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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm IRST

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the second sob international media festival in the fields of television, radio, new media and a special. for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th, 2024. for more information, visit
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the headlines as the us-israeli genocidal war on gaza continues for the 162nd day. new air strikes on a refugee camp kills 36 people. the onslot on gaza is not preventing israel from committing more atrocities in the occupied west bank as the regime conducts new violent fraids. and people go to polling stations across russia a second day of presidential elections. hello and welcome, you're watching world news. on press tv, coming to you live from
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our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shah ahmedi and these are top stories, the sour. dozens more palestinians were killed as the israeli regime keeps going ahead with its genocidal war on the besieg gaza strip, which is now in its 162nd day in the latest air strikes, the israeli military has targeted the alnosria refugee camp, leaving at least 36 people, dead, many people were also killed or injured in yet another bombing of rafa, a southern city, that once israel designated as safe for displaced palestinians. rafa has been of targeted frequently amid the regime's threats that it will conduct a ground operation there, since the onset of the israeli war on gaza, early october, over 31,500 palestinians have been killed, most of them, women and
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children. israel's genocidal war on gaza has casted a somber tone over this year's holy month of ramadan in the besige strip. palestinians there are in dire need of food grappling with the devastating impacts of relentless israeli bombardment and crippling sie. our correspondent musaba talked to some of the disc placed gosons who describe their fight displaced after the israeli forces attacked our neighborhood as you can see we live in these tents made of plastic and fabric we have nothing eat but some canned food which is the only thing that we have been eating for roughly six months. we don't even have gas to cook. i have six children and i don't know what to feed them. i have been displaced from the noserat refugee camp.
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"i have five children, i came from algeria to visit gaza and then the war erupted. i hadn't expected that the situation could be as bad as it is. the situation is beyond catastrophic here as people can barely find food, especially in this holy month of ramadan. this ramadan is completely different from previous years. my five kids and i have been displaced from gaza city while my husband is still there. we have no source of food, the amount of food provide." by charities is also scarce, we're devastated and deprived of our basic needs. i live here with my eight children, our lives are tragic, the situation is getting worse day by day, we're struggling to cop with this unbearable condition ammit the relentless bombardment and blush it. in ramadan we are completely relying on the food provided by donors, sometimes the food is scarce and we get nothing to it. i think can food has also made us sick. "we have been displaced from
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northern gaza, there are seven of us living here, we are suffering lot, the weather is too cold and there are no gas supplies, because of that i have to make fire to cook." food, most of the time find no food or milk for the children, they always cry and get sick. the israeli war has destroyed everything in gaza. a representative of the united nations population fund for palestine has expressed deep concern about the situation of newborns in gaza, amit the ongoing israeli onslot on the beseest strip. "i'm personally leaving gaza this week, terrified for the 1 million women and girls of gaza. 650,000 of reproductive age, of menstruating age, and most especially for the 180 women who are giving birth every single day in gaza. we need to have unfetted access,
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safe, um, at scale, with multiple entry points, so there's a there's a lot more conditions on the ground that would need to be provided to ensure that the assistants can get to the..." where the where where it's most needed. allen warned on friday that the humanitarian situation in gaza is nightmare for mothers and babies with doctors reporting abnormal size and sick newborns. he said, the doctors were also pointing to the tragic situation related to still births and neonatal deaths caused by malnutrition, dehydration and complications. he also said that the numbers of complicated deliveries are roughly. twice as mothers are stressed, fearful and exhausted, and caregivers often lack the necessary supplies. allan described the situation in gaza as a crisis of humanity, and quote, beyond catastrophic, adding that those children should be wrapped in their mothers arms, not in body bags.
