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tv   Palestine Declassified Israels Agents in the UK  PRESSTV  March 20, 2024 11:02am-11:31am IRST

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this is for palestine, gaza, this is for the child that is searching, this is not just a war over the stolen land, why do you think little boys are going stones at tanks and wel never really know how many people are dead, big shot bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed, israel is the terror state. in hello, i'm chris williamson and you're watching. palestine declassified with the
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only weekly tv show that's dedicated to investigating and exposing the israeli regime's global war against solidarity with the illegally occupied people of palestine. in this show we'll be asking how and why the british political class was seized by the zeinish lobby. what are the implications for our democracy if our lawmakers are in throll to israel? the tip tracker starts to answer that question with this report about the example of a former labor cabinet. mister jon hutten who now sits in the house of lords. the british political class is captured, and a there are many symptoms of this. one such glaring example of this is former minister john hutten. he currently sits in the unelected house of lords where he shapes legislation. hutten previously served under tony blair a secretary of defense during the occupation of iraq and afghanistan. today he works directly for the israeli regime as the director of an arms firm. that is owned by
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the israeli government. following his role under blair, hutton went to be chairman of the royal united services institute, key war mongering think tank that is funded by arms giant bae systems, lockhead martin and raithion. after that, he worked as an advisor to loch heed martin at the same time as sitting in the house of lords. he is now director of the arms firm pierson engineering, which was bought out by israeli arms giant rafael. which is directly owned by the netanyahu government. rafael is israel's third largest weapons company with 8,000 employees and over 30 subsidiaries worldwide. some of the most famous systems used by the israeli occupation forces are the iron dome, iron beam, trophy, popie, and david sling. today, lord john hotton serves as a director of raphael subsidiary pace and engineering alongside. three israelis, the most notable
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being dr. ram gazali, executive vice president of raphael advanced defense systems. another key director of pearson is yoram aaron who emerged from elbit systems and also has his own lobbying group. the raphael site in newcastle has been subject to constant protest and disruption with palestine action shutting it down on nekbade. it is certain that having a member of the house of lords direct to the company. some protection in chambers of power, surely labor lord john hotton's conflict of interest as an agent of the israeli government should disqualify him from the house of lords. joining me in the studio as usual is our resident expert david miller, david is academic and a former professor at bristol university and is now a non-resident senior research fellow at the center of islam and global affairs and istanbul zaham university. he's also a co-director of the lobby watch dog spinwatch and is a leading british.
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critic of israel, our guest contributor today is ian hodson, who joins us via skype. ian is lifelong trade unionist and the longstanding of president of the bakers union, when the labour party threatened him with expulsion because of his connections to opponents of of the parties witchunt against socialists and pro-palestine campaigners is union voted to disaffiliate from the party. welcome to the show. david, what do you know about this arms company rapael and its activities in the united kingdom? so rafael is directly owned by the uh government of the state of israel, so-called state of israel, and it has a subsidiary in this country called peerson engineering, which is based in newcastle uh, and it if you look its website and it's activities in the uk, it talks about all these weapons it makes and the missile defense systems, the drone systems, etc. etc. and so it's engaged in producing the means to kill palestinians essentially uh in newcastle and uh it should be, it should be shut down as a as i should all these - israel arms
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firms? yeah, no, indeed. well, ian, um, what's your opinion of of john hunton's record then as as a minister? after. and of chris, mean obviously um his record obviously was very much a blaire loyalist uh, it was putting positions - where he could obviously influence policy in the direction um of the government and it seems that when he stopped being uh inside the labour party is is taking up role uh for the conservative government too in directing uh britain's involvement um and contributions to to people's ward efforts around the world. i think uh, i think his uh voting record speaks for itself in in what he thinks about humanity and and uh how what what value he puts on life? yeah, no, no, certainly does, but then david, i mean, would it be fair then to describe uh, john hunton as as a sort of foreign agent of sorts, don't
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you think? well, we we see this kind of thing on the show quite a lot and people sometimes object, but but look, he he's working directly, he's a director of a firm which is directly owned. uh by by design of entity, i mean it's it's hard to put it any more straightforwardly than that, he works for zionists, he works with zionist entity, and he's therefore a foreign agent, i mean in the us as you'll know the they have the foreign agent registration act which was set up in order to stop uh and to hold accountable um people who were working for the nazi regime in germany and still still exists - on on the statute books, there's been talk about introducing it here of course. to target iran and enemy nations, but if it was introduced a similar kind of uh act then people like hutten would have to register as agents of foreign regime and in this case of course hostile foreign regime which is engaged as everyone can see uh in geneside, where's the pressure coming from to introduce a similar
