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tv   Palestine Declassified Zionist Over reach and Blue Octopus  PRESSTV  March 17, 2024 4:02pm-4:31pm IRST

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state the terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television televise i'm telling lies how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but wherever they try palestine will never dieine hello i'm chris williamson. and you're watching palestine
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declassified, we're the only weekly tv show that's dedicated to investigating and exposing the israeli regime's global war against solidarity with the illegally occupied people of palestine. in this week's show we'll be highlighting how zinis weaponization of antisemitism is beginning to spectacularly backfire. in november last year, one prominent zianist zelot made a preposterous accusation of antisemitism about a student's mascot on the university challenge tv quiz show. but she was left. with a copious quantity of egg on her face after legal action was taken by the student who was targeted, as the chief abuchakra will explain in this report. according to baroness jacqueline foster, a blue octopus is one of the most disgusting anti-semitic symbols. she claimed this in a groveling apology she was forced to make by rahman lo, the law firm acting for british muslim student melika giorgiana. foster had taken to x formally twitter in november 20. 2023 to denounce
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georgiana, a contestant on the bbc quiz show university challenge. she singled out miss georgiana as being responsible for the team mascot, a blue octopus, which foster described as being one of the most disgusting anti-semitic symbols and for wearing the colors of the palestinian flag. she called for miss georgiana to be expelled by her university and arrested by the police, tagging in the prime minister, home secretary. ofcom, the bbc and oxford university. in fact, giorgiana was in a team of four which had collectively picked the octopus, as it was one of their favorite animals. the jacket worn by miss georgiani on the show was navy, blue, orange, pink, and green. malika giorgiana received death threats and abuse after baroness foster smeared her. foster recently apologized, of saying, "i wrongfully alleged that miss."
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giana chose a blue octopus as her team's mascot, which i held her responsible for. i accept that these allegations were completely false and unfounded. i made a grave mistake in making those posts and i should not have done so. naturally, prior to making her racist comment, the baroness had been a lobby trip in may 2023 to occupied palestine with flights and accommodation paid for by zionist group elnet uk. elnet. uk was set up by jone ryan, famous for inventing anti-semitic slurs against labor party members, as exposed in the lobby and by paul charni, a former tank commander for the genocidal occupation forces. foster is also on the senior advisory board of the drone delivery group limited, lobby group for the drone industry. as is well known, the occupation forces in palestine are increasingly making use of drones to more effectively commit genocide in gaza. but in the end, is a blue octopus
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actually an anti-semitic trope? in fact, blue octopy are regularly used by jewish groups in a positive way, as in this children's book, on oscar the octopus, and in other examples. zinius propaganda is increasingly overreaching and overheating. more and more people are becoming instinctively resistant to it. it remains to be seen how long it will continue to be deployed to any effect. by designists. joining me in the studio as usual, is our resident expert david miller. david is academic and a former professor at bristol university and he's now a non-resident senior research fellow at the center of islam and global affairs at istanbul zayen university. he's also co-director of the lobby in watch dog spinwatch and is a leading british scholarly critic of israel. and i'm pleased to welcome back steve headley as our guest contributor today and i spoke to him earlier via skype. steve is lifelong socialist and trade unionist who was the senior assistant.
