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tv   Documentary Iranian Weapon Irans Air Defense System 3  PRESSTV  March 19, 2024 8:02pm-8:31pm IRST

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kuwait was the main financier of saddam's war against iran, but saddam miscalculated. kuwait was not like iran for the united states and the west to remain silent in the face. of attack on kuwait, the us president
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immediately reacted. united states and its coalition allies are committed to enforcing the united nations resolutions that call for saddam hussein to immediately and of unconditionally leave kuwait. in view of the soviet initiative, which very frankly we appreciate. "we want to set forth this morning the specific criteria that will ensure sadam hussein complies with the united nations mandate. these were the moments when a limited war broke out between the us and iraq over kuwait, which ultimately led to complete sanctions on iraq, to the extent that saddam was forced to destroy all his missiles and declare the location..." of all
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his defense facilities to the west. saddam implemented all the tasks that the international atomic energy agency, the iaea, dictated to him, and didn't even know that the new us president was going to attack him without getting a un approval. involved saddam hussein. this president is the son of the president who had attacked iraq in the past. the mersad air system is a result of the trust. mersad means ambush. the iranian ambush is an example of the reverse engineering of the american hawk, the first step to conquer the sky step-by-step. this is 2010. the marsas launch their
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missiles one after the other. missiles are called shahin and are domestically produced by iran. the missile control room is also domestically produced. this is an important secret. this room is the big secret of iranians. without having information about it, it's impossible for the enemy easily disable it. the position of the islamic republic is standing against any aggression and humiliation. the then defense minister expressed in و تحت فشار آنها قرار بگیره به هر
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حال ما از مجاری قانونی پیگیر موضوع هستیم اینه که کشور بتوانه از خودش دفاع بکنه و این رو دیگران بدونن که این قدرت دفاعی در کشور هست این خیلی مهمه شما ببینید سر قضیه اس ۳۰۰ که ما می خواستیم بخریم. چه جنجالی راه انداختن و پشت این جنجال چه تحرکاتی انقدر مسافرت کردن به روسیه بیا برو فلان که این اتفاق نیفته در حالی که اس ۳۰۰ که بنا نیست شهری رو بزنه اس ۳۰۰ بناست مهاجم رو بزنه اینه دیگه یعنی قدرت دفاعی رو در کشور دشمن نمیتونه تحمل بکنه اینکه شما قدرت دفاعی داشته باشید رو نمی تونه تحمل کنن بنابراین یکی از اساسی ترین کارها همینه که ما
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ابزارهای دفاعی مون رو تقویت بکنیم. the bold claim, but iran has previously reverse engineered american systems, so it isn't unlikely to reach this one as well. meanwhile, the project to design an iranian s300 system had started, and on the other hand, the complaint against the russians had yielded good results and the first convoy of s-300s was arriving in iran. جذابترین بخش مراسم امروز رونمایی از.
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در واقع تحقیقاتی و تولید تسبیهاتم الحمدالله سریع کار می کنن و خوب کار می کنن و تولیدات بسیار خوبی دارن مجموع عملیاتی هم خوب داره استفاده میشه, but the odds are against the
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former absolute power in the sky. this is the north rob grooming corporation, the manufacturer of the billion dollar phantom aircraft. they built the x-47 to compete with the rq, and now they are assembling the highest flying american spy aircraft. the pakistanis also love the uav, but iran will soon disrupt again. name for this factory as it turned the tables on the rq manufacturer. global hawk: it is an eye that looks at the ground from about twice the height of other types of aircraft with pinpoint accuracy.
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maybe we could say that the most important part of this drone is a sar radar. sar scans the surface of earth. "the global hawk is to take off, the destination is iran. the global hawk has turned off all of its detection systems and is untraceable. the american hawk can be seen on the iranian radar from the moment it takes
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off. it is getting closer and closer to iran every moment, so much so that it reaches around the mobad mountain area. بین ما و آمریکا ۱۲ هزار کیلومتر فاصله هوایی هست اگر همین کار رو متقابل ما در مقابل امریکا انجام می دادیم امریکا چه عکس رو عملی نشون میداد اگر ما با هواپیمای بدون سرنشین در سواحل مثلاً واشنگتن اگه پرواز می کردیم آیا اونا اجازه م it is in the crossairs of this system now, the hordod 3 radar and missile launcher, a
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system that the americans saw few days ago on the shaheid cosg vessel, but they do not know that the very system is going to surprise them tonight.
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the defense system of hordo 3. sometimes after the explosion, the damaged body of global hawk is taken out of the water. this wreckage will be placed on display for people and officials to see. in the release pictures the remains of the drone, one of the images attract most of the attention. the picture is an image of the sar radar, the most important part.
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fully aware of their opponent and the american technology, american sar can work even in the most stormy of weather. now iran is the only country that has this radar. bismillah, the radar that begins its work here at the hands of the army chief is the radar that detected the global hawk. this radar... در محیط جنگ الکترونیکی که جریان داره
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توانایی مداومت کار این سامانه بسیار بالاست و خوشبختانه ما می توانیم این نوید رو بدهیم که نسبت به تهدیدات به روز و بلکه دست بالا رو خواهیم داشت.
