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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 12:30pm-1:02pm IRST

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10 minutes only on press tv. first to be headlines as israely genocide in the gaza strip entrance is 164th day. doctors without borders says the situation in the territory is catastrophic and words cannot describe it. there are reports of dozens of casualties as israely forces launch another attack in gaza's al-shifa hospital where thousands of displaced palestinians have taken shelter and rising tensions on the korean peninsula, the democ ratic people's
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republic of korea launches multiple ballistic missiles as the us secretary of state anthony blincon visits neighboring south korea for talks. well welcome to our studios in the in capital tran. this is to be news. thanks for joining us. the gaza strip is enduring of relentless. and shelling, as more palestinians have lost their lives in fresh attacks. the regime has targeted several areas near the southern city of hanjunes. they include hamat town where five dead bodies were recovered from under the rubble. israely warp also struck some neighborhoods in gaza city and its vicinity. the regime shelled east of the barage refugee camp and targeted homes in the nosari camp in central gaza as well. that led to the killing of several palestinians. israel unleashed this war in gaza early october. over 31,600
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palestinians have been killed so far. the war rages on while gazans are observing the holy of month of ramadan and mid severe food shortages. the un agency for palestinian refugees unra says people in the cosal sliver are on the brink of famon. doctors without borders also say that the current situation in gaza is catastrophic and indescribable. israel, it's time now for the news review of this bulletin. israel has launched a fresh operation against gaza's largest hospital ashifa, which is sheltering tens of thousands of palestinians displaced by the regime's onslot. ministers in gaza city say tanks surrounded the hospital site and nearby areas have been bombed. gaza's health ministry says, " it has received information that
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shows the are dozens of casualties. it has said the israely attacks out of fierce fire in one of the buildings, the compound. hamas resistance movement has called the storming of alshawa hospital a war crime. the israely military has carried out multiple operations in and around medical facilities across the gaza strip since the start of its genocide on october 7. according to the un, 155 health facilities in the gaza strip have been damaged since then. fry huuse is a journalist, author and activist joining us from belfast, we also have tim anderson, director of the center for counter hegemonic studies joining us from sydney, sydney, welcome to you both for hus, i'll start with you, when it comes to the israeli aggression, in particular when it comes to the hospitals, there hasn't been really solid uh piece of news that came out showing that uh israeli objective was met, whatever that was, which
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the forefront is uh trying to uh extinguish the hamas fighters in one form or another. um, why is it that they're continuing with their targeting of the hospitals? do you think? i think it's a further attack on the civilian infrastructure in gaza itself. i think the president of brazil lewis de silva probably uh encaptulated this best when i'm paraphrasing him when he said basically uh it's an asymmetrical war, what we have is a well-trained, well armed, well equipped uh army uh fighting civilians, so that to me is the best description of what's happening in gaza, we saw previous attacks, i believe on the alsifa hospital is at the hospital where they said there were tunnels underneath and that they were trying to release captives, it appears that there is no lie too big and there is no atrocity too small that is really... offensive forces on up for the
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carry out on the people of gaza, so when you couple the attacks on the hospitals, if you remember the six young innocent bs who were left to dad, in their incubators uh when another hospital people were forced to evacuate the sick, the wounded and even the people uh undergoing intensive curre treatment, we're just seeing a continued attack on uh the civilian population like the flor massacers at the cutity roundabout where over 400 people according to the gaza ministry of health have been murdered uh simply man going out fatherers so... uncles, grandfathers, simply going to try and get some flow in order to save uh their families and help them going forward in this genocidal famen that has been weaponnized as a form of collective punishment in order to subdue and
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forge the palestinian people into uh submission, so we're seeing farmen, we're seeing bombs, we're seeing attacks on hospitals, schools, there was an attack on the... un aid distribution center uh just recently and there were many wounded and and some dead and it's just a complete attack on uh the whole, it's it's a psychological war upon the whole people of gaza and this genocidal american eu back uh ethnic cleansing of the people of palestine. well tim anderson, you had this uh us intelligence report that came out days ago uh when and it mentioned number of things, one of them was about the... fighters and it said that the hamas fighters are going to pose a challenge for um israel for years to come. when you take into account the lack of accomplishment in terms of one of the stated goals of israel which is eradicating hamas in particular when it comes to the tunnels for example they have failed there. what does that tell the israeli
