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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 20, 2024 1:30am-2:03am IRST

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repressive your headlines, the un warns that israel could be using starvation as a weapon in its aggression against gaza, same blocking aid into the strip may amount to a war crime. yaman's army says it's once again targeted a us ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions in response to the regime's genocidal war on gaza, and iranians along with millions of people in several other countries are preparing to welcome the arrival of norus or the persian new year.
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hello everyone, it's a midnight in the besieg gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news and the death will in the gaza continues to grow as israel carries out more bombings on the besieg territory. the gaza health ministry says israeli forces killed nearly 100 people injured over 140 others in a day of attacks. at these 30 civilians were... killed when regime forces bombed gathering of popular committees formed to secure the transfer of aid from the kuwait roundabout to gaza city. some 15 people were also killed by israeli air strikes targeting a home in al-nuserat refugee camp in central gaza and rescue efforts are ongoing to recover victims trapped under rubble of three of a three-story building. death tool from us is early genocide in gaza since october the 7th has risen to above 31. 1,800, while nearly
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74,000 other palestinians have been injured. our gaza correspondent joined us earlier with a an update from the besige onclave. israeli air strikes were continued and maintained uh targeting more residental buildings and areas, particularly in athoura street located in the center area of gaza city. when it comes to uh khanyunis city, as you know that more palestinian dead bodies actually were extracted from hammed neighborhood after the israeli occupation forces withdrew from that area, in addition to that the israeli artillery maintain shelling the eastern parts of the city, so we are talking about continuous air strikes and attacks, these air strikes are still intensified and concentrated inside gaza city, however on the ground the humanitarian conditions are still exacbating and they are... aggravating with
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the time, the israel incubation forces are still uh persistent on uh uh raising the death doll of the palestinian civilians, the the palestinian uh the palestinian people are being killed day and night by the israeli continuous air strikes, while the death toll of the palestinian uh civilians who have been killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza actually is about to uh to top 32,00 palestinian civilians. the united nations has warned israel could be using starvation as a weapon in its genocidal war by blocking desperately needed aid from getting into the war battered strip. the extent of israel's continued restrictions on the entry of aid into gaza together with the manner in which it continues to conduct hostilities may amount to the use of starvation as a method of war, which is a war crime. "the clock is
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ticking, everyone, especially those with influence, must insist that israel acts to facilitate the unimpeded entry and distribution of needed humanitarian assistance to end starvation and avert all risk of famine. the un rights chief also decried rampant hunger and looming famin in gaza. he further lamented world's in action in the face of what he desc'. described as a man-made catastrophe despite un's repeated alerts in the past months. now warning comes a day after un back report said malnutrition and food insecurity have probably exceeded famon levels in gaza's north and hunger linked death rates were likely to do so soon. qatar wars any israeli attack on the southern gaza city of rafa will result in atrocities much worse than crimes already. situation
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considerably worse and will result in atrocities that have not been seen before in this terrible crisis with the number of unbelievable atrocities that have taken place. the katatari foreign ministry spokes person whose country mediates between hamas and israel said attack on rafa could derail negotiations. alansi said that doha is cautiously optimistic about se fire talks that have now resumed adding it still to though to talk about results. last week hamas proposed a six-week truce which israel rejected. qatar said a counter proposal now from israel could soon be presented to hamas. historian and journalist bray johnker has joined us earlier. he said israel has
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absolutely no interest in any truths deal, even if it's temporary. i think it has been pretty obvious already that the design. has no interest in in in peace or in seasfire. i don't think we can really expect much directly from these stocks unless there is significant pressure somehow put either domestic or or abroad on the netanyahu regime in in order to achieve at least at the very very least a temporary cease fire and humanitarian corridor and the humanitarian truth of course accompanied with this to all allow the people in in the very least have you know food and and and and drinkable water for the their basic possibility of survival aside from the violence itself. um, this is something that i think we have seen very often in conflicts waged by imperialist