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israel's genocidal war in gaza has killed nearly 31,500 civilians, most of them women and children. israeli troops have killed eight palestinian men following an anti-regime operation in the settlement in the occupied west bank. regime forces shot dead the after he opened fire on soldiers near the old city of al-kalil. they prevented ambulances from reaching him. tensions have been high across the occupied west bank since october 7, more than 430 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers. since then and israeli troops have carried out fresh incursions into several towns and neighborhoods across the occupied bus bank. we were joined by our correspondent in ramala kandal who gave us more details. israeli
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soldiers stormed several neighborhoods and towns in tulkan and this time uh they arrested a number of palestinians men in the village of ramin. israeli forces also stormed several neighborhoods and towns in qalqilia, the israeli soldiers stormed the homes of palestinian prisoners and they cause severe damage in the inside the homes and destruction and at the same time they interrogated the family members of those palestinian prisoners. last night you had have to mention that the israeli forces carried out a large scale operation in several areas in gin. the israel is stoned the town of jalami, arboni and other areas, north east jene, and the israelies had also stone the town of arabi, south jeneen. the
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exact number of the palestinians who had been detained across the occupied west bank last night and this morning has not been revealed yet, but according to a recent report by the prisoners society, 7,600 palestinians had been detained since the 7th of october here in the occupied west bank. hezballah resistance movement has launched attacks on several israeli positions near southern lebanon. this came after the israeli regime hit lebanese residential areas with artillery fire our correspondent in lebanon maram saleh is standing by to explain what happened, maria? yes, of course we had several operations for the resistance today uh all across the border, actually from the western side of the border and the eastern side of the border, the first post that was targeted was the al-baghdadi post, we also had very uh
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significant operation against the ramim baracks where hizbollah launched a burkan rocket, hisbollah seems to be also attempting to completely... destroy many of the israeli posts that have been of course put forth since the year 2000 after the israeli withdrawal from south lebanon and that has been has caused significant dam damage and destruction to their posts and also of course very high cost, we also had uh an targeting of al-malikiya post using mortars here, of course it's going to fair few times that hazbullah mentions the type of rockets or missiles that they use, lot of times we have the word appropriate weapons or appropriate rockets or rocket force and so on here of course the they mentioned they they use the morders and also they mentioned that they used um a barkan rocket we also have uh is the routine targeting of the post whether in the fushuba hills or the the shabat farms
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which are lebanese occupied territory, they are adjacent each other, basically we have the and they have been targeted by hazballah as well. now i witnesses have seen that there is an israeli tank in motili that targeted the towns that are facing motili, you're talking about uh khiam and also reaching areas that are further off like marjayun which... has not usually been targeted by the israelis, but we are still talking about the outskirts of that town specifically, also the town of derme mess has also been targeted, we've had lot of air shelling as well towns like markaba, wazani and armes and we also have mar and majdal zuwan and aljabal. now of course this all comes in time when we know that the confrontation is continuing, there is absolutely no talk. of trucing gaza and then therefore the confrontations in south lebanon will continue with the fact that you
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do have this place people in south lebanon, however, the number of displaced settlers and the fact that all of the northern occupied palestinian territory has been completely emptied is something that is a worse crisis for the israelis themselves. we've heard from the israeli expert uh strategy expert and military analyst alon bn david who's talking uh through the daily madi if he trust in one of his uh articles that what we are looking at right now in the north of course they're calling at the northern front that hasbullah with not much effort uh with a little bit of effort with acceptable cost on their part from for example hazbillah what they have done is actually emptied out the northern parts and with the fact that there's no decisions being taken uh by the israelis it seems that the possibility that many of the settlers who left that area will not not actually live in that area anytime in the future, and this will end any possibility of
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any settlers living in those towns and we're talking about the northern occupied palestinian territory, that is of course one the signs that we are looking at, secretary generallah spoke about some of those signs that there is lot of disintegration within the israeli society, and it is being emptied out, many of them actually threatening and warning that they will be... leaving uh the occupied territories that in itself is considered huge achievement for the resistance in lebanon, even for the resistance of course in palestine. thank you very much, our correspondent mariam salh joining us live from beirot. moving on, jordanians have staged yet another rally on the capital aman and support of palestinians in the gaza strip amid the ongoing israeli genocide there.
