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tv   Documentary The Orange Backpack Zanjan I 1  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 10:02am-10:31am IRST

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for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. if you have a souvenir from loved one, you feel pretty good. my grandpa left me a very small box in his cluttered store room. i have no idea how he knew i loved traveling like himself, and he left me his travel guide along with few other practical tools. my family would let me travel only if my cousin mazior who is older than i, accompany me.
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"the chubby guardian angel that has always been next to me since childhood, so i packed my orange travel backpack and started the journey." this part of our travel guide includes history and myths. people lived with these myths during history and they turned them into believes, and these believes wrote a part of history.
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زنجرم خیلی جای باحال داره اینجا نوشته نمیدونم قلعه بهستان و کره مره و خیلی عکس مکسسم زیاد کشیده دم آقا جون گرم.
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"maziar did not like to come with me into the cave, so he strapped a camera to my head and sent me into the middle of a dark and winding cave just like miserable vanguard. i was alone in this scary place and i got lost. bats are the only creatures that can choose the right path here. the strange and special point is that this cave has seven floors and they have only discovered the..." them so far, i got lost in the first floor and finally someone saved me and lit up the darkness, a person who crawled into the depths of this cave with his comrades to discover the mysteries, they did it before the excavations, when there was no entrance for human beings. majid uzbashi, manager of
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katalahor cave complex, an explorer. این در غار یعنی به بیرون راه داشته یا بله من. یه توضیحاتی رو خدمتتون توضیحات مختصر عرض بکنم راجع به شکل اولیه غار بله غار کتل خور به عنوان بزرگترین غار خشک و آهکی خاورمیانه و بعضاً هم میگن بزرگترین غار خشک و آهکی جهان در استان زنجان و حدوداً ۱۶۵ کیلومتری جنوب غربی شهر زنجان و در شهر گرم واقع شده که این غار که برای دوران. اینجا جزء مناطق آهکی هستش که متعلقه به اواسط دوره سوم زمینشناسی همونک هستش که اونجا هم د تا عصر لوگوسن و میوسن بوده که
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این غار مابین عصرهای لوگوسن و میوسن تشکیل شده که تازه همه چی اینطوری شکل گرفته بله شکل گرفته اصلیستا میگن که بله.
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و از اول میگن مثل اسمش که مشخص نیستش چرا اینجا رو گذاشتن کتاب نه حاکمی به این اسم بوده. نه منطقه ای به این اسم بوده نه کوهی به این اسم بوده حتی اسم کوهم کوه ساقزلو هستش ساقلو بله کتلخور مختص همین غار هستش که علتشم مشخص نیستش چرا اینجا رو کتل خور نامگذاری کردن فقط معنی میکنم معنیشم تو ترکی به عنوان تپه خورشید هستش از دیگر ویژگی های اینجا تعدد طبقات طبقات هستش اولین بار بود من شنیدم اولین بله این طبقه هم کف هستش و چهار تایم زیر این
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۱۵ تا ۲۰ متری از همدیگه فاصله دارن تو طبقه دوم و چندین دالام طبقه سوم اسکلت های هم که شناسایی شدن اسکلت ها از گونه گوشتخواارها و سکسانا هستن او مال زمانه بله اینا رو چون شکل ظاهری این اسکلتا شبیه و معمون نیست یه کم بزرگتر از روبا هستن پاهای عقبی درازی دارن پاهای جلوی کوتاه دم دراز گردن دراز و اینا رو دارن روشون مطالعاتی رو انجام میدن که ببینن.
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since this cave was an unknown phenomenon, grandpa did not write much about it and just mentioned amazing limestone and columns and mysteries like animal shapes. according to grandpa, after passing through the narrow and dark corridors, you observe more secrets, mysteries and beauties in the depths of the cave. اینجا.
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این قسمتو الان ملاحظه فرماییدلمیل های گلمی یا لون زنبوری هستند ملاحظه فرمایید استراکت هستن و توی یک سطح استلاکت ها من یهکم اینا رو قاطی میکنم استلاکت و استلاگمیت استلاکت بالایی هستش که بله بله اینها گل کلم میاد چون زمانی ببینید توی یک سطح هست بله رشدو به کلیسیت نمیده شما بارهای آبیم رفته باشید
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حالا اینم شبیه پنجه هستش پنجه شیر میگن بهش پنجه شیرها خوب شد الان یه دونه کوسه و یه شیر و یه مومیایی و یه پنجه شیر و این پای فیلم یه پایه فیلم دیدیم اینا اینا آهکه همش اینا قنیده های قلمی و نیست.
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کلسیوم تشکیل میشن کربونات هایی که ازشون فضاهای باز که می رسن گاز دیکسید رو ازاد میکنه از دست.
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there was no end to these interesting constructions of the artistic hands of nature. i heard that in ancient times early human beings thought that they were created by gods, so people offered them sacrifices.
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this part of the cave is called crystal palace. it is really like a palace. another interesting point that mr. yuzbashi told me was that the only living creatures in the cave are bats and we may see them later. اینم که ملاحظه فرمایید شما. آره داشتن فکر می کردم اون زیر چیکار دارن می کنن زیر آب که تشکیل نمیشه. بله. چه جالب و اینجام شما سر یک فیلو ملاحظه می کنید فین فیل آره آره آره اون خرتوم و بلهم و چشم و یا باز اینجا شما شاهد یه سنگی هستید که کاملاً شبیه از این زاویه شتر هستش شتر سر شتر جهاز شتر دم شتر یا سر ماهی آبشش
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ماهی آره داشتم فکر می کنم شبیه ماهیم
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mount of sun. technology and human knowledge have revealed the unknown mysteries of nature, and i am ahead of my grandpa with the information i got. i'm glad. that i managed to learn more about the secrets during this period. of course i really admired the courage and sense of adventure of grandpa that visited this cave at that time and now i
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feel closer to him as i am living in his time. i think the reason is nothing but a shared experience that you will not be able to understand if you do not touch it closely. now we are heading to our next destination with all our energy and good mood. our next destination is about 250 km away from here and we must prep. here ourselves for five-hour drive.
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we finally arrived at our destination. after this long journey, the only thing that could not relieve the fatigue was to arrive here at sunset. i don't know why grandpa came towards this place from catalejor cave. unfortunately, the opening times were over and this made us more tired.
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iran has come a long way to gain independence in the defense industry since the 1979 islamic revolution. its warships, speed boats, missiles and drones among many items in its arsenal have caught many countries in the world by surprise, but as military experts and top brass say, this is only a tiny fraction of iran's capabilities that have been unveiled thus far. watch for the details in this documentary. this time i'm
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going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries in the world. the coral beaches of gaeshm are regarded as the most... astonishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves. the mangrove forest of gresh has covered area of over 9,00 hectares. it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian gulf. i have walked through many valles, valles much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley, but i dare... say, this valley is the most beautiful one i have walked through in terms of land for. "iran
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and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy, and science and technology and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations." and make the region an energy hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for a greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties.
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first headlines, the us israely genocide in gaza continues for the 165th day with the death those passing 31,700 mostly women and children. francisson says the cause of situation is absolutely catastrophic, urging the international body to overcome this in action and declare immediate cease fire. and israely occupation forces carry out night braids on several areas of the west bank, producting at least two young palestinians.