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tv   Documentary Iran Trotter Lorestan Delfan 2  PRESSTV  March 22, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST

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i think iran is a unique country and i'm supposed to award you with the beauties of my beloved country and my trips to the most prestine places in iran, a country i wholeheartedly feel proud of. of
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many people in the world consider iran as a desert country because it's located on the dry belt of the earth. they don't have the right image of the beloved iran. undoubtedly, major part of iran consists of vast and of course impressively beautiful deserts, but the fact is about 55% of iran consists of mountains and we can see that iran is a mountainous country. where the albors and zagros are the most remarkable mountain ranges in the unique country.
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"dalbore's mountain range is very crucial as it houses the gorgeous mount damavant and the 40 million-year-old herkanian forests in the north, and the zagrose mountain range stands out in western iran due to its dense oak forests as well as numerous rivers and waterfalls."
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this time i've traveled to a part of the zagros mountain range in del fon in loristan province, a region that enjoys ancient culture and art besides its unique nature and is home to passionate people who speak in lack. سنگا عین ورقه های like thin layers and they've created a very beautiful shape, but at the same time it involves a great deal of risk. look how beautiful it is, and of course dangerous. i have to be careful, i don't slip.
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but what makes the oak forest and delfon in louiston province stand out is the color of its soil. it's red. the green trees and red soil have created astonishing scenery. i think this place is like paradise for photographers. وجود آورده و اینجا برای عکاس ها به نظر من یک بهشت واقعاً بی نظیر. the men and women in the lore kurd and... tribes work
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hard side by side in the zagrost mountains from the northwest to the south of the beloved iran in order earn their daily sustenance. they've created many stories at the heart. the tough mountains. they've memorized every line of the stories and have passed them down from generation to generation. they've told many stories at the heart of delphon since thousands of years ago. some people say delphon is a land that is under spell because many wars have broken out in this place along the tortuous paths and as the locals say, the mysterious mountains in delfon were considered by the people in the past as a best place to bury their valuables, and some local people believe that noah's arc landed in this region, but whether that claim is true or false, hearing them by the locals made the trip doubly interesting for me. for me, if
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there is a treasure in this place, it is undoubtedly the mesmerizing nature of delfon, which has casted a spell on me with this beauty and had dragged me all the way here. the red hills of delphon, along with the flowers, plants and purple and oak trees, created the scenery in the spring that can be seen in few places in the beloved iran, but besides all the beauty and the generosity of nature, seeing the traces of destruction of mother nature by people ached my heart. zagros has abundant flora and if we're a little lucky we can see rarely found plants that not everyone gets the chance to see in their lifetime and i was very lucky on this trip. member of the kala lili family. it is
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rarely found in iran. it is mostly spotted in the western zagros and scattered areas. in farsy, this black or i'd better say aborigian flower is called baharak or spring because it only blossoms in the spring. the flower has very bad oder. the locals call the plant kalak or small raven. it has an eye pleasing metallic color. nature is a simple. of god's beauty and elegance. it's always beautiful one way or another, in any shape it is, but mountains are always glorious within nature and have been especially attractive for nature lovers. usually high individual
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mountains like damovand or sabalon are elegantly outstanding compared to mountain ranges, but here in lorstan's delfon, there are two mountain ranges named the great. and lesser mehrab mountain ranges that are undoubtedly as gorgeous as individual mountains. i had planned to travel a part of the... lesser mehhrab on this trip, the mountain range blows away any spectator with this beautiful sceneries, watching them will remind you of god's greatness and glory. wow,
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look at the scene behind me, this mountain is unique and splendid, this is mehrab. i'm sure this is one of the most beautiful and glorious mountains i've ever seen in iran. are long and unique, but the mountain range behind me is divided into two parts, the lesser and greater mehrab. my goal in this trip is to go to the lesser mehrab. behind me, the name mehrab is derived from two words, mehr meaning kindness, and of meaning water in persian. but in the local dialect they call it miro. some researchers believe the combination of the two words denotes methorism, and some others say because of the
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high altitude of mehrab and the water top close to the sun, it is called mehrab, meaning the water that's close to the sun. but the word the locals used to call it, namely miro, refers to mithhraism, which is part of the ancient persia. miro means the guardian or distributor of water, since the mountain. has many springs, it distributes the water from the springs and rain in the downstream valleys, hence it is called mir. i think the name completely suits it. i'm very excited to get down the plane and see the astounding mountain and دره های webinar.
