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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 1:30am-2:02am IRST

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the headlines, the israeli regime strikes of various locations in gaza, including rafa and gaza city, raising palestine death toll over 32,000. russia and china have beed a request draft resolution at the un security council for failing to genuinely call for immediate cease fire, and dozens of people have been killed as gunmen attack a concert hall near russia's capital, moscow.
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehran, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmadi and these are top stories, the sour. nearly six months into of israel's genocidal war on gaza, the regime's relentless bombardment and shelling claims more lives in the bessieg palestinian territory. at least 10 palestinians were... killed in israeli airstrikes on gaza city, house was struck in the southern city of rafa where eight people, mostly women and children lost their lives. three more were killed in an air strike in kanyunas, also in the south. the israeli regime began its war on gaza on october the 7th. since then, more than 32,000 people have been killed in the palestinian territory, most of them women and children. 7,00 people also remain unaccounted for in almost 74,300 have been injured. israel has
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of backtracked a photo collage of the resistance fighters it claims to have captured on gaza city's al-shifah hospital. the israeli military admitted the collage whip that was published included pictures of several fighters that have not been captured. the israeli army says 150 palestinians have been killed and hundreds more arrested during the raid and siege on al-shifah, which is now in his fifth day. the palestinian resistance movement hamas had earlier dismissed israel's claim of arresting resistance commanders during the raid as psychological warfare. palestinian resistance fighters and medical staff deny that the hospital is used for military purposes or to shelter fighters. al-shifah was gaza's biggest hospital before the israeli on. slot, it is now one of the
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few healthcare facilities, even partially operational in the strip and houses tens of thousands of displaced civilians. we talked to a podcaster and journalist in st. petersburg about israel's repeated attacks on major health care facilities in gaza, including al-sifa hospital. she believes that the israel police feel free to deliberately attack civilians in the wake of inaction by the international community to end the genocide in gaza. i've seen so many videos of the latest raid in alsshifa, and while they claimed that there were terrorists, all i heard is guns from the israeli side, but no one was shooting back, which shows that there are no resistance fighters, terrorists or whatever israel claims in that hospital, and there are mostly civilians. it is clear that
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they're not targeting military targets, they are targeting only civilian targets, and the overwhelming deaths are civilian, and the injuries are overwhelmingly civilian, so while they continue to use that justification, overwhelming video evidence, um, eyewitness evidence shows that they are basically targeting the population of gaza as a whole, because they have not taken any action and they continue to ship more and more arms to israel, "it is taset endorsement of israel's tactics. there are no red lines, there is nothing that israel can do to cause these western countries to stop supporting israel, and that's the main message, besides some lip service that they are willing to give some of the time in some bodies. now the un security council has a rejected a us draft resolution which a linked cease fire in gaza to the release of captives by hamas." of
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security council members back the resolution, however permanent members, russia and china, as well as rotating member algeria voted against while one country abstained. palestinian envoy. to the un called the resolution when cited, riad mansor expressed support for another draft resolution put forward by elected members of the security council that is expected to be voted on soon. the russian and chinese representatives also said that the us resolution is imbalanced and does not clearly call for a cease fire in gaza. distinguished colleagues, from the very on set: it was clear that the so-called negotiations which are us colleagues have been engaged in on this issue have been focused gear merely to drag out the time. all of our comments, all of our red lines were time and time disregarded, as were the
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proposals of number of other delegations. this was some kind of empty rhetorical exercise rather than normal work document. the american product. is exceedingly politicized, the soul purpose of which is to help to uh play into play to the voters, to throw them a bone in the form of some kind of a mention of a ceasefire in gaza, and to establish the us's political ambitions in the region through the establishment of terrorist labels and to ensure the... impunity of israel whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed. i wish to draw attention to the following: the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount a military operation in rafah. at the very least, the
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authors try to make it to such that nothing would prevent western jerusalem from continuing their brutal cleansing. the south the gaza strip, and what is washington actually trying to achieve? we have already stated that we will no longer tolerate pointless resolutions which do not contain a call for a cease fire which lead us to nowhere. this draft should not pass with the majority of the membership. the draft has undergone several iterations. and contains elements that respond to the concerns of the international community, but it has always evadeed and dodged the most central issue, that of a cease fire. the final text remains ambiguous and does not call for immediate
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ceasefire, nor does it even provide answer to the question of realizing sease fire in the short term. this is a clear deviation from the consensus of the council members. and fell far short of the expectations of the international community. an immediate seasfire is a fundamental prerequisite for saving lives, expanding humanitarian access and preventing greater conflicts. the us draft on the contrary, sets up preconditions for sease fire, which is no different from giving a green light to continued killings, which is unacceptable. the draft is... also very unbalanced in many other aspects, in particular with regard to israel's recent and repeated declarations of plans for a military offensive on rafa, the draft does not clearly and equivocally state its opposition, which
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would send utterly wrong signal and lead to severe consequences. iran's foreign minister says the tragedy in gaza. has demonstrated to the world that the issue of human rights, including those of women and children, is a mere political plaything for the west. in a phone call with the leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, hussein ahmed abdullahyan said, the inhumane nature of the israeli regime and us support for genocide is also now clear everyone. the top iranian diplomat also called for immediate action by relevant international organizations to stop the j side in gaza and provide unrestricted aid to its residents. for its part, ziad al-nakala hailed iran support for the palestinian people and the resistance. he described unity among palestinian resistance groups as a the key to their success against
