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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 22, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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the press of your headlines, the israeli regime strikes various locations in gaza, including the southern city of rafa. where at least eight palestinians are killed. eu leaders call for media humanitarian palls in gaza as a prelue to sustainable cease fire. and israeli forces conduct new raids across the occupied west bank as part of their of crackdown against palestinians in occupied territories.
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hello everyone, it's 10 a.m. in the besieg gazo stripping, you're watching press tv, world news. now nearly six months into israel's genocidal war in gaza and the regime's unrelenting bombardment and shelling of claimed more palestinian lives. latest air strikes a home in the southern city of rafa overnight, at least eight people. mostly women and children were killed as a result. also in the south three others were killed in the city of khan unis and to the north the city of jabalya came under fresh shelling and in air strikes as well. the regime began its war on gaza back on the 7th of october in. since then, almost 32,00 palestinians have been killed in the territory, most of them women and children. 7,000 people also are still unaccounted for and presume buried under rubble. over seven. others have also been
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injured. day f of the israeli regime siege on al-shifa medical complex were over 30,00 palestinians are seeking shelter, according to the gaza health ministry. palestinian officials said over dozen patients have already died after they were deprived of medicine, and that is because there's really forces cut off their water and electricity at the hospital complex, they also... abducted dozens of nurses, doctors and hospital staff. the regime says siege will continue for several more days and ordered evacuation of patients, the displaced civilians and medical staff. it claims that hamos fighters are inside the hospital and has already arrested over 300 of them. the palestinian resistance movement has vehemently dismissed this. says attacks on alsiifa are all part of systematic destruction of gaza's health facilities. how much also condemned what a c shameful silence
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of the international community to stop the israeli war and staying with gaza, hundreds of palestinians have been compelled to evacuate ashifa hospital following israel's latest attacks on the complex where thousands of displaced palestinians are sheltering. here's some witnesses accounts of their ordeals. they beseed us, we were there for the days, without water, without food, without drinks, we have triplets, we cannot find the water to drink, the milk for the sake of not the adults, but the children, they were scared, i don't know what more to tell you, there's women over there, the situation is very bad more than you can imagine, we were surprised that at 2 a.m. there was shelling, the children were terrified, what more can tell you, we stayed until the... morning we were not allowed to
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go down or up, they didn't care about a child or pregnant woman or youth or anything. they took department by department, they started with the emergency department, the men came down, some men did not come down, when the men didn't come down, they executed them, they executed many men in front of our eyes, they tortured the men with electricity, they took them out five a time, the ones they wanted to take, they would tell them to get dressed. and then they would detain them. 27 leaders of the european union have called for immediate humanitarian pause in gaza as a prelude to sustainable cease fire. now you leaders made the request in a statement after a meeting of the european council in brussels. they also urged israel not to launch its planned ground invasion into the southern city of rafa saying it will worst an already catastrophic humanitarian situation. the added a rafa offensive will also prevent
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provision of basic services and humanitarian assistance to civilians. eu leaders express deep concern about the catastrophic situation of chill. children in gaza and eminent risk of famon caused by insufficient entry of aid, they call for full rapid and unhindered humanitarian access into gaza. political analyst the west out of dallas texas in the u.s. believes a cease fire in gaza will not be established as long as the us and some other western states including germany continue giving israel weapons. "the united states under president joe biden, they're not serious about israel, because if they were serious, they would not be providing them with money, with weaponry, also with military intelligence with which to attack the
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palestinians in gaza, and of course they would not be vetoing everything in the united nations security council that is geared toward." doing that when the united states says uh or is talking about a ceasefire, well benjamin netanyahu is saying we're going to continue to attack rafa, we're going to send boots on the ground into rafa. israel regime forces
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are also carried out new raids on various areas of the occupied west bank including in tubas, they also... clash with palestinian resistance fighters defending the areas making arrests and we were earlier joined by our romala correspondent monandeal for your details. as every day we wake up to know that the israeli had raided several areas across the occupied westband. we are not speaking about the specific areas whether in the north or in the south or central the oc white west bank unfortunately israeli air forces continue to storm villages, towns and cities all across the occupied west bank. what happened late on thursday and early on friday is that the israeli forces had stormed the city of tubaz as well as qalqilia and in