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powers, we've seen it as well in in the war against yemen, that the the main killer very often is are not the bullets and the bombs per say, but is the blockade and the total isolation of the... country and the starvation and the epidemic diseases very often as well that result from this and and designness entity knows this very well, this is not, this is not accidental, and there is reason why natanyahu has openly and repeatedly refused to to go into a cease fire, to to actually accept a cease fire. now yemen continues to carry out naval military operations against israel as was the united states in the united kingdom. in waters around the country. we earlier discussed the course of operations and international reactions in our news review program. here it is. welcome to another edition of the news
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review. in this edition, yemen's army says it has targeted an american ship in the red sea and fired missiles at israeli positions as a keeps up a retaliatory operations against the us and israel. the naval forces of the yemani armed forces carried out the targeting operation against the american ship mado in the red sea with number of suitable naval missiles. the missile forces also launched a number of winged missiles at israeli targets in the omal rashash area in southern occupied palestine that thanks to allah have successfully hit their targets. yahya sari, the spokesman for yemen's armed forces vowed yemen will continue operations until the genocidal onslot on gaza stops. the yemani armed forces have repeatedly attacked israeli linked ships in waters around the country an
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attempt to get the regime to stop the genocide of gazems. recently they have also targeted american and british ships in retaliation for the two countries aggression. against yemen. the us and its allies have accused yemen of attacking global commercial shipping. the un security council on monday issued a statement condemning yemeny attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea. yemen's foreign ministry reacted to that saying that the unsc move reflects the body submission to america's interests and its support for the israeli genocide in gaza. it also blasted the council for its inaction towards the daily. massacre of palestinians. to discuss that further, we're joined by mr. hussein al bukhaiti, activist and political commentator who is joining us live from sun. we also have with us miss kim sharif, yemeny activist and
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lawyer who is joining us from london. let's begin with mr. buhati, thank you very much for joining us. please give us more details about these attacks and let's not forget that this was definitely something that the uh zionist entity did not uh count in its equations when it started the war, the genocidal war on. gaza: yeah, i mean this is exactly what happened, because when yemany has taken action and declare war against israel because of its genocide in gaza, the israeli regime did not expect that any country will actually do anything for the palestinian people, because for since the occupation of palestine and since the killing especially the people of gaza, many arab nation actually has uh stayed quiet and they haven't done anything, on the top of that actually they are. allowing israel to avoid the blue cate formed in in the red sea or the gulf of eden by allowing ship to reach united
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arab emirate port and then they transport all the goods that israeli regime needed through uh trucks from united arab emirath through saudi arabia jordan and then to the occupied palestine that's why uh this action from yemen is actually to have a great pressure against the israeli regime we have heard the latest report from ilat port and the manager. of that port have said that he hasn't seen such closure of the of the port of ilat since he began his work there about 20 years ago the the ilat port has lost 90% of its work or its capacity is almost you can say it's closed and this actually add cost to the israeli regime and to their economy because their ship actually they are uh going through uh the cape of good hope but we have seen the latest report of uh leader of ansarullah, he said that they will expand their attack to
