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tv   Documentary Iranian Weapon Irans Air Defense System 1  PRESSTV  March 17, 2024 9:02am-9:31am IRST

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kuwait was the main financier of saddam's war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. kuwait was not like iran for the united states and the west to remain silent in the face of an... attack on kuwait. the us
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president immediately reacted. the united states and its coalition allies are committed to enforcing the united nations resolutions that call for saddam hussein to immediately and unconditionally leave kuwait. in view of the soviet initiative, which very frankly we appreciate. "we want to set forth this morning the specific criteria that will ensure saddam hussein complies with the united nations mandate. these were the moments when a limited war broke out between the us and iraq over kuwait, which ultimately led to complete sanctions on iraq, to the extent that saddam was forced to destroy all his missiles and declare the location of..."
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all his defense facilities to the west. saddam implemented all the tasks that the international atomic energy agency, the iaea dictated to him and didn't even know that the new us president was going to attack him without getting a un approval saddam hussein. this president is the son of the president who had attacked iraq in the past. and we got to keep. got to deal with him before it, now saddam is here and is walking among these children without even knowing that they have plans for him out there. the americans brought this special fighter jet to their secret base in saudi arabia. as these aircraft take off, saddam's days are
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numbered, but saddam does not know anything about the usf17s. he is with the nomads who support him, so they feast in front of him. saddam was seriously harmed in the previous war with bush senyor. but he still relies on his defense systems. no electronic warfare system could fail the systems during the war between egypt and israel. even iran's american phantoms could not easily escape from the grip of this air defense. however,
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the us winning card was secretly in test flights in the american secret bases in saudi arabia and saddam was totally unaware of it, a sort of radar evading fighter jets that were supposed to break records. russian and iraqi mid-range air defense systems stood no chance against these bombers. it seemed the saddam would soon be done away with. f-117s, this black shadow. will take its first serious test here in iraq's mesopotamia. finally, the anticipated night arrived. the f-17's departed from saudi arabia at 2200. saddam is here. he's giving a speech to senior members of the iraqi bath party. in
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order to disturb the thinking of the iraqki defense commanders, american warships started firing missiles at baghdad from the persian gulf. iraq did not have a proper defense. to destroy the missiles. the americans launched more than 700 fighters and bombers after the f-117s took off. the largest air raid since the end of the world war ii began. if the f-117 succeed, the bombing will finish off iraq. but if they fail, the iraki defense systems will inflict the biggest defeat on the us in its history. the americans are still not confident that they will achieve victory, so they send their apache helicopters to shoot at iraqi defenses at the
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border. everyone is supposed to divert attention of the iraqi commanders so that the f-117s. can strike all the defense systems. suddenly, the sky of iraq turns red. the anti-aircraft batteries are heavily at work, but no rockets are still being fired. the shadow is not detected yet, and the shots are blindly fired. the f-17. opens its belly and the bombs are dropped on the defense systems. that's all, it's a grass. the attack by 700 bombers begins. the rocky radar system used
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the method of sending radar waves towards the aircraft with. would then bounce back and identify the type of flying object, but the f-117's fuselage is made of radar absorbing materials known as ram. these waves ensured that the f-117 was never detected and could easily attack its targets. saddam may have been thinking about it when he was being held captive by the american soldiers. why wasn't a single missile fired from its defenses? towards the american aircraft, iraq easily falls and many countries around the world are watching the fall. one of these countries is iraq's neighboring country to the east, iran. the people of iran were as disgusted with saddam as the people of iraq. saddam's fall
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did not upset them, but what caused concern was america's decisive success in the battle against saddam. iran had to learn lessons from this battle in order to stand against the us. after america's first attack on iraq in 1990, iran realized that if another battle were to occur in the region of west asia, it would not be a battle between two neighbors. the era of proxy wars has ended, and this time the superpower itself will attack. the countries, the fall of afghanistan and iraq is evidence of this situation. these days, american tv channels broadcast these images very often, america's show of force in
