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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 16, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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of the headlines 160. two days into the us back
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genocidal war on the gaza strip, indiscriminate israeli attacks claim lives of more palestinians. a palestinian man has been killed after carrying out a retaliatory operation against the israeli regime in a settlement in the occupied west bank, and people go to polling stations across russia a second day of presidential elections. of hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmedi and these are top stories this hour, dozens more palestinians were killed as the israeli
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regime keeps going ahead with its genocidal war on the basish gaza strip, which is now in its 162nd day. in the latest air strikes, the israeli military has targeted the al nosriya refugee camp, leaving at least 36 people dead. many people were also killed or injured in yet another bombing of arafa, a southern city that once israel designated as a safe place for the displaced palestinians. rafa has been targeted frequently. admit the regime's threat that it will conduct a ground operation there since the onset of the israeli war on gaza early october, over 31,500 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. israel's genocidal war on gaza has cast somber tone over this year's holy month of ramadan and the besege gaza strip palestine. indians there are in
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dire need of food, grappling with the devastating impacts of the relentless israeli bombardments and the crippling sie. our correspondent in gaza muti abu musab has talked to some of the displaced gazans who have described their pl. he was displaced after the israeli forces attacked our neighborhood. as you can see, we live in these tents made of plastic and fabric, we have nothing eat but some... canned food, which is the only thing that we have been eating for roughly six months. we don't even in have gas to cook. i have six children and i don't know what to feed them. i have been displaced from the noseirat refugee camp. i have five children. i came from algeria to visit gaza and then the war erupted. i hadn't expected that the situation could be as bad as it is. the situation is beyond catastrophic here as people can barely find food, especially in... this ramadan is
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completely different from previous years, my five kids and i have been displaced from gaza city while my husband is still there, we have no source of food, the amount of food provided by charities is also scarce, we're devastated and deprived of our basic needs, i in live here with my eight children, our lives are tragic, the situation is getting worse day by day, struggling to cold with this unbearable condition and made the relentless bombardment and blush it, in ramadan we are completely relying on the food provided by donors, sometimes the food is scarce and we get nothing to it and can't food has also made us sick, we have been displaced from northern gaza, there are seven of us living here, we are suffering lot, the weather is too cold and there are no gas supplies, because of that i have to make fire to cook food, most of the time we find no food
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israeli troops have killed a palestinian. man following an anti-regime operation in a settlement in the occupied west bank, regime forces shot dead, the after he opened fire on soldiers near the old city of al-khalil. they prevented ambulances from reaching him. tensions have been high across the occupied west bank since october 7th, more than 430 palestinians have been killed by israeli forces and settlers since then. and the hazballah resistance movement has launched attacks on several israeli positions near southern lebanon. our correspondent in beirout mariam salih says the group seeks to totally destroy israeli military posts near
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lebanon. at the first post that was targeted was the al-baghdadi post. we also had very uh significant. against the ramim baracks where hizbullah launched a burkan rocket. hizballah seems to be also attempting to completely destroy many of the israeli posts that have been of course put forth since the year 2000 after the israeli withdrawal from south lebanon. and that has been has caused significant damage and destruction to their post and also of course very high cost. we also had an targeting of al-malikia post using morters. we heard from the israeli expert uh strategy expert and military analyst uh alon bin david who's talking uh through the daily modif he stressed uh in one of his uh articles that what we are looking at right now in the north of course they're calling at the northern front that hezballah
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with not much effort uh with a little bit of effort with acceptable cost on their part from for example hazbillah what they have done is actually emptied out the northern part. parts and with the fact that there's no decisions being taken uh by the israelis, it seems that the possibility that many of the settlers who left that area will not actually live in that area any time in the future and this will end any possibility of any settlers living in those towns and we're talking about the northern occupied palestinian territory that is of course one of the signs that we are looking at secretary general spoke about some of those signs. uh that there is lot of disintegration within the israeli society and it is being emptied out, many of them actually threatening and warning that they will be leaving uh the occupied territories, that in itself is considered huge achievement for the resistance in lebanon, even for the
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resistance of course in palestine. jordinis have stage yet another rally in the capital aman and support of palestinians in the gaza strip admit the ongoing. israel genocide there. demonstrators on friday called on their governments to support gazans with more humanitarian aid, they chanted anti-israeli slogans and held banners reading to break the war of starvation, landbridged. northern gaza, the protesters accused the jordanian government of not doing enough, arguing that it has a duty to fulfill its obligation towards palestinians in distress. jordan, that is hosting 2.4 million palestinian refugees, has witnessed several rallies in
