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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 22, 2024 5:30pm-6:03pm IRST

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that lines the israeli regime strikes various locations in gaza including rafa and gaza city leaving nearly 20 palestinians dead. of hamas says israel's ongoing. attack on al shifa hospital is part of the regime's systematic destruction of health facilities in gaza, and israeli forces conduct new raids across the west bank as part of their crackdown against palestinians in the occupied territories.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 5:30 p.m. here in iranian and capital tehron, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, mosape, our correspondent in the city of dar abela and central gaza earlier joined us uh to give us the latest in uh on rather the situation in the besieg territory there, the israel incubation forces continue their strikes and the attacks. in several areas of gaza strip, the last night was bloody night for the palestinian civilians in rafa city, whereas a palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed and massacred after the israeli war planes destroyed a residental building in al brazil, neighborhood located in the eastern part of the city, knowing that rafa is still absorbing and accepting at least 1.4 million palestinian civilians living in dire conditions there, and the meantime those air strikes actually were resumed. here in the
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central area of gaza strip as another residential building was destroyed in the vicinity of the martas hospital here in balah city, at least 10 palestinian civilians were reportedly injured over that attack, even the shrabnel were landed landed here in the in the yards of the alexa marta's hospital. when of it comes to gaza city, as you know that the current situation is still catastrophic by all means as the israeli brutal aggression is still main and continued against the ashifa square, dozens of the palestinal buildings were destroyed and bumbled by the constant israeli air strikes and in the meantime the israeli tanks are still uh firing and sh shielling their dental apartments and the the origental buildings there, the entire area, the shifa square has been reduced to uh be an unlivable place, it has turned to a battlefield. over the constant and the
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chronic israeli attacks and air strikes, it was it's it's worth mentioning that the israeli ocubation forces for the fifth consecutive time uh days for the fifth consecutive day uh are still attacking the shifa complex needless to mention that thousands of the palestinian civilians are silly stranded inside the complex. nearly six months into israel's genocidal war on gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling claims more lives in the besieg palestinian territory, the latest air strikes, hit gaza city killing of these 10 palestinians earlier a house was struck in the southern city of rafa where eight people, mostly women and children, lost their lives, three more were killed in an air strike in hanss, also in the south. the israeli regime began its war on gaza on october the 7th, since then almost 32,00 people have been killed in the palestinian territory, most of them are women and children. 7,00 people also remain unaccounted for. over 74,00 have been
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injured, well day five of the israeli regime siege of the al-shifa medical complex where 30,000 palestinians are taking shelter according to the health ministry in gaza. palestinian officials say over dozen patients have already died after they were deprived of medicine. that's because israeli forces cut off water and electricity to al-shifah, that's the largest hospital in gaza. they've also abducted dozens of nurses, doctors and hospital staff, the regime says the siege will continue for several more days and ordered the evacuation of patients, displaced civilians and medical staff. it claims that hamas fighters are inside the hospital and has already arrested over 300 of them, the palestinian resistance movement has dismissed that. it says the attack on al-schifo is part of the systematic destruction of health facilities in gaza. hamas has also condemned what it called the shameful silence of the international community to stop the israeli war. we talked to ash krishna swami,
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podcaster and journalist in st. petersburg, about israel's repeated attacks on major health facilities in gaza, including for hospital, she believes that israel feels free to deliberately attack civilians in the wake of in action by the international community to end the genocide in ghaza. i've seen so many videos of the latest raid in al shifa and while they claimed that there were terrorists, all heard is guns from the israeli side, but no one was shooting back, which shows that there are no resistance fighters, terrorists or whatever israel claims in that hospital, and there are mostly civilians. it is clear that... they're not targeting military targets, they are targeting only civilian targets and the overwhelming deaths are civilian and the injuries are overwhelmingly civilian, so while they continue to use that justification, overwhelming video evidence, i witness evidence shows that they are
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basically targeting the population of gaza as a whole, because they have not taken any action and they continue to ship more and more arms to israel, it is taset endorsement of israel's tactics, there are no red lines, there is nothing that israel can do to cause these western countries to stop supporting israel, and that's the main message besides some lip service that they are willing to give some of the time in some bodies. a video has been released showing israeli forces killing four unarmed palestinians in gaza using drones. the video has been obtained and published by qatar based al jazera news net. "the footage reportedly from an israeli drone in late february shows four palestinian civilians fleeing the southern city of hanes, the victims were on their way to inspect their destroyed homes when they were targeted and killed. pro-palestinian advocates have denounced a killing saying they are yet another um example and evidence of the
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israeli war crimes. since the gaza war began early october, numerous videos have been released showing israeli troops deliberately targeting palestinian civilians including those..." holding white flags, the israeli regime's forces have carried out new raids on various areas in the occupied west bank including in tubas, they've also clashed with palestinian resistance fighters defending the areas making rest, we were earlier joined by our correspondent in romdel to get the details, as every day we wake up to... know that the israeli has raided several areas across the occupied westbank. we are not speaking about the specific areas whether in the north or in the south or central the occupied west bank. unfortunately israeli forces continue to storm villages, towns and
