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tv   Israel Watch Discrepancy between Biden Netanyahu  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 10:02am-10:19am IRST

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welcome to israel watch, on this episode we will monitor the course of the aggression against the gaza strip and the failure to remove the resistance in light of the discrepancy between biden and netanyahu, over the management of the aggression and the disagreements within netanyahu's administration, we'll also go over the zinis fair about the exacerbation of the situation in the holy month of ramadan. on these topics, i welcome mr. ali murad, the political researcher and writer. welcome, professor. of
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גם בדרום הרצואה וגם בצפון הרצואה, כך עולה מתיעודים שהבאנו פה בימים האחרונים, והיום דובר משרד החוצה האירני נסר כנאין נשאר על כך במסיבת עיתונאים בתהרן ואומר כך, על אף ההתנגדות הישראלית, איראן ניסתה ושלחה סיעור הומניטרי לעזה דרך מצרים, מוסיף הדובר האיראני שעשיור עבר לנמלים של מצרים במסגרת הטיום בין השער האדום האיראני לבין השער האדום המצרי. עכשיו תראי, עצם זה שהאירנים לוטשים עיניים לסוגית עשיו ההומניטרי באמצעות השער האדום האיראני הוא פוטנציאל מאוד.
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there has been an attack of accusations against the islamic republic of iran, and we witnessed that in the speech of netanyahu and all the zionist political elite, and at every station, they're trying to target the islamic republic of iran, and i believe that the zianist regime in general is trying to impose fat a comple on the gaza strip so that in the next stage it can completely isolate palestine from the rest of the axis of resistance. this is a central goal for the war administration, therefore, will try to target anyone who would make this israeli effort fail. yes, it is very good thing that the islamic republic of iran's aid succeeds in reaching the gazans. this destroys all the enemy's attempts to isolate the gazans. gaza is the incubator of the resistance and depicts the depth of the axis of resistance. there is lot of talk in the hebrew media these days about majid farash, the head of the intelligence in the palestine.
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נתניהו כאשר שמו של פרש כפי שפרסמנו עולה בהקשר של מי שיכול להיכנס לאזה כמובן בברכתה של ישראל יעשה שם חיבורים עם גורמים מקומיים כדי שבהתחלה יהיו אחריים על חלוקת הסיוע ההומניטרי וכמובן בניית המנגנון שיכול לנהל את עזה אחרי התמוטטות חמס שמו כפי שאמרתי עלה כמה פעמים לצד עוד בחירים ברשות הפלסטינית.
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your opinion, do you think there is role for majid faraj in the gaza strip or even muhammad daghan, as we saw as minister of war galan, said under the main title, distribution of aid it is true and clear that there is a zionist attempt to seek help from those two figures or any of them. it is clear that they have no problem in the sense that they are reassuring for both parties. by majid faraj and muhammad dalan, netanyahu is trying to play a game that he does not want anything from the palestinian authority. he does not want to allow its return to the gaza strip because they are concerned that. will fail in the process of suppressing the return the resistance movement and the resurgence of the resistance factions. i believe that in the coming period we will hear more about the role that majid faraj will play in this context. of course, there is very great deal of acceptance with mr. majid faraj and also
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with muhammad dalan, and there is practically a competition between which party plays a more important role, but for majid farash to meet with hankbe, the israeli war this means there is a preference for israeli expansion, preferring to work with the intelligence services directly affiliated with the authority. yes, dan may have a complementary role in another route through the emirates, while the well-known side means matid faraj represents the authority that is included within the official directions of the arab league, riad, saudi arabia and egypt. it is clear that the...
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צופים הפגנות גדולות בדרישה להתפטרותו ולקיום בחירות חדשות. הדברים האלה מעלים את חמתו של ראש הממשלה. עוד מעט בהמשך נראה אם זה גם מעלה את הקומת המנדטים שלו. וגורם מדיני בכיר שהוא הגורם המדיני הבכיר הכי בכיר בישראל שאת יכולה לדמיין. מוציא הערב את ההודעה הזו: מי שבוחר את ראש ממשלת ישראל הם אזרחי ישראל ולא אף אחד אחר. the emergence of this dispute between biden and
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the cia report regarding benjamin netanyahu, in your opinion, will it really affect us armed shipments to the regime? biden dismissed this idea since the beginning of the war, in the middle of the war and until recently yesterday that he will not allow armed shipments to israel to stop. this matter. is settled. the issue here only deals with the person of netanyahu and biden, who has been trying for some time to address the zionist public and say to them, "i care about my paternal feelings towards you, i care about israel's security, and this concern for israel's security and israel's survival
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pushes me to differentiate between israel's security interests and netanyahu's interests. what was stated in the intelligence report on security threats regarding netanyahu specifically. is clear that it is a great light for a current within the regime to take actions. it is saying to them that now is an appropriate time for you to begin your movements against netanyahu because biden is not want to put pressure on him directly, he prefers this pressure to be exerted on him and his affiliates from within the regime. therefore he says these things that we have sovereignty and we're moving and we're not a banana republic and all this talk. let us move to the southern lebanon front where huzbillah succeeded in disrupting all of the occupied palestinian north and evacuating this vital area for the regime. של ממשלת ישראל, והוא שומר על קו קבוע שהוא מתחת לסף
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המלחמה הכוללת, אבל לא מאפשר לתושבי הצפון לחיות חיים נורמליים בישובים שלהם, והוא שומר על הרמה הזאתי כל הזמן, ויחסית עם מעט משאבים הוא מצליח לגרום לזה שכל צפון מדינת ישראל לא מתפקיד.
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non, and this is a constant repetition of the same phrase, that you must think carefully and over and over again, before deciding or thinking about the form of a largescale war with hisbollah. they have great capabilities and others. therefore, amos yadlam demands diplomatic pressure and an agreement that is strong. this shows that they believe this way they can solve their dilemma and restore confidence in thissign as public, which have been displaced from this. settlements and convince them to trust the occupation army again and return to the settlements. righter
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and political researcher, professor ali murad, thank you very much for your participation in this episode of israel watch and thank you our viewers for your good follow up. take care. the israeli economy already shrink almost 20%. the israeli economy is very dependent on
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the exploration of palestinian workforce. what was done in agriculture with high-tech irrigation does not have the labor from foreign sources, which was bad in any case. the second soub international media festival in the fields of television, radio, new media and a special section. for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th,
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2024. for more information, visit
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the headlines, the world bank says more than half of gaza's population is on the rink of faminas, israel's genocidal war enters its 167. day. the world health organization says israel has carried out over 400 attacks on gaza's healthcare sector during its genocidal war killing nearly 690 people. the palestine football association calls on fifa to impose sanctions against his rabe teams over the regime's genocide in gaza.