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regime? obviously they're not doing something right there. well, you're right, this is reported in the in the zianist media also that the us intelligence group said that. "they're not going to be able to get rid of hamas, because really hamas is just the tip the palestinian resistance iceberg, and that's not going to go away anytime soon, basically, but when you're talking about elshifa, remember also this is hospital that was devastated before, it's in the north in gaza city, there are still civilians there even though conditions of life have been very difficult in the areas, all of the residential areas been devastated around there, there also is resistance there, the resistance is back in areas where the israelis thought they got rid of..." so the civilians are there and really um of course this idea that they're actually going up to hamas is only part of the story anyway, let's remember that they have said many times to us, and this is what the south africans have carried to the international court of justice, they want to destroy the conditions of life to make it unbearable, they want to
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destroy the people or drive them out, and of course this new port that the us is involved in is widely suspected now of being a way to try and evacuate and take palestinians out. gaza to help with the ethnic cleansing of the area, so the assault on civilians is has always been uh a openly stated uh part of this genocide. very few genocides in the past have openly stated as clearly as as israelies have this one, so this new attack on shiifa tells us, well there are still civilians there, there is still resistance there, the israelis are back there, um, they're trying to make conditions of life unbearable for the people there, because they have these dreams of turning into a car park or some new tourist resort after they've got rid of the inconvenient fact of the fact that people still live there. so if i was to correctly understand you, you said that the gaza port is actually uh set up by the us in order to uh have a way for the palestinians to be removed from the gaza strip. this is being
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widely discussed now because after all um the idea of creating a port in in a few weeks uh over few weeks is ridiculous when you consider there are six or seven land crossings there, there are hundreds of trucks at the rough crossing for example, so there are there is even a little bit of a getting in now and even some of it getting through to the north apparently, but the us if it wanted to get aid in would simply tell the israelis to open up the gaza crossing to the trucks there, basically this idea of building a quarter can cannot have anything to do with the uh the idea of getting aid in there, similarly with the airdrops which were tokinistic and very dangerous in many respects, so the idea of having the us navy in there, having a base there... it it's um of course the us military does what the us military does, they're going to help the israeli military, they always already announced that the israeli military is going to control security for this base, and the wide discussion now is that it could be means of trying to evacuate desperate people and distribute them through the mediterranean or
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into some parts of africa for example, i'm getting rid of the people which are the major inconvenience for the designest regime at the moment, sure and fra, if that's the case, in some ways that goes against what this uh uh most recent cease fire proposal that has been now sent by hamas waiting for the israeli regime and the us uh response uh what do you think about that? do you think that uh we're looking at the the ceasefire proposal to maybe uh be successful or not? well, i don't think netanyahu and israely war cabinet want peace, i don't think they want negotiations, i don't think they want settlement, i think they want the war to continue, and this whole idea of what i originally heard about the port proposal, i actually thought they were just giving the israelis another two months to continue their ground offensive. in rafa and to try and wrap up this whole situation, because from the very start, biden and the
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american administration have given the israeli uh war criminals in the war cabinet the green lake to just kill as many palestinians as they wish, uh, so as i say, originally i thought perhaps that's what this was, it's good cop, bad cop, the the americans and the eu are saying, oh, israel won't let the food in, uh, we don't have a... control over this nahu is rogue element trying to continue in par with his by continuing the genocidal war in gaza so we're going to build this port it's going to take 60 days uh and then we'll be able to get uh in and we all know b to pick up the phone and a matter of one minute open up all seven uh borders between egypt and israel to allow the thousands of the trucks that are there to allow all that food, medicine, cloth. fresh water, anesthesia to uh enter the stop, i could see the possibility that it could be
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used to encourage people to leave as waterway, as gateway, not to europe, buse there's no way the rice and the white supremas in the eu would ever take palestinian refugees, so yes it's possible they could be going to africa, there's also a possibility that it would be used purely for uh control. of if israel said we are never letting anything in the gaza once this is over, this port could be the only international access to bring aid into gaza if the people are still there at the end of this genocidal war, so it's possible that the israelis will uh again decide to uh to decide how many calories goes in, what type of reconstruction uh? you know buldosers and cement and building blocks and all everything it's necessary to rebuild gaza, they might
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have total control of that. i've mentioned in the past that they will to say who will be the arab uh donors, qatar and others i presume to help in the rebuilding process, but from day to day we do what what what's a lie, what's propaganda and what's a true. thank you so much for he's journalist author and activist and thank you tim anderson, director of the center for counterhegemonic studies. with that we come to an end for this news review. the irish prime minister lio varatkar has called for a ceasefire in gaza saying palestinians need the israeli bombs to stop. radcar said the gazans desperately need food, medicine and shelter. he also said irish people are deeply troubled about the catastrophe that is unfolding before their eyes in gaza. the premier also called on the u.s. to secure a truth and to create space for lasting peace. he made the comments
