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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 17, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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as the us city genocide in gaza continues for 163rd day the dead to. likes se 31,360, people across the world continue to display their support for the people on gaza, urging immediate ceasefire in the prestigious trip. also in headlines, niger's government and the military cooperation agreement with the us, calling the accord illegal.
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it's a 3:31 pm here in tehran, this is pres tv world news, i'm your host perrus najafi, welcome, some five months into israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip, the regime continues, pounding the blockaded territory with indiscriminate air rates and and artillery fire, the health ministry in gaza says at least 92 people were killed and 130 wounded in the past day, at least citizen people got killed in a strike a residential building in derabala in central gaza. israel prevents medical teams from reaching victims who are still under rubble. meanwile israeli jets continue bombing residential buildings across the coastal strip including gaza city. the suffering in gaza is not limited to just being. targeted by bombs, according to anna,
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mallutrition and famon are striking northern gaza and are now moving to southern areas. since the onset of the israeli war early october, 31,642, 45 palestines have been killed, most of them women and children. tells us about the latest israely massacres of palestinians in the gaza strip. "the israeli accuvation forces committed uh at least nine oponic massacers against the palestinian civilians over the last 24 hours, claiming the lives of 93 palestinian civilians, muslim women and children, in addition to injuring at least 130 others uh, so these numbers are still high and they are soaring with the continuous israeli air strikes and attacks that are still hitting more residental areas and buildings across several areas of gaza's strip over the last night." the israel exhibition forces
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committed alarming massacre here uh in balah city after destroying a residental building in al-bisashara neighborhood located in the center of balah city claiming the lives of at least 12 palestinian civilians mostly women and children uh while douzens were reportedly injured and many of them are still trapped in the rubble of that destroyed houses that destroyed house so sorry in the meantime the israeli wall blanes continued their strikes and attack against the western parts of anosarati fuji camp, relentless israel strikes here that area a mid the the constant and the continuous artillery shilling that reached the eastern part of alb fuji camp, and now as we speak here in the central area of gaza strip, the israeli helicopters open the gun fire towards the residental areas in the eastern part of their balah city, the head of the world health organization calling on israel not to launch a ground offensive,
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the southern gaza sarah where 1.5 million displaced palestinians subsight shelter. tedris gabris has said that the escalation of violence and rafa would lead to many more deaths and suffering. they called on israel to refrain from the attack in the name of humanity. tatas added that people in rf are too fragile, hungry and sick to be moved around. on friday the israely prime minister approved plans to assault rafa despite increasing international calls to halt. meditary operations. the senior leader of the palestine resistance movement, hamas says the group is waiting for a response to it seasf proposal from israel and the us, the regime's main accomplice in the gaza genocide. osama hamdan said that the initiative put forward by hamas is a realistic one with clear details. he said it provides uh for a swap of captives in gaza and palestinian abductees and the withdrawal of israeli forces. hamdan
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said that the palestinian movement had during negotiations called for an end to the war, the return of refugees, the dispatch of a to gaza and the start of the reconstruction of this trip, dontash upon the divisions within the israeli regime on the war, adding that tel aviv has achieved none of its declared objectives, despite the atrocities committed in gaza, guess that hamas has told intermediaries that uh acts of aggression against gaza must stop. now people across the world are continuing to display their support for the people in gaza as the regime, the israeli regime that is presses ahead with the genocide there. the german capital berlin was seen at one of the latest such demonstrations. we are here to theministrate
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for palestine and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards the german media and the german. because they have lot of power and they decided to take aside and even they use sometimes some wars for human crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that it's just empty worse. the protesters demanded immediate seasfire and gaza and the liberation of palestine and establishment of all goods as his capital. they carried blood stained small mock body bags in reference to the large number of children. kill and gaza. the protesters also uh held a pieces of bread to draw attention to the issue of starvation there. pro palestan rallies have been intensifying across europe despite attempts by the governments to crack down on the public demonstrations of support. during rally in the australian capital, vienna, thousands to the street to islam the israeli
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genocide in gaza. the mysteries gathered vienna city center uh that was part of these already apartide week called by the bds movement that promotes boycots against israely products and multinational companies linked to the regime. protesters said that taken part in the rally. was their contribution to solidarity with gaza? they said that the european countries are complicit in the israeli crimes. they also call for immediate cease fire and deliver fe to the gaza strip. our correspondent attended the rally and interviewed some of the demonstrators. we are
