more than 500 palestinians was the very epidemy of the regime's brutality. at the same time, tel aviv is also accused of
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using white phosphorus in its military onslot on gaza. the ban substance put civilians at risk of serious. and long-term injuries. as a weapon, white phosphorus has a significant incendiary effect that can severely burn people and set structures, fields and other civilian objects in the vicinity on fire. israel's use of the deadly chemical violates international. norms, prior to october 7th, there were about 5,200 palestinians in israeli prisons kept under dangerous prison conditions. of this number, nearly 2,00 were condemned to life sentences on trumped up charges. palestinian prisoners are subjected
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to torture. starvation and thirst while being prevented from accessing their medicine. israel is using different legal pretexts to withhold the detainees from different areas. palestinians from the gaza strip who were arrested inside israel are being held under the unlawful combatant's law which allows authorities to detain palestinians. indefinitely without effective judicial review. the law defines an unlawful combatant as a person who has participated either directly or indirectly in hostile acts against israel, or is member of a force perpetrating hostile acts against israel. on
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october 13th, israel amended the law to make it easier to arrest palestinians on mere suspicion. "the unlawful combatant law is the equivalent of the so-called administrative detention in the occupied west bank and east albats, which allows israel to hold palestinians from those areas indefinitely, under secret evidence, practically meaning under no evidence. the number of prisoners has now risen to more than 10,00 people. since october 7th, israel has arrested some 4,000 laborers from gaza and more than..." هذا عندما دخلوا يعني تم تكسير الكراسي والابواب الموجوده في المسجد وبعد ان اخرجوا
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الشباب تم اخراجها ليقوموا لتجهيز. just few days before operation al-aks flood, thousands of settlers carried out provocative tours of the mask complex, following calls by extremist jewish groups. since the occupation of east algs in 1967, tel aviv has allowed israeli extremists to intimidate and violate the sanctity of the musk. under the so-called status quo agreement, only muslims are allowed to pray inside the alexa mosk compound. entering the mask with boots on, beating worshippers, firing bullets and grenades as well as vandalizing the sight have become common scenes in al-aqsa, the third holiest place for missils.
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المشكله مش بس الحكومه مشكله في دوله اسرائيل نفس ال. السياسيه كلها ولكن واحد بخبط بخبطك بشوي شوي وواحد بخبطك خبطه واحده اما الاثنين نفس هدفهم هدفهم قضاء على الامه الاسلاميه
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هدفهم اخذ المسجد الاقصى المبارك طرد الفلسطينيين من فلسطين ولكن كل واحد له اسلوب شكل between september 2021 and september 2022 nearly 5000 right-wing is only part of the systematic israeli campaign to judaize al rods. against such bactra, the betrayal of the palestinian cause by some arab states in the form of the so-called abraham accords in 2022 and rumors that saudi arabia was just following suit could be regarded as the last strong. the normalization of ties between major arab states and the israeli regime
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sends shock waves through the occupied territories. forgotten by the international community, betrayed by arab brothers and oppressed by the brutal regime of israel. palestinians are left with two hard choices, to give up the homeland all together or to die for it. there is nothing surprising that. operation al-aqsa flood was launched from gaza. it is an impoverished, congested place inhabited largely by palestinian refugees expelled from their homes during the nakwa of
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1948. gaza has also been under debilitating siege for years, which has taken a heavy toll its people. in fact, what appears to be the largest military response by palestinians in decades, is an inevitable development, an act of resistance and a reaction to the suffering the nation under a brutal blockade and occupation. it is part of the palestinian struggle for freedom.
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this struggle for freedom is however uphill battle. the israeli regime in blind rage has undertaken a new episode of mass killing of civilian. israel is carpet bombing gaza. telecommunications infrastructure has been bombarded, effectively cutting off palestinians in gaza from the rest of the world. tel aviv has imposed a full blockade
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on gaza with water, electricity, food or medicine entering the strip. meanwhile, the west bank has been completely blocked, checkpoints closed all across, paralyzing the whole territory. حتى بالرجل صعب خوف الخوف حتى في الكبار وفي الصغار في كل الشعب تحيرنا كيف بدنا نعيش محتارين كيف بدنا نعيش العيشه صارت جهنم هان soldiers are shootings and encouraging settlers to do so as well genocide is in the making. israeli jets will continue to p. gaza
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as long as the gazans hearts continue to pound for their land, but how many more palestinians have to get killed, how many more men, how many more women, and how many more children? life has lost its meaning for the palestinians who have been stripped of their homeland, so the only thing they care about is taking back their stolen land. their own
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land, that's the red line drawn by their blood. ich will noch also meine studium zu ende.
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the second sub international media festival in the fields of television, radio, new media and a special section for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th, 2024. for more information, visit