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target israeli linked ship or israeli ship in the indian ocean, so by that action actually they will block the israeli ship from going around the the cape of good hope. thank you very much, mr. bukhaiti, let's bring in our guest from london m sharif uh, now how far do you think this can go at the beginning we realize that they try to downplay uh these attacks, now it's becoming more and more serious. and us and british ships are also being targeted. yes, good afternoon to you, and this will go as far as it's necessary, as far as i'm aware from the authorities in sanha, they are adomant that they will continue their campaign against those who have committed an act of aggression and war crimes against the state of yemen, that is britain and the us, in their bombing campaign against yemen at the moment amounts to an act of aggression which wasn't. prized by their respective parliaments in an event, they they they started the campaign and then they went
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and and sort retrospective approval, which in any event doesn't make any sense and and i don't think the people of the of the countries involved are not uh approve approving of this act of aggression against the state of yemen. there is a duty to uphold the rule of law that is uh that goes without saying, the icj said that this the designist regime must take every step necessary to prevent a genocide occurring, but no one has done anything to uphold that rule of law, except yemen of course, and of course yemen is within its right to stand up and do that, and going to the security council and and bad-mouthing the uh yemen authorities and passing uh resolutions doesn't make any sense because it is highly unlikely to be obeyed, respect and regarded with any integrity, simply because people are asking in the world today which un security. council resolution against the zionist entity was ever upheld or
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enforced? very important question, so are you suggesting that there is one rule for some and another for others? are you suggesting that you are colonialist imperialists, slave owning entities that want to control the world? that's a very important question as well. thank you very much, miss kim sharif, yemeny activist and lawyer joining us live from london and also, mr. hussein al-bukaiti, activist and political commentator, thanks for joining us on this edition of the news review and sharing your thoughts and views with us and thanks to all of you viewers for following this edition of the news review. we arrive in zanjon in our journey, we'll
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show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalhor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khudobandalu mountains with unique and wonderful icles with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news and now iranians are preparing to welcome the arrival of norus or the persian new year. this year people are celebrating the event around the country as well as uh many other countries worldwide and the occasion coincides this year with holy month of ramadan. celebrating no rus in iran dates back to thousands of years and comes along
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with many customs to enter the new year with totally fresh start and spirit. families visit one another and around the half-seen table and they pray for a good year to come. about 300 million people worldwide celebrate nourus with traditions and rituals that vary from one country to the next. in 2009, the united nations proclaimed noruz an international event at the initiative of several countries that celebrate the day. this year, muslims in these countries are also celebrating ramadan, which gives a holy vibe to the new year's celebrations. no ruse, the beginning of the persian new year has always given energy and hope to people celebrating the event to observe iranian traditions and enter the new year with totally fresh spirit. the arrival of no ruse for iranians is tentamound to shopping spree and finishing their undone work. millions of iranians embrace the turn of the persian year
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and celebrate the spring festival with many ceremonial customs waiting to be observed. the half scene spread includes seven items all starting with the letter seen in the persian alphabet. iranians say there is a history behind each element, including serke, vinegar, symbolized patience and immortality, sumac represents love and compassion. sieb, apple is a symbol of health and fertility. sendet, silverberry is seen as a simulator of love and affection, sabses, sprouts, symbolizes rebirth, seed or garlic, is a symbol of protection in the face of affliction, and samanu represents affluence.
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this year it's different as it has coincided with. ramadan, so we visit our family members and parents after iftar, and yes, it is great. noruz is a unique opportunity for families and relatives to get together and visit each other. that is why noruz is regarded as a cultural bridge, which unites people. this year, as noru's holidays coincide with the holy month of ramadan, family members will most likely meet up after sunset or time of iftar when those who are fasting break their fast. noruz has begun and the iranians are celebrating it as ancient festivity to mark the first day of spring and the renewal of life and nature. this year noruz has a different flavor to it as the iranians are celebrating it with the holy month of ramadan together, making it an exception. fatih massumi, press tv, tehran.
