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tv   Documentary Iranian Weapon Irans Air Defense System 2  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 4:02am-4:30am IRST

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kuwait was the main financier of saddam's war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. kuwait was not like iran for the united states and the west to remain silent in the face of attack on kuwait. the us president
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immediately reacted. uh, united states and its coalition allies are committed to enforcing the united nations resolutions that call for saddam hussein to immediately and unconditionally leave kuwait. in view of the soviet initiative, which very frankly we appreciate. we want to set forth. this morning, the specific criteria that will ensure saddam hussein complies with the united nations mandate. these were the moments when a limited war broke out between the us and iraq over kuwait, which ultimately led to complete sanctions on iraq, to the extent that saddam was forced to destroy all his missiles and declare the location of all his defense facilities. to the west. saddam
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implemented all the tasks that the international atomic energy agency, the ia dictated to him and didn't even know that the new us president was going to attack him without getting a un approval involved saddam hussein. this president is the son of the president who had attacked iraq in the past. to the american people, and we got to deal with it, we got to deal with. now saddam is here and is walking among these children without even knowing that they have plans for him out there. the americans brought this special fighter jet to their secret base in saudi arabia. as these aircraft take off, saddam's days are. numbered, but saddam does
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not know anything about the us f-117s. he is with the nomads who support him, so they feast in front of him. saddam was seriously harmed in the previous war with bush senyor, but he still relies on his defense systems. iran's defense industry experts have a big concern, are they able to quickly protect the country against such air rates? these systems and machines are all manufactured and produced either by the us or uk. the range of their missiles is very limited and the radars are hard to repair, but for now, all of
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iran's defense capacity is restricted to such facilities, and the country has to advance its scientific potentials as well. the rapier and hawk systems, the mersad air system is a result of the trust. mersad means ambush. the iranian ambush is an example of the reverse engineering of... the american hawk, the first step to conquer the sky step-by-step. this is 2010. the masas launched their
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missiles one after the other. missiles are called. and are domestically produced by iran, the missile control room is also domestically produced. this is an important secret. this room is the big secret of iranians. without having information about it, it's impossible for the enemy easily disable it. iran has long been trying to buy a russian system called the s300. tehran is already purchased a sort of the export version of the system. this system is called
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tour m1 or psalm 15. the range of the missiles and radar of the system is short and suitable for hitting cruise missiles and drones at low altitudes. therefore, the s300 can undo the knots of the iranian defense dome. tour means dominance. the russian system has lot of operational capability at very low to medium altitudes, but may be captured in enemy cyber operations.
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از تصمیم واگذاری موشک های اس ۳۰۰ به ایران گفت. همچنین در این باره بنیامین نتانیاهو با همتای روسیه خود ولادیمیر پوتین تماس تلفنی برقرار کرد. او ازعان کرد که حکومتش از تصمیم روسیه نسبت به واگذاری موشک اس ۳۰۰ به ایران نگران می باشد. بنیامین نتانیاهو نخست وزیر اسرائیل اینجا در سفری دیگر به مسکو و طبق معمول یکی از اهدافش اعمال فشار بروسیه درباره برنامه هسته ای ایران و. نفروختن سامانه اس 300 آمریکا پیش از این مخالفت خود را با فروش این سامانه به ایران اعلام کرده بود و مسکو باید نگرانی واشنگن و متحدانش را در منطقه جدی بگیرد. موشک های اس30 جزو سوالاتی است که معمولاً عزیزان سؤال میکنند. the position of