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israel. and several israelis have been wounded in palestinian. taliatory operations and the settlement near the occupied west bank city of ramalah. the palestinin man who carried out the operation was killed by the regime troops our correspondent in ramalah monak kandal joined us. earlier to give us more details: this morning, a palestinian marrived near the illegal settlement of delive, west ramalah and opened fire at israeli vehicles, the winding three israels, this is what the israeli military had said, then he succeeded to to leave the area, israeli forces to the mountains, to the nearby mountains. the israel tried to uh to arrest him, they didn't succeed, they sent
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more solders and forces to that area, and exchange of fire continued for over four hours. the israelis then had to use fighter jet and uav according to the israeli military, and then at the end of the day after four hours and more of exchange of fire. the israel succeeded to murder this young palestinian that later he was identified as palestinian name is mujahhed barakat mansor from the village of deribziah west ramallah his father of two and he was shot and killed and of course the israel had confiscated his body later the israeli forces stormed the village of deribzier and they raided the home of this palestinian uh let's say fighter and they arrested his wife and his brother and they caused severe damage
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inside the home and at the the end of the day the israel left the village of their but after closing all the roads leading to the village of deribzia as well as all the roads leading to the villages surrounding the illegal settlement of du. this time i'm going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries in the world. the coral beaches of regarded as the most astonishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves, the mangrove forest of gresh has covered area of over
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9,000 hectares, it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian gulf. i have walked through many valleys, valleys much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley, but i dare say this valley is the most beautiful one i have walked through in terms of land for. the lebanese resistance movement has bealach continues to strike sensitive israeli military targets, meanwile the israeli army has stepped up attacks on residential areas in southern lebanon. our correspondent in beirot, mariam sal reports. well, six months on the... was a war, we haven't seen any uh stop, any sort of halting of the operations,
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whether from hizballah and even the israeli aggressions against residential areas in south lebanon as well, the latest uh wave of hazballah's operations uh were conducted today in several areas all across the border uh and hizballah said that they uh targeted the post directly and scored direct hits, they also said that they targeted an appointment of soldiers in jalal alam where and they mentioned that there was a deployment of soldiers where they know that they struck their target very precisely and left several soldiers either killed or wounded and this is one of the few times where hazbillah does mention and so therefore they were able to document and verify that there were soldiers that are down either wounded or um or killed now israeli shelling continued all across the bordering towns we're talking about uh to the surroundings of the the shaba farms which is this the shiba town itself and for example, we also had
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other towns that were targeted by the israelis, in addition to naqura and itashab, we had for example wazani, al-qantara and which we don't usually here are being targeted by the israelis, so it seems the israelis are making it a habit of targeting all the areas, and of course we know that all the issues that happen destructed or the the buildings that have been destroyed or residence have been destroyed are mainly civilian buildings. spain, ireland, malta and slovenia have announced plans to recognize the state of... palestine as global solidarity with palestinian cause gains momentum. spain's prime minister pedro sanchez made the announcement following a meeting in brussels with his counterparts from the other three eu countries. sanchez said, the recognition of palestinian statehood is the only way to lasting peace in the region. he said the recognition will come into effect in spain within the current
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four-year legislative term. the global solidarity movement for palestine has gained momentum. since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza, more than 130 countries across the world have already recognized the state of palestine. and south africans have held events across the country marking national human rights day with a particular focus on the plight of palestinians in the gaza strip. in cape town, people from different backgrounds participated in. pilgrimage depicting the track gosons have had to make as israel's war machine swept through the strip. hasan seria reports. hundreds of people have engaged in a 41 kilometer pilgrimage symbolically depicting the length the gaza strip and a track that scores of
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palestinians have been forced to make due to the us backt is daily campaign of genocide against them. the event. has been organized by a collective of christian bodies, the organizers say it is important to demonstrate that christian zionism does not represent them. the church has been very complicit um within this genocide and within um palestinian um suppression more generally, and because of that is not condemming what they're doing, is not recognizing what they're doing as ethnic cleansing and genocide and not speaking out, and we wanted to challenge that narrative. and challenge that stance and show an expression of solidarity, show that that's not the only thing coming out of the church. the demonstration also coincides with south africa's commemoration of the sharpfall massacre, when the apartite regime gun down 69 protesters in what is recognized as a turning point in the struggle for liberation. for those who participated, the palestinin
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suffering resonates deeply, and what i saw today in my own as i walked, because a pilgrimage reflecting, i said to myself, um, you know, i i feel my feet you know burning, i feel uh, this this old legs, not, not, not, not moving as it should, but it's nothing in comparison what what people are experiencing, the south african public is still sleep and they must start waking up to see what israel is doing, for what they do there, they can also come and do any... else in the world, i'm a proud jew, i'm not a zionist and i never have been, and i think that what the the betahu government is doing is actually moral genocide, whether they call it legal, i don't whether it fits legally, but it's morally a genocide, and i'm appall, i'm heartbroken, as somebody who's lived through a part, we have seen this before, we should know better, the gaza seas fire pilgrimage
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coincided with the somber christian period of length and sacrifice. and resilience were recurring themes programs pointed to as they attempted to symbolically walk in the footsteps of gasens. the gaza cease fire march is another example of the human resolve for justice and as palestinians endure the latest israeli aggression for almost six months now, the people of the world will only intensify their commitment for palestinian liberation. asancitia press tv, cape town. moving to moscow, at least of 40 people have been killed and dozens injured in a shooting attack claimed by daesh terrorists outside moscow.
