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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 10:02pm-10:31pm IRST

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government of the united kingdom, great britain and northern ireland for defense and security corporation. document will be signed by the honorable richard miles, mp, deputy prime minister, iston's prestine nature with vast oak forests, gaping gorgeous and amazing waterfalls. it's where heaven and earth meet each other and stars frequent to welcome the visitors at nights. join us to
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watch the most wonderful place in the heart of iran. abu taher, iraqi. القصه يعني لكل عراقي. في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات an iraqi businessman who recounts of saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others كل ما عندي امر لله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه تتوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابا الحسن موسى علي بن موسى الرضا. let's hear abu
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taher's story together. in 1964, every swiss woman of childbearing potential would give birth to almost three children. what happened to the traditional family? se fate figli, però non rompete le scatole d'autori di. lavoro non lavorate, cioè il messaggio per intanto attuale è questo e quindi questo è venuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un secondo tempo sono anche arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare a tutt'altro che magari mettere su una famiglia. 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are
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couples without children and only 27.3%. let's cross on over now live and listen tothi, the leader of the movement speaking. the people of the world that for those who had forgotten the black history of the united states of continuously violating the rights of accused of the people even in yemen and also the continuous aggressions, it is the only country in the world which has used the atomic bombs against civilians in hiroshima, nakazaki and japan, no one has forgotten has
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forgotten or perhaps have been deceived or as their attention has been diversted to what's happening in gaza would awaken them if there is any hope that they are awakened, this unveils the truth of the united states, which is the patron of zionist enemy, which is the one that is shedding this blood, which is on the innocent blood and it is the continuously violating the rights of others, and this these are... people that continue decides that continue to violate the international standards and this is a shame for the muslim of people, the muslim nations, in many muslim countries, those who have the responsibility more than anyone else in the world, in addition to the humanitarian ethical, moral duty as well, but there is also the role of the nation, muslim nation, the criminal...
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actions of the zionist enemy are diverse and they even have different types of crimes, including happened in the last few hours in the last friday when many people who were very hung those under famon who went to the kuwait area, but they were killed by the apache israeli helicopters and they directly shot at the people and when those who wanted to get refuge from some areas, then the helicopter, the israeli artillery continue. this crime by shooting at those people on the next day, also the israeli fighter jets, also with many shelling and bombings targeted and destroyed the aramal neighborhood over the heads of its inhabitants, and they say their
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pretex for this crime, the main reason for this is that this residential area..." "there is a well with water, which includes water, and for tens of families who live there, would able to get water from this one, that is their pretext, they wanted to destroy all of this, and these zist enemies moving by two paths, two different paths: first of all, targeting those trucks of aids, the eight trucks for the palestining people inside gaza, they do not allow accept the the rare issues. only when there is famine and the fact that the sufferings have reached a very high level and even whatever enters is being targeted by the israelis and they even go and on the path they target the people who are on those roads towards the a trucks whenever
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they come together or their crowds will come to get any food or water or aids the amount of aid that is reaching the people of god. we can see that the from the reports, the this percentage is unprecedented in the entire world, not in one single country has this happened in the world, all the people of gaza are in need of food, and they are in need of in order for food to be provided for them, and this is 100, the need is 100%, this is unprecedented and unlike any other country a time of war, and this is... a shame and this is catastrophic based on the food health security, food security of the united st nations, the organizations, the relief organizations, this this is very critical
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level of the lack of nutrition, it has reached a state and it's very... more than two thirds of the people of gaza are under this blockade, thousands are being choked by this enclave, by this bloccade of the forced by the zionis and the israel have also targeted those at trucks even as they move, and this is the very little that is entering gaza, they're targeting also even the areas of distribution, the headquarters of distribution as... well this through this have seen that there was more than 10 massacers that were committed and even from those employees that were ready to distribute the fade and this has caused chaos, this has caused problems, and they have even targeted
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the tribes that were making committees that would help in distribution of the foods and the assistance and the aids. near the area of the kuwait roundabout, and this is one of the examples that shows the level of suffering for the people of gaza, for its women, for its children. this is one of thousands of other instances of miseries, which went to look for a flower in order to make bread, and when they returned, they found that their house was completely demolished after. "the enemy had destroyed the house over the heads their children, and this is part of the huge shagren and the sufferings of the women and children. this is not just stories that are told, these are true sufferings that should