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the islamic republic is standing against any aggression and humiliation. the then defense minister expressed in front of the cameras like this. فکر می کنیم که روسیه نباید در دام این تله امریکایی ها بیفته و تحت فشار اون ها قرار بگیره به هر حال ما از مجاری قانونی پیگیر موضوع هستیم اینه که کشور بتوانه از خودش دفاع بکنه و این رو دیگران بدونند که این قدرت دفاعی در کشور هست این خیلی مهمه شما ببینید سر قضیه اس ۳۰۰ که ما می خواستیم بخریم چه جنجالی راه انداختن و پشت این جنجال. چه تحرکاتی انقدر مسافرت کردن به روسیه بیا برو فلان که این اتفاق نیفته در حالی که اس ۳۰۰ که بنا نیست شهری رو بزنه اس ۳۰۰ بناست مهاجم رو بزنه اینه دیگه یعنی قدرت دفاعی رو در کشور دشمن نمی تونه
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تحمل بکنه اینکه شما قدرت دفاعی داشته باشید رو نمیتونن تحمل کنی از اساسی ترین کارها همینه که ما ابزارهای دفاعی مون رو that we had delay in delivery of the s-300 prompts iran to start developing a similar air defense system. it's a bold claim, but iran has previously reverse-engineered american systems, so it isn't unlikely to reach this one as well. meanwhile, the project to design an iranian s300 system had started, and on the other hand, the complaint against the russians had yielded good results and the first convoy of s3. 300 was arriving in iran. after all, the s300 is finally arriving in iran. iran has
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gained significant expertise in reverse engineering defense technology and is now moving toward designing new system based a combination of western and eastern technologies. iran has many natural specifications which are why it needs diverse air defense systems. the combination of these systems is called dome. the iranian dome covers everywhere in the country, including the mountains and even the seas. with the launch of the new military satellite, there is hope that iran will be able to monitor its land from space. however, until that day comes, there are still several wonders left for the americans. first, at the beginning of the 2010s. here at the kandahar air base belonging to the us occupying forces in afghanistan. in the early 2010s, iran was no
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longer like iraq, where by destroying limited radar stations, one could blind the eyes. this was a lesson that iran's air defense gave to the americans in december of 2011. this aircraft that takes off the ground will leave a different. mark in the history of iran-us relations. the aircraft utilizes the cutting edge military technology in the world, the beast of candahar or the rq-170. it's an aircraft with the highest level of stealth. dark flies into iranian airspace. the rq pilots are cerned that no one was able to see them its radar, no iranian air defense
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had locked on rq. everything is like the f-117s that flew over iraq. the american side is completely relaxed, but the americans are wrong. not only the radar see the rq, but... and now in control of the islamic revolution guard core personnel. the footage is amazing:
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has iran reached a level of technology that can not only see or destroy the most important espionage aircraft in the world, but also land it safely on the ground. حادثه توس یک بار دیگر برای تکرار شد. از پیشرفته ترین هواپیماهای جاسوسی رژیم امریکا به دام جنگ الکترونیک حزب الله افتاد و با عنایت الهی توانستیم با کمک مشترک و اقدام مشترک ارتش و سپاه در یک کار بسیار طولانی یکی از پیشرفته ترین هواپیماهای امریکا رو که دارای ویژگی های خاصی هست در دام در واقع جمهوری اسلامی ایران
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گرفتار بکنیم این هواپیما از نوع هواپیماهای استیلس و رادارگریز هست فناوری دقیقاً فناوری است که در هواپیما های b2 و f35 استفاده شده و از زوایای مختلف این یک شکست مهلک. بدنه و پنهانکاری این هواپیما قادر خواهیم بود تجهیزات مقابله با اونها را برای کشف و شناسایی در واقع بتونیم بناوری دست پیدا بکنیم و بسازیم نکته دوم امکاناتی که در داخل این هواپیما وجود داره اما از دوربین های پیشرفته رادارهای سار که در واقع در همه گونه شرایط جوی قادر هست تصویر
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تهیه کنه و زمین رو اسکن می کنه این یک تکنولوژی و فناوری پیشرفته ای هست که میتونه به ما الگوهای خوبی رو ارائه بکنه از طرفی سیستم هایی که در واقع با ماهواره به صورت لحظه ای ارتباط داره که در قسمت فوقانی این هواپیما تعبیه شده این امکان رو به ما میده هم به فنابری ساخت اون ها دست پیدا بکنیم هم نحوه ارتبا.
