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tv   Iran Today Nowruz Time for Good Vibes  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 7:02am-7:31am IRST

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the sun is regaining strength in the face of winter's cold and darkness and the earth is waking from her deep slumber. trees are sporting. fresh leaves and flowers are already in full bloom. spring, the jubilain messenger of nature is back again to iran, bringing with it unmatched beauty and joy. yes, it's nourus, the iranian new year, a time of renewal and celebration, national holiday and an asian festival that dates back to the dawn of civilization. norus is a time of unity and happiness when people will come
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together to celebrate the arrival of spring and the promise of new beginning. the exact date of nourus varies each year based on the persian calendar, but it typically falls on or around the spring equinox, which is around march 20th or 21st. to know more, we sat with dr. ismail kahrom, a well-known iranian ecologist and environmental activist. what makes nouru's outstandingly different from other nations festivals? من فکر می کنم وقتی ما به عید نوروز فکر میکنیم و تقریباً میشه گفت مقایسه. it's
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quite exceptional that the iranian national celebration comments with the arrival of spring, a time by nature undergoes a process of rejuvenation. in contrast, many other countries in the northern hemisphere mark their new year in january, which coincides with winter. our ancestors wisely selected. bitting moment for the new year, aligning it with the rebirth of nature. trees, birds and animals join us in this celebration. regardless of age, all individuals feel revitalized in spring. alongside blooming flowers, cheerping birds and other creatures, we experience a surge in energy during spring, attributing this rejuvenation to nature. the warming of the earth and the lengthening of days infuse us with vitality and optimism. regardless of our age, the
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celebration of norus has deep cultural and historical roots in iran, and is a cherished tradition that has been passed down through generations. in 2009, the united nations proclaimed norus an international event. noarurus is celebrated by millions of people worldwide, particularly in countries with iranian cultural influence such as afghanistan, azerbaijan, india, iraq, pakistan, tajikistan, turkmenistan, uzbekistan and turkey. it is also observed by communities in countries such as georgia, albania, kosovo, and china. in fact, wherever persian culture has gone, norus has traveled with it. the festival is now widely known to be a symbol of peace to many people around the globe. dr. kahrum expressed. astonishment
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at the longstanding popularity of norus in various regions, describing it as almost unbelievable. imagine this scenario, around six to 700 years prior to the birth of christ in a world devoid of mass communication methods, the notion of no rules swiftly gained traction. how many? individuals of that era became acquainted with norus and more significantly embraced it as a grand festival. it's influence not only extended across iran, but also rich neighboring territories. presently, numerous countries beyond iran commemorate norrus, while it rutes lie in iran, the remarkable spread of this celebration to other regions is noteworthy, occurring well before the era of mass communication technologies. inherited
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from asian times, noruz is deep seated in iranian traditions, history and cultural memory. as national festival, norus has by no means been restricted to special. and everyone from big cities to small villages is eagerly waiting for it and widely celebrated festival in iran that unites people of all backgrounds regardless of the religion, social class or ideological beliefs. it is a time. and families come together to enjoy each other's company, exchange gifts and create cherish moments as they mark the beginning of the new year. in essence, nourus is national celebration that everyone eagerly participates in. the iranians traditionally
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great nourus by kindling fires and jumping over them on the evening of the last wednesday of the year, which is called charsanbe suri in far sea. in recent years it is also marked by huge fireworks. certain elements have been incorporated into our national customs that are not deemed favorable, take for instance a chari, which once boasted exquisite rituals, picture this as winter birds farewell, we kindle the final fire, leap over it, another my yellowness for you and your redness for me. it signifies a time of ver, moment to fling open the cabin door and venture into the fields for labor. it pains me to witness the transformation of this beautiful charchambasuri into a noisy fireworks spectacle. such a shift does not
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resonate with the authentic iranian sence. the cacophany generated by this fireworks has led to sound pollution causing distress to numerous birds, some even suck. to strokes due to the clamor. iranian tradition becons us to unite as a family, leap over flames in a symbolic act and commemorate the arrival of spring marking the end of winter. this is the essence of a nororus rituals. the noru's atmosphere picks of steam thanks to festive bands going around singing, dancing and playing music. haji firuz, the most famous among the traditional folk entertainers, appears on the iranian streets. in the days preceeding norus. he entertains pastor byys by dancing, singing traditional songs and playing his tambourine. in the weeks leading up to nourus, iranians engage in a thor spring cleaning of their homes known as khane tekani to symbolize renewal and freshness.