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awaken the conscience of the people, and this is a curse on those who are supportive of the zionist enemy, and this is a shame for. those are silent and looking only by, but those are traders, those are supportive, just like the united states of america, they can go back to listen to the... prime minister of pakistan, he said that the united states has no friend and we need to deal with the white house as if as we deal with coal, no one can deal with coal unless they have a black and face, a darken face and they will be have dark faces in the afterlife and on judgment day, and this is the united states in america that are continuously insisting on this support. despite the warnings from the united nations and many of the organizations, many countries
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in the world, that the zionist enemy is using famin as a weapon against the people of gaza, and with they are seeing this with their own eyes, they are witnesses of what is happening, whether on television, the documented footage that we get, except the united states, which is a partner, the zionist enemy, is very boldly and saying there is no proof, they they want more proofs and this, this is only just when they look at what's happening with the people, they displace the enemy is using several methods in order to to diverse to have diverse crimes and manners of killing the people, it has become also very diverse and different. new ways of killing, whether shelling, even the refugee camps or the displaced people or the
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snipers that are also sniping people, killing people with sniper fire and executing people on the streets and even those who are moving and this place from one place to another and they're telling them that the this is safe place to go to, and they declare this to the palestinian people, and then they suddenly after those displaced people and those refugees are crowded in one certain area that they go and they kill all the displaced people in that area after they had been able successfully gathered big numbers of displaced people in those areas or they use famin in order to target those people and kill those people. the zionist enemy has also surrounded two schools which have displaced people which and they have als so led the women to leave that area from other areas as
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well which the occupation forces are also specifying and limiting the roads that they can take and even targeting them on those roads that they have taken in order to be displaced and move from one place to another and they continue to kill the displaced people through directly targeting them and even the refugee camps are being targeted and here we can see that the majority of the people of gaza, maybe two million refugeees inside gaza, but the health crisis is also exacerbated as the zionist enemy continues to target the medical facilities and the those patients who are being taken care of and they're shooting and even the operation rooms and hospitals and killing the patients as... they are on the bed of hospitals and last monday also the enemy began a continuous
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campaign that targeted once more at shifa medical center in with direct fire and killed tens of people killed and wounded hundreds in the hospital and surrounding it and they have even targeted the doctors, the nurses and this has let many of them not to be able to take care of the wounded inside the hospital because of the stent of fire and shelling from the israelis from all areas and all windows, and after this, the zionist occupation forces also entered the hospital to execute the medical personnel and the patients after targeting them and the zinus and also said that they killed 90 patients and members of medical personnel in that hospital, that area, and also they... and to arrest and remove the respiratory system of the many of the patients in order to lead to
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their death and they forced many of them to leave the hospital, they also surrounded the area and inflamed it with fire, and they had also continuously fire surrounding the... and the zionist also had arrested many of the unarmed people for a whole day. what type of brutality is this? this is... criminality for those who are traits, those who are trying to normalize ties, they were saying that this is the doves of peace, that the rights, that the wisdom that they're saying is that there should be natural relations with this occupation, but at the level of targeting the medical personnel, over 400 personnel have
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been killed, several have been also arrested, the destruction, the... chaos that we've seen most of the cities in the houses and residential areas and in several sectors, more than 368 residential units were completely destroyed or partially destroyed and also more than 500 mosks were destroyed as well with continuous shelling and destruction with all with all of this criminality, mass killing and mass destruction, the enemy is also trying to destabilize security in gaza to spread chaos and mayhem, they want to also go back to a state of occupation over the gaza strip, they
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have also targeted the police in that area, also the heads of the and several areas and... as well and they targeted that officer as he was trying to have a certain area of stability and to take control, but they wanted to destabilize this in order to of course be able and to be in control of that area. this is very henous crime. in this regard we also salute the steadfastness of the people of gaza. and the wisdom of the people of gaza who had decisive stance with not dealing with the israeli enemy or with its collaborators and its agents, which shows that they are well aware and they are continuously on the path of their cause, in the phase of this criminality, this these massacers, mass destruction, masskilling,
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just supported also and in partnership of, not only in support of, but also support of the western countries like germany, france and others, facing this is a steadfastness of the fighters and the people of gaza, the fighters in the gaza strip and the al-qassan brigades and brigades and all the fighters and the factions in gaza continue to fight very courageously in order to face the zionist enemy and have inflicted heavy losses upon the enemy's occupation. forces, they have also ambushed the enemy, several areas, they have targeted the enemy, more than 15 vehicles have been targeted, the fighters also in gaza strip despite the extent of the aggression and the crimes and the killing and this destruction and the use by the enemy of the superfluous force, and despite the humble
