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tv   Mideastream BACK TO GAZA TALKS  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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the palestinian resistance hamas responded on friday march 15 to the paris to. proposal with a phased agreement that emphasized the cessation of aggression on the gaza strip with withdrawal of the israeli occupation army and the commencement of relief operations. however, the israeli entity authorities are focusing on the issue of their captives to circumvent ending the aggression file. in the details, hamas's proposed document includes a temporary ceasefire lasting 42 days in the first stage and transitioning to a permanent ceasefire in the second stage. in the first stage,
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palestinian resistance hamas demands the withdrawal of israeli forces from specific areas and offers to release of palestinian prisoners in exchange for israely entity captive soldiers. the second stage requires a permanent ceasefire before any further prisoner exchanges. the proposal also involves launching a comprehensive reconstruction process for gaza and ending the blockade. hamas spokesperson osama hamdan affirmed in a press conference that the occupation is trying to shift the focus to the issue of captives to circumvent. this aggression, considering the paper presented by the movement as realistic and highly flexible. hamdan emphasized the prisoner exchange must take place, but not at the expense of fundamental issues, foremost of which is stopping the aggression. in contrast, the office of the israeli entity prime minister majamin netanyahu described hamas's proposal as unrealistic, but announced that delegation would had to qatar to discuss a potential agreement. in the same statement, netanyahu's office added that the ladder. approved plans for the military
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operation in the city of rafah, noting that the army is preparing for operational matters and for the evacuation of civilian populations. as for the americans, they quickly seized upon hamas's response coming out to express their optimism, i'll be it cautiously. however, what stood out in their remarks is that they considered hamas's proposal to be definitely within the framework of the deal we have been working on in recent months. this is according to a statement made by the national security. council coordinator at the white house john kirby on friday march 15. kirby expressed hope that cease fire talks in gaza are moving in the right direction, adding, we are closely involved in negotiations in doha and believe that progress can be made, there is new round involving other parties a time when israeli entity reservations were clearly of evident regarding the resistance imposing conditions concerning palestinian prisoners to be released. on the other hand, what cairo directly conveyed to its panelists is that
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the success of this deal will be linked to the seriousness of the parties implementing it and that what will be agreed upon in doha must be binding and it is not logical for there to be a resumption of fighting. welcome to the media stream, i'm osman. as the israel the entity war cabinet and the ministerial committee for security affairs were briefed on friday on the palestinian resistance hamas's response regarding the anticipated cease fire and the prisoner exchange deal between the two sides, new details have emerged after lengthy negotiations mediated by egypt, qatar and the united states of america. to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. muhammad al haj musa, spokesperson of the islamic jihad palestinian resistance. thank you very much for being with us, mr. muhammad, now hammas responded on friday march 15 uh to the paris
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2 proposal with an agreement that prioritizes ending the genocidal war on the gaza strip, withdrawing of the israeli occupation forces and initiating relief efforts. however, the israeli entity authorities are focusing on the issue of their own setler captive, especially the soldier ones, to avoid addressing the complete cessation of aggression on the palestinian gaza strip. how do you see the talks moving on from this point? peace be upon you all, greetings to you and to all esteam viewers and to our brave, steadfast people under the zionist killing machine. we affirm that this zionist entity, which has not achieved any goals on the ground due to the steadfastness of the resistance, the resilience of the palestinian people and the steadfastness of the resistance men in various support arenas is now embarrassed and knows that the end of the war means its inevitable loss in the battle. any war in any battle. are determined by
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achieving political objectives, not by the ability to destroy, recovoc, kill, and commit genocide as the criminal occupation does, this occupation believes that ending the war und the current reality, with the presence and sidfastest of the resistance, is a crushing defeat for it, as it does not want to end the war, but wants to emerge victorious. therefore, by continuing this war, it tries to achieve any of its military objectives and wants to release its prisoners unconditionally, and complete its aggression. naturally, as resistance, we will not allow that. our palestinian people have made many sacrifices and we are steadfast in the field until the occupation is forced to agree to our.