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iran gives the answer to the us side year later in this place when the leader of the revolution sits in front of the american uav and the iranian version of the rq-170. jaذاب ترین بخش مراسم امروز رونمایی از آریو 170 های ایرانی بود. به نظر می رسه از فردا این اتفاق و این مهندسی معکوس بازتاب های وسیعی در رسانه های جهان داشته باشه.
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می تواند چهار نقطه رو بره بمباران بکنه دقیق با بمب های هوشمند و سالم برگردید. کار دفاع مثل دوچرخه سواریه اگر بیسته میفته دشمن داره میره جلو ما هم باید حرکت کنیم ادامه هواپیمای سیمرغ که در واقع ۱۷۰ امریکایی. شده سیمرغ ایرانی بله این هم الحمدالله تولیدی شده ما یعنی از این نوع هواپیما در مقیاس های مختلف داریم دیگه در اندازه های مختلف داریم برای مأموریت های مختلف همونطور که اشاره کردم ما بر اساس ایده های عملیاتی مخصوص خودمون سفارش میدیم و عزیزان ما در بحثهای در واقع تحقیقاتی
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و تولید تسلیغاتم الحمدلله سریع کار می کنن و خوب کار می کنن. sometime later, seamor makes its first operational cross-border flight here, striking the daesh headquarters near the us military base. this is not a simple event. in this way, the seamore flies from iran in the middle of the... night and strikes the strategic depth of daesh in such a way that the us defenses did not show the slightest reaction. the iranian seamor was hidden from the us defenses and this by no means is something irrelevant. an important achievement has been made in this dark night.
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however, iran's air defense system has just begun its job. the... iranian skies are no longer safe for spy aircraft. august 2014, isfahon province. this fragmented aircraft is the israeli regime's most important spire aircraft, hermis. the legendary name shows that the israeli uav is very smart, intelligent and untraceable, of course, until before this scene. this is the same hermies that had been unveiled with this shape and image. in an ugly and inhuman act, israel used civilian airliners as a shield for hermes. firing any missiles towards hermes could have caused a downing of a passenger
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plane, and this alone would have been a means of media war against iran. the israelis never admitted that they hid their espinage uav in the airway routes. therefore, the detection and targeting process of the espinage uav took roughly 40 minutes and finally was destroyed over the city of natans. the fact that the iranian radars detected the not so large israeli drones among all the... passenger planes is just one side of the story, but the fact that the iranian missiles were able to distinguish the super stealth uav from the other planes without mistake and destroy it is... another story, it means iran has reached a high level in air defense, this preparedness is a product of these drills.
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this is semnon in 2018. the iranian army is in war drills and the cameras catch a glimpse of a special radar and air defense system. this system is called mersaud, but the type of its missile remains unknown and no information about them was published until the end of the 2000.
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the combat units of the iranian army, not all of iran's armed forces, that was in 2018, that is, only 30 years after the final year of iraq's war on iran, and when iran had lot of problems defending its own skies. a year later, the semnon desert again, the mersad 16 system.
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radar system known as phase array. phase array is a complex system that makes very large radars. not every country can manufacture the system. the iranian hoffiz radar is highly capable and has brought iran to point where can cover up to 250 km. hoffiz simultaneously engages and tracks 100%.
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به فناوری های حوزه های مرتبط دفاعی عبور کنه یه زمانی دیدن هواپیماهای رادار گرییز آرزو بود یه زمانی هواپیماهای با سطح مقطع راداری کم با آر سی اس کم آرزو بود یه زمانی هدف قرار دادن بعضی از هواپیما ها به دلایل تکنولوژی برتر و اینکه شاید تکنولوژی ساخت سیستم سلاح در اختیار کشورهای برتر بود آرزو بود.
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da gab es durchaus konflikte, we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalikor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khuda bandelu mountains with unique and wonderful icicles with a history of more than 30 million years.
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stay with us for this journey. writer, screenwriter, translator, theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature. qutbeddin sadiqi, born in sananda. phd in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist.
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