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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 3:30am-4:03am IRST

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the eu top official complains of famin being used as a weapon of war by israel in gaza. iran strongly condemns israel's attack on gaza's alshupa hospital as blame violation of international laws and principles. like we of just said the eu top official complains of fan being used as a weapon of war by israel to kill people in gaza and cuba says the us embassy in havana is seeking sok a broad
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anti-government uprising and metal in the country's internal affairs. i want to apologize um for that glitch in the headlines there, but uh, nevertheless everyone, welcome to press tv world news. israel presses ahead with bombing campaign in the gaza strip claiming the lives of more civilians in the besieg territory. regime bombed several residential buildings across gaza, killing dozens of civilians. to the north at least eight people were killed in the town of jabalya, another six were killed when regime jets and forces bombed homes in gaza city, and several were killed also when a building was targeted in the neuserat refugee camp in central gaza, and then to the south regime forces killed over a... dozen
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people in a new attack a densely populated city of rafa where over 1.5 million displaced palestinians have saw it shelter. death on gaza is surpassed 31,700, including at least 30 people who have died of malnutrition. the israel regime is again hit alsiifa medical complex in gaza, killing and wounding scores of palestinians. our correspond joined. earlier with the details, the israeli ecubition forces conducted a blades offensive against the ashifa medical complex over the last night where hundreds of the israeli tanks and the israeli forces moved uh in a swift attack against the compound uh amid the heavy gunfire and the continuous bombardments at least 40 consecutive israeli air strikes hit uh the compound the buildings the yards and even the surrounding. areas of the shifa
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compound knowing that thousands of the palestinian civilians are taking shilter in the hospital, in addition to the paramedics and the medical staff and the palestinian injuries who actually uh uh outlocated there receiving the needed medical care uh the israeli ecubation attack actually left douzens of the palestinian civilians killed and injuries in addition to the big fire that blazed in the surgery department - in one building, in a building inside the compound. when it comes to the central area of gaza strip, the situation is still catastrophic as well, as the israeli incubation forces maintain the their strikes and incursions against the central area, particularly anosarati fuji camp, whereas over the last night the israeli war planes destroyed another residental building claiming the lives of nine palestinian civilians, most of them were children and women, these air strikes are continued and even over the last
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the last couple of hours the israel artillery maintained its shelling towards the eastern part of deril balah city and when it comes to khanuni city almasi area which is claimed by the israeli incubation forces as save area it was under a repetitive israeli attack israeli attacks on theshifa hospital have been drawing strong condemnations with uron's foreign ministry spokesman saying israel's repeated attacks on hospitals are bl violation of international law and the most fundamental humanitarian principles. nos sir canani said over the last six months israel's long list of crimes against palestinians including occupation, assassination, violence and hostage taking has grown to include genocide. earlier, hamas also said attacks on health centers will not give israel any semblance of victory. that going palestinian prime minister muhammad shataya also samed international community for its inaction against israel and helped. the world health
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organization also described the attack as deeply concerning. the dozens of palestinians were killed or wounded and many more abducted during latest raids by israeli forces on al shifa, the largest hospital in. in gaza. earlier we spoke to tim anderson, director of the center for counterhegemonic studies out of sydney, australia. he argues what israel wants is to push palestinians in gaza into full evacuation mode. really hamas is just the tip of the palestinian resistance iceberg, and that's not going to go away anytime soon, basically, but when you're talking about al sheifa, remember also this is... hospital that was devastated before, it's in the north in gaza city, there are still civilians there even though conditions of life have been very difficult and the areas, all of the residential areas been devastated around there, there also is resistance there, the resistance is back in areas where the israelis thought they got rid them, so the civilians are there and really
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um of course this idea that they're actually going up to hamas is only part of the store anyway, let's remember that they have said many times to us, and this is what the south africans carried to the international court of justice, they want to destroy the conditions of life to make it unbearable, they want to destroy the people or drive them out, and of course this new port that the us is involved in is widely suspected now of being a way to try and evacuate and take palestinians out of gaza to help with the ethnic cleansing of the area, so the assault on civilians is has always been a openly stated part of this genocide, very few genocides in the past have openly stated as clearly as as the israelis have this one. european union foreign policy chief says israel's genocide in gaza has turned the territory into the world's biggest open air graveyard. the situation in gaza. gaza was
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before the world the greatest open air prison to. today is the greatest open air graveyard. a graveyard for tens of thousands of people. and also a graveyard for many of the most important principles of humanitarian law. br speaking ahead of eu of foreign ministerial meeting in brussels, he reiterated that israel is using famin as a weapon of war by not allowing a trucks into gaza. b said the issue is not a lack of sufficient supplies, but rather israel deliberately preventing them from entering. according to world food program 70% of the remaining people in northern gaza are at catastrophic levels of hunger. we need sufficient amounts of food to get into northern gaza and to be able to be