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we as resistance have set, we have shown very high flexibility with the mediators and deal positively with the principle of lifting this injustice from our people, not because we are weak, on the contrary, thank you god we are present in every confrontation arena in every inch of gazza, and we will continue until this occupation knows that it must agree to our conditions. part of the pressure exerted by the occupation is media pressure, and we have shown high flexibility for negotiations and that we are ready to discuss this issue. well, mr. muhammed, the office of the israeli entity prime minister benjamin netanyahu labed the proposal coming from the palestinian. instance as an unrealistic proposal, they didn't like it, but they declared that they will send team to the qatari capitol doha to explore the possibility of an accord, the netanyahu administration but then said that it has approved a plan to actually invade rafah. do
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you think this is part of the negotiation bluffing tactic by the zionist team or will zionist israel actually outdoo itself in its own genocidal warfare and genocidal behavior? and try and actually attempt to invade rafah, which is packed right now with 2 million displaced palestinians. exactly what you said, this is part of the continuous zionist lives and desception since the beginning of this aggression, and before that, throughout this aggression, they lie and try to mislead public opinion. it is very clear that there is a contradiction in the occupation because it realizes that it is now forced to provide answers. after its failure in the field since the beginning of the war until today, and after the images of massicres and genocide that come out of a strip over time. the world today no longer hears and sees with israeli entity and american eyes. the world now realizes the facts, thanks to the setpasness
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the palestinian people and what palestinians show over time, in images that confirm the massacres of this occupation. therefore, some governments demand the designers to reduce the state of killing because have achieved nothing yet, now the occupation constantly threatens to go to rafah and commit massacers while saying that it is also continuing the political process at the same time. how is that possible? this threat comes within the framework of the same negotiations. it threatens to have bargaining chips, thinking that by doing so it can pressure us in the resistance and push us to retreat and submit to its conditions. the fundamental dilemma here is that it blackmails us into postponing the military. therefore this is something we will not allow in the resistance. in our opinion, agreeing to any of these issues
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means leaving our people to this occupation to continue its killing and achieve its dream of displacement. so if the resistance agrees to any conditions without. the basic points, this means accepting a siige harsher than it has been for 17 years, and this means that we are facing a more difficult reality as palestinians. we are in a stage that requires steadfastness and resilience. what is happening in the strip is painful and very difficult humanely, but we as resistance remain steadfast in the field. all our meritary units are still operating in the field, and we will not allow the occupation and the americans to snatch from our hands the... the prisoners release only for them to return to killing and extermination, this is what i want to talk to you about the uh with the last two minutes that we have, the comments that we heard from john kirby who is the white house coordinator for the national security council said that the proposal by
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the resistance in palestine actually falls within the framework uh that the us is trying to portray to end the aggression on gaza, i find personally that a bit hard to believe. since the us is has been evidently found to be complicit in the genocide against our palestinian brothers and sisters, so why are they suddenly so optimistic now? in my opinion, the united states is not optimistic, because when it announced that what hamas and the palestinian resistance presented comes within the framework of the paris paper negotiations, they want by this statement to pressure netanyahu as part of the soft pressure between biden and netanyahu due to the difference in tactics. they are certainly in agreement at the strategic level, but at the tactical level, the us administration has emphasized that netanyahu is currently stuck in the gaza kwagmaya and that cont the war as it is means that this entity will be in real danger in the coming days due to the
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steadfastness of the palestinian people, the resistance and the efforts of brothers in all support arenas until the conditions of resistance are achieved. what the united states wants is tactical change in the war. as for netanyahu, he is exploring new objectives to prolong this war, but biden realizes through all the reports from the ziners field, like encott, gans and others that the occupation is to achieve more objectives, however the united states knows that the resistance in gaza remains alive, present, accepted and
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supported by the palestinian people. biden wants this extermination, but he supports it with soft extermination, without sound and image, and stopping it would end the state of global discontent that has reached the streets of the west. thank you very much, mr. muhammad alhaj musa, spokesperson of the islamic jihad palestinian resistance, for your time and effort to be on our show to discuss what the proposal of the resistance is and what to expect from the upcoming talks in qatar, now ladies and gents, please stay tuned because next we are going to talk about very rare meeting that took place between palestinian resistance factions and the yemeni ansarular resistance.