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demonstrators on friday called on their governments to supply gazons with more humanitarian aid, they chanted anti-israeli slogans and held banners reading to break the war of starvation and a land bridge to northern gaza. the protesters accused the jordanian government of doing not enough, arguing that it has a duty to fulfill its obligation towards palestinians in distress. jordan, that is hosting 2.4 million palestinians refugees has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gazan since israel launched its war on the basis strip. meanwhile canada witnessed similar rallies for protesters in toronto denounced prime minister justin frudeau for his stance towards the israeli bloodshit of palestinians. for the people of palestine in
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gaza, rafa, they are being shot dead from above, from the land and from anywhere, and that's why we are here to say, just excudo, you are complicit in the ongoing genocide rafa, gaza. the protesters wave the palestinian flags chanted slogans and carried banners reading genocide justin and genocide is not self-defense. they also called for immediate cease fire in god. protesters gathered outside an election fundraising event for the ruling party of prime minister trudeau, people around the world keep hitting to the streets to pressurize their respective governments to help and the israeli war on gaza. now that is a middle worsening humanitarian crisis in the beseich palestinian territory and a looming israeli ground invasion of rafa, a southern gaza city
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crammed with about one and a half million people. and palestine solidarity activists in austria are facing fines for their participation in protests against the israeli genocide in gaza, however they have not backed down. the first protest in support of the palestinian resistance was held in vienna on october 11th. the police had banned the demonstration and issued over 300 fines for participating in what they called an unlawful assembly. "since this ongoing genocide in gaza, we are protesting constantly in austria, and we've got already over 13 protest bands by the austrian government. silencing the palestinian solidarity movement by prohibiting the public actions failed and most charges were dropped. since then, the solidarity movement has been growing, mass demonstrations are organized every saturday
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and pickets and information stalls are held throughout vienna almost daily, for some activists, this..." kind of action is not enough, we are trying to invent new forms of protest to remind the public opinion, the society here that there is a war and massacer going on in palest in palestine, so we are inventing new forms of protest, with flashmobs, with surprise actions in stations, in public places. one of the activists was recently find 300 euros for participating in the protest in the parliament in january, so far hundreds of activists have been charged. some of them several times, they say this is a significant financial burden for speaking out against the us israeli genocide. the simple slogan, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. this slogan is currently banned by the austrian government and we're facing numerous uh cancellations and prohibitions of protests and hundreds of
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protesters already got charges. the activists aim to conquer the charges with a political campaign to defend their right to protest for a free palestine from the river to the sea. on friday, they protected outside un headquarters during us foreign secretary anthony blinkon's visit to vienna. today, foreign secretary of the united states is here in austria in the un premises and we are taking to the street here to protest against his support to genocide. also, a mass demonstration is called for settle. day in austria's capital. pro-palestinian activists are getting fined by police for the protest in austria. observa say this aims to silence the activists. however, palestinian solidarity activists are not backing down and campaigning to raise awareness of the repression. dita reinish, reporting for press tv from vienna. and thousands of yemenes have
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once again taken to the streets of the capital, san a and other cities, demonstrating their stonch. support for the palestinians in gaza, they also held the military operations of the yemeni armed forces against israeli linked vessels, sub latiful washali reports. following friday prayers, thousands of fiemes in the kabara sana and across several other cities took part in demonstrations to express their unwavering support for the palestinians in gaza. they praised the yemani armys escalation of naval operations targeting israelining chips in the... ocean, the protesters also voiced their opposition to israel's policies which have led to the starvation and death of was turken palestinians in gaza. mr. abdul malik's announcement was clear, if the israeli escalation in gaza and killing of palestinians continue, yemen will also carry on with targeting israeli bound ships, preventing them from sailing even in the
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indian ocean and cape of good hope. the escalation of naval operations is a step. iously promised by mr. abdul malik, i believe that it is only a preliminary step and there will be upcoming surprises because mr. abdul malik did not disclose more details and we all know that these operations are in support of our brothers in gaza. hemen army spokesman yahya also addressed the demonstrators detailing the country's latest naval operations in the red sea. with god's help the naval forces of the yemen. army carried out an operation targeting the israeli ship pacific 01 in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. our forces also carried out an operation targeting an american destroyer in the... red sea with number of drones and successfully achieved its objectives. thanks to god, we began to expand the scope of our operations against israeli ships and those linked to israel to
