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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 20, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST

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leader of the islamic revolution said khamani of in his new year address congratulated the iranian nation on the occasion of nurus renewing emphasis on productivity and the people's participation in enhancing productivity. he noted how the enemy has failed in pursuing a policy economically defeat. iranian nation, just like how it will
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fail when it comes to the issue of palestine and the genocide award that the us and israel are pursuing. in this edition of the program, we will break down the speech by iran's leader, look at some of the different ways that iran's enemies have failed in trying to break the will of the islamic republic. first, let me introduce our guests. shajar, chairman of the islamic human rights commission, joins us from brussels. also joining us is said mohsen abbas, journalist and political commentator from london. welcome to you both, i'd like to start with you master shajar and happy nourus, by the way, let's look at the slogan that the iran's leader has introduced and that is year of surge in production through people's participation, and let me get a reaction from you on that. uh, first of all, i like to uh wish yourself and all the viewers happy new rules. um. but the fact of the matter is that
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ever beginning of the islamic revolution, the west and was was totally committed to undermine and indeed bring a regime change, and i remember it very very very clearly that year by year, month by month they were saying of that islamic revolution is not gonna last any more than a month, more than year, and this went on and on and on. "and now the islamic revolution is so established that that is unbelievable despite all the efforts and that has been made, all the sanction, all the sort of political maneuvering, financial restrictions, and on and on and on, iran is going from a strength to strength, it's iran at the time of revolution, indeed just after revolution." did not have was not able to get
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enough b to defend itself against the saddam hussein and all helping saddam hussein. it does not forget it was west, it was the east, it was the sort of all the neighbors, arab nations and so forth and so on. despite all that iran has survived and has gone from strength to strength. now iran is actually military power, iran has... shown that sanctions is not going to affect it, it will and it has put pressure, but iran is going from a strength to strength, and the speech of khamini today was actually highlighting that and actually saying that we need to build up on that, and the way that needs to be done, the way to do it is through the empowerment of people, it's to come by by the
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people, for the people, and it there is other way for it, and we need to mobilize the empowerment of of the ordinary iranians right across the nation to go even further than what they have done already. indeed, well the speech that was made today some abbas was pretty forthride, and iran's leader actually not only talked about eron's strength as our guest are mentioned, but also about eron's challenges when it comes to... uh what it has to do, and one of the ones obviously has been this economic challenge uh of which we will get into the pressure from the west, the us in particular, but he said the key to solving the economic problems are domestic and national production, but with the participation of the people. tell us what your take is on on that, in particular the fact that he has uh somewhat underline people's particip participation in its slogan overall? well, i think what the the technical. for this is the the the growing
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strength of a resistance economy, because that's what the islamic republic or iran has opted for, it's selected for that, but it's also been rather forced into that because... "the kind of sanctions that iran has been terrorized with over over the years have just grown exponentially and they're a level which is almost inconceivable, especially for you, the the nation in the condition it was from 79, the condition that shah had left it in, and then of course all the constant psychological operations, the constant cultural revolutionary option operations that the west has been engaged in, the military operation." eight year war imposed on the nation and of course uh that has to be taken into account. all of this absolutely uh trillion dollar effort to bring down uh iran has failed. i mean, if you were just to look at the the american investment in in the
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media soft power exercise in trying to uh brainwash or indoctrinate iranians living in iran uh about how bad their government is, well you'd be shocked because there are hundreds and hundreds of these media agencies which are are backed and journalists etc. and it's that soft power cover which actually has hinted at, far more dangerous than any military uh threat that america now has against iran because that's been negated with the fantastic scientific and military development and the technological developments of the irgc and all the other agencies that have been involved to get iran up to speed and being able to defend itself, well we know that we can see... 'all the theaters that iran has has launched itself, it's been more than uh adequate in pushing back the americans in holding them down and actually making them now think about leaving the region, it's the soft power which is far more dangerous, the the cultural inducrinations, the film, the films, the the