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informed sources revealed a meeting that brought together multiple palestinian factions from hamas, the islamic jihad and the popular front for the liberation of palestine with the ansarular resistance movement in yemen during the past few days to coordinate regarding the upcoming phase. the sources, as per agence frances stated that the purpose of the meeting was to coordinate. positions with ansarulah who in turn confirm their continued support operations in the red
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sea and beyond in support of palestinians facing genocide by zionist israel. more details in the following report. rare meeting was held last week between leaders of palestinian resistance factions and the yemensar resistance group to discuss mechanisms for coordinating the resistances actions against scienist israel, according to palestinian sources cited by agence france press, af b: the agency did not mention the names of these sources it spoke to on friday evening, but attributed one of them who refused to be named as saying an important meeting was held last week with senior leaders from hamas, islamic jihad and the popular front for the liberation of palestine along with the ansarulah resistance movement to discuss coordination mechanisms between these factions regarding resistance actions in the upcoming stage. according to second source also unnamed, the ansarullah movement confirmed during the meeting that it will continue. its operations in the red sea against ships heading to the enemy state, meaning ziness israel, to support palestinian
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resistance. the meeting also discussed the complementarity of the yemeni role with palestinian factions, especially with the possibility of sionist israel invading rafah. the agency did not specify the location of the meeting, the names of the participants from the palestinian factions leadership or the ansarulah movement. this revelation comes after the leader of the ansarullah resistance movement sayid abdul malik althi announced expanding the scope of attack. on ships linked to zinist israel, including those avoiding passage through the red sea and sailing in the indian ocean via the cape of good hope in the far south of the african continent. since november 19 last year. yemen's armed forces, which are aligned with ansarullah, have targeted israeli entity linked ships in the red sea and the arab sea in solidarity with the people of palestine who are currently facing genocide in the gaza strip. the us and uk have been waiting violent aerial campaign against yemen since mid january in response to yemeni naval operations. since this campaign began, the scope of yemen's operations has expanded to
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include us and british vessels. as a result of yemini operations, major international shipping companies have been... forced to reroute their vessels around south africa's cape of good hope, where ansalo vowed to prevent chips from reaching as part of the new expanded operations. now to discuss this issue with us from beirot is mr. ali al zahi yemani journalist and political commentator. thank you very much for being with us. mr. ali now in a very rare meeting at least since the alaxa flood operation that happened on october 7, 2023, the palestinian resistance factions have met uh secretly. with the yemeni resistance movement now it was not revealed where this meeting took place or with whom and at what level this meeting take place, but what does that meeting signif at this point in time of the genocidal us zienist war on gaza? in the name of allah,
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the most gracious, the most merciful, greetings to you and to the esteam viewers, greetings to all the valiant. fighters in palestine, lebanon, iraq, syria, yemen, and all the free people in this world. regarding the meeting, it came as a culmination of the coordination and communication efforts since the early days of the flood operations, which is natural outcome dictated by circumstances, data and the magnitude of the great battle. this meeting is not the first of its kind, as stated by the leader of the revolution say that coordination and communication with all movements are ongoing, each resistance movement has offices in sana and communication has been ongoing before and after the flood. however, the announcement of this meeting was made without much information about it, as a culmination of
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this integration in various arenas and due to the significant developments on the ground. it was necessary to elevate the process of communication and also intensify the strikes to support palestinian resistance on the negotiation table. there are media reports that the meeting was held in the lebanese capital beirot, which is natural because the battle is one and yemen must be a supporting front in it. we affirm that the yemani republic coordinates greatly regarding the military aspect in addition to military support. it leaves negotiation matter, as said hassanlah stated that the palestinian. ator today negotiates on behalf of all resistance movements, we are supportive france and leave the negotiation entirely to the palestiny negotiator, even the issue of holding the israeli ship and its crew is soly in the hands of our people in the al-qassam brigades, if they want to keep the crew or exchange them, there is no objection, it's up to them. well mr. ali uh, the leader of the
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yemani ansarullah movement, sayid abdul malikdin huthi announced in his speech on march 14th that his group will expand its maritime operations in support of the resistance in gaza against the israeli entity linked uh shipping, not only preventing them from passing through the arabian sea or the red sea or the adden, the gulf of adden, but also if they pass in the indian ocean towards the cape of good hope. in the southern most point of africa, was this announcement made after the meeting was held with the palestinian factions or before it, because this might if it happened after it, it might indicate that this was part of something to support the palestinian resistance in its upcoming negotiations, what do you can say about that? our operations since day one have
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been in support of the palestinian people and to prevent zinast ships from passing through the bermel manib straight and reaching the port of rashrash, also known as the port of ilat. with the continued massacres and genocide against our people in palestine and the imposition of the siege on them, all ships heading to the ports of occupied palestine were prevented from reaching, even those with different nationalities, thus tighting the news on the occupation. when the americans and the british intervened and announced their alliance called prosperity guardian and attack the yemani navy, resulting in 10 marties, their ships were subsequently included in the target list, with a tighting of the blockad in gazza and talks of famon and deaths among the elderly and children, where more than 15 children died from framemon.
