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tv   Black And White Imperialist sanctions crime against nations  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 12:02am-12:30am IRST

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we are press tv. en respuesta, in response to the countries and the nations who dare to take their destiny in their own hands to self-government, to self-determination to simply be independent, the imperialist forces and the imperialist countries take different measures. particularly those exercised by the
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united states, also by western europe, and sometimes even by some international organizations, such as the united nations, be aware. the main function of these blockades is to try to complicate the life to the inhabitants of the country.
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as the great chinese leader and founder of the people's republic of china maus dong said, the reactionaries lift the rock in their hands to such an extent that when they hold it up it falls off on their own feet and the sanctions become something negative for those who have imposed them y se convierte las sanciones en algo negativo para quienes la han llevado adelante. thus for example, among 17 sanctioned countries. with the
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highest number of sanctioned companies, individuals and private entities, particulares, some have been strengthened to such level as is the democratic people's republic of korea, which has had sanctions since 1950, 1950, the republic of cuba, which has had sanctions since 1960, almost total since 1962, and the islamic republic of iran,
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imperialism are the ones leading it, the people are wise, they persevere on the path of of independence and sovereignty.
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fourth and fifth generation war depending on who brings it up, the modern war which the unipolar world starts is to simply prevent the world from becoming multipolar. in order to prevent the loss of its hejamanic role as a group, the west is increasingly using all
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the tools of the fifth generation war, that is diplomacy, politics and above all the media and sanctions, which are the tools of this war. sanctions today. affect 17 countries with specific and selective measures and six countries with general measures. we must note that the type of these actions can be general or targeted at individuals. therefore, total of 23 countries have been targeted by unilateral, illegitimate and illegal sanctions. we are talking about 72% of the world's population and more than 30% of the entire world's gdp. i said this to understand the size and a scope of this action. sanctions on the other hand result from a clear but unfer desire to win a competition, competing with products and markets. when you ban the export of a country's products and when you have the same
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product, you will be the only option for purchase. furthermore, when you prevent a country from using the international transaction withdrawal system, things get more. complicated: the effect of this action is not only on your target country, but also on all countries that want to do business with it. this gets even more complicated when you block a country from accessing swift transactions and also block it from using the dollar currency. when a country is sanctioned, the only option left is to buy western goods. with these conditions, the worst keeps its economy in a state of addiction and says that: it is the best and biggest economy, but no, the reason is sanctions. as told you, sanctions are not a substitute for war. many times you are told that sanctions are a substitute for war. this is a lie, sanctions are the art of war. this should be clarified, and in the following you
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will see their dark goals. entonces claro, y vamos a ver después son sus objetivos finales, no? así es. incredible progress in food production and iran has solved series of issues in the food security sector and has made progress in the scientific and military fields, and also in the case of russia, it seems that the sanctions have had the opposite effect, no es cierto, pareciera ser que el efecto fue al
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revés, no, es decir, hoy día, is there a case today that sanctions have been able to achieve the goal of overthrowing a government and country in the world that has been overthrown due to western sanctions. when i say western sanctions it is actually implicit meaning that means us sanctions and then the rest of the west also follows these sanctions, but they're not the ones who imposed the sanctions. mean specifically the european union. eu sanctions are ridiculous. for example, it's funny when latin american countries like nicaragua is sanctioned because europe's trade relations with nicaragua are very small, what does nicaragua lose when sanctioned? what we see is that the
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ultimate goal of sanctions is to tuple governments. who are these sanctions against? against all governments that do not submit their political sovereignty, resources and political identity to the west, or in fact america, countries that believe that they have the right to choose their own government as well as the right to choose the government's program. goals and international stands are considered enemies, how do they become enemies? a campaign is started which almost always says that those countries are violating human rights, we will take a break for few moments and then continue the second part with.
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government that will fall because of this in the future, this is a zero sum game, and when
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despite the efforts of america and the west, when the desired result is not achieved, it means america's defeat. sanctions are illegitimate because they have not been declared by any international court or the united nations, which are the only organizations that have the authority to impose sanctions. these sanctions are illegal because they're not announced by the courts, they are announced by the officers of a ministry and they are part of the political actions. these sanctions are unfair because the people being sanctioned have nothing to do with the government that may or may not fall, but the reality is that they hit the governments that do not surrender their political sovereignty and resources to america, governments that do not want to determine their own political line and place in international confrontations in exchange for not being sanctioned. "these countries are immediately considered by the us as enemy countries, and then the us says that these
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countries violate human rights or claim that these countries are declared an extraordinary threat to the security of the us. why do they say this despite the fact that it is a country 30,00 kilometers away? they say this, and they make management statements about it so that they later commit the most theft of resources based on these works." "they must have a political justification for their robberies in looting, otherwise the law of america itself will not allow them to do so. the point is that 72% of the world's population is sanctioned by the other 25%. can a system like this continue to work? obviously not. can almost 30% of the gdp be sanctioned, because the one who used to have 60% of the production, and now this figure doesn't even reach..." 40% of the world's gross domestic product make such decision,
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these are questions that all lawyers and people with knowledge in the world have, but addition to some of this conversation, there's also the boomerang effect of sanctions, what will happen when some countries are sanctioned, the united states and europe cannot officially sell those products and this causes their products to be stuckpiled, these products. for what? because i remind you again, we are talking about 72% the world's population, so when you know that you can't do business with 72% of the world's population. you can't sell anything to them, you can't buy anything from them, your production will only be for 28% of the world's population, this amount is very, very low, so your economy will have very, very little growth and possibly negative growth, so this is what is officially on paper, while the us has historically shown that it
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sanctions with one hand and negotiates with the other, one example is that they announce that they want to impose the bigget. and toughest sanctions in history against russia, now on the other hand, as a result of this action, the growth of russia's gdp is higher than that of the european union, which said it wanted to finish russia's work. on the other hand, the oil and gas that reaches europe, which they said can no longer come from russia, still comes from russia, it just happens that it goes through other countries and because of that they charge you more, so you have the same oil as before, just... a little less volume and you're paying lot more money for it than before, and you're no longer dependent on one country, but three or four, and of course the gas that you are going to get from the us, the us liquified natural gas, the amount is very small and not enough for europe at all, and the price is much more expensive than what russia was giving you, so what is smart person at the
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center of the unipol or imperial decision making a paradise would adopt such? de cualquier manera a stupid strategy, as you said, fabrizio, fortunately, countries have been able industrialize and ensure their own food security and develop in this direction. this is one of the consequences of sanctions. this is very...