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al-khalil a number of villages the israeli forces had stormed like the village of kermel as well as towane and in genen, the israelis had been storming the areas of genine despite the fact that the israeli military continue to carry out earth strikes against palestinians there, and as experts are saying it's even more easy for them to assassinate and kill those palestinian fighters that the israel has described as wanted by the israeli military, the israel is stormed the village of barta in jinin as well as arabi and other areas like fahmi, umdar and yabad, so we are speaking about almost the majority of the villages to the the south of gin had been
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stoned by the israeli forces and of course the israeli soldiers had arrested number of palestinians all across the occupied west bank, a recent report by the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs, the israeli forces had detained 7,700 palestinians since the 7th of october, including of course children and women, and number of palestinians who has been released recently by the israeli forces in the latest swap deal between the resistance. group and israel, those had been again detained by the israeli forces, including women. lebanon's resistance movement, hezbol has been pushing forward with this anti-israel operations emid israel's unrelenting onslot on gaza. however,
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recently launched foreign-back propaganda campaign is seeking to undermine widespread support for hezbulah's endeavors. our beirot correspondent madiam sad reports. since the allox of flood operation and the israeli genocidal aggression against gaza began early october last year. hezbulah has taken a stance of defense again. israeli military targets near lebanon southern border. now months later, a propaganda campaign has been launched against such efforts with social media posts and bulletin boards across the libanese capital bayrut and beyond reading slogans such as implementing international resolutions enhances stability, or lebanon does not want war. if you asked all lebanese whether they would want an israeli war to begin in lebanon, the unanimous response would be no, especially with decades of experience with the israeli regime. and it's disproportionate targeting of civilians, yet what seems like a simple billboard has deeper
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implications for a country like lebanon. experts tell press tv that certain groups in lebanon have launched this campaign to put people against the resistance a time of war, but are these factions working alone? this campaign, we can say that it doesn't represent the lebanese people, and especially in that it is, and we have information. it is funded by foreign countries, those parties and those factions, they were controlled by the us embassy in beirut, the us ambassador as she was deporting beirot and also receiving her successor lisa johnson, they were working on this in a way that would you know help uh and his pressures put on lebanon. hawksteen, who was an israeli-american businessman and lobbist has
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gone back and forth from beirout to tell aviv attempts to stop the resistance operations without any mention of an end to israeli violations of lebanon's rights which have persisted for over 17 years. by supporting the resistance in gaza or in palestine, the resistance in lebanon have prevented war, it doesn't, it didn't start the war and especially. when the lebanese people and the palestinian people and the iraki people, all people in the world are not protected by the international decisions. some people inside lebanon, they are working at as agents of the americans and the designs, unfortunately trying to accuse hizbullah and the resistance of false things, misinformation, though it is... is crystal clear that the resistance is trying to protect lebanon with growing popular support and despite the pressure from
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foreign and domestic sides, hezballah has been adamant on proceeding with its support of military operations as long as the israeli onslot against gaza continues. mariam saleh, press tv, beirot. the palestinian resistance hamas has presented to mediators a proposal for sease fire in gaza which includes a first phase involling the release of women, children, elderly and sick israeli entity captives in exchange for releasing between 700 to a thous palestinian prisoners, including 100 with life sentences or high sentences. furthermore, the proposal also includes hamas's agreement to date for a permanent ceasefire after the initial prisoner exchange, while the office of israeli entity prime minister considered hamas's response to be unrealistic, some israeli entity officials hinted that this
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awaited response, which they had been anticipating for weeks could represent a sign of progress. it might allow for transitioning to more serious negotiations regarding detailed deal in a later stage in the qatari capital daha. back to gaza talks this week on the media stream. and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. iraki resistance is urged baghdad to accelerate the departure of us forces from the country. press tvs muzim salim reports from the iraqi capital. after weeks of silence, kitab hisballah resistance group, one of the biggest units within iraq's popular mobilization units reminds the government as well as officials in the committee task with all overseeing the withdrawal of us military that they should not grant immunity to the occupying forces, or else gates of hell will
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open. these foreign forces have been violating our sovereignty for years now. in january 2020, donald trump ordered the assassination of our anti-terror commanders, lieutenant general sulaymani and abu mahti al-muhandis in baghdad airport, and lately they are violating it by assassination of iraqi resistance commanders. katab hisbullah also warned that any removal of leaders of popular mobilization units must be decided by the pmu internally. it says acting otherwise would be a significant mistake. our government has made it clear on multiple occasions that the need for us military forces have ended, our security forces are capable of running the country's security system and face any threat. washington is clearly trying to rally around the negotiations, and it is a clear attempt to delay their withdraw from the country. in january, the iraqi resistance decided to hold the attacks on us basis in iraq and syria. the attacks were started on october 19 in