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general secretary of the rmt trade union until quite recently. he's also been an anti-racist pro-palestinian activist all his adult life. his book, derry boy was published in january and quickly sold out at his book of launch. at the bookmarks bookshop in central london. welcome to the show. david, why earth do these senior politicians believe these fairytes are like the idea that the blue octopus is um somehow in got some inherent anti-jewish meaning and it's absolutely preposterous, isn't it? well, it is preposterous and we should we should treat it with derision that deserves. it doesn't deserve any proper analysis. it's just a joke. i mean these people are just jokers, but the people who believe it are people who either are. ped up zionists or have been convinced by peid up zionists that this is the case and the zionist will give them pictures of octopus like this lovely hanaca octopus oscar here yes um and we say actually this was used by the nazis andf any any representation of a blue octopus must be antisemitic except of course the ones which
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are not antisemitic and it's used quite widely in in in jewish folklore and in in hanaka illustrations as as a a projewish thing so it's it's completely ridiculous and it's used just to weaponize anything that can be weaponized against those who criticize dialism. yeah, well, i started by asking steve about the historia being generated to vilify opposition to the gaza genocide, like the ludicrous complaints against the university challenge students mascot in jacket. well, i mean it's it's quite obvious to anybody with a brain cell why she was targeted and that's because of her ethnicity, i mean she she was a brown person and brown people. or anything they where can be interpreted, it seems these days as either in support of palestine or is somehow anti-semitic, and i think that this is agenda for others and it's to try to close down any debate and any criticism, to frighten people,
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the freeze people and the submission, and i think it's back far and it's backfiring badly because people are are not being intimidated the right in the streets and the people are wearing palestinian colors very. david, latif's report there said that bariness fosters involved with this obscure british israel lobby group elnet. um, what more can you tell us about them? so lnet is a european leadership uh network and it was set up in brussels, it's been one of the key brussels israel lobby groups for some years now, but they recently set up a british branch which is uh created by john ryan who famously from the lobby program famously invented. anti-semitic uh abuse against her and of course by of course former mp and of course this guy called charney who's uh been involved a whole range of scientist organizations former idf tank commander and it's it's his his function is as with all israel lobby groups is to uh radicalize and
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and um propagandize uh decision makers and of course that's why they've taken decision makers from parliament to occupied palestine including uh this woman who's who went a trip last last year, i think it was, yes, and so mean that's what these these organizations are for, there to make sure that that um decision makers in the house of lords or the house of commons who are not already signed up to designism can be turned uh to to become fanatical prozionists right, well the young woman on the university challenge was was singled out specifically because she's was visibly muslim, so ask steve for his thoughts on this deeply disturbing trend. in zionist messaging? yes it is, mean i think um the the zionists weren't expecting the absolute backlash to the genocide in gaza, not only muslims but 70%, over 70% of the british population, the entire british population
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regardless of religion or ethnicity, want to stop to this genocide, they want immediate seasfire, but the the people that the scientists are targeting in in order to build. a profile of somehow uh violent or extreme elements is the muslim population and it's completely on true, mean i' personally been on every demonstration, i've seen very very little violence at all, the main violence that i saw was from members of the the uh english defense league who had been summoned to a counter demonstration by tommy robotson, but the by and large the marches have passed off without incident, so again i think their strategy has been ineffective. well as are saying david, i mean, the scientis lobbies really lost the the plot on this one, haven't they? i mean, i latif's report highlighted that the blue octopus, and i think you were just making a point, actually is actually a jewish friendly image, i mean, how much more ridiculous can these
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characters get? well, they they they've overreached right, and they overreached in this this case where um they they lost the libel action uh, and actually the solicitors who took the the case. for this young muslim student with the same solicitors who won my case in the tribunal, so from kbw, so they they they've taken this case and they've shown that... actually you can't just say any old nonsense about people and expect to get away with it, so they they've won in this case. now in examples like this, here is another another happy blue octopus uh, this is an image from a garment which is being sold on amazon, not in any sense anti-semitic obviously uh, but yet whenever they can try and find a way to however securitiesly to link the a particular image to ant. hatred they will they will take it, because of course they are desperate to find ways to criticize and to to destroy those of us who
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are approplinion, because that's what's happening, they're creating genocide in gaza, and they have to find a way to fight back, and particularly targeting muslims, as as we've seen, well i then asked steve about baroness foster's involvement in the deadly drone industry, and what that tells us about the values of many of those who are currently engaged in british public life? well, i think... when we've got zionists and admitted zionists who are in lobby groups and with israel and are also uh members of the house of lord or barenesses and they're involved in drones that are being used to kill people in palestine, innocent people in palestine. we have to ask who is running politics in this country, have we got a foreign country in the shape of israel and interfering in politics in this country? we have to look at the israeli lobby and who they're funding in parliaments in the house of lords and in the