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north today it is much easier to exchange products with any other country than it was 20 years ago. every country can achieve level of production of products and services. the policy of imperialism is stupid because they don't take into account that in the past until about 50 to 20 years ago resources were exchanged with technology and improvements. today the owners of resources no longer need new technologies because firstly some countries have very, very advanced technology, and secondly, if the technology doesn't reach them, there are countries that are willing to give the technology, for example china, russia and brazil itself, so what is the threat where the logic of exchange prevails? when you pay the price of my product at the international market, and if you want you cannot do the exchange, the idea of you sanctioning me is stupid, you see
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they sanctioned the russian oil and gas pipeline to europe. and wanted to prevent russian gas from reaching europe, but what happened was that gas flows from turkey and azerbaijan and then returns here. what did russia do? it used to have a strong trading partner, the european union, and a specifically germany and two lines that transported oil and gas quickly and directly. for political reasons, he sold gas a very low price. today it sells this gas a relatively higher price to india. and china and to other countries such as pakistan, countries that did not buy it before. russia started diversifying its customers and the four has many more customers than before.
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is not very decisive, how does this approach affect ability of circumventing or neutralizing sanction? look brother, this is very easy, it's a disaster for america because thanks to the dollar as the only player in international exchange, america was given the ability and power. trade to determine who sells what and who buys what, and the terms of payment, and this way it earns billions of dollars per day per transaction. this situation is not going to
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continue. now, the dollar will no longer be the only medium of exchange. according to the predictions made, in a 10-year period, the dollar will probably not be the first currency. why? because as always, there's a proverb that says idiots, in addition to being a stupid, also become blind, when the us tried to sanction russia, it made it impossible for russia to access the dollar market and the russian account was blocked, like what they did with venezuela in the past, most of the countries in the international level have resources abroad for emergencies, it can happen, now almost all strategic reserves have been in dollars, now there are many countries that say, if i ever get into a conflict with america for any reason, america. will stop me and take all my reserves from me, no, it is better not to do this, and they are dedollarizing their reserves. there are many countries that
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willingly dedollarize their resources gradually without creating a monetary shock, and many more countries are planning to do this. having less dollars means having les demand for dollars. less demand for dollars means less production of dollars. less production of dollars means that the us at the international court of justice icj over the israeli apart regime's genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. south africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments
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under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa failed against the israeli regime at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that sited last october are genaly in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today, he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis molloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today. thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak. it's a pleasure to be here. the... palestinian resistance hamas has presented to mediators a proposal for sease fire in gaza which includes a first phase involving the release of women, children, elderly, and sick israeli entity captives in
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exchange for releasing between 700 to 1,ous palestinian prisoners, including hundred with life sentences or high sentences. furthermore, the proposal also includes hamas's agreement to date for a permanent ceasefire after the initial prisoner exchange. while the office of the israeli entity prime minister. considered hamas's response to be unrealistic, some israeli entity officials hinted that this awaited response, which they had been anticipating for weeks, could represent a sign of progress. it might allow for transitioning to more serious negotiations regarding detailed deal in a later stage in the qatari capital daha. back to gaza talks, this week on the mediast stream.
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in this episode of irontic we're taking a look a system that allows us to more closely examine ancient findings and uh let us know about the material that they're made from without damaging it, the time period that they were from and the location that they originated from and not necessarily found in, and that is all possible thanks to kind of portical accelerator known as the vandday graph. stay tuned, don't miss it. depressed coverage of this assassination of sulaymani now entering its uh uh fourth day we're looking at uh
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الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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the headlines, the israeli regime strikes various locations in. including arafah and gaza city. russia and china have vetoed a us draft resolution at the un security council for failing to genuinely call for immediate seasfire in gaza. and several israelis have been injured in a palestinian retaliatory operation in the occupied west bank.