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distributed to the people who are in need over there. mind you, there are 300 thousand people in that location right now, of which... 70% meaning 21000 people are in catastrophic level of hunger, the remaining 30%, they are emergency levels of hunger. a unback food security assessment report also indicates around half the gaza population is experiencing catastrophic hunger due to the israely onslot, addressing alarming new reports about hunger in gaza. the un secretary general once again called for immediate humanitarian sease fire. the latest report on food insecurity in gaza is an appalling indictment of conditions on the
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ground for civilians. the world's leading experts on food in security clearly document that femin in the northern part of gaza is imminent: more than half of all palestinians in gaza, 1.1 million people have completely exhausted their food supplies and are facing catastrophic hunger according to the report. palestinians in gaza are enduring orifying levels of hunger and suffering. this is the highest number of people facing. trophic anger ever recorded by the integrated food security classification system anywhere anytime. this is an entirely man-made disaster and the report makes clear that it can be halted. today's report is exhibit a
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for the need for immediate humanitarian sease fire. i call on the israeli authorities to ensure: complete and unfettered access for humanitarian goods throughout gaza and for the international community to fully support our humanitarian efforts. we must act now. to prevent the unthinkable, the unacceptable and the unjustifiable. the desbula resistance movement and israely forces of exchange far along the southern lebanese border, and earlier we were joined by root correspondent martiam for the details. we today we saw that there was a lot of calm during the day, the first part of the day, actually, even last night. but then just just a little bit before sunset uh we saw that there was an intensified shelling from the israeli part
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also had uh intensified its operations uh sometimes some operations there would be two or three minutes apart or simultaneously on several posts and so we had the operations from the resistance launching their rocket fire uh on several posts including the lebanese occupied chabaf farms post of can and zibdin and that is on the lebanese part territory, you also had other talk against the israeli soldiers in where hazbillah says it hit and scored its very precisely against those soldiers using as they said appropriate rocket fire. we also had operations from the resistance and rockets being fired towards and is really media was talking about really heavy fire from towards the israel, the
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israelies as well of course have intensified their shelling, there was several areas like for example and jabal where there was very heavy shelling to the extent that it seems to be very become a usual routine for the israelis. that they do what what they call as top um shelling where they shell the first place and perhaps wait until there are maybe ambulances or authorities to come near they launch attack on the same exact location. iran's ambassador to the un has rejected as bases us and uk allegations that are supplying weapons and missiles to yemen. in letter to the president of the un security council. ameri side iravani said us and uk are using the allegations as a pretext to
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advance what he called their short-sided political agenda. he's at london and washington also want to justify their military aggression against yemen, which they allegedly launched in response to the country's anti-israely operations in the red sea and gulf of aiden. pardon for that pause there, but aravani condemned a military aggression as violation of yemen's sovereignty and territory. integrity as well as international law, he said attacks also pose a serious threat to regional peace and stability. iravanny stress iran consistently advocates for a peaceful resolution of the yemen crisis through diplomatic channels. cuba has once again summoned a top us diplomat on the island to protest washington provoking unrest in the country. havana says us is seeking to turn local protests into a broader. anti-government uprising. islammed as interventionist and slanderous. us embassy
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calls on the cuban government to respect the human rights of protesters. washington has denied the allegation, now protests against power cuts and food shortages uh erupted in a number of cuban cities, including the second largest santiago. the cuban government says protests are respectful. since 1960, us has maintained economic embargo and other sanctions on cuba. the russian president vladimir putins war nato against deploying troops to ukraine this shortly after he secures a landslide victory in russia's presidential race. he says a conflict between russia and the military alliance could push the world to the verge of world war iii. we discussed this issue earlier with our guests in our news review program. "the russian
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president has issued a stern warning to the west over sending military troops in support of ukraine. vladimir putin says a direct confrontation between russia and nato will push the world to the brink of a full-scale world war iii. i think that anything is possible in the modern world, but i've already said this and it is clear everyone. that this conflict between russia and nato will be just one step away from a full-scale world war ii. i don't think anybody is interested in this. nato military are present there in ukraine. there's nothing good in this, firstly for them because they get killed in large numbers. putin made the remarks in the presser shortly after securing another six-year term in office in the biggest landslide victory in post soviet russian history. now the warning came in response to earlier statement by french president emmanuel macron who highlighted the necessity of western ground operations in
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ukraine at some point, commenting on the prospects of peace talks with kiev, putin said moscow remains open to negotiations, but won't be lured into truths that would allow ukraine to rearm, he added that russian armed forces holy advantage on the battlefield as they have made advances in ukraine. i like to welcome my guest to this news review. jeann oberg, peace researcher and founder from transnational out of sweden and christoph horst. author and politician out of berlin, thank you both for being with us, well let me start it off with jen. i mean jen, your thoughts on do you really think, i mean we heard what uh uh the french, well what macron had said, do you really think that europe would actually consider putting troops on the ground in ukraine? well, there was a report
