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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 22, 2024 6:30am-7:01am IRST

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the headlines, the israeli occupation forces continue their attacks on al-shifah medical complex in gaza. leader of yemen's ansar allah move. says international massacre of palestinians in gaza proved the criminal nature of israel, and iran strongly condemns israel's attacks on syria and unlawful provocative, saying that the regime strikes only escalate the tensions.
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of hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisumi shah ahmadi and these are top stories this hour. nearly six months into the israeli genocidal war on gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling continue to claim innocent lives in the besiage. palestinian territory. the gaza health ministry says over 100 palestinians have lost their lives in israeli raise only in the matter of 24 hours. several in several areas, including jalaliah, north and rafa in the south have come under these shellings. the death toll from the us back genocide in gaza since october 7th is now almost third.
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people, most of them women and children. 7,000 are unaccounted for fear to be dead under the rubble of their home. over 74,00 of gazans have also been injured. the palestinian media office in gaza has accused the israeli regime of deliberately killing over dozen patients in gaza's al-shifah hospital over the past four years. according to the statement, the patients passed away because they have been deprived of medicine while the regime forces have cut off water and electricity to the complex. it said dozens of nurses, doctors and hospital staff have also been abducted. by the israeli army,
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the media office condemned the crimes committed by israel as well as washington support for tel aviv. meanwhile, the world health organization has warned that the attacks against al shafa hospital have made impossible for un agencies to distribute and has also expressed concern about the reports of medical staff being detained, ai in al-shifah hospital, the in gaza, it has been under a direct israeli attack, raids and airstrikes since monday, a corresponding gaza, abu musabi has talked to some people in... palestinians talking about the the
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situation in the catastrophic area of alchifa hospital. israel aggression is still persistent against the shif medical complex and even the surrounding areas of gaza strip. as you know that today is the fourth consecutive day of this brutal aggression uh as a result the israel incubation forces kidnapped hands of the palestinean civilians and inside the ashifa medical complex, including paramedics and journalists and even civilians of those evacuees who were taking shelter of inside the hospital. actually, according to the latest news from the ashifa medical complex that at least the three palestinian patients passed away over the lack of the needed medical care after the israeli incubation forces kidnapped and abducted the paramedics from the ashif medical complex, while in the surrounding areas the israel incubation. forces are still
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attacking the residental buildings fears air strikes hit the residental buildings over the of last couple of hours as the israeli air strikes targeted and destroy several horizontal buildings in the meantime the israeli artillery and the israeli tanks also maintaine shelling the residential apartments in the vicinity of the shifa medical complex, a big fire blazed and engulfed a lot of the palestinan residental ap apartments in the area in the vicinity of the shiper medical complex. we are talking about continuous israeli air strikes and the humanitarian conditions are still catastrophic by all means uh for the palestinian evacuees who are still stranded and beseeged inside that shif. medical complex or for those who are still located and the trapped under the heavy bombardments of the israeli tanks and the israeli strikes in the vicinity of the ashifa medical complex. many appeals actually were released by the palestinian families in order uh to help them i mean for their bread
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crossiry and the human human rights organizations to help them to to saveeg to be safeguard and to leave the area because the israeli shilling is fears and intense and it hasn't stopped for a while, we are talking about four consecutive months of those continuous israeli strikes and attacks. the united nations satellite center has released an updated assessment of the damage inflated on billions of buildings in gaza. it has said that 35% of the buildings in the gaza strip have. damaged. it also said that nearly 90,000 buildings have been damaged among which 12, 32,00 have been completely destroyed. the new assessment shows that nearly 2,0 buildings have been damaged in
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gaza since the previous assessment in january, the indiscriminate bombings and in the besieg territory have. resulted in the destruction of hospitals, schools, mosks and churches and infrastructure, these decisions come while other essential areas has displaced hundreds of thousands of people, human rights organizations say the destruction appears to be aimed to or have the effect of for rendering civilians to leave their lands. "the united states has already vetoed all the un security council resolutions calling for immediate cease fire in the war ravage gaza strip, now is faced
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with increasing international uh backlash. the secretary of state claims that his country is working with qatar and egypt a cease fire proposal." in egypt: uh, we've been working, as you know, with egypt, with cutter uh, and with israel to put a strong proposal on the table. um, hamas responded to that, uh, negotiators continue to work, uh, the gaps are narrowing uh, and we're continuing to push for an agreement in doha, uh, there's still difficult work to get there, but i continue to believe uh it's possible by blincan added that to the proposal calls for immediate cease fire to pave the way for the release of hostages and get more humanitarian aid inside. he was speaking after meetings with number of arab