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they also purchase new clothes, decorate their homes with flowers and prepare traditional foods for the festivities. mohammed tehrani. constraints who may struggle to afford these essentials. it is point of pride that we uphold a commendable tradition of aiding those in need during this period. numerous iranian families extend a helping hand to the less fortunate striving to transform nourus
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into a national celebration accessible to all, irrespective of their economic circumstances. this collective unity can install added sense of hope and enthusiasm. within society. one of the key customs during noru's is the half scene table, which is said with seven symbolic items that start with the persian letter scene. these items represent different aspects of life and are believed to bring good luck and blessings for the new year. some of the common items on the half scene table include sapze, sprouted weed or lentils, representing rebirth and growth. samanu, a sweet pudding symbolizing power and strength, send jed dried oleaster fruit symbolizing love and compassion, seed garlic symbolizing medicine and health; sip, apples symbolizing beauty and health; somak, sumak berries symbolizing the sunrise and new
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beginnings, serke, vinegar symbolizing patience and aging. a copy of the quran has also become a permanent fixture on the half-seen table. the exact moment of the turning of the year is announced in advance. in anticipation, families gather around the have seen table, many reciting prayers intended to impart good will to all. to god as the new year approaches, how it is wonderful to devote yourself entirely beautiful it is to focus completely on the creator of the entire world, the one capable of turning our aspirations into reality, the one who rejuvenates nature after oblique winter, the special pray we collectively otter just before the... the new year is a ple to the almighty to transform our circumstances for the better. in addition to
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setting up the half-seen table, people also engage in other traditions such as visiting loved ones, exchanging gifts and participating in festive events and activities. norus in iran is also feast for the sensus with a wide array of traditional dishes and sweets served during the celebrations. sabzipolo. that is herb rice with mahi that is fish is the most important dish prepared for nourus. the fresh green herbs represent renewal and rebirth, fish symbolizes life and rice is a sign of prosperity. in this week's show we'll be asking how and why the british political class was seized by the zionist lobby. what are the implications for our democracy if our lawmakers are in throll to israel? there's others isn't. "there's thean austin, john man, these are all people came from the win party and effectually are doing the the the
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job of uh of designers entity. what i've seen um over the last few years is is the extremists in westminster, the the people that are - creating the uh the problems in our communities are being led by policy." there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get award in. hello everyone, welcome to the news section of the program. here we'll go over some news headlines. imam riza shrine fully prepared to host pilgrims during ramadan noruz. the chief director of imam reza shrine has expressed full readiness to host pilgrims visiting the shrine during the fasting month of ramadan and the upcoming noru. holidays, ignal writes, reza khurakyan made the statement in a press conference in
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mashad on tuesday, briefing reporters about special programs scheduled in the shrine for the holy month of ramadan and the iranian new year. imam reza shrine uses financial resources donated via endowments and vows to serve pilgrims. this is in fact, allowing people to serve people, he said. he added that last year some 2 million pilgrims visited the shrine in the northeastern iranian. city of mashad, just in the first 24 hours of norus, predicting the number to stand at 2.3 million pilgrims for the iranian new year. leader of iran's islamic revolution, ayatollah sayid ali khamenei will address the nation on the occasion of the persian new year at imam komeini hussein in tehran on march 20th. mh news writes, due to nourus, the first day of the iranian new year following in the holy month of ramadan, imam khamenei's noru speech on march 20th. 2024 will not be held in the holy shine of imam reza in mashad this year. mongolia to join
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unesco's noos dossier. mongolia has voiced its interest in joining the persian new year noos dossier, a multinational in tangible cultural heritage registered with the un educational, scientific and cultural organization. tehran times writes, the nourus dossier was initially registered on unesco's list of intangible cultural heritage. with seven countries involved iran, azerbaijan, india, pakistan, turkey, uzbekistan and kirgizestan. the dossier was edited in 2014 after five countries, iraq, turkmenistan, tajikistan, afghanistan and kirkizistan, made incorporation proposal and reinscribed it as a 12 nation dossier in the unesco intangible cultural heritage during the 11th session of the intergovernmental committee for the safeguarding of the intangible. cultural heritage in ethiopia last december. noru celebrated in vienna. the iranian embassy in