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the depletion of moral, trying to make the iranian people think that they're failing, but you see i thought komeini said one thing, he said no east, no west, that there is islam'. at the heart of what you're going to do and the iranians really have to have to remember this fully and totally adopt it, because you know this is the third way, there is the socialist systems have failed, the neoliberal west is struggling with its hypercapitalist systems here as well, the only real option that gives poor ordinary people a chance at having a real genuine government and genuine movement which is for the oppressed and for the downtrodden, it is the... system of iran, i have great belief in that. the question is really, will uh, will the rest of the the people who have earthwile being supporters of this, recognize the power and the necessity and the absolute strength of this system, that i think is what what that has been referring to when he talks
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about hope and faith being two primary factors uh driving iran's national interests and the future, they got to have both. yeah, indeed, well, when we talk about iran, um, shaj uh in terms of the pressure that comes from the west, in particular the us uh, we're talking about the economic pressure with the goal of uh many understand that to be regime change really um trying to make people discontent, and and i think iran obviously not only realizes that, but this 13th administration, headed by rc is completely aware of that, and we can see that in the its presence in different trade packs uh that it has signed with different blocks like the sco, like being a member of the bricks organization. now uh, iran's leader acknowledged that that is a good thing, at the same time he said that we need those mous that have been signed to turn into action basically, and that therein is, that's pretty significant for him to say that pretty much in in one breath, tell us what you think about that and how important that plays the acknowledgement by iran's leader on that
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issue and that it needs to translate into action, and absolutely, i, i, i think, there are those who are saying that if there wasn't this... western opposition, these sanctions, these sort of cold war, and economical war against iran, iran would have been turned into heaven, it would have flourished so much. i would say that, actually some of these sanctions have forced iran to become more independent, and in some ways, when you look at, as i said, sort of beginning of... revolution, iran couldn't even defend itself fully, now is being accused of being a power, not just in the region, but in ukraine and is helping russia, and so there are victories, there are empowerment, there are actually the
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the fact that iran is becoming not just a regional power, but a world power, but i think in in same time we need to... understand that we could have done much better and indeed the speech of it was focusing on that, that we are going the right direction, but we could do much better. by the participation of of masses, and i think this is really so true and so factual that the only way forward is more people getting involved and realizing that unless masses will get fully engaged, we are not going to see the result that we desire, and this encouragement and this empowerment of the... ordinary people, reliance on the ordinary people as a way of addressing all these
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issues in much better way than we have done in past, i think it's it was the main aspect the message today. taking a look at the way that uh he described to the highlights of uh this past year, he talked about the epic participation of the people on good state say mosan abbas, he also talked about the 22nd of uh bahman rallies, a couple of the... highlights which involved obviously masses of iranians that came out in the millions. um, when you see that, obviously there's support for the islamic establishment to the fullest degree, but yet the us and western some western uh countries are pushing for the disillusionments of iranians, well while they should be the one that should be disillusioned now when they see so many people coming out, why do they keep pursuing a policy anti-iranian policy then? because they know they're going to fail with hard power, the... "now there is no way that they can bring down the islamic republic's uh leadership, it's government, it's it's
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political purpose and direction, it system uh, without using that deadly soft power and the propaganda, you see they've they have the the the most sophisticated dark arts when it comes to brainwashing people, indoctrinating them, in culturally uh almost preparing them, and hollywood is part of this, you look at hollywood, you look at all this kind of media out. so they give uh all of it is geared towards othering muslims or is geared towards demonizing iran, creating iranophobia subtly or or very overtly, so on the one hand you've got the cultural attack that's going on on the iranians, but of course you the the hard news itself if you listen just to the output the likes of the bbc and and others uh they are viciously against iran in every way shape and form and they are grooming their people to... be that way, yet it's still not fully worked, i mean it's uh, it's difficult at the best of times for getting western people to