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foreign ministers in egypt's capital cairo, blincan will arrive in israel on friday as part of his west asia tour and as israel's main backer, the us has been supporting the regime, both financially and militarily since the beginning of the genocide in gaza. the us resolution will put to vote the security council on friday. 27 leaders of the european union have called for immediate cease fire in the gaza strip as it becomes a prelute to sustainable cease fire, the eu leaders made the request in a statement after a meeting of the european council in brussels. they also urged israel not to launch its planned ground operation in rafa, saying that it would
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worsen the already catastrophic situation in gaza. they added that rafa offensive would also prevent the provisions of basic services and humanitarian assistance to civilians. the eu leaders expressed deep concern about the catastrophic situation of children in gaza. gaza is at imminent risk of femine caused by insufficient entry of wood and has called for full rapid and unhindered humanitarian access to gaza. we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites. and touristic places of this province. katalikor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khuda
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bandelu mountains with unique and wonderful icicles. with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey. leader of yemen sansarulah movement has strongly condemned the us israeli genocide in gaza as purposeful, intentional and pre-planned. speaking a televised address, abdul malik al-huthi said, the massacre of palestinians by the regime forcess atest to the criminal nature of the zinis. he added that, what... is happening in the gaza shows are not treated to be entirely. he also
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stress that while the israeli uses hunger as a weapon against gazons, the us claims that there is no evidence to prove that. he said the ongoing genocide in gaza would morally decline the us and ask ask warnings regarding the threats posed by other. nations. huthy affirmed that israel has failed to achieve any of those goals on the ground, despite all these heinous crimes. touchching upon recent developments in the red sea, al hothi said that the us and the uk have not failed to protect israel linked ships, but they have also failed to protect their own vessels. he said, they are now resorting to camouflage tactics to conceal. their ships, but the vessels have been detected, yeah, many
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activists and political commentator hussein al buiti joined us earlier with his take on this piece of news, and of course the yemeni attack against israel, it came to a surprise, they did not actually expect that yemenes, has been actually under a bloccade and siege uh from the united states and saudi arabia and as well united arab emirates who have been under attack more than 25000 saudi air strike and attack has been conducted against yemani. they have destroyed yemani economic infrastructure health infrastructure and under this blocate they were really really surprised that germany actually has the one who have declared clearly the war against israel by targeting israeli uh army bases in south of occupied palestine and as well the next step was to block the ship and this
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actually have a direct effect on israel we have seen that the latest report from ela that they said they they they the elat airport elat port has lost about 80 to 90% of its capacity so it's almost kind of close even ilat city has been affected shops there and companies and factories has been deeply and strongly affected by those attack from yemen and by the blue. that's why they actually have tried now to avoid those attack by either uh camerflage for their ship and as well by going uh through around the the uh around south africa but yemani actually is is always they will expand its attack to target israeli ship either in in the red sea and the gulf of eden and as well in the indian ocean and a funeral service has been held for four palestinians killed during the israeli rah raid in the occupied west bank,
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the morning procession was held in norshamp's refugee camp near the town of tulk, the occupation force. conducted pre-dawn raid in the area, according to the red cresent, two the victims were killed in an air raid and two others were shotly killed by soldiers later on. the palestinians was also working on kun fire amar refugee camp in ramala. in lebanon, near a dozen palestinians were killed in less than 24 hours in the occupied west bank. the israeli military has intensified its violent raids across the occupied territory since october 7th, at the
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same launches is the genocidal war on gaza. and a trip by the president of the european parliament to austria has been overshadowed by palestinian solidarity protests in vienna. he has spoken with several activists who attended the looming terrible. go, let them go, let them go, first of all we should we should understand that this is one the biggest student movements in austria since the 1980s, which means that palestine was able to mobilize a student movement in a country that deems to be democratic, but now it is violating each and every pillar of democracy by illegally detaining protesters,
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every single day since the 7th of october, up until now, the student movement has been protesting against few officials that have been ratifying and allowing for the continuation of trade, diplomatic and infrastructural relations with israel, there was no questions directed towards us, there were no, there was no reports and anything that we have critically put out there in the last half year, while a genocide is unfolding in front of our eyes and over 3000 people have been slaughtered, and the press in austria is not either covering us and our critical voices, nor the... genocide itself, nor how the eu is actually funding all of this, it's it's really, it's very alarming, and instead of holding israel accountable, instead of instantiating an arm's embargo and demanding for the genocide to stop, the eu is continuing uh its hypocritical humanitarian aid policy to deflect from the complicity in the murder of more than 30,00 palestinians.