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cities all across the occupied west bank. what happened later on thursday and early on friday is that the israeli forces had stormed. the city of tubaz as well as qalqilia and in al-khalil a number of villages the israeli forces had stormed like the village of karmel as well as towani and in genen the israelis had been storming the areas of genine despite the fact that the israeli mility continued to carry out air strikes against palestinians there and as experts are saying it's even more easy for them to ass fascinate and kill those palestinian fighters that the israelis describe as wanted by the israeli military, the israel is stormed the village of barta in jinin as well as harabi and other areas like fahme, omdar and yabad, so we are speaking
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about almost the majority of the villages to the the south of genine had been stoned by the israeli forces and of course the israeli soldiers had arrested number of palestinians all across the occupied west bank. a recent report by the palestinian commission of prisoners affairs, the israeli forces had detained 7,700 palestinians since the 7th of october, including of course children and women. and the the the number of palestinians who has been released recently by the israeli forces in the latest swap deal between the resistance group and israel, those had been again detained by the israeli forces,
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including women, your on foreign minister says the world has realized that israely prime minister benim netanyahu has reached the end of the line and his des continues efforts and support of palestinians at the international level, honey on his part appreciated iran's stance on palestine, the amas official emphasized that resistance fighters enjoy high morale and confronting what he called israel's war machine. honey also spoke about the ongoing talks aimed at establishing a ceasefire in gaza. he said israel is refusing to meet hamas's conditions, which are the legitimate demands the palestinians. therefore he added that the regime is responsible for possible fail. clear of the negotiations. this time i'm
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going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries in the world. the coral beaches of regarded as the most. punishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves. the mangrove forest of ges has covered area of over 9,00 hectares. it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian gulf. i have walked through many valleys, valleys much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley. but i dare say, this valley is the most beautiful one i have walked through in terms of land for, welcome back, lebanon's
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resistance move in hesbollah has been pushing forward with its anti-israel operations relentless onslot on gaza, however a recently launched foreign-backed propaganda campaign seeks to undermine the widespread support for hesla's endeavors prested. the reports: since the allox of flood operation and the israeli genocidal aggression against gaza began early october last year, hezbulah has taken a stance of defense against israeli military targets near lebanon southern border. now months later, a propaganda campaign has been launched against such efforts with social media posts and bulletin boards across the libanese capital bayrut and beyond reading slogans such as implementing international resolutions enhances stability, or lebanon does not want war. if you asked all lebanese
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whether they would want an israeli war to begin in lebanon, the unanimous response would be no, especially with decades of experience with the israeli regime and its disproportionate targeting of civilians, yet what seems like a simple billboard has deeper implications for a country like lebanon. experts tell press tv that certain groups in lebanon have launched this campaign to put people against the... resistance a time of war, but are these factions working alone? this campaign we can say that it doesn't represent the lebanese people and especially in that it is, and we have informations it is funded by foreign countries. those parties and those factions, they were controlled by the us embassy in beirut, the us ambassador, dorf as was departing beirut uh and also receiving her successor lisa johnson, they
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were working on this uh in a way that would um you know help uh amos hawksteen and his uh pressures put on lebanon. hawksteen who was an israeli-american businessman and lobbist has gone back and forth from beirout to tel aviven attempts to stop the resistance operations without any mention of an end to israeli violations. of lebanon's rights, which have persisted for over 17 years, by supporting the resistance in gaza or in palestine, the resistance in lebanon have prevented war, it doesn't, it didn't start the war, and especially when the lebanese people and the palestinian people and the iraqi people, all people in the world are not protected by the international decisions, some people inside lebanon um... "they are uh working at as agents of the americans and the
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designers unfortunately trying to accuse hizbullah and the resistance uh of false things, misinformation, um, though it is crystal clear that the resistance is trying to protect lebanon with growing popular support and despite the pressure from foreign and domestic sides. hezbillah has been adamant on proceeding with its support of military operations as long. was the israeli onslot against gaza continues mariam saleh press tv beirout the iraki resistance says urged bag to accelerary departure. us forces from the country, prested is muslim uh selling reports from iraqi capital baghdad. after weeks of silence, kitab hisballah resistance group, one of the biggest units within iraq's popular mobilization units reminds the government as well as officials in the committee task with overseeing the withdrawal of us military that they should
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not grant immunity to the occupying forces, or else gates of hell will open. these foreign forces have. been violating our sovereignty for years now. in january 2020, donald trump ordered the assassination of our anti-terror commanders, luwtenant general sulaymani and abu maahdi al-muhandis in baghdad airport, and lately they are violating it by assassination of iraqi resistance commanders. katab hizbillah also warned that any removal of leaders of popular mobilization units must be decided by the pmu internally. it says acting otherwise would be a significant mistake. our government. has made it clear on multiple occasions that the need for us military forces have ended, our security forces are capable of running the country's security system and face any threat. washington is clearly trying to rally around the negotiations and it is a clear attempt to delay their withdraw from the country. in january, the iraqi resistants decided to hold the attacks on us basis in iraq and syria. the attacks were started on