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vienna, austria has organized a ceremony to mark the persian new year known as nourus. irna writes, the ceremony hosted by vienna's institute of arts and society was held with the coordination of the iranian embassy in the austrian capital. it took place at the austrian national library on saturday, bringing together representatives from embassies and cultural centers of. countries celebrating noruz, namely iran, afghanistan, the azerbaijan republic, iraq, kazakhstan, kirkizistan, pakistan, tajikestan, turkmenistan and uzbakistan playing. folk music of each of those countries and serving their local dishes were part of the programs at the ceremony, and thank you for joining us in this section. let's go back to the main narrative. nourus serves several important social functions in iranian society, promoting a sense of unity, community and cultural identity. nourus provides an
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opportunity for family members both near and far to reunite, spend time to... together and create lasting memories. a larger scale, the iranian national festival transcends social economic and political boundaries, bringing people from all walks of life together in celebration. it promotes a sense of unity and solidarity among iranians, fostering a spirit of togetherness and shared cultural heritage. it's a remarkable alignment of events. our ancestors selected an optimal moment for the commencement of the new year. as nature undergoes a rebirth, we to experience a spiritual rejuvination. this revitalization has the potential to extend across various facets of our lives. we can endeavor to refresh and even enhance our character, revitalize our connections with others, as
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nourus presents an opportune time for reconciliation with those we may have discord. during noru's hospitality and generosity are highly valued, people open their homes to friends, neighbors and even strangers, sharing meals, gifts and good wishes. the spirit of giving and hospitality helps strengthen social ties and create a sense of good will in society. i often encounter a question both online and in daily interactions where some... the response to this question is, no, not at all, this is not the case, when a custom is beneficial for individuals, families and society, it is divinely ordained and aligns with the teachings of islam. this is unquestionable.
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for instance, the practice of families visiting. other is also strongly encouraged in islam, interacting with warms, exchanging greetings with smiles and presenting gifts are all customary during nourus and are concurrently endorsed in islam. in recent years, there has been a growing movement to highlight the importance of preserving iran's rich cultural heritage through the promotion of traditional crafts during the norus season. norus is also a time of reflection, renewal and hope for the future, it offers a chance for individuals to reflect on the past year, set new goals and make resolutions for the year ahead. the introspective aspect of norus encourages personal growth and self-improvement. as one ages, there is tendency to become more entranced in the
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monotony of daily life. the worldwind of everyday tasks and responsibilities can easily consume focus, leading to a sense of detachment from oneself. gradually, a feeling of this content may arise as a result of neglecting one's own well-being. in this context, nourus can serve as valuable aid. it presents a golden opportunity for introspection. just as nature undergoes a rejuvination during noru's, coinciding with the arrival of a spring, we two can embark a journey of self-renewal through. contemplation leisurely walks in nature and breaking away from the usual routine. noruz offers a moment to pause, to reflect on our path, to assess whether we are on the right track and to consider any necessary adjustments. the noruz festival ends on the 13th day, which is called sis, meaning the
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13th day out of doors. people go out, find a spot in a park, garden or longest. dream and enjoy the day, singing, dancing and chanting merily. many norus traditions and activities take place outdoors, allowing people to connect with nature and enjoy the beauty of the natural world. families gather in parks, gardens and green spaces to picnic, socialize and participate in festive events, fostering a sense of harmony and unity with the environment. norus promotes environmental. awareness and stewardship by highlighting the importance of respecting and protecting the natural world. the holiday encourages individuals to appreciate the beauty and diversity of nature, cultivate sustainable.