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capabilities of the fighters and very humble... and simple capabilities for years, not only now, also they are considered a miracle for the people of palestine and the world for all the upcoming generations. the fighters in palestine and with them are the people, they are stad fast, they are standing very firm, they are able to inflict heavy losses on the israeli enemy, even kill... and wound many of the soldiers, the people are also continuously refusing being displaced and being refugees despite the suffering that is unprecedented and are very hurtful for every single person who has a conscience who has single atom of humane feelings and also
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there is failure, there is huge failure for the israeli enemy, they were not able to take full control this when their operations, their campaigns and their shelling and their killing and destruction, they were not able to retrieve their prisoners and they were not able to achieve any image of victory in order to celebrate or to be proud of, they're only proud of their crimes, they're very haninous crimes, they only are proud of killing children, killing women and their soldiers and their political... leaders, they're happy that they have killed civilians, they're happy that they killed elderly, and the patients on the doors and of the hospitals and inside the... hospitals, this is what they are proud of, also the israelies have a problem, they have a crisis when it comes to
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having soldiers and the number of soldiers, this also shows the fact that the fighters are still able to enforce this issue and they they we that there are many that have psychological problems now, they are trying to make up for the number by bringing in more people, there's also refusal from many factions within the zionist entity, and this regime in order to enter, especially those who are mostly hateful against the palestinian people, in the specific and in general against the arabs and muslims, there is an extent of hatred. and there is, they they look at the palestinian people in a manner which is barbaric, they still, despite
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this, they are also threatening to leave palestine and they prefer to choose prison, some of them said that we will either we will die and we will not go and serve in the army. "this is an internal problem and this is one the results of the steadfastness of the people and the fighters. another example of failure of the enemy is that there are many problems and rifts within this entity, but the economic loss, which is called also by the finance minister, a catastrophe. and economic failures that are adding up and the numbers are also adding up to level that is
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unprecedented as well, the level which has caused economic problems for the enemy, they have for example the problem which is they wanted even arm, the workers in at in one of the ports, this has impacted the general situation in the city at on and on the economy in general of the regime. there are statements that show that there are huge losses for this regime for the israelis, including the that issues that the media says the media said that we are in the biggest scandal since the establishment of the army. and the most dangerous failure since the establishment of israel, the internal home front is not ready for a regional war, it
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will be bigger than the war that we are witnessing now in gaza. the israelis are evaluating the effectiveness of their army in facing very small numbers of the fighters in gaza with very humble capabilities inside. a blockade which has been there for for years, which has also been harsher in the last confrontation, they were looking at the situation, and despite all of this destruction and the continuous shelling, and despite the fact that there were units from the israeli army in order to fight in the gaza strip, they are still witnessing this failure. many of them also have been haveen left the army and all the capabilities despite the capabilities that they have, they
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have witnessed their failure, and this is why they called it a scandal, they consider this the biggest scandal since the establishment of israel, as they said, there is huge impact on the people of gaza, and we can see the courage and the boldness of the people of... despite the destruction and this is decisive issue and it has impacts and this is why this is very important issue, it will impact on the future and this has to do with the confrontation inside gaza and the failure of the enemy and the steadfastness of the fighters in gaza and the people of gaza, but the other fronts, for example lebanon's front which is direct. also in conflict with the israeli enemy, with very hurtful operations against the enemy that had even led to
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infiting heavy loss. is upon the settlers and we can see that there of course the the resistance in lebanon is documenting operations with every step and we can see that they are directly targeting the israelis and also concerning the battle the front in with yemen there is a popular and official support of continuous operations military operations mainly by the rocket force and the drones and the force and we can see we had this - week alone 18 ballistic and winged rockets have been have targeted the is one of the most significant operations in this week that have caused for the enemy huge concern a an operations that targeted omar rashash with very developed and advanced rocket that
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rocket it succeeded. in reaching despite all the radars of the israelis and the us and their marching capabilities, and this is development that surprised the israeli enemy, and they also acknowledged this and admitted to this failure, and our brothers also have opened up new horizon in the development of their rockets, and this had led to a... clear and huge concern for the enemy, and also our naval forces.
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and we can see that the total number of the operations and the aggressions from the us against our people and our country more than 407 different instances of shelling and they are using very developed weapons and despite this they are failing and they even can admit to the fact that they have failed whether it is the us president or the generals or the ministers and even those in the navy the us army's navy and...