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really take foreign policy seriously, you can see that with the kind of uh lethagy amongst many still around gaza, even a genocide doesn't uh motivate some people to literally uh take on these kind of henous suppressive tyrannical governments, they're not, they're not democratic governments and they're not, it's not a democratic system we have here, we have an oligarchy uh in the background, "this oligarchy has a huge apparatus, a machinery, it's dominated by zionists, it has hate campaign for iran, it fears iran because iran offers the only viable alternative which exposes their lies and their fake democracy, so iran with its religious democracy, spiritual democracy, call it what you like, with that system that exists iran, it posess an existential threat to the the the western fake neoliberal." democracies here and it's already showing the people in west asia that actually there is a way to succeed because
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iran has it bits mear survival uh with the resistance economy and its advancements in economic self-sufficiency with its advancements in building up industies is showing the rest of the arab world the western asia that you don't have to be puppet and a slave of american dollars in order to to succeed as nation. well the issue of double standards comes at play here in my question to you so shajar when we talk about uh the very sad uh issue of palestine, i mean it's really sad what is happening there, we all acknowledge that uh iran's leader on um both occasions that he spoke today uh obviously reference to the issue of palestine and showed the double standards that the west plays, particular the us being complicit in this. um when it comes to the issue of uh palestine uh he said that the us and israel are both stuck, they're in a quagmire now, whether they uh pull out or whatever they do uh, they can't escape what has occurred. what's your impression of what he has said
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there? well, i would go even further and say that, it exposed the whole of institutions that have been set up under so-called liberal democracy, and to address the aspiration of the world community. everybody now sees it, that not just united states and europe and the... western so-called allies are failing illusions that they have created that they're standing for democracy, human right and justice and supporting a partide. genocide, but also the institutions like un and the international courts are failing to address and try to do anything to stop this genocide taking place. you know, the action of the whole of the institutions have not even stopped the killing of one child up to today
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in the last few months. what has made a difference is the resistance ' which in lebanon, in yemen and in iraq and elsewhere and and resistance from palestine itself, which everybody knows that the support of setting up such a access of resistance, it's it goes back to vision of khamenei and indeed the vision of knowing that nothing else is going to happen if... communities will not stand up to stand against this genocide everyone everyone around the world be it the acknowledge or not, they are seeing that the only thing which is a stopping or slowing down the genocidal act of zianist state which is been supported by us and all its allies is
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the resistance and who set up that resistance who encouraged that resistance who is sort of mature plan for that resistance to be for purpose is very clear, so that is very obvious now and that the aspirations for justice which is being seeked by masses in europe and elsewhere, ordinary people cannot be addressed by these institutions and is only being addressed by axes of resistance, yeah these institutions have indeed failed when it comes to... but it's really telling abbas when we have the un come out with this um report, the so-called fact finding mission uh criticizing iran uh for the handling of the riots that occurred on late 2022 and the iranian form minister uh a month ago almost uh accusing the un of double standges criticizing it for basically setting up this
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fact finding mission but yet not taking any serious action when it comes to israel's uh genocide and of civilians in the gaza strip, that's a failure on the institution, isn't it? well, double standards, hypocrisy, lies, don't just, they're not just isolated within the political apparatus of the anglozionist empire, nor are they just within the media, they exist also within these international institutions, because they are an extension of that power, the the funding that the un gets from america, the funding that for instance the who gets from people like bill gates and the transnational corporations which are also linked to these guys. uh, you've got also uh, the the atomic agencies which on the one hand will pressure iran to to to to uh try to admit that it has nuclear weapons or capacity when it doesn't, yet with the israel you'll see they'll completely ignore anything uh that they they know perfectly well uh they have in terms of nuclear weapons everybody knows open secret
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of 400 plus nuclear weapons that israel has its disposal. they the way they dealt with ukraine and the way the whole of the the so-called international community, which usually is a it's a euphemism basically for all the american allies, they all turned around and wanted all sorts of boycotting of russia, so etc. and the the shutting down of every, they haven't done any of that with israel, not one little thing has been done to harm israel's connections diplomatically, politically, culturally or otherwise, yet you can see the hypocrisy when they come to iran or russia, so expect nothing from these. institutions, they were created after the second world war to serve the interests of the global elitists, they still serve those global elites and the anglo-zionist empires boots on the ground in terms of the israeli uccupation or whether it's the us american military uh occupations of those regions, that's just their boots on the ground to carry out the orders, so iran stands at the