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occupying any country it wants, especially this type of promotional images. these are symbols of the 1,000 cruise missiles that the us launched into iraq. iraq is not a vast country. if 1,00 cruise missiles escaped from iraq's radar systems and hit the targets, why can't iran be invaded by the same method? poliیس چجور در روی زمین. کار رو انجام می دهد. پدافند هوایی همین مسئولیت را در آسمان به عهده داره. پدافند هوایی یک یگان یک نیروی 24 ساعته است. iran is an extensive land, full of
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mountains and plins. it is the best place to use cruise missiles. to hit a cruise missile, special radar systems are needed at low and very high altitudes. these air defense bad are also the first step in the fight against cruise missiles. the sky must be turned into a fire before rockets are targeted. only after having the radar to detect this terrible shadow, it is necessary for a missile to reach this height and hit the black monster. that's right before the hatch of its bomb opens and the monster falls on the people on earth. these bombers take off in the us and hit their targets in other
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continents, phantom fighters, the symbol of the us power, a massive aircraft behind which all arrogant and colonial power of the us is entrenched. the us has returned to the era before the 20th century, to the days when the colonists themselves invaded directly other countries. iran is the only independent country. in the world among the countries that america has declared enmity against. it was not affiliated with the former soviet union, nor is it willing to surrender. breaking iran can serve as an important lesson for the world. iran's defense industry experts have a big concern. are they able to quickly protect the country against such air rates, these systems and machines are all manufactured and produced either by the us or uk. the range of their missiles is very
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limited and the radars are hard to repair, but for now all of iran's defense capacity is restricted to such facilities and the country has to advance its scientific potentials as well. the rapier and hawk systems. rapier is a british short-range surface to air missile launcher, and hawk was an american medium-range surface to air missile system. iran had purchased them before the revolution. the missiles barely reached the required range to hit iraqi fighter jets during the war. now these... are iran's only tools to fend off a possible attack by countries like the us. of course, iran had
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also bought a type of air defense system from the country where this man's pictures were painted its walls from libya. during a symbolic parade, the systems are loaded for delivery to iran, but they were not made by libya. the soviets had built them and named them sam2 and sold them to libya. however, after... sam 2 was imported to iran, it immediately stopped working after libya's support was terminated. gaddafi had decided to join the club of saddam supporters. now, iran must have launched and repaired the systems by itself. thus, iran was coers to reverse. near foreign radars and build the first national radar at home. in 1983 the us
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invaded iraq and iran was quickly acquire the systems that will put the entire country under dome of protective waves. iran is going to buy the sam 5 from russia. russia's s200 or sam 5 eventually. به این فکر رسیدن که ما با استفاده از یک هواپیمای شکاری خودی این سیستم رو روش روی هواپیما قفل بکنیم و در حالت دور شونده روی این موشک پرتاب بکنیم. بعد از یک دقیقه تعقیب هدف موشک رو رو هوا. منفجر یعنی اسپلش بکنیم از داخل چون این قابلیت رو داره که رو هوا میتونیم موشک رو از داخل از سایت زمین
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کابین زمینه منفجر کنیم حالا کی جرأت داشت که با این شرایط روی یک هواپیمای خودی موشک پرتاب بکنه اون التهاب اضطرابی که در اون لحظاتی که همه کار رو انجام دادیم قفل انجام شده میخوایم موشک رو بر علیه یک هواپیمای خودی پرتاب بکنیم پروفایل این کشیده شد روی یک برد کشیده. شد بارها پاک شد تنظیم شد از کدام زاویه بیاد چه زاویه ای بیاد چون باید منطقه رو ما کلیار می کردیم که هواپیمایی در منطقه حضور نداشته باشه برای اون لحظاتی که ما میخوایم این عملیات رو انجام بدیم این گفت اون. اون نفر بشینه این گفت اون نفر بشینه بالاخره همه به این نتیجه رسیدن که این افتخار نصیب بنده شد یک روز بنا شد که هواپیما بیاد ما آزمایشی قفل بکنیم و روز بعد بیاد که موشک رو پرتاب بکنیم خداوند کمک کرد در روز اول ما هواپیما اومد خیلی راحت روش قفل کردیم از مسیری که انجام شده بود پروفایلی تعیین شده بود چه دور شونده چه نزدیک شونده
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اومد رفت و منتظر روز بعد شدیم روز اصلی دیگه ما چون مهمان دعوت داشتیم از فرمانده کل ارتش اومده بودن ساعت حدوداً فکر کنم ۹. ما آماده شدیم برای این کار و هواپیما یواش یواش وارد منطقه شد کاتیری موشک آماده قفل هواپیما همه چی زیبا خیلی واقعاً میشه گفتش که واقعاً خدا کمک کرد نگاه کردم دیدم که دانچر شماره دو به من آماده باش داده شد همه چی آماده بود و به یاری خداوند من یک الله اکبر بلندی گفتم و موشک رو پرتاب کردم و
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research on the concept of radar had been started for a long time and continued, men and women came to work on the plan from all universities in the country. for the first time in its history, iran wants to completely entrust its military needs to young students. the mersad air system is a result of the trust. mersad means ambush. the iranian ambush is an example of the reverse engineering of the american hawk, the first step to conquer the sky step-by-step.