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once again, the eu proves itself to be merely a hypocritical institution. hiding its real colonial, capitalist and white supremacist policies behind the facade of human rights and economic prosperity. iran has strongly condemned israel's frequent attacks on syria as unlawful and provocative, saying that the regime strikes only escalate regional tensions and underminee stability. iran's permanent ambassador to the united nations was agreeing uh security council meeting on the... situation in syria, amir sayad iravani said that the israeli regime must be held in accountable and forced to end such aggressive actions immediately. he also called for immediate lifting of all unilateral sanctions imposed on damascus. arvan said, unilateral
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sanctions vote to the basic human. human rights of the syrian people and punish the entire syrian population. he added that iran believes that the syrian crisis can only be resolved through political means and will continue supporting its government. efforts to restore the country's unity and territorial integrity continue. and as motherersday is... observed across the world, in the arab world, the situation in gaza remains gloomy. a new report says palestinian mothers are in during the hard hardest uh time, and this is amid israel's relentless onslot on the territory. we discuss this with our guests in our news review program.
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welcome to another edition of the news review, now in this edition, it is mother's day across the arab world and in palestine. mothers, however, are not celebrating the event, as they are facing death, displacement, starvation, and abduction. the palestinian prisoner society says the israeli forces have carried out large scale detention campaigns against women in the gaza strip since the start of the regime's on. plot on the beseest territory early in october. the pps explained that the crimes and violations committed by the israeli forces against female prisoners have escalated an unprecedent. way, the prisoner society said palestinian mothers in israeli jails are not allowed to have visitors on mother's day. according to un women, over 9,00 palestinian
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women have been killed by israely forces since october, with an estimated 37 mothers losing their lives every day. to discuss that further, we're joined by alice rothchild, author, activist and filmmaker, who's joining us from seattle, we also have with us nasar mashni, president of the australia palestine advocacy network from melbourne. thank you very much to both of you for joining us. let's begin with our guest from seattle and who is woman herself. it is mother's day in the arab world. mothers are receiving gifts from their children, from loved ones, the're being celebrated for the sacrifices they make day in and day out, but in the gaza strip,
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mothers are being killed every single day, 37 per day, according to un women, so what is your take on that? well, i think that what is going on where we see the killing of over 3200 people? two thirds of them are women and children, that this is assault on all of the people in gaza, this is not an assault against hamas, and uh, you could say that this is attempt to really destroy the society, and it goes along with the destruction of the healthcare system, the universities, the libraries, really hitting at the core of the ability to have a functional society, and so it's particularly cool for the women um who are uh innocent in this particular struggle, many of the men are innocent as well, but that women are clearly innocent as well as the children, so it's it's part of a genocidal uh campaign against
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uh the people in gaza. thank you very much for that and put uh back to our guest in melbourne just a quick note to wrap this up uh, when do you think this will stop? do you think there will be point where where israelis will stop the bombardment or? uh they are aiming to uh destroy everything that exists. i don't think israel's stopping anytime soon. you know uh, when you look at the beyond the geopolitics, just look at benjamin netanyahu and the makeup of his fascist government. this is the most far right government uh israel's ever had. and that's saying something considering the war criminals that have run that country before. israel's not stopping soon and whilst it receives impunity diplomatically and from the... mainstream media in the west, it's not going to stop, this genocide and as al said again so brilliantly, is aimed at destroying gaza, when you take out every bit of civil
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infrastructure from churches to schools to hospitals to roads, there is no functioning way that gaza can keep the gazans, now you spoke in your previous story about a pole of palestinians that don't want to leave gaza even if the rough gate is broken. through, i i like to think that's the truth, but humanity, people will choose life, living over the suffering and attachment to that land. gaza is going to be uninhabitable in any real sense, as a functioning society for the more than decade, perhaps 15 years, and what this is is a planned, slow, etnic cleanse. my father was ethnically cleansed in 1948 at the end of bayonet and he was put
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for a cease fire thanks to both of our guests, we had alice rothchild, author, activist, and filmmaker from seattle, washington, and nasar mashni, president of the australia, palestine advocacy network from melbourne. thank you very much to both of you for sharing your thoughts and views with us on this edition of the news review, and thanks to all of you viewers for watching this edition.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. العرش يلقي الروح من امره على من يشاء من عباده لينذر يوم التلاها لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم لم
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات. كل ما عندي امر لله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه او التوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام.
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to study the natural world, we must slow down to nature's pace, we must observe. ask questions and then observe again in ever repeating cycle. some scientists believe that coupling both observation and one's own curiosity is the best method to develop intricate knowledge.