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during a meeting with the us presidents at the white house. the european commission president has also raised the alarm over the dire humanitarian situation in the gaza strip, calling for immediate cease fire in the territory. we are all extremely concerned about the war in gaza and the unfolding catastrophic human. situation, gaza is facing famin, and we cannot accept this. it is critical to achieve an agreement a seesfire rapidly now, that freeze the hostages and allows more humanitarian aid to reach gaza. mon also voice concerned about israel's a threat for a full-scale offensive in the southern gaza city of raffa. she said it would have devastating impact on the civilian population. she made the comments in the joint pressure with the egyptian president,
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abdul fattah in cairo. cc also opposed any israeli ground operation of raffa that would further deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. he also underline egypt's opposition to any israely attempt to forcibly displace palestinians from their homes. the democratic people's republic of korea has launched multiple. missiles and made growing tensions in the korean peninsula. south korea's joint chiefs of staff says detected the launches early monday. it says the missiles flew around 300 kilometers before coming down in the waters east. the korean peninsula, the new development comes as the us secretary of state is in south korea for talks. washington and saul wrapped up the latest joint war games last week. bo gang considers such rails rehearsals for invasion. let's got an idea about this from frank smith a correspondent who joins us. frank smith, tell us about the
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i guess launch and what it entailed and at this point if we've had uh reactions from uh south korea on this. well the launch of these missiles especially at this time uh is coordinated with the visit of the us secretary of state anthony blincon to south korea, no doubt, it's it's seeking to send message to the united states that north korea uh needs to be dealt with uh or the us and south korea are going to uh face repercussions down the road. north korea is under us led united nations security council sanctions. it wants to be able to trade like normal country in the international community and yet because of these again us led sanctions against pyongyang, it's it's largely unable to do so. this is also a message perhaps aimed at at the us in terms
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the current administration and a potential trump administration. um, the more of these provocations that take take place, the more embarrassing really it is for the biden administration and its failure in diplomacy or the management of security relations in east asia, at the same time sending message to incoming potentially new president, former president donald trump who engaged in semety with with north korean leader kim jong, that kim jong. may still be a subject for for negotiations with a potential trump administration down the road. uh, the way that north korea has reacted has been consistent and spend these war games that keep happening and uh the continuation obviously has had reactions from uh north korea. um, what uh strategy is there behind
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these war games? i mean, is is it what north korea has said that these are these are rehearsal for invasion? well it it's it's hard to argue with north korea here, i mean these war games aren't just, you know, you mentioned how the large scale war games uh ended on the i think the the 14th of march, they went on for 10 days, there are other exercises that are taking place in just few days this week uh that the press has been invited to for south green president gil who who restarted these uh war games and and strengthen the alliance with the us uh brought in more. um so-called strategic assets, these are us weapons capable of delivering nuclear strike against against north korea, it's hard to really argue with north korea's analysis of this when some of these drills involve uh bridge crossings and amphibious landings and simulated decapitation strikes aimed at at north korean leadership, it's hard to argue that that
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these are are really provocative nature and that north korea is... responding to these drills rather than the us and south korea spin of this that it's the us that's uh that it's that it's north korea that's fomenting the conflict that that's fomenting an arms race in the region with again south korea increasing its import of us arms including 20 more uh uh joint strike f-35 fighter jets that that they just ordered so again it's it's it's how this is being spun really for for an international community that that sometimes is missing the mark, not really, you know, having access to to more objective media, i believe. thank you very much for that, correspond to frank smith there from south. thank you, frank. in russia, near final results of the presidential election show that the incumbent vladimir putin is on
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course for another six-year term in office. according to russia's central election commission, putin has garnered over 80% 7% of the vote with over 95% of the ballots counted, none of the three other candidates has reached even 5%. vote counting began minutes after polls closed on sunday across the country as well as in four ukrainian regions annexed by russia in 2022. for the first time the election took place for three days starting from friday. election officials say the nationwide turnout was over 74%. this is the eighth presidential election in russia and the fifth term for putin if he is declared winner. meanwile vladimir putin has issued a warning to the west over the ukraine war shortly after early results of russia's presidential election showed that he will remain in power. putin says the presence of western troops in ukraine can put the world on the verge of world war ii, i think that