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this is 2010, the mersadds launch their missiles one after the other. missiles are called shahin and are domestically produced by iran. the missile control room is also domestically produced. this is an important secret. this room is the big secret of iranians. without having information about it, it's impossible for the enemy easily
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disable it. in today's world, if the defense systems are not indigenous, the fate of iraq will repeat itself, and iran is aware of this. اگر نیروی هواییی بتونه به تفوق هوایی برسه تفوق هوایی یک مرحله بالاتر از برتری هواییه یعنی سیطره کامل قاعدتاً جنگ رو برده چه وقت یک کشور به تفوق هوایی می رسه وقتی که از نظر تجهیزاتی و مهارت
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بتونه بر نیروی هوایی کشور مقابل. the mersad missiles were quickly updated, mersad one, two and three, the mersad air defense system consisted of three main components, missile and launcher, detection radar and engagement radar, all of which in the initial versions were reverse engineered from the american hawk air defense system, this system... is a medium range and its operational range has been calculated to be up to 40 km, but it's not meant to stop there. the shahin missile quickly turned. turns into shalamche with a speed of about four times the speed of sound. shalamche can hit any target at altitude of 18 km. this means iran is gradually
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approaching the highest altitude. the firing of shalamche from the mersad systems leads the then defense minister to respond to the us claims. they claim to have the ability to attack iran. requires special radars that can withstand the electronic warfare of the major powers, perhaps something on the level of american air defense systems. but this is a big claim.
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american fighter jets fly at high altitudes and they cannot be detected with ordinary radar. ما در دفاع از هوا به گونه ای عمل خواهیم کرد که تهدیدات بالقوه که در اینجا وجود دارد به بلفل تبدیل نشود ما این اجازه رو نخواهیم داد با تنوع سامانه های پدافندی سامانه های راداری سامانه های موشکی. وسامانه های توپخوانه ای یک عملیات ترکیب جنگ افزارها را انجام دادیم به گونه ای که نذاریم این تهدیدات بقوه به بالفعل تبدیل بشه. in the 2010s, the country enters a
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new era in which the turmoral of sanctions will reach its speak and it's the... economic issues that will attract more attention than the military ones. in 2013, the united nations security council imposed sanctions on iran based a proposal by the us and its western allies. one of the branches of the embargo is the purchase of weapons. it means iran will soon face an important challenge regarding one of its purchases that. s300!
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'i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around me, and i was, i traveled when i was 17 years old, i traveled even to iran, camera is kind of protection between me and the rest of the world, and it's very, very useful, he became very famous because when you see.' he was a
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symbol, trump is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east. no ruse is the single most important national festival of the iranians inherited from ancient times. a celebration of early spring. noruz is all about hope in the worst of time. no ruse or the new day will finally come, no matter how harsh or cold the winter is. it ushers in the
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loveliest season of the year with. ابو طاهر، اراقي القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات. saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي امر بالله عز
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وجل. let's hear abu taher's story together. we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalahor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khuda bandalu mountains with unique and wonderful icicles with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey.
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first to be headlines this hour as the us israri genocide in gaza continues for the 163rd day a fresh israel air strike and ala kills at least 12 palestinians. the world health organization warns that israel's looming ground assault on rufa will lead to more palestinian deaths and suffering. and government ends this military cooperation agreements with the us, calling the accord illegal.