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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 4:30pm-5:03pm IRST

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of as hundreds of people have marched.
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the headlines, the us israeli genocide in gaza continues for a 165th day, while the death doll surpasses 31,800. france's un of envoy says gaza's situation is absolutely catastrophic, urging the international body to overcome its inaction and declare immediate cease fire. and the israeli
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occupation forces carry out night traids on several areas in the west bank including two young palestinis. hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv coming. live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gizumi shahmedi and these are top stories this hour. the gaza strip is reeling from endless israeli bombardment with its people remaining in a state of despair and agony. the regime has carried out fresh attacks across the territory, including in rafa governet, where at least 14 palestinians have lost their lives.
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on narafa in central gaza, israel's artillery shell, the vecinity of both nissant and borage refugee camps, several neighborhoods in gaza city were also bombed as well. israel unleashed its genocide in gaza early october, over 31,800 palestinians have been killed so far, most of them women and children. the war rages on in gaza, while the holy ramadan. is
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there and severe food shortages has devastated people. the us secretary of state has expressed concern over the acute food shortage in the gaza strip and the dire humanitarian situation there. again, according to the most uh respected measure of these things, 100% of the population in gaza is at severe levels of acute food insecurity, that's the first time an entire population has been so classified. we also see again, according to, in this case the united nations, 100%, the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance. link can be the common sense. the philippines
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before heading to egypt and saudi arabia where he would make new push for seas fire in gaza. ironically enough, blincan's co called concern over the food shortage in. gaza and his attempts to secure a peace deal has come as washington his time and again vetoed the un security council resolutions on the seasfire. the white house also keeps supplying arms and munitions to tel aviv. moreover, the u.s. has refused to help with efforts to open the rough off border crossing to allow aid into gaza. francis ambassador and permanent representatives at the united nations has called on the security council to take action on the dire situation in gaza. so far, the security council has only been able
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to adopt two humanitarian resolution, which by the way, are not implemented. these councils need to do more to do it now and take up its responsibility. "it cannot wait any longer, so this is why france requested close consultation on the situation in gaza today, we want the members of this council to have a honest conversation on which measures can be taken by this council to stop this conflict. well, we are supposed to take different steps, now the emergency is to do what i just said, immediate cice fire." during ramadan, release of hostages and full humanitarian access, so this is what the security council should do now, not next week, i'm talking about the next 24 or 48 hours, there is no reason to procrastinate further, no reason. rivier also described the
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humanitarian situation in the bestiched palestinian territory as absolutely catastrophic. he urged that this is not a natural disaster, but a war that should stop. up now, and that the security council cannot continue to procrastinate. france has been pushing for sease fire in israel's war on gaza, however, the 15 member un body has failed to pass resolutions due to consistent us fetos. since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza early october, washington has vetoed three draft resolutions, two of them calling for immediate cease fire. in our news review program we discussed with our guests the growing calls including from france for a coordinated international action to establish immediate seasfire in gaza. let's take a listen. i'm sing as the palestinian
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scientists and other joins us from bethlehem. we also have barry grusman international. who joins from ball indonesia. gentlemen, welcome. my single say, i'll first start with you, the french ambassador showing to the un, showing his frustration saying that something needs to be done, but the eu as a whole is partly also responsible for what is happening in the gaza strip. uh, so that uh, claim somewhat falls on uh, deaf ears so to speak, because they are the ones also partly responsible, but really, uh, it, then comes to the us role in this whole genocidal conflict. um, isn't the... us the one that also should be held responsible a large scale on this genocidal war that's taking place. yes, indeed, thank you for having this discussion, because it's very, very important. the world has failed gaza, it has failed human rights, the un resolutions that
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have been made, israel is in violation of over 35 un security council resolutions. um, including 242 and 338, which call acquisition of territory by force illegal, and israel is occupying gaza and the west bank since 1967, and also the goulen heights, so israel violates un security council resolutions that are already adopted, and that's not counting the dozens and dozens of un security council resolutions that the us vetos, as your report indicated, the us vetoed at least three resolutions, and they use threat of video on several others, just in the past few months since this genocide latest round of genocide
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started, so i think france is hypocritical in many ways, they support israel, they support it financially, they supported with military equipment. and weapons, they supported it at the un, in numerous occasions, so they cannot claim now suddenly that they saw the light or that they are calling for a... fire if they are calling for a cease fire, they need to stand up to who prevents sess fire, and that is their pattern in the united states and they are not willing to stand up to the united states instead, what we see is more of the same and more genocide going on every day, every minute, and the world is silent, do you agree with what our guest there says, especially i like to ask you about what french un ambassador said where he said something needs to be done now within the next 24 to 48 hours, who is he addressing