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solidarity with gazans since israel launched its war on the beseest strip. meanwhile, canada witnessed similar rallies where protesters in toronto denounced prime minister justin trudeau for has stance towards the israeli bloodshed of palestinians. for the people of palestine in gaza, in raffa, they are being shot dead from above, from the land and from anywhere, and that's why we are here to... say justin trudo, you are complicit in the ongoing genocide in rafa gaza, the protesters waved palestinian flags, chanted slogans and carried banners reading genocide, justin and genocide is not self-defense. they
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also called for immediate cease fire in gaza. the protesters gathered outside an election fundraising event for the ruling party of prime minister justin trudeau. people around now the world keep hitting the streets to pressurize their respective governments to help end the israeli war on gaza, now that is amid the worsening humanitarian crisis in the besige palestinian. territory and a looming israeli ground invasion of rafa, a southern gaza city crammed with about one and a half million people, and palestine solidarity activists in austria are facing fines for their participation in protests against the israeli genocide in gaza, however they have not backed down. our correspondent reports. the first protest in support of the
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palestinian resistance was held in vienna on october 11th. the police had banned the demonstration and issued over 300 fines for participating in what they called an unlawful assembly. uh, since this ongoing genocide in gaza, we are protesting constantly in austria, and we've got already over 13 protest band by the austrian government. silencing the palestinian solidarity. movement by prohibiting their public actions failed and most charges were dropped. since then the solidarity movement has been growing. mass demonstrations are organized every saturday and pickets and information stalls are held throughout vienna almost daily. for some activists, this kind of action is not enough. we are trying to invent new forms of protest to remind the public opinion, the society here that there is a war and massacer going on in palest in palestine, so we are inventing new forms of protest. one
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the activists was recently find 300 for participating in the protest in the parliament in january. so far, hundreds of activists have been charged, some of them several times. they say this is a significant financial burden for speaking out against the us-israeli genocide. the simple slogan, from the river to the sea, palestine will be free. "this slogan is currently banned by the austrian government and we're facing numerous uh cancellations and prohibitions of protests and hundreds of protesters already got charges. the activists aim to conquer the charges with a political campaign to defend their right to protest for a free palestine from the river to the sea. on friday, they protest it outside un headquarters during us foreign secretary anthony blinton's visit to vienna." today, foreign secretary of the united states is here in austria in the un
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premises and we are taking to the street here to protest against his support to genocide. also, a mass demonstration is called for saturday in austria's capital. pro-palestinian activists are getting fined by police for the protest in austria. observer say this aims to silence the activists. however, palestinian solidarity activists are not. taking down and campaigning to raise awareness of the repression. dita reinish, reporting for press tv from vienna. hello and welcome to another edition of the news review. in this edition, on the second day of the russian presidential election. voters across the country cast their ballots a process that is all but certain to extend
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president vladimir putin's rule by another six years. voting is taking place at polling stations across russia's 11 time zones, including online balloting in the regions that broke away from ukraine and rejoined the russian federation. around 114 million russians are eligible to vote in this year's election and that will continue until. sunday, in the run up to the vote, putin boasted about battlefield success in ukraine, where the russian troops have recently made gains. he also cited economic growth, saying the country's economy has proven to be resilient despite western sanctions. putin's victory appears highly probable as none of the other three candidates in the race is a prominent challenger. the current election marks the eighth presidential election in russia. this will be putin's fifth. fifth term as president. now to discuss that
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further, we're joined by harley schlanger, spokesman of the international schiller institute, was joining us from germany, and also we have don debar, activist and commentator who is joining us from russia, and let's begin with our a guest from russia who can give us more informa information about exactly what is happening on the ground and also about the three other contenders, and if they do actually pose a threat to putin or not? please, um, yeah, first the um, the polling data shows that the president is very popular, uh, this has been true for number of years where he's been polling favorably from anywhere from 60 to 75 and even higher percent. um, one of the things
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about democrat. process and elections uh is that if you want to maintain power, it is possible to maintain power forever, all you have to do is incredibly good job that makes people happy, and that i think is a part of the uh, a big part of the factor here that people remember how things were in this country after the yelson years uh when president came to power in 1998-1999 and they see how things are today and as a visitor uh the changes are not just evident but obvious and certainly for those who live here - experience the change in their condition uh from then until now this is major factor. thank you very much. now let's bring in our
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guest from germany. uh, sir, if you could please tell us more, we've heard about number of explosions that have... happened in russia, what is your take on this? why would these attacks happen in the first place? well, first i want to say that i agree with what don said about putin's popularity, in the western media they say that putin will win the election because of suppression of killing off his opponents and and controlled press, it sounds like actually they're talking about what's going on in the west, now the explosions, the...