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house of commons uh because if this was uh if this was russian influence for example there would be a whole huw and cry about it there would be investigation but it seems to be just be accepted that the israeli lobby can uh sponsor mps giving them huge sums of money uh foster lords and give them huge sums of money and absolutely nothing is said well it's time for our next report now and then we'll come back to the discussion. this one outlines some of the other fical examples of zinist hyperboly. hissing is now apparently anti-semitic too. on the 29th of february, the latest zinus overreach claimed that hissing a council meeting in newam, east london was an act of anti-semitism, since snakes, which are among those creatures that hiss, have been used in. anti-jewish propaganda, three socialist activists were later arrested at midnight for racial
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harassment under the public order act in a shameful misuse of police time and resources, they deny any hissing. the counselor, josh garfield, denounced the alleged hissing as attempt to bully him out of public life as a result of his ethnicity. the pathetic level the victimhood is astonishing. the alleged hissing is audible for no more than three seconds. "and then there's garfield's response, if members in the gallery want to hiss me, they might wish to speak to my face about the issues they have, but chair, i won't accept it, i'm going to join the meeting for 15 minutes. garfiel is, of course, a card carrying zinanist, being a member of the national executive of the racist jewish labor movement, which is formally affiliated to the zinus movement, the mayor of newan, roxanna fayas, who is..." muslim issued a strong statement the next day, nonsensically referring to antisemitic
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abuse. across the ages, tropes like the use of snakes have been used to feel stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination against jewish people. why would fire say that? maybe it was her attendance the day before the council session at the annual dinner of the community security trust, the group which runs point for the genocidal zinus regime. in a speech at the... council meeting before the alleged incident, she specifically raised comments by the prime minister there about the alleged increase in violence and intimidation against elected representative. last night, i um was with uh members of the jewish community over at the community security trust um event um in central london, the prime minister was there and he did speak, about something that resonated with me, he spoke about the significant increase in violence and
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intimidatory behavior being faced by elected representative. alternatively, part of the reason might be the advisory role in azinis lobby group, the european institute for the study of contemporary anti-semitism. among the directors of eisca were chairman stephen polard, who later presided over a record breaking run of false. later disgraced in a scandal over missing cash from the jewish leadership council and dennis macshaine, a former labor mp jailed for expensive. among the other members of the advisory board were a who's who of islamophobes and or extremist zinists, including michael wine of the community security trust. back in 2009, eicsa were denounced as a dubious body involved in the sad politicizing of antisemitism by tony layerman, the leading authority on the
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political uses of antisemitism. the trope ban wagon will continue. new rolling until it's brought to hault by collective refusal to take seriously the genocidal nonsense spouted by zinanis. well steve was an eyewitness to the so-called newm snake gate rumpus, so i asked him to describe what happened and what the atmosphere was like when the zianist counselor claimed that he'd been subjected to antisemitic hissing. yeah, well first of all we went as members of the ( trades council, the trade union council down in newm to appose 17 million pounds with a cts to the budget, which would meant destroying the special educational needs, budget redundancies and the decimation of services right across newm, so everybody uh from the labour party who went up to defend the cuts got heckled, mean there were few choice comments made, now this so called hisin,
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didn't hear it, i've um then on the night didn't hear it, i was sitting: right beside one of the persons accused and right behind one of the other person accused. i was sitting about four paces of five paces from the third person who was accused and i will tell you now absolutely none of them hist whatsoever, they did not hiss, but the atmosphere in the place was critical of the labor party, then we had the mayor roxan feaz who opened the meeting by giving a statement of how she'd met. uh she'd met richie sunak and how her and richie sunak were completely opposed the intimidating political opponents and we can't have people criticized uh we can't have politicians criticized in a way that would upset them and she s kind of set the scene for this guy who came on called garfields and he came up the rostrom and he turned around and said um can people stop
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hissing behind my back we all looked at each other and went what's your point no one's hissing certainly we could... hear any hissing from where we were sitting and then the the uh chair of the meeting shut the meeting down and somehow um this hissing that i couldn't hear was interpreted as antisemitic in some way. now i have no idea how this uh interpretation was reached, didn't know, didn't even know the guy's name at the time, didn't know his religion, i don't know anything about him, but even if people were hissing. would it be anti-semitic? i mean, couldn't it just be like the body coming on in a in a program, in a theatre even when people were hiss, he's about to make 17 million pounds worth of cuts, maybe people would have hist, um, how would they know his religion, how would they possibly know is a religion? and it's a, i think it's a, it's a, it's a sort of troop that can be turned the other way, why would
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people hiss a jewish people? i don't understand it, and what is that trope all about? so the the atmosphere that night i believe was it was it was if you like setup i think um people uh reacted at the first opportunity to anything that they could interpret as an anti-semitic and used it to try and silly the name of not only the trade union protesters but the independent counselors that were present as well who david i mean do we know if this counselor garfield characters ever been involved in any? phony anti-semitism incidents in the past? oh yes indeed chris, we do. he's been involved in all sorts of phony anti-semitism incidents in the past. he was a participant in the panorama program is labor anti-semitic when he uh couldn't even come up with an anti-semitic allegation. he said that he was sometimes called a dirty zionist as if that was in some way anti-jewish and of course he