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راه برده بینا و نظیر که در مناطق جنوب شرق کشور و در مرکزیت به شرق کشور گسترش پیدا کردن این هست که یک رادار در نقطه کوهستانی و یک رادار در نقطه دشت و بیابانی در حقیقت مستقر شدند. نکته دوم این هست که این رادار ها تکنولوژیشون و فناوریشون کاملاً بومی هست به هیچ عنوان هیچ گلوگاهی در این رادار ها ما نداریم ضمن اینکه حتی نمونه ای از این رادارها در کشورهای منطقه ای و در جهان هنوز گزارش نشده این رادارها در فیس های در فرکانس های متفاوت و با پرش فرکانسی و همچنین در باندهایی که غیر قابل شنود توسط دشمن هست طراحی شده طراحی اون با جوانان بررومند. و دانشجویان دانشگاه های برتر کشور بوده. این پروژه کمتر از دو سال به
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نتیجه رسیده تولید شده و این تولید در دو نقطه کشور مستقر شده. بسیار بالایی برخوردار هستش الان در مدار عملیاتی قرار گرفته در باند اس قرار داره و این هم یک توان خوبی رو به نیروی پدافند هوایی اضافه مید. band is an important feature radar design. it works so reliably that the united states uses this band to communicate with its satellites and space shuttle. murahib and nazir have another brother named the persian golf. this radar is specially made for radar
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evasive aircraft. on the other hand, the iranian army has designed an important system which is similar to the s300, but much more efficient. this video shows the pilot test for balvard 373 missile. barvar uses iranian made sayot missiles and destroys six targets at the same time. bolvar shoots vertically, it shoots from canister, which means it has outmatched the s300. barvar's radar detects all aircraft, even the strategic and very
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expensive american f35. bolvar can hide among terrain features. its mast opens and closes quickly, it can change its position very quickly. its missile is called the saiot 4, which is completely iranian. this is the same missile that was first made through reverse engineering of the americans missiles and now it is so advanced it can detect and hit the american f-35.
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this is the description of the power of a country that 30 years ago announce its need
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to have defense system to the world and was sanctioned by all powers and این ادعا نیست این واقعیته که ما به کمک مغز افزارهای نیروی پدافند هوایی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران مغز افزارهای وزارت دفاع مغز افزارهای شرکت های دانش بنیان بخصوص مغز افزارهای دانشگاه های کشورمون علاوه اینکه بر اینکه تونستیم در همه حوزه های کشف، شناسایی، رهگیری درگیری و فرماندهی و کنترل، از مرزهای دانش عبور کنیم. ما سامانه هایی داریم که مشابهی در دنیا نداره. ما امروز میتونیم تا فاصله بیش از ۳ هزار
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کیلومتر قلب دشمن رو رصد کنیم در ۳۶۰ درجه. این فن. ناوری ها در اختیار محدود و انگشتشمار از کشورهاست. ما افتخار می کنیم که تمام این سامانه ها سیستم سلاح ها کاملاً بومیست و در این حوزه هیچ نیاز و وابستگی به کشورهای دیگه نداریم بلکه به کشورهای دوست میتونیم کمک بکنیم و این دانش و تجهیزات و سامانه ها رو در صورت صلاح دید حتی. iran's ambitious vision, this radar is known as siphid. the range of the radar is 3,000 km. that is, if
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an aircraft takes off from israeli occupied territories, it will be monitored in tehran. intercepting israely aircraft is not good news for the regime. israel's small army used to rely on surprises. جيل الى جيل. equipped with air defense systems for years, on the other hand, iran's allies have been one of them is hazbullah, وتستمر الملحمه من lebanon does not have any air defense system, hezbulah surprised everyone by purchasing the sam 22 system. this system has already been
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seen in the egyptian army and works very well to deal with fighters and helicopters in areas like lebanon. it means that iran's air defense power is no longer limited to its borders. iran is the defense eye of all axes of resistance. today iran has turned out to be an active pole of drone power in the region and across the world, it could send long-range pinpoint missiles and drones for specific purposes beyond its borders, it can also monitor, control and guide the missiles and drones
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through its most advanced radar and defense systems. به این عکس ها خیرش و خیرش و به اون. روزهای پر از خاطره نخا گرممی خواب چشم کسی بذاره که بیداری یادت بره به این عکس ها خیرش و خیره شو به اون روزهای پر از خاطره نخوا گرممی خواب چشم کسی بزاره که بی. writer, screenwriter, translator, theater director,
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university professor, television and cinema actor and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature, born in sanandaj, ph.d. in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater, through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist. "this is home, first was a car, then the house, then i hit the street, that was 15 years ago, we are in los angeles, they are
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building and modernizing everywhere, the rent is always increasing, the city doesn't know what to do with all the homeless people, this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get." off the streets to the next year, for everyone i house, there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation, so that can make my work very discouraging. housing first is just the first step, they need emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life. how designs come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they?
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form their secret army, hagana. how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary. we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalikor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khuda bandelu mountains. with unique and wonderful icicles. with a history of more
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than 30 million years, stay with us for this journey. vegetarianism was introduced as a healthy lifestyle and later on it became fancy too. some say it can save the planet as well. however, some people hijack the idea and use it as means of earning money. watch in this documentary how the millennia old lifestyle was knocked off course.
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the headlines, the un warns that israel could be using starvation as a weapon in. aggression against gaza saying blocking aid could amount to a war crime. qatar which serves as mediator between israel in hamas says any israeli attack on gaza's southern city of raffa could derail the negotiations. and yemen's army says it has once again targeted a us ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions in response to the genocidal war in gaza.