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include the indian ocean to the cape of good hope. abdul malik al hothi, the leader of the ansarullah movement, had previously blidged to expand the scope of yemen's naval operations. he declared that the yemani army would hence forth prevent israeli boundships from passing through the indian ocean. al hothi further mentioned that the yemen. me had carried out 12 operations using 58 missiles and drones last week, three of which took a place in the indian ocean. people here about that they will continue to send and support of the people of palestine in the wake of israel's genocide in gaza. they believe that all free people worldwide should unite and stand against israel and its supporters. reporting for press tv. on the second day of the russian presidential election voters. across the country caster balalis in a process that is all but certain to extend president vladimir putin's rule by another six years voting is taking place at
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polling stations across russia's 11 time zones including online balloting in regions that broke away from ukraine and rejoined the russian federation. around 114 million russians are eligible to vote in this year's election that will continue until sunday. in the run up to the vote. putin boasted about battlefield success. in ukraine where russian troops have recently made gains. he also cited economic growth saying that the country's economy has proven to be resilient despite western sanctions. putin's victory appears highly probable as none of the three other candidates in the race is a prominent challenger. the current election marks the eighth presidential election in russia. this will be putin's fifth term as president. and iran and azerbaijan's joint hydroelectric projects will soon be inaugurated, giving yet another boost to their bilateral relations. the announcement was made during the
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azerbaijani energy minister's recent visit to tehran. a growing strategic partnership between azerbaijan and iran in the energy sector on full display. a collaboration that promises to bolster economic development and energy security. beyond the borders of the two countries and in the region as described by the iranian minister of energy and his visiting azerbaijany counterpart. this meeting takes place a time when our joint projects including the construction of thefarin and gizgal dams on the aras river are near completion. this means that the hydroelectric power plants will soon be operational. a highlight of this cooperation is the near completion of hydroelectric. power plants on the adas river, vital waterway on the iran azerbaijan border, with construction progress reported at 96%. the hudafarin dam is providing for the water
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reservoir, it is 1.6 billion cubic meters of resource, the kisgalas is a little bit uh smaller, it's only 50 thousand, but together it is it's also... make already uh the big amount of water resources, at the same time we together for two countries have 280 megawatts uh of uh electricity generation projection. the strategic importance of these hydroelectric projects extends beyond national benefits, signaling move towards greater energy independence and regional cooperation, including the creation of an energy bridge linking azerbaijan, iran and russia by connecting iran and russia's power grids through the republic of azerbaijan. this follows decisions made two weeks ago during the 17th iran-russia joint economic
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commission in tehran to boost economic relations in different fields. this joint project can not only allow us to expand cooperation in hydroelectric power, but it can also pave the way for more projects that we intend to collaborate on. managing shared water resources for energy production. is the ground workork for more mutually beneficial cooperation, which is why the presidents of both countries will be attending the inaugural ceremony. the projects are in the final stages, promising a significant boost in iran-azerbaijan bilateral relations, all in line with present ibrahim raisi's policy to expand relations with neighboring countries. gisum shah madi press tv, tehran. and that brings us to the end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching. stay tuned, i'll be back in half an hour with more news.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. "its warships, speedboats, missiles and drones among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for
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the details in this documentary. we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalehor is the name. of a great and beautiful cave in khuda bandalu mountains with unique and wonderful icicles with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey.
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saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي امر بالله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه اتوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن let's hear's story together bismillah.
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in late 2023, south africa filled case at the end