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scheme to the united states and to register these sorts of characters? well the pressure comes from those who want to uh to register uh you and me chris agent agents of iran right? they don't the and that's why they they're they're a bit um unsure about doing it because of course it would been that people who are very very difficult to to exclude for for israel they want to do iran and russia and china they don't want to do the the countries which are of course important uh in in penetrating this country most obviously uh israel which which has an active intelligence operation against this country and of course someone like hutten is an active agent for hostile. foreign regime as as everybody can see, mean the lobby is, mean it's so all embracing, mean the kind of israel lobby probably is the most effective lobby operating in in the country at the moment, it's i mean it's certainly um extremely effective, but it's also a lobby which people don't understand is actually
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hostile to the united kingdom, people think it's it's it's it's an ally of the uk and of course there is a sense in which there is an alliance the same with with the us, the us of course and the uk supply. with weapons and training and all that kind of thing, but they are also actually hostile, it's the only only country in the world which can shoot down uh american planes or sink american bs and and get away with it, get away with it, yeah well, i mean does does it strike you as odd that that someone can have role in the house of lords while they're being employed by foreign government? i mean, if you contrast the discussion that's going on at the moment about the ownership of the daily telegraph for example, "and the fact that we've actually enoble somebody to sit in the house of lords which is working uh for the foreign government, then then it's it's curious, when we talk about democracy in in the uk and about the ability to uh make legislation or
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have have an impact on on legislation when you're actually being paid by a by an outside government, i mean are you making the decisions in the interest?" of people of the united kingdom, or you making the interest of the person who's paying your wages? i mean, i, i can't understand how you can have conservative politicians, complaining about the ownership of the daily telegraph, which is not, you know, a function of british democracy, um, but nobody seems to question an enoble lord uh, that's sitting in the house of laws, paid by the british tax payer when he turns up, uh, making decisions about you, the future of the people that live in this country and whether or not they get involved in conflicts that have absolutely nothing to do with us and invest in armaments because obviously you know the the the idea of um the the people who he represents benefit from those decisions made in
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westminster in the the house of lords yeah well david just say a word or two then will you about our friend luke aakest i think we we've mentioned on the show a few times because uh tell us a bit about his organization, he's a character prominent individual in the labour party, sits on the labour party's national executive committee, doesn't he? yes, so i mean he was lobbist in previous life and worked for arms firms including finwicana and gkn and number of others, but then he was brought into baycom, the brititon israel communication research center, one of the main israel lobby groups in this country, and then he was used to to create this other sort of um organization out of bacon called we believe in israel, which has been in existence for now for i think more than 10 years, yeah, and so he is a fully paid israel lobbist at the same time as being, he was a counselor, same time as on the national executive committee again of the labor party and so he's effectively you know
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as are now quite a number of members of the national executive committeely an agent of foreign state running a political party the leader of which says he has he's a zionist without qualification so you you've only got to give the examples of kier starmer and you're already saying there something very strange about party uh we've talked about john hutten who's a labor party lord. "this is all the way through the government class, these connections with the hostile foreign state, which is design entity. yeah, of course, you're talking of sakira starmer appointed a former israeli spook didn't the unit h200, kaplan to do social listening for the for the labor party, but uh, look akers then ian, um, is a prominent zienist as we just said, sitting on the labour party's national executive committee, mean given his connections, mean do you think it would be..." fair to describe him as a as foreign agent? well again, you know, this is somebody
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who's who's receiving payments for for acting on you, um, a different government's behalf, i believe they called in their best asset at one point, i think it was on the bbc, i'm sure i saw it on the bbc um in a in a documentary where they refer to him as such, um, mean, so so i think you know the the idea that that somebody was so heavenly influenced by by outside. forces you know playing a pivotal road now inside the labor party is is it's got to be alarming, mean and you know i think when you look at what's happened to the labour party in recent years and you know mean there's all this discussion going on at the moment about you know the racist attack on uh diane aber and the horrific comments have been made about uh about her by a prominent wealthy individual who's been contributing to the british political system. "we we see, i think that as a as the reality of what's what has happened to our political
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system and the reason why people now feel so detached from what's happening in their lives and while less and less people want to be involved in politics and i think you know the the the whole position that the labour party has taken um in relation to the um the the war on palestine is is is is one that's been heavily influenced by, i would imagine..." people sitting around that nec table like luke akers, which obviously hasn't really put them in a in a very good light, he's not put the interest of um the uk first, in my opinion, he's put the interest of people that he regards as um his employeers, yes, no indeed, well listen, we'll come back to the discussion after our next report now, and this one's about the attempts of the british political establishment to redefine the definition of extremism. speech from the member, in the uk, it looks like zionist extremists are defining extremism for the