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thus the announcement was made to expand yemani operations from the red sea to the mandib straight to the gulf of aiden to the arabian sea and now towards the indian ocean. these operations are: exclusively linked to palestine and supporting our people in palestine. regarding the aggression against yemen and our response to the american british, we target their warships and merchant vessels. however, the expansion to the indian ocean is related to the zinus siege on gazza. as mentioned by mr. commander abdul malik althi, since the beginning of the war on ghazza, a group of missiles and drones has been launched from sona, more than what was launched in eight years on saudi arabia during the aggression on yemen. and the coming is greater, the more severe the blockade and aggression against our people in gaza, the greater our response will be, this is what i want, this is what i want to
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discuss mr. ali, because what do you think are the prospects of increasing this kind of economic pressure on the zinanis israeli entity and the americans and the uk by default, will it escalate tensions in the region? i mean, could it potentially expand the scope of the conflict if the aggression on gaza, the... whenever the blockade and aggression on gaza intensify, it becomes imperative for the resistance in gaza escalate this strikes and it becomes necessary for supporting fronce in various arenas to expand their operations. what we witnessed recently in terms of expansion in the north along the lebanese border, there was an intensification of strikes by the... islamic resistance as well as in yemen and iraq, thus, the expansion of the conflict is contingent on zianus performance. the tighter the siege on our people in gaza, and the more
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frequent their strikes, the more there will be intensification of palestinian strikes and strikes by supporting movements, because we must confront escalation with escalation. "the ball is now in the court of the american anzionist aggressors, if they do not want escalate the conflict further, they must seize their aggression and lift the siege on gaza. if they persist in aggression, the region will inevitably witness further escalation. all our options are open, as said hasan said, between us lies the battlefield, the days and the nights. if the israeli entity opts for escalation, they will not be received with..."
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to have you on with us to discuss the meeting that happened between the palestiny resistance factions and the ansarullah yemini resistance faction and from my platform again i want to thank my brothers and sisters in yemen for their support uh for our brothers and sisters in palestine uh we are definitely uh one nation one people and this uh past uh war genocidal war in gaza has proven uh that we are uh so ladies and gents thank you very much for watching our show right here on press tv the media stream and uh i hope that you follow us on telegram and on x and i hope you always to an end to watch because we give you right here the voice of the voice list from press tv's the mediast stream.
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the israeli economy already shrink almost 20%. "the israeli economy is very dependent on the exploration of palestinian workforce,
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what was done?" agriculture with high-tech irrigation does not have the labor from foreign sources, which was bad in any case. in this week's show we'll be asking how and why the british political class was seized by the zianist lobby. what are the implications for our democracy if our lawmakers are in throll to israel? there's others thean austin, john man, these are all people came from the win party and effectually are doing the the the job of uh of the zionist entity. what i've seen um over the last few years is is the extremists in westminster the the
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people that are ' and creating the uh the problems in our communities are being led by bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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firstly headlines this hour, the death doll from over five months of the israel us genocide in gaza keeps rising now nearing 32, the new un imagery report shows 35% of the buildings in the gaza. have been destroyed by israel's campaign, and the pressure on halting arms exports to israel gets more momentum, gains more momentum, as the uk's considering to set conditions for sending weapons to the televive regime.