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in new york times, i think a week or so ago which said cia has been in ukraine the last 10 years and the germans happen to reveal that the british were there to help with using british artillery, so uh, yes, it doesn't mean thousands of troops in uniform ready to to battle russian forces, but the question i ask myself at this moment, which is the most dangerous in europe since 1945. is how on earth did we get here? nato was, according or is, according to its own perception of itself, defensive alliance that has promised us since 1949 to make peace in europe, and now it's a major actor thanks to the expansion of nato, which is in contravention to all the promises given to
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given to michael gobatchav, now we are there that the 11th party to this exp. mentioned ukraine and the 30 years nato has been around in ukraine and the kudetan 2014 orchestrated by the us is bringing us to a something like you know it's not the same but you know what i mean if i say the cuban missile crisis we must remember that russia will be neighbor to or part of if things go madly wrong in europe whereas the united states is far away from that well christoph your taken looking on the russian side i mean basically it's a matter of uh russia's own survival um and it does not seem that vladimir putin will back down or can back down so and he has worn of possible world war 3 if nato does not back down your thoughts on this your overall assessment president putin of russia is very
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much justified to re. threaten nato with nuclear war. the reason is very simple: nato's combined conventional force is so much stronger than russia, that russia in the end may face in case of a war, a situation where the only way to preserve some kind of russian independence will be triggering nuclear war by using new arms first. that is very. very dangerous situation and nato is crazy to push it so far that this happens and we can only understand that if we understand the deeply criminal mind within nato, aggressive as it is, they deep financial crisis which washington faces, they are bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt, and the only way to save
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that is to control the vast natural. sources of big russia, so this is why they want to bring russia down, they are not anti russian, they are not anti- anything, they are not anti iran, they just want to control the natural resources because they are bankrupt, bankrupt, bankrupt, that is the real situation, and that is putin's fight, that he wants to preserve sovereignty and freedom of his people in the face of this money driven western aggressiveness, all right, and on that note, i think both. of you uh for being with me, jan oberg, peace researcher and founder transnational live out of sweden and christopher horstell author and politician out. of berlin and thank you viewers so much for staying with us a news review and thank you so much for staying with us right here at press tv. welcome back everyone, you're
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watching press tv world news in south korea, the third summit for democracy has begun. the us secretary of state and south korea and president spoke of efforts to ensure democracy for future generations. nearby though, pro- palestine protesters slam the us and israel for the ongoing genocide in gaza. frank smith reports from the south korean capital, soul. south korea this week hosts the third us initiative of the summit for democracy. u.s. secretary of state anthony blincon suggested america could lead the world toward democratic ideals, lacking elsewhere. in democracy will also requires to shape a technological future that's inclusive, that's rights respecting, directed at driving progress in people's lives. as authoritarian and repressive regimes deploy
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technologies to undermine democracy and human rights, we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values and norms. caraled away from the venue activists were joined by a south korean law maker to question washington's and soul's credibility. particularly in light of us support of israel's ongoing genocide of palestinians in gaza. since unsoak ule came into power, our democracy index has fallen by 19 points and we're turning into a very backward country in terms of democracy. the united states, the enabler of the massacre, israel, the perpetrator of the massacre, and south korea, are causing the endless decline of democracy. activists say the us and south korea have the blood of tens of... thousands of innocents on their hands through the provision of weapons to israel and failure to pressure tel aviv to end its genocide. it's not the time for the south korean government or the us government
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who are complicit in israel's genocide to discuss democracy. instead, the korean government should urge the us and israel to immediately stop the genocide, lift the blockade of the gaza strip and end israel's colonial military occupation of palestine. while rift has appeared in us support of... israel concern is mounting that the israeli military will increase attacks on the already besaged rafa where palestinians away humanitarian aid amid reports of starvation. like here, around the world can be found supporters of a free palestine protesting against israel's genocide in gaza week after week, and here at this summit titled democracy for future generations, a glaring question cloud's proceedings. what will happen to the next generation of palestinians? frank smith, press tv. soul. that's it for your latest here on pres tv,
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everyone. thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. ياتيهم من رسول الا كانوا به يستهزئون، كذلك
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نسلكه في قلوب المجرمين، لا يؤمنون به، وقد خلت سنه الاولين، ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا من ال
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise. but as military experts in top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary. why
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the atomic bomb? why all the power? you scientists are blamed for the weapons to be used. killing innocent people to get what?
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i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i was,
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i traveled when i was 17. i travel even to iran. camera is kind of a protection between me and the rest of the world and it's very, very useful. it became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of many. he was a symbol, this tumb is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east.
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kuwait was the main financier of saddam's war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. kuwait was not like iran for the united states and the west to remain silent in the face of attack on kuwait. the us president immediately reacted.