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demonstrating here because today is the 160th day of the genocide. they now propose the new idea of bringing relief supplies to gaza. by ship, but i think the real plot is to drive out the people in gaza by ship again, like 1948. the second thing is that we are here to say that the genocide and the starvation must stop. aid supplies must be brought in through the land crossings and not by air or ship. the us has the power to demand that from israel. we are also here to demand immediate end to the occupation. i'm here to uh support a justice cause, which is palestine, especially during those time. where justice is being hijacked by those who control the power and they um mis representing what we what humans should do how they should support each other whether the east west north south doesn't matter and this particular time is not about west and east is about to be with
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just with be with human and palestine is not for palestinian us for every human being is for everyone who suffers in this world who feels what's human to be i am here here because i'm an anti-fascist and as an anti-fascist i have to be an anti-dionist and to stand, i have to stand with the palestinian resistance for the colonization of palestine and we have uh we are unconditionally solid sol solidar with the palestine and palestinian solidarity and if you uh take seriously the claim to decolonize the world and the global. south you have to stand with palestine i come to these protests because when i was 14 or 15 um had to introduce the topic of uh you know the the gaza conflict to my class in school so before we got any of the kind of propaganda that
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they do teach in schools here i got to do my own research and did and i think like anyone who does even a half hour of research on the subject o i very quickly kind of recognized the horrors and ever since then it's been very dear to my heart and now with everything that's happening i'm just glad that there are people that are coming every... awakened, now new propanestan valley has been organized in rome, this as the italian defense minister has confirmed the rome's arms exports to tel aviv have continued in spite of a block announced last year. max chively has more from rome. on saturday, thousands of people joined a new rally in the italian capital organized among the others by the movement of the palestinian students and the association. the palestinians in italy, the initiative dubbed, stop the genocide, also saw the
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participation of high school students and families, people at the rally strongly condemned italy's unwavering support to the israeli regime. italy, that claims to be democratic nation, is a country where the government goes against the people's will, prophets always come first even when a genocide is taking place. i'm teaching. my kid to never give up the fight and to never accept being submitted. the italian defense minister guido croseto has recently said that rome has continued to export arms to israel despite assurances last year that the government was blocking such sales following tel aviv's invasion of the gaza strip. some italian media reports recently revealed that despite the italian government's denials, the value of arms sales to israel more than trip. in december 2023 compared with the same month in 2022 and december last year was the peak
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of israel, western governments have been systematically supporting zonism and israel's criminal regime, not withstanding the protest again israel's crimes that have been taking place across the globe. italy support to tel aviv must stop once. gaza could be found if the international community stopped militarily supporting israel. italy its side has been actively arming israel through companies such leonard and others. if we don't make sure that the palestinian's right to self-determination is protected and nothing will ever change. earlier this week, more protests and initiatives in solidarity with the... besieged palestinians were held in several italian cities, including milan and naples, max chivili, press tv, rome. it's
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a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense, in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting. with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate will power, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends. it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims, and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helps me to understand. stand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my
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community back in the states. welcome back, the nigerian government says it's stopped military cooperation with the us with immediate effect. in our news review program, we've delved into the story and asked for some expert. the government says it has broken its military cooperation agreements with the us, calling the accord illegal. the us presence on the territory of the republic of niger is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules. which would require the sovereign people, in particular through its elected
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representatives, to be consulted on the installation of foreign army its territory. abramana said the government revoked with immediate effect a military accord that allows military personnel and civilian staff from the us department of defense its soil. the declaration came just day after senior us delegation left niger following a three-day visit to renew contact between the two countries. us relations with njar faces challenges after a military... who ousted the western back to president in the african country last year. however, the us still stations some 1,00 troops in niger a desert drone base. niger has previously severed military ties with its former colonizer france. it forced french troops in the country to withdraw after nearly decade. fidal amzusu, international relations and security analyst joins us from akra. we also have uh with us jonathansa who's a publisher at africa briefing who joins us from london. welcome to you both. fidol, let me first start with you and i'm just gonna quote the
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um niger's military spokesman uh, because he pretty much uh explained why this relationship is going to end and i'd like to find out from you what your reaction is to for example how he said that the agreement that was signed between niger and the us back in 2012 was imposed on niger and had been in violation of the constitutional and democratic rules of the country and its sovereignty. tell us why this was imposed, what he means and how it violated near sovereignty? thank you. very much sir for this opportunity um firstly uh the year um under review which is 2012 was year when um extremists uh were awarded in the sahil so in mali and niger we found al-qaeda in the islamic maghrib and saraddin a tarek back