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anything is possible in the modern world, but i've already said this and it is clear everyone that this conflict between russia and nato will be just one step away from a full scale of world war ii, i don't think anybody is interested in this, nato military are present there in ukraine, there's nothing good in this firstly for. because they get killed in large numbers. putin also touched upon peace talks over ukraine, he expressed russia's readiness for talks on the french proposal for a cease fire during this summer's olympic games. however, putin said that he will take into account russia's interests on the frontline of the war. the president added that russian armed forces hold initiative on the battlefield as they have made advances in ukraine. on saturday, the french president said that his country will ask. moscow to observe seasfire in ukraine during the olympic games where russian athletes are banned to compete under their country's flag. people in different
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countries across the globe continue to voice solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. in netherlands capital, hundreds of pro- palestine demonstrators gathered outside of the national holocaust museum for the second time since last week. the demonstration came as delegation from the israeli regime was visiting the national holocaust museum. protesters held pictures of the children killed in israeli bombings in gaza. they called for immediate end to the ongoing genocidal war in the besiest trip. in another european capital, london, people displayed their support for the palestinians. during rally against racism, they call for an end to the israely occupation of palestine. also in italy, hundreds of protesters gathered in milan and supported the palestinians. the demonstrators held signs
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reading stop the genocide in gaza and stop arming israel. german city of berlin was also the scene of a massive rally. "we are here to administrate uh for palestine, and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards uh the german media and the german politicians, because they have lot of power and they decided to take a side, and even they use sometimes some wars for human crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that..." it's just empty wars. the protesters demanded immediate cease fire in gaza. they carried blood stained small mock body bags in
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reference to the large number of children killed in gaza. in bahrain, which has normalized the ties with israel. protesters hailed the palestini resistance fighters and decried the us with israeli bloodlading in gaza. also in chile in south america, a massive rally was held in the capital santiago with protesters denouncing his for the killing of over 16,0 children in gaza, and that does for this additional world news. let's bye bye for now. this is sarayavo, a country that shares
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borders with serbia and croatia, and has survived years of genocide. this country has managed to keep islam. mjesec ramazan aktivira ovdašnjeg čovjeka na poseban način. ovdašnji čovjek od od davnih vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. commemorating ramadan and holding ceremonies to mark. has had an important impact on preserving the religious and cultural identity of bozniak muslims over the years.
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2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay p of death and
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destruction descended over the muslim community. l'armée, l'armée français, mais il a pas de protestation, c'est eux qui ont créé cette histoire là, c'est eux qui sont à l'origine de tout ce que nous vivons là, nos malheurs là, c'est eux qui sont les responsables.
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употребляем это слово, соратник, дорогие друзья, мне очень приятно, это воин, причём мыслят, сопереживают.
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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashimi, thanks so much for being with us. well, as the israeli regime's genicide against palestinian continues. more than 31,600 people have been. killed, this includes the slaughtering of over 13,000 infants and kids, as netanyahu continues to say israel has a right to defend itself, more and more settler colonialists inside of the regime are protesting and clashing with police, they say regime leaders have created more insecurity for the people and have not freeed the captives, the settler colonials want a change in the regime, this has increasingly some of the regime's closest
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allies are sma starting to, at least on the surface distance themselves from netanyahu, but in reality, what does it all mean? well, stay with us as we take a look at all of this and more on the spotlight. i like: welcome my guests to the program, sarah flounders, the international action center out of new york, and syd maz, journalist and political commentator out of london. well, welcome both of you to the program. let me start it off in new york, and sarah, is the main problem with the israeli regime due to netanyahu being? prime minister or is the reality beyond who is prime minister? well, it is far beyond netanyahu. this is zionist policy from day one for 75 years and even earlier. but right
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now there are us politicians that are desperate to save israel as a zionist outpost for us domination and power in the region, and they seem to think maybe the only way. forward is to dump netanyahu, clearly that was true in senator schumer's statements the other day, and increasing number of politicians, they face a real problem that israel's global reputation has been absolutely destroyed, it's clearly been proven it's no longer invincible, it's certainly not, the iron dome, the new tanks, the missiles, the weapons, they have all been found to be not. so invincible at all, but also israel's reputation, its standing has been completely destroyed and overwhelmingly, even here in the us, more than two-thirds of the population.