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even the slightest harm to treelimbs, preserving every element of nature in its entirety, simultaneously, let us not overlook the fact that we are integral part of nature itself,ly conveys this message, we must exhibit reverence towards nature. this year, just like couple of past years norus and the holy month of ramadan overlap, making it a season of feasting and f. it seems paradoxical as you cannot feast when you fast, but it can also be paradosiacal as your feasting takes a spiritual dimension. norus
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and ramadan are two significant cultural and religious observances that hold special importance in iran. while they are distinging their origins and practices, they are instances when the celebrations of norus and ramadan coincide or overlap, creating a unique. cultural and spiritual convergence, the coincidence of and the holy month of ramadan creates a special atmosphere in iran and national festival overlaps with a religious season. over these past few years can be liken to experiencing double spring. is traditionally celebrated during the natural spring season, while ramazan is often referred to in islamic literature as the spiritual spring of the holy quran, as it
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marks the period when the holy book was revealed to prophet muhammad. this unique overlap is moment to be treasure. typically iranian families host gatherings and festivities during nourus, but with the overlap of ramazan, many now hold gatherings after iftar, the evening meal that concludes the... daily fest during ramadan. it is heartening to witness the iranian people celebrating these two significant festivals simultaneously. norus is celebrated on the first day of spring, typically around march 21st on the gregorian calendar. in contrast, ramadan is the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar. the exact dates of ramadan very each year because the islamic calendar is based on the lunar cycle. due to the differences between in the solar and lunar calendars, there are occasional years when the beginning of ramadan coincides with the time of noruz. this convergence can occur when the new moon marking the start of
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ramadon is sighted close to the spring equinox, leading to both celebrations overlapping within a short period. the overlap of norus and ramadan can be a time of dual celebration with individuals and families partaking in the rituals and festivities of norus, while also engaging in the... spiritual practice of ramadan such as fasting, prayer and reflection. the fact is, for the iranian nation, religious rituals and national festivals are equally important, and they have tried over centuries to juggle them with each other. some islamic customs and practices are incorporated into the celebration of norus in iran. for example, during the noruz period, many iranians visit mosks to offer prayers, seek blessings for the new year, and engage in acts award. worship and devotion. islamic traditions of charity, kindness and forgiveness are also emphasized during this time. norus, literally
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meaning the new day represents a fresh start, hope for better future where in people live in perfect harmony with each other and with nature. those partake in the celebration of nourus and strive to pass it down on alt future generations exhibit a profound comprehension of their ancestors and their customs, which are intricately aligned with nature. delving into the history of this region reveals the amalgamation of various groups from diverse areas over time, culminating in the formation of nation known as iran. these groups established significant traditions and made concerted efforts to preserve them. as an elder, i employ iranian families to treasure. longstanding customs and instill in their children a reverence for them achin to that of their ancestors. it's imperative that b god these esteemed traditions against any potential harm. this
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brings us to the end of this year's show. do you continue to join us again in the persian new year. on behalf of everyone at iran today, i wish you a happy and prosperous new year. happy nourus. from the environment to business and economy to civil and human rights, to treaties and agreements, to war and conflicts, we bring you the overlooked aspects of world events and news from the far-flunged corners of the globe. 10 minutes. only on press tv.
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the present coverage of this assassination now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at some uh
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the headlines, the world bank says more than half of gaza's population is on the brink of famine as israel's genocidal war. enters its 167th day. the world health organization says israel is carried out over 400 attacks on gaza's healthcare sector during its genocidal war, killing nearly 690 people. and the palestine football association calls on fifa to impose sanctions against israeli teams over the regime's genocide in gaza.