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rest of us. jonathan woodcock, member of the house of lords, is spare heading the government investigation into extremism an effort to crush support for palestine. even as latest january, he took funding from israel lobby groups, having previously served as chair of the labor friends of israel. additionally, woodcork has been to palestine on an israeli. government funded trip where he planted trees with the jnf, israel's largest settlement building group. he was also part of the consortium that purchased israeli lobby rag, the jewish chronicle in 2020, alongside bbc director robbie gibb and john weare, the journalists who made panorama programs to aid the witch hunt in the labor party, charity commissioner hitman, william shawcross and campaign against anti-semitism founder jonathan sakardoti. and rampant islamophobe michael gove has also been shaping the british government's definition
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of extremism, which will include groups like palestine action. gove is also close to at least three names on benjamin netanyahu's private list of millionaire funders he wanted for his leadership campaign in liquid as revealed by zaine's website one key name was convicted fraudster gerald ronson. as education secretary, gove gave 2 million. pounds of public money to ronson's organization, the musad trained community security trust, while simultaneously being its board of advisers. another name on netanyahu's list was properly. to developer zach gurtler who donated £1000 to michael gove just a month before he became housing minister. gurtler pictured here at the israeli embassy in london is also a patron of the legal settlement building organization, the jewish national fund. manny viz was also on netanyahu's list. viz is the only director of a company called manrose, which is also
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funded michael gove in the past. david jonathan woodcock's got quite the position of influence today, hasn't he? well, he's not the only one. i mean, the what woodkock is called, it's called lord walney, to give him his name, but there's there's others, there's an austin, john man, these are all people came from the w party and effectively are doing the the the job of uh of the zionist entity uh inside uh the house of lords, so what woodcock is involved in this the extremism debate and in trying to expand the... definition of extremism so that perfectly legitimate pro-palestine organizations are regarded as being extremist and can be therefore marginalized or legal actions can be taken against them or the police can be used against them so this is a mechanism to try and expand uh the the definition of extremism to take on the mass movement there is in this country uh in favor of palestinian rights and against genocide.
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well yeah mean whether you could tell us about woodcocks on ceremonious exit. from the labor party, mean obviously pleaded his innocence and then um then he left the labour party before he could fully investigate the the allegations laid against him, mean i know if i was being investigated i'd want you know and was innocent i'd want those uh you know to be fully investigated and an outcome that that you know demonstrated that i was that i was being honest but he chose to vacate because obviously he must have felt that the evidence that was against him 'um wouldn't have put him in a position where he believed it would have represented his character in the best light, mean so i think you know the fact that he did what he did you know uh by leaving the labour party and and then leaving that gaping hole about his character um which then seems to have been rewarded by boris johnson um you know and and and it's also
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strange you know you have two mps hutten and uh woodcock'. that that come from the same seat, it's you know, it's it's a strange situation, it is a strange situation in, and um, if memory says me correctly, woodcock actually used to work for hutten as one of his special advisers, i don't if you if you knew that, but uh, strange all world isn't it, but anyway, david, um, look, woodcock planted trees iny for the uh, the uh, the uh, the jewish national front, um, i mean, just tell us a bit about this organization, will i think we've mentioned it on the show before, but just say a bit about the organization and and what its relationship is with the british political elite, so the juice national fund is one of the four national institutions of the zionist movement, and it has has um affiliates uh in 30 or 40 countries around the world, there's one in the uk called the gnf uk, and uh it's its role is to provide
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resources in order that money can be sent to uh to thesign entity to purchase or to move palestinians out of of land which they they own and to build settlements on that one so it's a settlement building agency of ethnic cleansing as uh put it but historically it's always had uh from many many years now uh very senior political figures in the uk leaders of the labour party tony blair gordon brown and david cameron as as um patrons of the organization i think it was cameron who was one of the one the only ones who who removed himself from the jnf and so there's been because there's been a long-term campaign against the jnf stopped the jnf and that's made it slightly less popular and there's been some kind of tripidation in some the british political elite for us to associate themselves with it but nevertheless it still has a strong relationship with the elements of the british elite and it's it's