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group that was sweeping across. across the region taking cities in central mali and in the in north west niger so that was the time operation bakin by france was started and so it was the same time the us decided to establish uh a drone base in niger in order to fight extremists now the processes that led to that uh could could may have been not that tror or may not have followed laid down rules as the military gentle claims, however at the time it was more of emergency situation that brought the united states to the place. um, currently we've seen a kudita in niger and janta is having to um cut ties with uh the uh west and so france has been removed from niger and so this current
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announcement that the uh janta is ending its relations with it's not so surprising despite the fact that us foreign policy with niger has been different from that of france. okay, well let's get into that foreign policy and again i'm going to quote the nicher's military spokesperson who has said jonathan offside, the government of niger regrets the desire of the american delegation to deny the nigerian people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnerships capable of helping them to truly fight. against terrorists, and he said niger forcefully denounces the condescending attitude of the us. it to me, it sounds like niger is saying that the us is not a partner when it comes to fighting terrorists. yes, look, see, they are for the wording of the government spokes man, one word and not
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stands out, condescending, okay, look, is a small country, so-called impovers country, the us, you know, it's a super, the world's only superpower if you like, right, and according to the jter statement, um, the u.s. did not follow the normal diplomatic protocols, you visit a country, i mean, you for the host government, and even state the number of the delegation. okay, but in this case, america did not do that. according to the uh, the the the spokesman again, his statement, and they just came in, even not on on the date that was agreed upon. okay, so that was condescended, and i believe that during the meetings they had, i mean the us,
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as usual, might have tried to impose certain conditions. the us is is not happy with the with the with mali, bukina faso and djs increasing alliance with russia, so that is what the us was trying to to count, but the us is failing and to to to to see that the the geopolitical situation in fragof, west africa is changing. they could have taken a kill from um niger, mali, uh, bukina fasso, you know, expelling french troops from their territories, okay? they should have taken a c from that and at least try to uh deal with niger maybe as ikor but not in that condescending manner so the reaction by niger
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was natural nigeer wanted to or or wants to assert its sovereignty it independent right the the dynamics in that region are changing so this is what the us has to take no so what in my opinion what n was the right one, it may come at the cost, but then um sovereignty always asserting your sovereignty always comes at your courses. thank you very much for that. fidel, ausu, international relation and security analyst and jonathan, publisher at africa briefing. thank you to both. with that we come to an end for this news review. now moving on, russians are casting their ballots on the third and final day of presidential election. president vlad putin's favor to win another chairman office.
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officials say 60% of the eligible voters cast their ballots in the first two days uh across russia's 11 time zones and in online polling stations. this includes online balloting in four ukrainian regions and next by russia in 2022. the initial results are expected to come out later in a day. "the voting comes in ongoing fighting in ukraine, putin has used gains on the ground against ukrainian forces and russia's economic growth despite western sanctions to cement its popularity. the 71-year-old president has already served seven terms in office and five terms as president. now over to the us republican nominee for president donald trump says that there will be a blood bath if he's not elected to the top job." "if i get elected, now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath for the whole, that's going to
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be the least of it, it's going to be a blood bath for the country, that'll be the least of it. if this election, if this election isn't one, i'm not sure that you'll ever have another election in this country, does that make sense? i don't think you're going to have another election in this country, if we don't win this election, i don't think you're going to have another election, or certainly not an election that's meaningful." addressing gathering of gop supporters in ohio, trump urged the voters to vote for him in the november presidential elections and called himself a friend of american taxpayers. trump lashed out of his democratic rival and in common president joe biden saying that he has destroyed the country's economy. he said americans will not enjoy proper social security, medical and other welfare services with biden in office. campaigning is intensified in recent weeks in the us with trump. trump and biden attacking each other's recording character. then common president and his eights have described trump as a threat to democracy. and with that we're
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come to the end of this broadcast from tehran. thank you for being with us. the prescovered of this assassination of sulaymani now entering its fourth day.
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as hundreds of people have merged.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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this is for palestineza. this is for the child that is searching for renance. this is not just a war over stolen land. why do you think little boys are going stones and tanks? and we'll never really know how many people are dead. they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state the terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television televise i'm telling lies. how many more resolutions have to be violated. how many more children have to be annihilated. this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try. hello, i'm chris williamson.