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that part of a statement to? absolutely, i agree with what our colleague said, i think it doesn't take much um imagination to appreciate just how hypocritical uh france has been, i mean we can give credit what credits do, but basically passing the butt back to the... security council or even the the icc without the icj without - without taking a firm position uh in opposition to the players that are making all this happening rings rather hollow frankly speaking the level of political and institutional inertia in the face of this massive crime against humanity which includes all manner of war crimes and of course uh um
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ethnic cleansing and genocide and all the rest, it's truly astounding. anybody who's still breathing only needs to uh make themselves aware of what's taking place in gaza on the daily basis and in no small part in the west bank too, to appreciate uh just how outrageously unlawful the occupation? uh uh is uh conducting itself situation and really everybody should be standing up, every nation should be standing up and demanding se fire without simply talking about you ask you, it's not good enough to say that hamas would release its prisons of war when when the occupation has something in the order of 10 th00 prisoners taken unlaw. very often without any charges or trial or right of appeal, women and children and everything
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else, and i think somewhere in there there has to be a way to to reach a resolution, but if there's not is high time that nations started calling out the big players, namely the united kingdom, the united states and even france itself, and of course the court, as for the un, the fact that we still have. security council with five permanent members that enjoy an absolute power of vedo is outrageous, certainly that vedo power should never be allowed to be invoke in order to stop a program to resolve what ultimately is a crime against humanity. very well, thank you so much for that, we do appreciate your comments there uh, that's saya, palestinian scientist and author, and thank you very grossman, international lawyer from balley indonesia, with that we come to an end for this news review. and the former israeli
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prime ministerod has hailed the us senate majority leader for urging early israeli elections to replace the regime's current prime minister benjamin netanyahu. olmar sent a letter to chuck schumer several days after the democratic senator called. major obstacle to peace in gaza, the former israeli prime minister lodd schumer for his courage to express how traditional supporters of israel feel today. onmert added that netanyahu is unable to fulfill the responsibilities assigned to him. schumer's call for a replacement of netanyahu was also praised by israeli opposition leader yayer lapid. he said netanyahu was losing israel's biggest supporters. schumer's remarks have. signaled a widening rift between the israeli regime and the us, a country that has been complicit
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in gaza genocide. the call for snap election has an angered netanyahu, who responded by saying that israel is not a banana republic, and the israeli occupation forces have confirmed the death of yet another trooper in gaza incline. with palestinian resistance fighters. israeli media say the soldier was killed near al-shifah hospital, gaza's largest medical facility that was stormed again on sunday result. in the deaths and injuries. israel has so far confirmed the death of 251 military personnel since the launching of the ground invasion of gaza late in october. palestinian groups however say that the regime is intentionally hiding the real number of casualties among its forces to
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avoid public anger. this week on expos a, we touch upon the western narrative of the parliamentary elections in the islamic republic of iran as it centered around made-up tales about iranians abstaining from voting in protest against the government. in the meantime, most opinion pieces published by well-known mainstream media rejected the idea that iran is democratic country, essentially recycling tired stories and narratives with no fresh perspective. also this week we cover social media reacts to the famin brought on by the ongoing zinus israeli genocide in gaza as well as the air drop surade of aid and expired food on gaza residence. right here on expose, the truth is just a revelation away. now the israeli
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military has. out fresh raids across the occupied west bank as the regime presses ahead with its offensive against palestinians in the latest such attacks israeli forces raided the town of yamon west of the city of jane as well as a palestinian refugee camp east of the city of nopolis. the regime forces obducted several people after storming palestinian homes. clashes also erupted between israeli troops and residence forces which targeted soldiers and bulldozers. with explosive devices. the israeli military has intensified its violent raids across the west bank since october 7th, the day when the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza. hundreds of palestinians have been killed and thousands abducted during israeli incursions into the occupied towns and cities ever since. our correspondent in ramolah mondel
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says israeli. troops have conducted new air rates, several towns, villages and refugee camps across the occupied westbank. this morning the israeli forces raided several areas across the occupied west bank, speaking from the south to the north of the occupied west bank, leading villages, towns and refugee camps, the soldiers stormed number of palestinian homes and dec. destruction inside the homes and the properties and clashes, exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and members of the resistance groups, the israeli forces raided al genazone refugee camp near ramalah and arrested a palestinian female journalist rola hassanin, she's a mother and a wife and she was
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arrested by the forces, it's not clear why she had been detained, but today are speaking about 70 palestinians were detained, 70 palestinian journalists were detained by the israeli forces since the 7th of october, at least over 35 of them are still being held by the israeli forces, the israeli tropps also stormedia and arrested at least three palestinians there, the israeli military had also carried out an operation napolis mainly in the valata refugee camp and according. to the palestinian resistance, exchange of fire had taken place for several hours between the israeli troops and the palestinian fighters, and the yemeni foreign ministry has sensured the un security council statement against the country's anti-israeli operations in the red sea. the ministry said the unsc move reflects
