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tv   EXPOSE GAZA PIER CONSPIRACY  PRESSTV  March 21, 2024 11:02pm-11:30pm IRST

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certain issues to another areas, it's a position for god almighty, this has to do also with conscience and humanity, this is ethical and moral duty, any human being can move based and take action based on their conscience and their awareness, because some people are unfortunately they become bored of their movements and their continuous repetition and they feel that it is mundane, but no, they should not stop should not be distortioned despite all distortion. this is a month of fasting and reading the quran and more than any time in the year, and mainly it is issue of piety and actions which god almighty is pleased of, not only fasting and worshipping and righteous actions, god almighty says that they accept the deeds of those are good, you cannot be closer to god.
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almighty then this, but we also need to say that we are not with or against the crimes of the enemy, but if we are silent and we do not move, then this person will be equal to the criminal, we cannot also stop these actions, we need to continue, this is the month of gaza, this is the month of good deeds, the month of fasting. the month of raising the slogans and banners in the name of god almighty, the protest of our people in light of all of this silence in the arab muslim world, this is a great honor, this is part of our ethics and our morals, last week, the first week in the holy month of ramadan, there were some issues on the num, the number or the time of the protest, whether it is before the month, the prayers of ' facer or
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after prayers of facer, then this week we will find a solution for this issue, in conclusion, i speak to our people, i call on our people, you should come out with the biggest numbers and fight with your money, with your souls, this is best for you, for the afterlife, and heat to the call of prophet muhammad, please be upon him and his family, he has said that those who do not, care and are not concerned for the issues and the affairs of other muslims are not muslim and we call on all the muslims aren't the palestinians muslim. this is call to the of muslims and the arabs. this is call that we are calling on the fighters are calling you on you. more than two million muslims in the gaza strip are under this issue needs and neared your support. tomorrow our people come out our people of loyalty. "the people of
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yemen and wisdom and goodness come out with god's blessings based on the procedures and measures and all the fronts and depending on your area, we pray that god almighty accepts your fasting and prayers and your good deeds and may he also end the suffering of the palestinian people and give victory to the people. you listen to abdul malik, the leader of the movement speaking there towards the end there, as customary with the speeches, uh, has asked for the people of yemen to come out uh for friday, which has been uh the case each and every friday for quite some time. he talked about how us is violating the rights of others, only country that has used the atomic bomb in nagasaki and hiroshima. this envails the truth about the us, the patron of the zionist enemy. muslim countries have the most responsibility to support the palestinians. the criminal actions of the zinist enemy are diverse. it commits different types of crimes, they use apache helicopters to kill palestinians, uh, the israeli fighter jets. destroyed the
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neighborhood and the reason for that was because it had water uh amongst some of the other statements that he made there is targeting eight trucks for palestinians, just some of the statements made there by abdul malik, leader of the law movement. we'll have more for you hopefully in our international news coming up at half past the hour. for now, it's goodbye. this week on expose, with the port to be established in gaza and no intention of opening land borders, us president joe biden is using electoral propaganda to carry favor with the american people after his full fledge support to zinist israel, now the viden peer plan in gaza has caused suspicion in... stream media indicating that although
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the obstruction by zinus israel remains a concern, its impact will now be evident during the distribution phase rather than the initial point of entry. also, social media users... view the byren peer plan for gaza as a dark joke, arguing that its solel purpose is to allow the zianist occupation to continue grabbing more land and to plunder gas deposits off the coast of gaza. stay tuned for expose. the truth is just the revelation away.