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according to russian media, the attackers dressed in. laged outfits entered the acorkas city hall building, they opened fire at people and threw grenades or bombs in the building. russia says that it has opened investigation into the incident designating it as a terror attack, the mayor of moscow has also announced the cancellation of all public events planned in this weekend in the russian capital. ukraine, which is at war with russia, quickly denied any involvement. in this assault, and now more on the latest developments and the... russia says that it has launched a series of massive retaliatory military attacks against ukraine. today, the
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armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike with high precision, long-range air, sea, ground-based weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles against energy facilities, the military industrial complex, railway junctions, arsenals, places of deployment of ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries, the russian defense ministry said the strikes were in response to ukrainian shelling of the russian border regions and attempts to break through and settlements over the recent weeks. it stress that all goals of the strike had been achieved. the ministry said those included destroying military equipment delivered to ukraine from nato countries and disrupting the transfer of reserve forces to the front line. kf says five. people were killed and 14 injured in the largest russian aerial attack to target in a recent months and in syria,
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millions have been living under the poverty line as a result of 13 years of war against foreign back terrorists and economic sanctions by the us, but syrian volunteers are determined to support their... fellow compatriots by offering free meals with their love in the holy month of ramadan. ibrahim wahti, our correspondent in damascus reports. syrians used to say no one sleeps hungry, but that was 13 years before the devastating terrorist war that was weiged upon them, the war that has pushed many syrians below the poverty line. said is association that has been helping these people by providing... daily meals to the needy during the fasting month for over decade. despite the increasing challenges, they are determined to continue with their mission. we're currently operating
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a kitchen called hunger be gone. unfortunately, our resources this year are less than previous years due to the circumstances the country has been through, such as the earthquake disaster that drained a lot of financial resources. we distribute around 200 to 250 meals every day to the people who... come to the association, while our motorcycle team also delivers meals to remote areas. as a chef, i start every day at 9:00 a.m. by preparing the water and cooking the chicken for the scheduled meal. i have been volunteering for 5 years to help my fellow countryman in these difficult circumstances. syrians have demonstrated their sense of responsibility in various ways during this crisis, particularly during the month of ramadan. the holy month of mercy encourages people to be. and to help elevate the sufferings of others. voluntary work is one of the ways through which syrians showcase their contributions to society. so
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we are here not only to donate financially, but to donate our time more specifically. volunteering is something very important, especially for our generation. we need to teach people that giving doesn't always mean that you need to take something in return. so we're here to volunteer uh to volunteer with our time uh to try to help people as much as we can so. so sad association is our vessel to do that. today we came to make meals for the people in need, first we cut the vegetables, then we shredded the uh chicken, and now we are cooling down the rice and the chicken, then we're going to put it in boxes and give it to people in need. despite the united states theft of their resources and the inhuman sanctions imposed the bone them, which have put syrians in their living conditions. they stated fastly hold to their love for their country, united against all the odds. they strive to find their way through this dark tunnel towards the dawn of a brighter life. syrians have always firmly stood together not only against terrorism,
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but also in the face of unjust western sanctions through voluntary initiatives that show their love to each other and to their homeland. ibrahim wahdi press tv damaskus. that brings us to the end of this edition of world news on press tv. thank you for watching, stay tuned, i'll be back in half an hour. with some more updates. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. درجات ذو العرش يلقي الروح من امره على من يشاء من عباده. لينذر يوم
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التلاق يوم هم بارزون لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء لمن الملك اليوم لمن الملك اليوم
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by a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister, gold amir, answers these and more questions in this documentary. writer, screenwriter, translator, theater director, university professor, television and cinema actor, and member of iran's academy of persian language and literature. sadqi, born in sanandaj,
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ph.d. in performing arts. his main preoccupation is cultural and artistic theater, through which he shows the issues of his time in the form of art. stay with us to take a look at the life of the iranian artist.
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صبر بی نظیر این ایستادگی مردم دنیای اسلام مکلف است موظف است تکلیف دینی داره هرکس هر رو می توانه کمک کنه و حرام قطعی و جنایت واقعیست کمک به دشمن این ها از سوی هر کسی باشه متاسفانه در دنیای اسلام هستن کسانی قدرت های دولت هایی که به دشمنان این مردم مظلوم کمک می کنن انشاءالله یه روزی هم خودشون پشیمان میشن و سزای این خیانت رو خواهند دید هم خواهند دید که
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hello and welcome to spotlight, nearly.