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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:02pm IRST

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first ofe headlines to this hour as israeli genocide in the gaza strip enters is 164th day. doctors without borders assess the situation in the territory is catastrophic and words not describe it, there are reports of dozens of casualties as israeli forces launch another attack in gaza's al-shafa hospital where thousands of displaced palestinians have taken shelter. also coming up russia's election commission says a record number of voters cast their ballots in the country's three-day presidential poll handing a resounding victory to the incumbent president putin.
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2:30 pm capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. the gaza strip is enduring relentless israeli air strikes and shelling as more palestinians have lost their lives in fresh attacks. the regime has targeted several areas near the southern city of hanjunis. they include hamat town where five dead bodies were recovered from under the rubble. israely warplines also struck some neighborhoods. in gaza city and its vicinity. the regime shelled east of the barage refugee camp and targeted homes in the nosarit camp in central gaza as well. that of led to the killing of several palestinians. israel unleashed its war in gaza early october over 31,700 palestinians have been killed so far. the war rages on while gazans are observing the holy month of ramadan and it's severe food shortages. the un agency for palestinian refugees onrava says people in the coastal are on the brink of famon,
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doctors without borders also say that the current situation in gaza is catastrophic and indescribable. israel has launched a fresh operation against gaza's largest hospital a shifa, which is sheltering tens of thousands of palestinians displaced by the regime's onslot. minices in gaza city say tanks surround the hospital site and nearby areas have been bombed. gaza's health ministry says it has received information that shows that there are dozens of casualties, the hamas of resistance movement has called the storming of alsshifa hospital a war crime. the israel military has carried out multiple operations in and around medical facilities across the gaza strep since the start of his genocide on october 7. according to the un 155 health facilities in the gaza strip have been damaged since then. let's get the latest on what's happening there in the gaza strip. musaba is of course. joining us from darala.
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tell us what you have and in particular, what is the latest on the al shufa hospital and the operations there by the machine forces? yes, actually, as you know that the israeli exhibition forces conducted a blades offensive against the ashifa medical complex over the last night where hundreds of the israeli tanks and the israeli forces moved uh in a swift attack against the combound. amid the heavy gunfire and the continuous bombardments, at least 40 consecutive israeli air strikes hit the compound, the buildings, the yards and even the surrounding areas of the shifa compound, knowing that thousands of the palestinian civilians are taking shilter in the hospital, in addition to the paramedics and the medical staff and the palestinian injuries who actually uh uh are located there receiving the needed medical care uh there is... the incubation attack
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actually left thouzens of the palesinian civilians killed and injuries in addition to the big fire that blazed in the surgery department uh in one building uh in a building inside the compound in addition to that even the surrounding areas were subjected to heavy bombardments of the israeli uh continuous attacks and even as you know that there are several schools taken shilter by the palestinian evacuees they were invaded by the israeli occupation forces, hundreds of the palestinian civilians, the palestinian men and the palestinian young men were abducted and kidnapped by the israel incubation forces where the the women and the girls were demanded by the israeli incubation forces to flee to go to the central area of gaza strip, particularly thereal balah city here in the central area of gaza strip, in the same time more residental areas and neighborhoods were hit stunchly by the continuous and the chronic israel air
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strikes, we are talking about zaitoon and dararaj, neighborhoods, they were under heavy bombardments of the israel air strikes, dozens of the palestinian residental buildings were destroyed and leveled to the grounds leaving uh dozens of the palestinian casualties uh these air strikes and these attacks are still underway so far as we speak right now we uh it was reported that more israel strikes are still hitting those areas the current situation is hyperhazardous in gaza city it is subjected to a brutal israeli aggression uh that is targeting the palestinian civilians there palestinian president. areas, does, as i've mentioned, dozens of the palestinian buildings were pounded by the continuous israeli strikes were thousands of the palestinian civilians are also were demanded to flee from their horizontal buildings and their areas and when it comes to the central area of gaza strip
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the situation is still catastrophic as well as the israeli incubation forces maintain the their strikes and encourages against the central area particularly anosarati fuji camp whereas over the last night the israeli. board planes destroyed another residental building claiming the lives of nine palestinian civilians, most of them were children and women, these air strikes are continued and even over the last the last couple of hours the israeli artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of deril balah city and when it comes to khanuni city almasi area which is claimed by the israeli incubation forces as save area it was under a repetitive israeli attack once again israeli artillery and the israeli the israeli helicopters and the israeli military boats actually open the gunfire towards the tents of the dis space palestinians there, we are witnessing a real and a significant israeli escalation uh taking place these
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moments in gaza strip. over to you, if you can tell us about these eight convoys that uh reportedly come into the gaza strip, but it said that they're either attacked by hamas or that hamas comes and does something about that, these are false narratives that are put put out there uh such as by the uh israeli regime itself, what is going on with the trucks? yes, before talking about the aid trucks, let me say that the israeli allegations are still continued in terms of that hamas is using the humanitarian aid and the... is stealing the humanitarian aid, in addition to that, even the ashifa attack actually uh took place under those pretext and those allegations that there are multiple hamas officials are still located in the ashifa hospital, they are operating and functioning of them from the buildings of the