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that putin has no intention other than war, and in fact the improved the economy in russia and the success in ukraine, in spite of all the obstacles, has made him more popular, so i think we can expect as ukraine is moving to a situation of desperation, there may be more of these kinds of attacks, but i don't think it's going to change the situation, the west has ukraine fatigue, it's interesting, if you think about putin that 60 or 70%. popularity, there's not a single leader of a western country who at this point is even at 30 or 35%. in germany, the chancellor is it about 12%. that is actually a an interesting point you just raised, then our guest from russia seems to agree, he keeps notting, so mr. dondebar, if you could please elaborate more on that, as we have about two to three minutes before we say
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goodbye to our viewers, so uh, tell us more about putin's popularity, and it will be his fifth term. in office, what could that mean for putin himself? he has definitely evolved into a better leader? well, he's older certainly and he's had more experience, and also the whole world has. mean, we're entering new phase in human development globally, and uh, in terms of our institutions, um, is sort of a changing the guard taking place from the american era to the extent that that existed to what comes next, which is, i think a... apparently a more multiolar and a more uh fair distribution of uh sort of the management of the global thing. um, just very briefly, it should be noted that the uh procedure aspects of this election to me is someone has been involved for many years, i've run for office five times myself is identical, the if there
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were going to be any difference, i would say that perhaps - the places where the polling takes place or a little more friendly and user inviting. um, you walk in, you walk up to the desk, they check your id to make sure you're eligible voter, they look against the rules, they hand you a ballot, you walk into a small private area to fill out the ballot, you bring it out and and insert it into the top of scanning device machine which scans it, logs the boat, drops the ballot into the bottom of the machine, for preservation in case you need to verify that the electronic vote is right, you have this, period, that's how it's done. the real difference is between who's on the ballot, how they got there, and if you look at what's happening in the united states with the attacks on keeping the two of the most popular candidates off the ballot uh donald trump by every device no matter what you think of him uh 40 somem percent of the
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american voters want him as president and robert kennedy who had more than 30 already like that um at the end of the day watching who's going to be on the ballot and who's not will tell you who has democratic presidential election and who does not okay so mr. shangler your final remark. so what would the world look like with another six years of putin in office? well, putin laid out the agenda recently at the valday club, when he said we're going to move to new, fair, just world economic system, breaking the control the petro dollar system of the united states, the idea of the unipolar order, and giving the global south not just a bigger voice, but the means by which they can develop their economies uh in a fair way, and so i think... election is important for the world, also in terms of the situation in the middle east, uh, after the war in gaza is ended, we're going to see a reconstruction program, and it
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will probably be russia and china playing a leading role in that, while the united states runs away with its tail between its legs. thank you very much, uh, quite interesting. mr. harley shangler, uh, spokesman of the international schiller institute joining us live from germany. thank you very much sir, and also we had with us on this. edition of the newsroof don de bar activist and commentator joining us from russia. thanks to both of you gentlemen for sharing your thoughts and views on this edition of the news review, and that brings us to the end of this edition of the news review, but moving on with the rest of the news of the sour. palestinians. palestinian president mahmoud abbas has
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appointed muhammad mustafa as new prime minister of the palestinian authority. mustafa, a us educated economist and former senior world bank official replaced muhammad shataya who resigned three weeks ago citing the emerging reality in the gaza strip. our correspondent in. lamuna candel has interviewed some of the palestinians who have described their views about the newly appointed prime minister. let's see what they had to say. we are all palestinians and we are the sons of this country. anyone who will be in charge of the government is supposed to respond to the demands and hopes of the people. so the issue of bringing some politician to impose policies won't be welcomed because we palestinians know very well what we for almost 30 years we've been waiting to have an independent state, but instead we have only moved from a bad situation to a worse. if we get the chance to
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have an independent state then we may witness better circumstances, otherwise we don't need any governments and let's return to the situation before 1987, before the first interfada, because literally we are held in a big prison divided into. cantons: we're really frustrated, we don't expect that there will be any true change. what we are witnessing is a change of the names. there was dr. hamdallah and then shatiya came, but nothing really has changed except for the politicians in charge. i don't think the coming cabinets will be able to rebuild gaza. it's not easy. we have no trust in any arab official whether here or from the arab countries, since what happened in gaza, we have lost hope and confidence everyone. the majority of people here don't know muhammad mustafa, but it said that he is a man with great capabilities. we hope he'l be able to form new government and succeed in choosing
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his ministers. the most important thing for us is to change the current situation. we are a very tragic and very difficult situation and the tasks that are assigned to the new prime minister are not easy, so if he is not able to... the countries all over the world to stand with us, then people are going to completely lose their trust in the government, that brings us to the end of this edition of a world news on press tv. thank you for watching, stay tuned, i'll be right back in half an hour with more news.
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crisis, devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. israeli warmers refuse cease fire. i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i was, i traveled when i was 17 years old, i traveled even to iran, camera is kind of
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protection between me and the rest of the... world and it's very, very useful, it became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of, he was a symbol, this trump is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change.
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how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed and israel is a terror state the terrorist that terror testify my television televise i'm telling lies how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try palestine will never die free palestinest. hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching palestine declassified. we're the only weekly tv show that's dedicated to investigating and exposing the israeli regime's global war against.