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not moving towards being uh outlawed as a charity at least yet. sounding name guess to to lot of people, you think that's one of the reasons maybe why some people fight shy about maybe criticias got jewis in the title and you start criticizing that you're going to be accused of anti-semitism, well it's the same with all these organizations, almost all the designist organizations - in this country uh we have jewish somewhere in the name, there's the board of deputies of british jews which is a sionist organization, there's the united jewish israel appeal, i mean fundraiser for colonization of palestine, this the jewish national front, they're all supposed to be the... nice organizations which are just dedicated to uh experiencing jewish peoplehood in in occupied palestine, but of course you know that always is at the expense the indigenous people of palestine so... yes, of course they want to to present it as being some kind of innocent thing, but it's not, this is ethnic cleansing and and it's an organization which has charitable status in this country to this day and palestinan
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people are are sites and most of the people that live in so-called israel come from europe and are not, it's it's an absurd situation, that that that they are, that's that's the reality, yeah, yeah, antisemitism is perhaps bit of a misnim isn't anyway, but ian, um, what do you make of michael gove redefining it? streamis and then i think what i what i've seen um over the last few years is is the extremes in westminster the the people that are creating the uh the problems in our communities are being led by politicians i mean we've just seen lee anderson who's now gone from labor to to uh to the reform party you and all the way along he's he's been involved in in cause for discrimination against minority. groups, you know, i mean, um, if i was the reform party, i wouldn't be welcoming people like lee anderson with the history that he has uh, for for for for denigrating um different
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different communities in our country. i think the the idea that that uh, michael gold can can frame extremism, when when he's involved in so much himself, um, i just think it's um, you know, it's shameful, i mean, the politicians in this country. i've acted shamefully, mean you what we saw a couple of weeks ago with the speaker and then you know the the idea that it was done to protect mps when mps are are at the forefront, no again, going back to dian abert, mean it's a somebody who donated 10 million quid to the tory party that that suggested that she should be shot, mean you know we had this situation with jeremy corbin as as target practice you know in the in the run up to the general election, mean and none of that was... out by by the politicians who are now talking about shutting down democracy, mean when we talk about protests and the right to protest, i think the idea that politicians
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somehow have the ability to make uh decisions when you keep making the wrong ones, whether whether it's war um in europe or war in the middle east, mean we can't rely on these politicians to make sensible decisions because they make them for political ad'. and for political opportunity and populism, so i think the idea that that a government in the last breaths of its life should be depicting what what what people can and cannot do in society is is not in my opinion the the right way forward, we we need to recognize that things have only changed in this country when we've come together as people and and forced politicians to listen, i mean was once legal, it was people that came together to stop that. our history is lited with examples of of of um of people power, forcing politicians
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to do the right thing. well, i think it's going to be people power, isn't it? that's going to try and force change, because our politicians are certainly not fit for purpose, but david, mean, does it surprise you that um, that uh, michael gobes is close to some of netanyahu's wealthy patrons, not at all, mean the example. which was used in the film there of the relationship with general ronson of the community security trust, that was a story which it was me that unearth that some some decade ago now where we find a secret document which was inadvertently left lying on the internet which showed the names of the advisory council of the community security trust which i found and then put together with the fact that that go was giving millions and millions of pounds of taxpayers money at the same time as being uh on the the advisor report and therefore had had a conflict of interest and there was huge holes rage, how could you say who this about innocent jewish organization? of course everybody now knows the the extremism the community security trust, which is technically supposed to be against extremism,
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but which itself is engaged in through through ronson, it's the the fraudster who runs it through his personal charity and and giving money to jewish supremacist organizations like hababad, which we've discussed uh on this program before, yeah, well i'm afraid that's it for another show, so thanks for watching and thank you to our guest ian hodson, and of course our residence expert professor david miller. palestine the classified is now being broadcast twice a week, so we'll be back soon with more forensic investigations and analysis and you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates. you can also help us to counteract the disinformation pedaled by the corporate media about palestine and the resistance to zinist brutality by showing today's program on your social media platforms. so until next time. this is chris williamson saying bye for now.
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the palestinian resistance hamas has presented to mediators a proposal for sease fire in gaza which includes a first phase involving the release of women, children, elderly and sick israeli entity captives in exchange for releasing between 700 to 1,ous palestinian prisoners, including 100 with life sentences or high sentences. furthermore, the proposal also includes hamas's agreement to date for a permanent ceasefire after the initial prisoner exchange. while the office of the israeli entity prime minister considered hamas's response to be unrealistic, some israeli entity officials hinted that this awaited response, which they had been anticipating for weeks could represent a sign of progress. it might allow for transitioning to more serious negotiations regarding detailed deal a later stage in the qatari capital daha. back to gaza talks this week on the medie stream.
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