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solidarity with palestinians in the gaza strip. observers say that the suspension was to allow a climate of serenity for talks. between baghdad and washington over the u.s. military presence, but as some have rightly noted, washington has no intention to change its behavior in iraq. it is obvious that washington is trying to gain more time to keep its military presence in iraq. our government needs to push forward and speed of the pace of negotiations to end the presence these foreign forces and save our countries political, economic and social stability. on paper, the us military forces are present. in the country for advisory purposes as well as training the iraqi forces to fight daesh terrorist group. however, in practice, the us forces have shown a different objective by violating iraqi sovereignty, attacking pmu positions, and killing top iraqi commanders. since the start of their operations in october, the resistance in iraq has been pushing the government to end the us military
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presence in the country. also, they have time and again reiterated their solidarity with palestinians. muslim salim. people in pakistan, like millions of others throughout the world are celebrating nororus. press tv's nasir kozmi tells us more about the rituals held in pakistan to celebrate the revival of spring. pakistan has joined the global celebrations of very special norles that has coincided with the holy month of ramadan. no rose. which translates to new day is celebrated my millions of peoples worldwide as the persian new year, symbolizing rebirth, renewal and arrival of spring. to all my fellow pakistanis celebrating noros, i say let's cherish our cultural diversity and come together in solidarity. may this new year bring us prosperity, peace and happiness.
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despite it persian origins, no rose in. pakistan is celebrated with a distinctive local flavor, incorporating original traditions and customs. pakistanis have their own customs to welcome norose. besides preparing special meals and decorating the dining area with special dried and fresh fruits. the ancient occasion also creates an opportunity for individuals to mend broken ties, forgive others, let go of the past and build stronger relationships in the coming new year. for me noos is a time of reflection and renewal. it's a reminder to leave behind the past years troubles and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. it's a celebration of life, growth and the beauty of nature. we clean our house, we we visit our friends, we celebrate this day, we enjoy a lot of festy foods and you know this day brings a lot of joy and happiness in our
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lives, so happy no rose to all of you. pakistan's president asif ali zardari and prime. minister shahbas sharif have extended their heartfelt greetings to all those who are celebrating norose in pakistan and around the world. both leaders also called for embracing the spirit of neuros and promoting the message of peace, compassion, unity and kindness. no rose signifies regeneration at the start of new cycle. it trans simple festivity standing as a cultural landmark that enhances the diversity of human. society, nasir kazmi, press tv, islamabad. norus and traditional rituals are also being celebrated in italy this year. iranian embassies organized gathering in rome to mark the persian new year. on thursday, the
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celebration of nourus and the arrival of the persian year of 1403 was held at the rome residence of the ambassador. the islamic republic of iran to italy, a well laid aftersin table bearing seven auspicious items, starting with the letter s was put out as the guests, mostly iranian experts and italians, were welcoming the first day of the new year and the arrival of spring. it is a culture. nourus symbolizes the victory of good over evil, the balance of the spring. nourus. means to lay all grievances aside and to celebrate family ties and friendship. no rues is a time for peace and reconciliation. it is a time for cleaning our homes. the embassies. noru celebration ceremony included a feast of iranian food followed by vibrant traditional music. millions of people across
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the world celebrate nourus and its traditional rituals that emphasize the values of peace, solidarity and good will towards all. 2500 iranians currently residing in italy are among those celebrate the persian new year. i love celebrating nature and renewal nature and i'm proud that i'm passing on this wonderful tradition to my grandchildren. people at the gathering share the same belief
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that it is important embrace noru's universal message of renewal and unity and that its celebration is also an opportunity to reflect on the past year, nurture new hopes and celebrate the continuous cycle of life. max chively, press tv, rome. and that's it for your latest on press tv everyone, thank you for joining us and goodbye for now. how did zinis come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret
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army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister golden. answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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as hundreds of people have morning.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv. я очень
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сильно люблю свою семью, конечно, поэтому для меня я долго не мог, но боялся что-то сделать, чтобы не сказал, я думаю, но для меня больше открывает, потому что понятие свободы для всех разное.
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لولو وين رايحه يا ماما,
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برقاله. as a union when we go on strike, our intention is not to make the patient suffer, the next time was 2017, our control.
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in gaza we're no longer on the brink of famon, we're in a state. of famon, affecting thousands of people, the words of eu foreign policy chief joseph burell. hello everyone and welcome back, i'm said pureza on this program, day three of ceasefire talks in doha between and his.