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october 19 in solidarity with palestinians in the gaza's trip. observers say that this is... pension was to allow a climate of serenity for talks between baghdad and washington over the us military presence, but as some have rightly noted, washington has no intention to change its behavior in iraq, and it is obvious that washington is trying to gain more time to keep its military presence in iraq. our government needs to push forward and speed of the pace of negotiations to end the presence of these foreign forces and save our country's political, economic and social stability. on paper, the us military forces are present in the country for advisory purposes as well as training the iraqi forces to fight daesh terrorist group. however, in practice, the us forces have shown a different objective by violating iraqi sovereignty, attacking pmu positions and killing top iraqi commanders. since the start their operations in october, the resistance
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in iraq has been pushing the government turn the us military presence in the country. also, they have time and again reiterated their solidarity. with palestinians. muslim salim, press tv, baghdad. millions of yemenes have once again taken to the streets and solidarity with the besieg people of gaza. the rallies were held in various yemen cities, including the capital, san all people flooded the streets as part. the weekly friday marches that have been going on since israel launched its onslot on gaza in october, protesters waved palestinian flags enchanted slogans against israel, they also condemn the us and other western governments that are providing weapons and political support to the regime. protesters also praise the yemini naval operations against us, uk and israeli lane ships. they further denounce
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the silence and inaction of many governments around the world on the genocide in gaza. well people in pakistan, like millions of others all across the globe are celebrating notus press tv's announced cause me tells us more about the rituals held in pakistan to celebrate the revival of nature. pakistan has joined the global celebrations of very special norse that has coincided with the holy month of ramadan. no rose which translates to new day is celebrated my millions of peoples worldwide as the persian. new year symbolizing rebirth, renewal and arrival of spring, to all my fellow pakistani, celebrating noros, i say let's cherish our cultural diversity and come together in solidarity, may this new year bring us prosperity, peace and happiness. despite it persian origins, no rose in
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pakistan is celebrated with a distinctive local flavor, incorporating original traditions and customs. pakistanis have their own customs to welcome norose, besides preparing special meals and decorating the dining area with special dried and fresh fruits. the ancient occasion also creates an opportunity for individuals to men broken ties, forgive others, let go of the past and build stronger relationships in the coming new year. for me, norros is a time of reflection and renewal. it's a reminder to leave behind the past. years troubles and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. it's a celebration of life, growth and the beauty of nature. we clean our house, we we visit our friends, we celebrate this day. we enjoy a lot of festive foods and this day brings a lot of joy and happiness in our lives, so happy norose to all of you. pakistan's president asif ali zardari and
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prime minister shahbaz sharif have extended their heartfelt greetings to all those who are celebrating noros in pakistan and around the world. both leaders also called for embracing the spirit of nouros and promoting the message of peace, compassion, unity and kindness. no rose signifies regeneration at the start of new cycle, it transcends simple festivity standing as a cultural landmark that enhances the diversity of human society. nasir asmi, press tv, istanbad. well notos and traditional rituals are being celebrated also in italy, the iranian embassy is organized gathering in rome to mark the persian new year. let's have look. on thursday, the celebration of nourus and the arrival of the persian year of 1403 was held at the rome resident of the ambassador of the islamic republic of iran to italy, a well
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laid aft seen table bearing seven auspicious items starting with the letter s was put out as the guests, mostly iranian experts and italians, were welcoming the first day of the new year and the arrival of spring. noruz is much more than a tradition, it is a culture. noruz symbolizes the victory of good over evil, the balance of the spring. nouruse means to lay all grievances aside and to celebrate family ties and friendship. nourus is a time for peace and reconciliation. it is a time for cleaning our homes. the embassy's nouruse celebration ceremony included a feast of iranian food followed by vibrant traditional music. millions of people across the world celebrate noruz and its traditional rituals that emphasize the values of peace, solidarity and good will towards all. 2500
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iranians currently residing in italy are among those celebrate the persian new year. i've been living in italy for 40 years even though we are far away from our homeland. and i'm i love celebrating nature and renewal nature proud that i'm passing on this wonderful tradition to my grandchildren. people at the gathering share the same belief that it is important embrace noru's universal message of renewal and unity and that its celebration is
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also an opportunity to reflect on the past year, nurture new hopes and celebrate the continuous cycle of life. max chively press tv, rome. that's wrap for now, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, see you in a bit. for muslims across the world, aid alfiter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called
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the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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we arrive in zanjon in our journey. we'll show you the sites and touristic places of this province. katalhor is the name of a great and beautiful cave in khuda bandalu
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mountains. with unique and wonderful icicles with a history of more than 30 million years. stay with us for this journey. i believe that working together. we can make a street.
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peace be upon you and welcome to iron islam the show where we look at current affairs through and islamic lens each week we evaluate a trending new story and break it down from an islamic perspective. muslims around the world are engaging in a month of worship and fasting, but they do so in the shadow of the ongoing genocide against the people of palestine. this week's episode.