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the body submission to america's interests and its support for the israeli genocide in gaza. suna also blast of the council for its inaction towards the daily massacre of palestinians. the yemeny ministry pledged that the forces would continue their operations in the red sea until israel ends its onslot on gaza. reactions came after the 15 member council condemned the attack on commercial vessels in the red sea while urging restraint to avoid further escalation. this, despite the yemani armed forces have a repeated. announced that ships or except those heading to israeli ports are free and safe sail through the waterway, however recently they have also targeted american and british ships in order to retaliate for the two countries aggressions against yemeny people. and in south korea, the third summit
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for democracy has begun, the us secretary of state and south korean president spoke of efforts to ensure that democracy for the future generation will remain nearby. however, pro- palestine protesters slam the us and israel for the ongoing genocide in gaza. frank smith. reports from saul. south korea this week hosts the third us initiative the summit for democracy. u.s. secretary of state, anthony blincon suggested america could lead the world toward democratic ideals lacking elsewhere. vitilizing democracy will also requires to shape a technological future. that's inclusive, that's right respecting, directed at driving progress in people's lives. as authoritarian and repressive regimes deploy technologies to undermine democracy and human rights, we need
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to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values and norms. caraled away from the venue, activists were joined by a south korean law maker to question washington's and soul's credibility, particularly in light of us support of israel. ongoing genocide of palestinians in gaza. sinceul came into power, our democracy index has fallen by 19 points and we're turning into a very backward country in terms of democracy. the united states, the enabler the massacre, israel, the perpetrator of the massacre, and south korea, are causing the endless decline of democracy. activists say the us and south korea have the blood of tens of thousands of innocents on their hands through the... vision of weapons to israel and failure to pressure tel aviv to end its genocide. it's not the time for the south korean government or the us government who are complicit in israel's genocide to discuss
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democracy. instead, the korean government should urge the us in israel to immediately stop the genocide, lift the blockade of the gaza strip and end israel's colonial military occupation of palestine. while rift has appeared in us support of israel, concern is mounting that the israeli military. will increase attacks on the already besaged rafa where palestinians await humanitarian aid amid reports of starvation. like here, around the world can be found supporters of a free palestine protesting against israel's genocide in gaza week after week, and here at this summit titled democracy for future generations, a glaring question clouds proceedings. what will happen to the next generation? palestinians. frank smith. press tv. soul. the leader of the democratic people's republic of korea has overseen
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drills involving super large rocket launchers. footage showed kim. visiting the launch site and giving directions to military officials. the country's media said the live rocket fire drills were aimed at testing pyongyang's real war capabilities. it said that the exercise also involved. regulating aerial explosion of a shell a predetermined altitude above the target. kim has called for modernizing and scaling up the country's artillery forces. the missile drills come day after south korea and japan reported that pyongyang has launched several short-range ballistic missiles. the us secretary of state is also in south korea for talks. washington and saul. wrapped up their latest joint war games last week. pyongyang considers such drills a rehearsal for invasion. and violence
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in haiti seems far from over. at least dozen more people are dead in a gun attack on the capitals upscale neighborhood. the victims were all fatally shot in pitton vill, suburb of... port de prince, ambulance services have recovered 10 bodies. locals say that they did not know the circumstances of the deaths, but the area came under attack by criminal gang. witnesses say that armed men also attacked a bank a gas station and they looted homes, prompting residents to flee the neighborhood, some called radio stations asking for help from the police. meanwhile. prime minister ariel henry has accepted his resignation if the transitional council is formed, violence gripped the island in the car caribbean in
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recent weeks, armed gangs have taken control of much of the capital, calling on henry to quit. now that brings us to the end of this edition of world news on pressv. thank you for watching and stay tuned, i'll be back in half an hour with more news. i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i was, i traveled when i was 17 years old, i travel even to iran. camera is kind of protection
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between me and the rest of the world and it's very very useful, it became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of he was a symbol. is very important, actually this is temp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middlelist.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abu agale was killed by nisvd sniper on may 11th. 2022,
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the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israel sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of... israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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tonight on expose, western broadcast media's narrative of the march 1st parliamentary elections in the islamic republic of iran revolved. made up stories about iranians abstained from voting in protest against their government. meanwhile, the majority of opinion pieces written by prominent western mainstream media refused to accept that iran is democratic state, bringing nothing new to their reporting tone and essentially rehashing old tales and narratives and the famon brote on by the ongoing zinus israeli genocide in gaza as well as the air drop shade of aid and expired food on gaza residents was another hot top. last week, particularly on social media, welcome to espose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.