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tv   Documentary Nowruz The New Day  PRESSTV  March 20, 2024 3:02pm-3:30pm IRST

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it's so profoundly ingrained in iranian traditions, history and cultural memory that iranian identity and nurus have mutually buttressed each other for millennia. for ancient iranians, it... presented a struggle between good and evil on all planes, physical, moral and spiritual, with the total victory for the good. it ushers in the loveliest season of the year with joyous festivities. آمد baهار جان ها ای شاخه ت
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برقسا جان پدر برقسا جان پدر برقسا از پام و سر کنیدی دی پام و زر برقسا یک خوشکمر برقسا.
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there is an abundance of material attributing the festivals founding to jamshid, the mythical king of iran, one well-known legend. is the jamsheed was drawn through the air in a chariot by dives traveling in one day from damovan to babylon, and people made this day a feast day on account of the wonder which they had seen during it, and they amused themselves with swinging in order to imitate jamsheed. in 1079, the seljuk sultan jalal daula malik shah established the julian style.
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برای تصمیم دوباره چیزایی که عقب مونده تو زندگیمون و الان میخوایم رفرشش بکنیم و بهش برسیم. many people greet nurus by kindling fires and jumping over them while chanting a verse on the last wednesday of the year, which is called sharshambe in farsing. به هر حال هر ملتی یک: سنتی داره یه اعیادی داره برای
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cleaning of houses and خودش یه سال روزهایی داره ما هم عید نوروز برامون روزیه که سال تحویل میشه سعی میکنیم که حالا آیینی که داریم اینه که خونه هامونو تمیز میکنیم آب و جارو می کنیم سعی میکنیم که از یک رخوت زمستون در بیایم و بریم به پیشواز بهار. the festival is preceded by the scrupulous whole house, all the rooms and from the dirt and dust, and the carpets are all washed, it's all looking brand new basically, it's a very nice feeling at home, yeah, so we are waiting basically for the spring start. یک مرتب بودنیه, یک بهانه ای هست در اصل بخواهیم.
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یک بهانه ای هستش که برای سال نو بودن اما نظافته نظافتم هیچ ایرادی هم نداره خانوم ما هم کار می کنم ما هم که آقایونم در خدمت خانما هستیم. at the same time, people of every call and means go for the nuru shopping. by tradition, the iranians buy new clothes for the new year, buying large quantities of sweets, fruits and dry nuts or also top of the shopping list. today we came here to buy some things for norway. day and some gifts for our family, norsday is so interesting, we came here, people sell things here like such as shoes, bags, handbags and such as this fish, today we bought some nots and fighter
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fishes, something for our damm because tomorrow we're going there for a holidays. well we came here to buy things, the fruits, sweets and dry nuts are placed on this have seen. sofra is a dining cloth and have seen denotes seven items beginning with the letter seenes s in farse. it is one of the components of the ritual of norus observed by most iranians.
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or barley and sometimes lentals grown commonly on earthenware plate as a symbol of life and freshness. two: sanjet or food of silverberry as a symbol of love and affection. three: seab or apples, symbolizing health and fertility. four: somab, a spice popular in the middle east, symbolizing happiness, patience, and perseverance. five: sear or... garlic clothes as a symbol of protection in the face of affliction. six: sikk or few newly minted coins symbolizing wealth and prosperity. and seven, samanu, a sweet paste made from germinated wheat and
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مردمی که نگاه میکردن، حاجی فیروزی که اومده بود. گروه هایی که آهنگ میزنن بعد شور و حالی که مردم دارن برای خرید آژیل و کلاً حس خیلی خوبی بود و آدم احساس میکرد انگار وارد یه مهمونی شده یه جشنه. thanks to festive bands going around singing, dancing and playing music. haji feruz, the most famous among the traditional folk entertainers appears on the iranian streets in the days preceeding norus.
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the haji feruz entertains passers by by singing traditional songs and dancing and playing his tambourine for few coins.
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intended to impart good will to all, many also go to holy places above all the holy shrine of imam riza in mashad to celebrate.
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يا محفل الحول والاحباب حبيت حالا.
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as soon as the year turns, family members get up and kiss each other and offer their greetings. senior members give junior members their gifts, usually new banknotes. customary, congratulatory exclamations are, may your nurus be happy, may health, victory and prosperity be with you this year, and many or a thousand years to come, and to the elders may...