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بما صنعوا قارعه او تحل قريبا من دارهم صدق الله العلي العظيم. "what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget. now i am become death. we now
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have a name for the disease and..." it is covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home. that's what comes from china really deeply that if people are sharing more, then the world will be more open place where people can understand what's going on with the people around them, and that's really what we want to get towards. did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of yes, i did. i returned a few days ago from egypt, on the flight, i wrote a letter to the children of
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gaza, and i would like to close my talk with this letter, dear child, it is past midnight, i'm flying at hundreds of miles an hour in the darkness, thousands of feet over the atlantic ocean. i'm traveling to egypt, i will go to the border of gaza at rafa. i go because of you. you have never been in a plane. you have never left gaza, you know only the densely packed streets and alleys, the concrete hovels, you know only the security barriers and fences patrolled by soldiers that surround gaza, planes for you
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are terrifying, fighter jets, attack helicopters, drones, they circle above you, they... drop and bombs defening explosions, the ground shakes, buildings fall, the dead, the screams, the muffled calls for help from beneath the rubble, it does not stop, night and day, trapped under the piles of smashed concrete, your playmates, your schoolmates, your neighbors, gone in seconds, you see the chalky faces and limp bodies when they are dug out. i am a reporter. it is my job to see this. you are a child. you should never see
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this. the stench of death, rotting corpses under the broken concrete. you hold your breath. you cover your mouth with a cloth, you walk faster, your neighborhood has become a graveyard, all that was familiar is gone. you stare in amazement, you wonder where you are, you are afraid, explosion after explosion, you cry, you cling to your mother or father, you cover your ears, you see the white light of the missile and wait for the blast, why do they kill children, what did you do, why can't anyone? protect you, will you be wounded? will you lose leg or an arm?
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will you go blind or be in a wheelchair? why were you born? was it for something good? or was it for this? will you grow up? will you be happy? what will it be like without your friends? who will die? next, your mother, your father, your brothers and sisters, someone you know will be injured soon, someone you know will die soon, at night you lie in the dark on the cold cement floor, the phones are cut, the internet is off, you do not know what is happening, there are flashes of light, there are waves of blast concussions, there are screams, it does not
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stop. when your father or mother hunts for food or water, you wait, that terrible feeling in your stomach, will they come back, will you see them again? will your tiny home be next, will the bombs find you? are these your last moments on earth? you drink? salty, dirty water, it makes you very sick, your stomach hurts, you are hungry, the bakeries are destroyed, there is no bread, you eat one meal a day, pasta, cucumber, soon, this will seem like feast, you do not play with your soccer ball made of rags, you do not fly your kite made from old newspaper. you have seen foreign reporters, we wear flack jackets with
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the word press written on them, we have helmets, we have cameras, we drive jeeps, we appear after bombing or shooting, we sit over a coffee for a long time and talk to the adults, then we disappear, we do not usually interview children, views when groups of you crowded around us, laughing, pointing, asking us to take your picture, i have been bombed by jets in gaza, i have been bombed in other wars, wars that happened before you were born, i too was very, very scared, i still have dreams about it, when i see the pictures of gaza, these wars return to me with a force of thunder and lightning. i think of you, all
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of us who've been to war, hate war most of all, because of what it does to children. i tried to tell your story, i tried to tell the world that when you are cruel to people, week after week, month after month. year after year, decade after decade, when you deny people freedom and dignity, when you humiliate and trap them an open-air prison, when you kill them as if they were beasts, they become very angry, they do to others what was done to them, i told it over and over, i told it for seven years. few listened, and now this: there are very brave
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palestinian journalists, 50 of them have been killed since this bombing began. they are heroes, so are the doctors and nurses in your hospitals, so are the un workers. almost a hundred of whom have been killed, so are the ambulance drivers and medics. so are the rescue parties that lift up the slabs of concrete with their hands, so are the mothers and fathers who shield you from the bombs, but we are not there, not this: time, we cannot get in, we are locked out, reporters from all over the world are going to the border crossing at rafa, we are going because because we cannot watch this slaughter and do nothing, we are going because hundreds of people are dying a day, including over 100 children, we are going because this genocide
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must stop, we are going because we have children, like you, precious, innocent, loved, we are going because we want you to live, i hope one day we will meet, you will be adult, i will be an old man, although to you i am already very old, in my dream for you, i will find you free and safe and happy. no one will be trying to kill you. you will fly in airplanes filled with people, not bombs. you will not be trapped in a concentration camp. you will see the world. you will grow up and have children. you will become old. you will remember this suffering,
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but you will know it means you must help others who suffer. this is my hope. "my prayer, we have failed you, this is the awful guilt we carry, we tried, but we did not try hard enough, you will go to rafa, many of us, reporters who will stand outside the border with gaza and protest." you will write and film, this is what we do, it is not much, but it is something you will tell your story again, maybe it will be enough earn the right to ask for your forgiveness. thank you.