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ashifa coming, so it's a continuation of the false israeli pretext and allegations that are completely meant to mislead the public opinion uh in terms of what is going on on the ground. as you know that since the very beginning of this israeli aggression on gaza, the israeli incubation forces are using salvation as a weapon of war against the palestinian people, until this moment we are talking about roughly six consecutive months of this continuous and ongoing israel aggression and the israeli occubation forces are still storing and procrastinating the entry of those humanitarian aid to the people particularly in gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip, the people there are starving. and the israeli incubation forces repeatedly attacked the palestinian civilians who were waiting for the humanitarian aid heading to gaza city uh so it was reported as you know that thousands of the humanitarian trucks were allowed to reach the northern part of gaza strip they came after or four
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months after four months of the interruption uh the people there were were deprived of this humanitarian aid for roughly four consecutive month. so you can imagine how catastrophic the humanitarian conditions are there and according to the dire need of those people uh having some kind of douzens of this humanitarian aid means nothing, they are meaningless, they they are they are not enough for the people, they are just like drop in the ocean as it was stated by multiple international bodies uh because we are talking about severe shortage of those basic humanitarian needs and the people are literally starving those the palestine and its children actually lost their lives over the malnutrition and the dehydration that they have sustained over that deprivation of those basic humanitarian needs particularly the milk, the food and the drinkable water though, so we the people there actually are demanding to have a real and serious and a
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permanent seasfire. in addition to that, they want to guarantee uh a continuous flow of those humanitarian aid to those to those areas in order just to bridge the gap of... the need of those humanitarian basic needs, thank you very much for that, and thanks for clarifying that for us, let's move to correspondent there from, be safe, thank you, irish prime minister lio varatkar has called for sease fire in gaza saying the palestinians need the israeli bombs to stop. varatkar said that gazans desperately need food, medicine and shelter. he also said that irish people are deeply troubled about the the catastrophe that is unfolding before their eyes in gaza. the premier also called on the us to secure a truths and to create space for lasting peace. may the comments during a meeting with the us president of the white house. the european commission president ursola vonderlayan. has also raised the alarm over the dire humanitarian situation in the gaza strep, calling for immediate cease fire in the territory. we are
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all extremely concerned about the war in gaza, and the unfolding catastrophic humanitarian situation. gaza is facing famin, and we cannot accept this. it is critical to achieve an agreement a sease fire. rapidly now, that freeze the hostages and allows more humanitarian aid to reach gaza. i commend you for your personal efforts, mr. president, wonderland also voiced concern about israel's threat for full-scale offensive in the southern gaza city of raffa. she said it would have devastating impact on the civilian population. she made the comments in a joint pressor with the egyptian presence abdul fattah in cairo. cc also oppos any israeli ground operation in raffa that would further deteriorate the humanitarian crisis. he also
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underlined egypt's opposition to any israeli attempt to forcibly displace palestinians from their homes. people in different countries across the globe continue to voice solidarity with the palestinians in gaza. in the netherlands capital, hundreds of pro- palestine. raiders gathered outside of the national holocaust museum for the second time since last week, the demonstration came as delegation from the israeli regime was visiting the national holocaust museum, protesters helped pictures the children killed in israely bombings on gaza, they call for immediate end to the ongoing genocidal war in the besieg strip. in
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another upani capital, london, people displayed their support for the palestinians during rally against racism. they call for an end to the israeli occupation of palestine. also in italy, hundreds of protesters gathered in milan in support of the palestinians. the demonstrators held signs meeting stop the genocide in gaza and stop arming israel. german city of berlin was also the scene of... of rally, we are here to the ministrate for palestine, and i think it's not only about palestine here, it's also about showing our anger towards uh the german media and the german politicians, because they have... lot of power and they decided to take a side, and even they use sometimes some wars for human
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crisis or something like this, i can't believe it, i don't, i have the feeling that it's just empty worse. the protesters demanded immediate cease fire in gaza. they carried blood stained small mock body bags in reference to the large number of children killed in gaza. in bahrain, which has normalized ties with israel, the protesters hailed the palestini resistance fighters. and decried the us for the israeli bloodlading in gaza. also in chile, south america, massive rally was held in the capital santiago with protesters denouncing israel for the killing of over 16,00 children in gaza. iran has come a long way to gain independent. independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. it's warships,
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speed boats, missiles and drones, among many items in its arsenal, have copies in the world by surprise. but as military experts and top brass say... this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary. welcome back to the news here on press tv. vladimir putin has secured a landslide victory in russia's presidential election with 99% of the votes counted winning his fifth term as president. 87
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1113,127 of. where voters took part in the election, and that means that the turnout was record high and unprecedented. it has never been as high before, the turnout is 77.44%. russia's election commission also held putin's victory as an unprecedented post soviet record, with each of putin's three other rivals getting less than 5% of the votes. the election was held over three days for the first time in russia's history. the win gives. another six years in office as presidents. iran and china have already sent congratulatory messages to moscow on putin's reelection. fred whir is a journalist on political commentator who joins us from moscow. fred will, welcome to the program. so uh, we're taking a look at the win by putin. uh, many anticipated that this would happen, of course it's unprecedented in terms of the