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those families who are in morning usually visit the graves of the departed and pray then return home را آفریدن که هنوز که هست. over the past two, three decades, during noruz, some pay tribute to the fallen of the iraqi war against iran, by going to regions once used to be frontlines where those iranian fighters lost their lives for the sake of their country. the following days are spent visiting. friends going on picnics and traveling to other cities and countries.
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particularly favorite sites include shiraz, isfahan, mashad, and other historic monuments, as well as holy sanctuaries and shrines or the caspian or persian gulf resorts. children, especially. love nurus, they do not need to work or go to school, they wear new clothes, receive gifts and play various games,
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many spent their time out of doors under blossoming trees and fields and gardens or riding horses in the vast plains of the country. nourus is also favorite time for weddings.
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every family gets out, throws the savza away while making a wish that with it all mishaps may be averted.
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elaborate meals are cooked and large quantities of fruits, nuts, drinks and sweets con نوروز همه قسمتاش خوبه به هر حال وقتی که سال نو میشه هوا خوبه تراوت شادابی مردم رو میبینید که به هر حال شاد هستن خوشحال هستن که به اصلا علی رغم مشکلاتی که ممکنه داشته باشن. operated with considerable zeal amongst the nations of iranian background inhabiting other lands, namely the tajiks, afghans and kurds of iraq, syria and turkey. in tajikistan, particularly
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in the province of badakshan, noruz is the great festival, symbolizing.
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in afghanistan noruz is the official holiday and in the balh area it is also called the feast of red roses. like iranians, afghans like to be in holy places when the year turns. از بدبختی از سرگردانی کل افغانستانی ها کل مسلمان ها بکشه. ما و شما را بکشه که مسافر نشیم در مملکت های مردم ندیم آواده و بیچاره نشیم خدا کنه یک سال برادر بدون خشونت بدون جنگ برادر خدا کن. the rights associated with welcoming the holiday, that is cleaning houses and buying new clothes, preparing sweet dishes and elaborate meals, and with
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celebrating it, that is, school holidays, visitation, exchange of gifts, partaking of sweets and fruits are much the same as in iran. all kurds celebrate nurus with. enthusiasm even in lands where their traditions do not meet with official sanction, everywhere bonfires are kindled and fireworks are accompanied by music, dancing, singing and picnicking.
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in fact, wherever iranian culture has gone, nouruse has gone with it. in indian control kashmir, for example, nouruz is celebrated with great fervor, and i'm coming from chennai, south part of india, and this is my first trip to kashmir and so far it's been wonderful. kashmir is a great place to visit and it's a lifetime experience. or in the united states, iranians celebrate their fatherland's festival every year, sharing its soul, namely kindness with the rest of the
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people. for years, ahead of nourus, many iranians team up with charities to feed hundreds of homeless men, women and children in the us. "well, i think when our nation is so divided right now, um, coming together and celebrating a traditional event like this is important for everyone, it's important to the volunteers who are here to see what many of our brothers and sisters are living with. this is our seventh annual news at the midnight mission. uh, we'll probably serve a couple of thousand people at this event, but at the midnight." mission we serve just under million meals a year, as you see here, these
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people are happy, so that makes awesome, nouruse is the essence of iranian culture, on the one hand, it is closely tied to nature without nature. the iranians biggest national festival is meaningless, on the other hand, people make up for a bulk of nuru's festivities, the biggest gatherings of family and friends usually happen during this time, even people at odds with each other find nurus the best time for reconciliation, من عید نوروز روزیه که ما همه باید به همدیگه بیشتر محبت کنیم و همه کدورتها رو بذاریم کنار.
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حلقه به در ناروز، چهره گشاید بهار روز من است امروز، چشمه به جو آمد، می به سووه آمد، از نفس حافظ فاله نکوه آمد. and above all, nouruse is about hope in the worst of times. nourus, the new day will finally come, no matter how harsh or cold the winter is. never give up, the new day will come, and we will sing and dance together in sheer happiness.
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this time i'm going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries in the world. "the coral beaches of gayesh are regarded as the most astonishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves, the mangrove forest of has covered area of over 9,00 hectares. it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian golf. i have walked through many vallys,
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valleys much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley, but i dare say this valley is the most beautiful one i have walked through in terms of land for.
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first of you headlines, as the us israel genocide in gaza continues for the 166th day, the death tool of gazans exceeds 31,900, mostly women and children. "the israeli army fails to intercept the yemeny missile over israel port, which, according to it ceo, has been paralyzed by yemen's red sea operations. also on the headlines, iran's leader congratulates the nation on the persian new year, naming it as a surge and production through people's participation.