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the one you're watching, i'm your host.
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information about palestine abounds on social networks. many times without context, they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hadway, chilean mayor of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine. to understand in depth the present the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine.
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the palestinian resistance hamas has presented to mediate. is a proposal for a cease fire in gaza which includes a first phase involving the release of women, children, elderly, and sick israeli entity captives in exchange for releasing between 700 to 1,ous palestinian prisoners, including 100 with life sentences or high sentences. furthermore, the proposal also includes hamas's agreement to date for a permanent cease fire after the initial prisoner exchange. while the office of the israeli entity prime minister considered hamas's response to be unrealistic. some israeli entity officials hinted that this awaited response, which they had been anticipating for weeks, could represent a sign of progress. it might allow for transitioning to more serious negotiations regarding... detailed deal in a later stage in the qatari capital daha. back to gaza talks this week on the media stream. how designs come from
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across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret? army hagana, how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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i have been detained 10 times since the first interfada or uprising in 1987. i was detained and released 10 times, so i have lot of experience and have lot to say about what takes place during the interrogations and about the horrifying stories i heard from my fellow detainees.
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the first pain when his house is rated by the occupation's army, the troops detonate the doors using bombs and then enter the... home and begin ransacking it, destroying everything inside. they terrify the children, women and fathers and mothers in plain sight the prisoner who's handcuffed behind his back. that prisoner is taken in plainside of the children who scream. this also constitutes suffering for the family, for the children. for the women, for the father and for the mother. on the way to the
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interrogation, the detainee is physically and verbally assaulted, and here is blasphemous words. the wives or sisters of some of the detaines were also... detained and brought to the interrogation, there the men were threatened with subjecting their wives or sisters to sexual abuse if they refused to make a confession. i personally spent a week, seven days sitting a chair with my hands cuffed behind my back and my face covered. i spent seven days without sleep and without food. during the fasting month of ramadan, they were giving us just one meal every two or three days. when i was asking for water, they were spilling water on the floor, so if
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you wanted to drink water, you had to drink the water spilled on the floor. so they obtain a decision from the court and sit the detaneo down and shake him for a long period of time and that subsequently inflicts a brain injury on him that leaves him either dead or mentally ill. they strip people of their clothes and put them a wet floor and turn on air conditioners, switching back and forth from cooling to heating. during one to two days those detainees fall ill due to that method of torture. while the dettane is hungry, the interrogator brings delicious food and begins eating. what hurts more
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is that the army brings those settlers to the prisons to see how palestinian detaines are humiliated or subsequently they boost the moral of their people and settlers through showing them the pains of the palestinians who are held in the prisons. what's currently happening in israeli jails is harsher than what happened in the us detention centers of abu ghraib and guantanamo bay. i can say that they all learned from the same source, how to torture and humiliate the people.
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فرحين بما اتاهم الله من فضله ويستبشرون ويستبشرون ويستبشرون بالذين ويستبشرون بالذين لم يلحقوا بهم من خلفهم الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون صدق الله العليم.
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the headlines, israely occupation forces continue their military crackdown against al-shifah medical complex in gaza. killing dozens and abducting scores of others. new un imagery report shows 35% of the buildings in the gaza strip have been destroyed by israel's campaign. and an independent poll shows vast majority of palestinians support hamas resistance movement and see alaksa flood a correct decision.