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percentage, not only of the people that came out as a turnout, and also for putin in terms of uh, how it obviously uh beat out the rivals, but what about the warning that uh he issued um regarding nato, the presence of troops uh in ukraine and how that would be a mistake? well, it would be a massive escalation um uh nato troops in ukraine would start getting killed and uh that i mean we basically we would be on the threshold of world war ii, wouldn't we? um so i think that the the fact that it's being discussed in in europe, although it's it's not a serious discussion yet, president macron brought it up, but it seems like it's been put on the table, and that would change the whole nature of of the war, i think that's what putin was
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saying, because if nato troops came into ukraine, well they would be... face to face with russian troops and the killing would start. i don't know better definition of world war 3 than that. and if you can tell us about the french proposals that's been put out there by france uh and emmanu and how pun says that it is ready for talks on that. do you see any hopes there? i'm not on that particular idea that macron wants a ceasefire for the duration of the paris olympics in september. uh, i don't think the russians are going to go for that, especially since russians aren't welcome to participate in those in those olympics, so uh, but uh, putin has repeatedly said, and and i suppose he should be taken seriously, that the that russia is ready to talk about the war in
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ukraine about ending it, but on russian terms and so far, that's... acceptable in kiyev and and apparently in the west as well. thank you very much for that. fred. we are there, journalists and political commentator from moscow. thank you. moving on with the news, the democratic people's republic of korea has launched multiple short-range ballistic missiles and it growing tensions in the korean peninsula. south korea's joint chief of staff says it detected the launches early on monday. it says the missiles flew around 300 kilometers before coming down in the waters east of the current. peninsula, the new development comes as the us secretary of state is in south korea for talks. washington and saul wrapped up their latest joint war games last week. pyongyang considers such rails rehearsals for invasion. ocurning soul frank smith says many people around the globe miss the real news on the korean peninsula
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due to lack of access to objective media. "there are other exercises that are taking place in just few days this week uh that the press has been invited to for the southgreen president news gill who who restarted these uh war games and and strengthened the alliance with the us uh brought in more um so-called strategic assets, these are us weapons capable of delivering nuclear strike against against north korea, it's hard to really argue with north korea's analysis of this when..." some of these drills involve uh bridge crossings and amphibious landings and simulated decapitation strikes aimed at at north korean leadership. it's hard to argue that that these are are really provocative nature and that north korea is responding to these drills rather than the us and south
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korea spin of this that it's the us that's uh that it's that it's north korea that's fomenting a conflict that that's fomenting a an arms race in the region with again south korea increasing its import of us arms including 20 more uh uh joint strike f-35 fighter jets that that they just ordered, so again it's it's it's how this is being spun really for for an international community that that sometimes is missing the mark, not really you know having access to to more objective media, i believe. for the third year in a row, afghanistan has been declared the least happy country in the world. that's according to the un's world happiness report. rahmat. bachman has more from kabul: the people of afghanistan are facing immense hardship and sorrow with the country finding
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itself at the bottom of the world happiness report rankings. the report which evaluates nations based on various factors such as freedom, health and income has named afghanistan as the unhappiest, we are almost everyone is very unhappy. everyone here agrees with the result of the world happiness survey, we are unhappiest and that is because the ongoing poverty, unemployment and lack of freedom and opportunities. furthermore, girls cannot receive education, which further adds to the misery of afghan families. when women are despaired, families feel unhappy. i have been unemployed for almost the years, since then i have not had any income, my... daughters are missing their school and this situation is so tough, how can we be happy? the afghan people have suffered because of intervention and war, and they have not been
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happy, but experts say under the rule of the taliban their circumstances. as we speak, mental clinics across are receiving more patients than ever, as psychologist say witness the rise of mental health problems such as anxiety, stress and... some hope and light to the life of the crisis is stricken nation. decades of foreign interventions and war have made afghans, the poorest and the saddest people on the planet.
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this nation has long yearn for peace and happiness, but it remains to be seen when or whether they find your last dream. press tv, kabul, and with that we come to an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with. it's bye-bye for now, people first learn to domesticate animals. then they kept animals in zoos, then they
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learned to earn money through displaying the animals in cages. then came the aquariums and the dolphinaariums. there doesn't seem to be an end to this game of violating. animals rights.
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ich bin 28 jahre alt und lebe in nordenham, es war auch schwer für mich da auszubrechen, es hat lange gedauert, also es ist eigentlich erst passiert, nachdem ich ramasan kennengelernt habe, für mich war klar, ich möchte ein eine muslimische frau sein mit einem muslimischen mann, wir wollen beide ein bodenständiges leben und dass ich gehen, wie ich gehen möchte. ja, heute werde ich in der
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moschee, das glaubensbekenntnis des islams aussagen vor einem gelehrten und damit offiziell zum islam konvertieren.
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as hundreds of people have more.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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вот когда мы употребляем это слово, соратник, дорогие друзья, мне очень приятно, это воин,
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причём мыслят, сопереживают. main financier of saddam's war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. kuwait was not like iran for the united states and the west to remain silent in the face of attack on kuwait. the us president