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afghan people are making preparations to ring in the solar new year, of course. samanak, they have seen table, fish, and dry fruits are the necessities of marking the occasion, this year, nauru coincides with the holy month of ramadan, so most gatherings are likely to be held during iftar meals when people break their fasts. we usually begin the new year by visiting relatives and the elderly, people exchange sweets and gifts, wishing each other a happy new year. samanc is an important part of the festivity beside our sweet meals. we also visit parks and hometowns with friends embrace the revival of nature and greet the elderly. now rose also brings the spirit of renewal and optimism as the blooming season arrives. afghans traditionally buy or plant trees and flowers to bring new life into their homes and
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communities. this practice serves as a symbol of hope, growth. year filled with job opportunities and blessings. despite the challenges faced by afghanistan, its people find soless, joy and the profound meaning in their cherish tradition. and culture, for them naurus is more than just festival, it's a way of life that demonstrates their heritage and resilience. on the occasion of naurus, afgan
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people celebrate the arrival of spring and the hope for better days ahead, wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year, press tv kabul. the turkish foreign minister, fidan says his country and iraq have agreed to step up security, military and counter terrorism cooperation. after his visit to baghdad, he said turkey is working a plan that includes the rocky government to eliminate the kurdistan workers party militant group or the pkk. rashan sagalam has your details from istanbul. turkish foreign minister hakam fidan says turkey and iraq will cooperate on securing turkey's southern border. fidan said that iraq went through a challenging period for the past two decades and the chaiotic situation in the country
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allowed the kurdistan workers party pkk militant group to expand its presence and activities. he added that ankara has been working on eliminating the group's presence and now it is going to draw a plan that involves the iraqi government. on march 14th the minister led a delegation to iraq where discussions were held on cooperation and turkey announced in advance that it will not conduct any political dialogue with the kurdistan terrorist organization. no country conducts dialogue with the terrorist organization. turkey wants to crown its
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military successes with a parallel political dialogue and has a will to end the terrorism issue once and for all through military, intelligence and political coordination with iraq. baghdad announced lately that the kurdistan workers party is an unwelcome organization and this is a political success for turkey. iraq's government ban on the kurdistan workers party, pkk comes ahead of an expected visit by turkish president rejap tayb erdogan next month. ankara's statement about increasing security along its southern border comes as iraq has so far failed to designate the pkk as terrorist organization and only banned the group despite turkey's attempts. rahshan saglam, press tv. istanbul. in the uk, a growing number of mps product. prominently conservatives have announced they will not stand in the next general election, which is yet to be called from london, said pur reports on why this is happening now.
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earlier this month, the maiden had constituency in southeast england woke up to the resignation of its conservative mp of 27 years, former prime minister teresa may. hurs was one of up to 100 other well-established as well as younger mps across the... political parties, announcing they wouldn't be running in the yet to be announced next general election. scottish nationalist party member martin day explains why so many are choosing to go. for for some it's just age, they've reached retirement age and they're going, for others uh they've got family commitments and they want to do that or the things with their lives, but for some it's the toxic nature of politics, it's the toxic nature on social media where they're being trolled, and for some they're actually being physically stopped and threatened with violence. one mp, caroline lucas, the parliament's only green mp of 14 years, has cited the dysfunctionality of parliament as her reason. this parliament has always been
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dysfunctional, i think, perhaps one of the benefits of social media and modern television is that we see it more, um, it's not fit for the this 21st century, i don't think it was fit for the 20th century, it's a victorian construct, and it worked in their day, it doesn't work in our day, we should have electronic voting, we should have proportional represent. systems and we shouldn't have an unelected second chamber, but while resignations are not uncommon ahead of a general election, it is different this time round, at least as far as the ruling tories are concerned. well, you've heard the phrase rats deserting a sinking ship, clearly the tory ship is sinking, and that's why so many of them are jumping overboard and seeking refuge elsewhere. britains will vote in local elections in may, the tories are 26 points behind in may, but one in the second
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half of the year seems more likely. nevertheless, catastrophic results in the upcoming local elections could mean that rishi sunak and his conservative party is days in power are numbered. saipur is up press tv, london. that's it for your latest tv, everyone. thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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من يشاء من عباده لينذر يوم التلاق يوم هم بارزون لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء لمن الملك اليوم.
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين له قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات an iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others.
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hello and welcome, i'm gisumi shah ahmadi and you're watching the spotlight, israel's restrictions on humanitarian aid for the gaza strip amount to a war crime, now those are the words of the un human rights chief, this as the european union's top diplomat also on monday accused israel of using starvation as a weapon of...