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most of the people in iran know little about the numerous beauties in their homeland, while the beloved iran is ranked fifth in the world in terms of natural tourism attraction. and is ranked 12th in terms of cultural heritage.
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the weather was very unstable and we were expecting the showers any moment, but i was happy about it because nature had witnessed low precipitation for several months and the drought was very dangerous for the farmer.
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lightning, we definitely have to go to lower areas because lightning can be lethal. the clouds are coming towards us, have to find a safe place to pitch my tent. i shouldn't be a high altitude and i should stay away from tall trees. one of the most crucial points for the time there's lightning in the mountain is that we should go to lower areas and stay away from tall trees. we need to stay close to small trees and we have to put our phones on flight mode. we have to keep metal objects like pickaxes for climbing far from us and immediately move to safe area. i
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don't have much time. من وقت زیادی ندارم و هرچه سریتر باید بکنم. among other points any nature traveler has to bear in mind is that... they have to use covered areas like houses or huts as shelters, and they should stay away from rivers or springs at the time of lightning, because water is a conductor and can move electricity. for a long distance, what's more, at that time we have to keep ropes and wet objects as well as metals like bikes, pickaxes and shovels away from us, and if we're in a roofed place, we shouldn't leave that place within half an hour after hearing the sound of the last lightning. i quickly climbed down the
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mountain and camped in safe place where i wasn't exposed. spose to lightning or flood.
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and i'm honored to be under this sky in this majestic night and no city can you see the in fact this is my several billion star hotel sky at night like this i'm going to get some rest in this fresh nature one of the most beautiful parts of my trip nature is the sky and night and i'm under the stars studded sky in the beloved lauristan province. i better bring my shoes inside because if i leave my shoes outside, definitely an animal might take one of them and i have to hop all the way home. let me put it in the cover. that's it. my legs are very tired. they're killing me. i always clip the nails of my toes three
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or four days before venturing out into nature. one of the most important. points for mountaineers, and those want to enjoy traveling nature in steep tracks and mountains, it's to clip their nails or their toes three or four days before their trip, because long toe nails put lot of pressure on your feet and your shoes and socks, the tears or socks and your shoes will become painful and they might even fall off, even if they don't fall off, they become so painful that you can't easily walk, but my legs are just tired because
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it looks like an interrogation room, it's really interesting, and here is my sleeping bag, i'll turn off the headlight, but i'll put it within reach because it's very important to have headlight inside the tent at night, because if i hear any noise from outside, i can immediately turn it to see what's going on out there, and here's my pillow, my inflatable pillow, i think it's a... overinflated, oops, i release too much air. it's okay, in my trips in nature, i always try to use light objects that require little space that are at the same time efficient. for example, i use inflatable pillow because you could make it compact and it's very useful, but but many truckers usually put their clothes inside their bags
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and use that as pillow so they don't get a good night sleep and complain about their neck ache and consequently they don't feel. good the next day, now might hurt your neck. the best option is have a good inflatable pillow and a warm feather-filled sleeping bag so you can sleep comfortably at night. i don't need this anymore and better take it off because my sleeping bag is warm. i've chosen a good sleeping bag. you have to take the spring seriously. the temperatures might suddenly fall 7v or 8°grees. if you don't sleep well at night you won't have a good day the next day.
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"we're ready to marsh, let's just start slowly, but strongly, solidarity with the palestine and israel is one of the worst things that has happened, or zionism is one the worst things that has happened to the jewish people, the my experience." "it really, really wasn't until the 80s that i was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israelism had done and was doing and
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continue to do. i did not grow up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today. i grew up as a zionist in a very zionist family that identified judaist." with zionism. the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria?
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will the aras river end up the way the tigris and the euphretes did? the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water.
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we must not become part of south africa's problem. we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves. our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. "i
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also want to say a word about the situation in israel. the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than 1,0, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil. i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel. united states stands with israel."
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in 1964, every swiss woman of childring potential would give birth to almost three children. non lavorate, c'è il messaggio per intanto attuale è questo e quindi questo è avvenuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente. e in un secondo tempo sono anche arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare a tutt'altro che magari una familia. in tekino, households are spread out over a large area. 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples with children.
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the headlines, the israeli regime strikes various locations in gaza, including rafa and gaza city, leaving near the 20 palestinians dead. hamas says israel's ongoing. attack on al-shifa hospital is part of the regime's systematic destruction of health facilities in gaza, and israeli forces conduct new raids across the west bank as part of their crackdown against palestinians in the occupied territories.