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nexses of the resistance, they are not uh coordinating that resistance, the resistance does what it's... wants uh and i said it again today, hezbulah and the factions in iraq and the the the factions that exist in yemen who are putting up the resistance have their own independent strategies and policies, but iran supports them, it makes no bones about that. israel as a result of this very uh brave policy by the islamic republic of iran has been brought to its needs, the economy is is stagnating, the number of people that have had to evacuate the the northern occupied territories palestine is incredible, hundreds of thousands have had to leave their settlements because the resistance has made it impossible for them to stay there. uh, you've got of course in gaza itself, you've seen the israelis being forced to... reveal who they really are, you know, the emperor has no clothes now, you can see what israel and zionism is, whereas the hasbura prior to that 70 years they built up and nurtured this image of being the victims
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and the ones who were who were actually being attacked, everybody knows that's a lie, the american reputation lies tatas, israel's reputation lies tatters, their economies are struggling, unemployment is rising, they've got internal strife within israel where people like benny gants and all the others are now fighting because they know "they've not achieved any of their targets, they've not been able to destroy hamas, they've not been able to get rid of the give back get back the hostages and norther they been able to clear ethnically cleanse the region in the way they wanted. well uh, shajar, when our guest there talks about resistance groups in the region, um, the us has been very quick to uh accuse iran for the fact that it interests are being uh targeted within the region, but uh that really is a failure of the us policy because of uh it's the way that it is, uh, its presence in the region is in in many cases, even illegal when it comes to case like syria, um, but iran's leader has praised the resistance groups uh for what they have
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done, blaming and accusing the us of uh using iran as a scape coat, is the us using iran as a scape coat? absolutely, but it goes far beyond that, i think we need to get rid of the illusion and that the west. has got some good intention and indeed the some of the institutions like un, oic and others, all of them put together have got a good intention but the not able to do anything. the fact of the mallaries, they weren't, they weren't meant to do anything, they have been set up to be the tools of colonialism and implement colonial powers interest, and and and so... right now the only thing which is the slowing down this genocide and has actually managed to stop it being total genocide and ethnic
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cleansing is been the resistance and the resistance would not have been there if it wasn't because of the islamic revolution and is a structure because of ideologically and supportive. i think it's very important many observers including many jewish observers are saying very openly and publicly that they wish, they wish that at the time of the holocaus of nazis, there was some some country like yeman who will stand up and and and defend the right of of of the jewish community and trying to stop that genocide, none of the europeans de in reality, the... level of antisemitism was so right all across europe and in the west, so really what we need to understand is that what is yemen is
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doing, what the others are doing by doing their outmost to slow down and to stop this genocide taking place, is the only the only activity which is going honestly and sincerely to stop this and to... it down and and for that we need to sort of praise the the the the whole community of resistance and those who had the hindsight to set it up and strengthen it so it could do the job that he's doing now. thank you very much, we're fresh out of time, shajar, chairman of the islamic human rights commission from brussels, thank you so much. so abbas, journalist in political commentator from london. thank you. with that we come to an end for this edition of the spotlight from the team. it's goodbye.
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for muslims across the world, aid alfitter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities, and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan, which date back to... get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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the museum of miniature, simple things are converted to historic handcrafted masterpieces. it rises from the creativity of the inner child and has tourist attraction. mutavasilian was born in natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum. it's a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and
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spiritual rewards are. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends. it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim. majority living in the uk, being involved in a community helps me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states.
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the headlines this hour, the leader of iran's islamic revolution condemns the west for a silence on the ongoing israely anslot against the palestinians in gaza. 166 days into the us israely genocide in the gaza strip. the doll of palestinians is nearing 32,00, mostly women and children. b on the headlines the israeli army fails to intercept the yemeni missile over the port of ilat, which, according to a ceo, has been paralyzed by yemen's red sea operations.