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is previously denounced momentum in in the the local area as being antisemitic without again without producing any evidence. has a long, long history of this, if you go back to some years before that, he's of course been involved with radicalizing young kids in - in zionist summer camps and the the usual sorts of connections that these kind of people have, he's in the jewish labor labor movement on the the national executive of that organization, so yeah he's making a career, he's not even 30 and he's making a career of fake antisemitism allegations, right? well, i then asked steve, about the background of the three socialists who who were targeted in this incident? yeah, there are three members of our trades council, the're three active trade unionists, i think they're also members the palestinian solidar, palestinian solidarity. but that's not the reason that they were there that night, so why they would um why they would uh think that was those three particular people and not anybody else, mean i wasn't, i wasn't cautioned for hissing
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or i had the police coming around my house to say that it was hissing and i was sitting right beside one of them, so how could they distinguish it from being him and not me, he made this selection his noise, it's it's just bizarre, it doesn't make sense, so i think again there's an element of people who have been active on the... your palestine active and in opposing the genocide have been singled out because of their political activities and they're trying to be silenced. david, the the elected mayor in newam's got some history with islamophobic zionist lobby groups, doesn't she? she has, i mean she she has been involved for a long time in the the area of extremism and radicalization and she was involved with this uh this anti muslim antisemitism group where she was on the advisory. then she became the chief executive officer of a an inter faith group dedicated to undermining muslim opposition to uh to british imperialism into wars and then she was after that the chief executive of another
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organization which is run by guy who's a personal friend of benjamin netanyahu so she has a long history of involvement with with zionism and with zionist interfaith group so it's not surprising that that she would make this kind of statement which she made in newum to back up garfields. nonsense about snakes, well, i also asked steve uh, whether he thought that the police were were targeting these pro-palestine activists or whether the mayor was to blame and whether he thought this was a colossal waste of police time. i think that the names of these individuals were given to the place by uh the counselors in the hall or perhaps the mayor, i don't know which which of them did it, perhaps both, but there's no way that the police would have known who these people were if the... labor counselors and the mayor hadn't pointed them out and i can reiterate and i will go to court and swear this um heard no hissing whatsoever and certainly there was no hissing coming from the person
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beside me the person in front of me or the person just off to my left. i just think i just think we're in a a very a very dangerous time where um the the opposition to the war in gaza is growing in strength and i think that the governments and the labour party uh want to refuse that opposition and i think that there's no lie or slander that they won't use in order uh to make out that the people are somehow violent or anti-semitic or uh otherwise behaving improperly and you know it's just not true and labor have to understand that their policy is very unpopular, the government's policy is very unpopular, most labor supporters, the vast majority of labor supporters want to cease fire n and labor are not delivering that. and they will pay, they will pay at the bullet box, people will not vote for them, and i hope that people will vote for candidates that are demanding peace in palestine, david,
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what would you advise people who are caught up in these all well well in situations like this? what happens when people are caught up in these situations usually is that they are surprised by what's happened because of course they've not done anything wrong, they're not, they're usually anti-racists, they've not been anti-semitic, and they don't understand that that this is a this is something. and they sort of think that it can go away or you can just you know try and discuss it with people and it will be fine, but it it won't be fine, this is an all out attack in this case on people from from the left, but of but usually it's on people who are palestinian or arab or muslim of origin and they deliberately target muslims for this kind of activity, you need to get advice swiftly, don't speak to anyone else until you've got advice, preferably from a lawyer but from comrades trusted people who who you you know who understand these kinds of things, don't take the the the root of saying i'll apologize as you know as i know that never works weaponiz you need to make sure that you've got proper advice and you can
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take on these people so that you can take get involved in the processes which can fight back against them indeed as of course you absolut i mean the apologies weaponizers are saying there well he must have known they's done something wrong and then that gives them license and to to to go further well anyway that's it now for another show so so thank you for. watching and and thanks obviously to our guest steve hedley and our residence expert professor david miller. we'll be back next week with more forensic investigations and analysis and you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates. you can also help us to counteract the disinformation pedaled by the corporate media about palestine and the resistance to signist brutality by sharing today's program on your social media platforms. so until next time, this is chris williamson saying bye for now.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hardway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine to understand in depth the present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine.
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in this week's episode of ewan tech, we check. bring out lapscale nuclear wastewater treatment system that uses activated sludge and membrane bioreactors to filter out the impurities in the nuclear wastewater including uranium and other heavy metals. don't miss it, the times are written below.
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the us is with genocide in gaza rages the death tool exceeding 31,360, most of them women and children, people across the world continue to display their support for the people in gaza, urging immediate cease fire in the besees strip and nazure's government stopped its military cooperation agreement with the united states, calling the accour illegal.